#' @title Plots for Classification Predictions
#' @description
#' Visualizations for [mlr3::PredictionClassif].
#' The argument `type` controls what kind of plot is drawn.
#' Possible choices are:
#' * `"stacked"` (default): Stacked barplot of true and estimated class labels.
#' * `"roc"`: ROC curve (1 - specificity on x, sensitivity on y).
#' Requires package \CRANpkg{precrec}.
#' * `"prc"`: Precision recall curve.
#' Requires package \CRANpkg{precrec}.
#' * `"threshold"`: Systematically varies the threshold of the [mlr3::PredictionClassif] object and plots the resulting performance as returned by `measure`.
#' @param object ([mlr3::PredictionClassif]).
#' @template param_type
#' @template param_measure
#' @template param_theme
#' @param ... (ignored).
#' @return [ggplot2::ggplot()].
#' @references
#' `r format_bib("precrec")`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("mlr3")) {
#' library(mlr3)
#' library(mlr3viz)
#' task = tsk("spam")
#' learner = lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type = "prob")
#' object = learner$train(task)$predict(task)
#' head(fortify(object))
#' autoplot(object)
#' autoplot(object, type = "roc")
#' autoplot(object, type = "prc")
#' }
#' }
autoplot.PredictionClassif = function(object, type = "stacked", measure = NULL, theme = theme_minimal(), ...) { # nolint
"stacked" = {
tab = melt(fortify(object)[, c("truth", "response")], measure.vars = c("truth", "response"))
mapping = aes(
fill = .data[["value"]],
x = .data[["variable"]])) +
width = 0.5,
color = "#000000",
alpha = 0.8) +
mapping = aes(label = after_stat(count)),
stat = "count",
position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5),
color = "#000000") +
xlab("Feature") +
ylab("Count") +
scale_fill_viridis_d("Feature", end = 0.8) +
"roc" = {
plot_precrec(object, curvetype = "ROC") +
scale_color_viridis_d(begin = 0.5, guide = "none") +
theme +
theme(plot.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
"prc" = {
plot_precrec(object, curvetype = "PRC") +
scale_color_viridis_d(begin = 0.5, guide = "none") +
theme +
theme(plot.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
"threshold" = {
measure = mlr3::assert_measure(mlr3::as_measure(measure, task_type = object$task_type))
pred = object$clone(deep = TRUE)
tab = data.table(prob = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01))
tab$score = map_dbl(tab$prob, function(p) pred$set_threshold(p)$score(measure))
mapping = aes(
x = .data[["prob"]],
y = .data[["score"]])) +
geom_line(color = viridis::viridis(1, begin = 0.5)) +
xlab("Probability Threshold") +
ylab(measure$id) +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
stopf("Unknown plot type '%s'", type)
#' @export
plot.PredictionClassif = function(x, ...) {
print(autoplot(x, ...))
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