#' @title
#' Create a project in an Opal environment
#' @description
#' Creates an empty project in an Opal environment. This is a wrapper function
#' for [opalr::opal.project_create()].
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @param project A character string to name the project in Opal.
#' @param tag A character string to provide a tag for the Opal project.
#' @returns
#' A project in an Opal environment. If the project already exists, it
#' will remain as it is, and no new project is created.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with their Opal
#' environment.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' tempdir <- basename(tempdir())
#' try(opal_project_create(opal, tempdir))
#' }
#' @import dplyr opalr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
opal_project_create <- function(opal, project, tag = NULL){
if(!is.null(tag)){tag <- as.list(tag)}
for(i in project){
# stop()}
if(opal.project_exists(opal = opal, project = basename(i))){
"The project ",i," already exists in Opal and will not be created here.")
opal = opal,
project = basename(i),
database = TRUE,
tags = tag)
message("The project ",i," has been created in Opal")
#' @title
#' Upload files to an Opal environment
#' @description
#' Uploads files from the local environment to an Opal environment. This is a
#' wrapper function for [opalr::opal.file_upload()].
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @param from A character string of a path where the files will be taken from
#' in R.
#' @param to A character string of a path where the files will be placed to in
#' Opal.
#' @returns
#' Folder(s) containing files coming from the user R environment in Opal.
#' The path to Opal needs to be pasted with Opal absolute path.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' tempdir <- tempdir()
#' invisible(dir.create(paste0(tempdir,"/a_file")))
#' invisible(file.create(paste0(tempdir,"/a_file","/file.txt")))
#' try(opal_files_push(opal, from = paste0(tempdir,"/a_file"), to = tempdir))
#' }
#' @import dplyr opalr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
opal_files_push <- function(opal, from, to){
opal.file_upload(opal = opal,source = from, destination = to)
message("Your file(s) has(ve) been succesfully uploaded to Opal")
#' @title
#' Download files from an Opal environment
#' @description
#' Downloads files from an Opal environment to the local environment. This is a
#' wrapper function for [opalr::opal.file_download()].
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @param from A character string of a path where the files will be taken from
#' in R.
#' @param to A character string of a path where the files will be placed to in
#' Opal.
#' @returns
#' Folder(s) containing files coming from Opal in user R environment.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' tempdir <- tempdir()
#' invisible(dir.create(paste0(tempdir,"/a_file")))
#' invisible(file.create(paste0(tempdir,"/a_file","/file.txt")))
#' try(opal_files_push(opal, from = paste0(tempdir,"/a_file"), to = tempdir))
#' try(opal_files_pull(opal, from = paste0(tempdir,"/a_file"), to = tempdir))
#' }
#' @import dplyr stringr opalr tools
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @export
opal_files_pull <- function(opal, from, to){
# if from = ".../.../foo" and to = ".../.../fuu"
# then > zip the folder, dl and unzip
# if from = ".../.../foo.ext" and to = ".../.../fuu"
# then > to <- to + "/" + basename(from), dl
# if from = ".../.../foo.ext" and to = ".../.../fuu.ext"
# then >dl
to <- ifelse(file_ext(from) == file_ext(to),to, paste0(to,"/",basename(from)))
to <- ifelse(file_ext(to) == "",paste0(to,".zip"),to)
to <- str_replace(to,"/.zip",".zip")
if(from == ""){
message("\nYou must provide an Opal files path\n")}else{
opal = opal,
source = from,
destination = to)},
error = function(cond){
stop(call. = FALSE,cond)})
if(file_ext(to) == "zip"){
unzip(zipfile = to,
exdir = file_path_sans_ext(to),
overwrite = TRUE,
junkpaths = FALSE)
"The files have been added to your environment in the folder ",
"The file ",
basename(to)," have been added to your environment in the folder ",
#' @title
#' Upload datasets into an Opal environment as tables in an Opal project
#' @description
#' Uploads a dossier or dataset from the local environment to an Opal
#' environment. This is a wrapper function for [opalr::opal.table_create()],
#' [opalr::opal.table_save()] and [opalr::opal.table_dictionary_update()].
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' [madshapR::as_dossier()]
#' [madshapR::as_dataset()]
#' [madshapR::as_data_dict_mlstr()]
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @param dossier List of tibble, each of them being datasets.
#' @param dataset A tibble identifying the input dataset observations
#' associated to its data dictionary.
#' @param data_dict A list of tibble(s) representing meta data of an
#' associated dataset. Automatically generated if not provided.
#' @param project_name A character string specifying the Opal project name.
#' @param table_name A character string specifying an Opal table name.
#' @param .force If the destination already exists, stop with an informative
#' message if this flag is FALSE (default).
#' @param .overwrite If the destination table already exists, it will be
#' replaced (deleted, re-created with associated permissions reinstated and then
#' imported). Otherwise the table will be updated (data dictionaries merge may
#' conflict). Default is FALSE.*
#' @returns
#' A table or table(s) in Opal.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' # use DEMO_files provided by the package
#' library(madshapR)
#' library(stringr)
#' dossier <- DEMO_files[str_detect(names(DEMO_files),"dataset_MELBOURNE")]
#' tempdir <- basename(tempdir())
#' try(opal_project_create(opal, tempdir))
#' # push a table in a project.
#' try(
#' opal_tables_push(
#' opal,
#' dataset = dossier$dataset_MELBOURNE_1,
#' table_name = 'dataset_MELBOURNE_1',
#' project_name = tempdir,
#' .force = TRUE,
#' .overwrite = TRUE))
#' }
#' @import dplyr opalr fabR madshapR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
opal_tables_push <- function(
dossier = NULL,
data_dict = NULL,
dataset = NULL,
table_name = NULL,
.force = FALSE,
.overwrite = FALSE){
# check on arguments
if(!is.null(dataset) & !is.null(dossier))
stop(call. = FALSE,"Too many argments entered")
if(!is.null(data_dict) & !is.null(dossier))
stop(call. = FALSE,"Too many argments entered")
if(!is.null(table_name) & !is.null(dossier))
stop(call. = FALSE,"Too many argments entered")
if(is.null(dataset) & is.null(data_dict) & is.null(dossier))
stop(call. = FALSE,"At least one argument is missing")
if((!is.null(dataset) | !is.null(data_dict)) & is.null(table_name))
stop(call. = FALSE,"Table name is missing")
if(length(table_name) > 1)
stop(call. = FALSE,"table name must be unique")
message("Verification of input format.")
# tests
data_dict <- as_data_dict_mlstr(data_dict)
project <- list()
if(!is.null(dossier)) {
for(i in names(dossier)){
# stop()}
project[[i]]$`dataset` <- dossier[[i]]
project[[i]]$`data_dict` <- dossier[[i]] %>% data_dict_extract()
if(!is.null(dataset) & !is.null(data_dict)){
# stop()}
data_dict_apply(dataset, data_dict)
project[[table_name]]$`dataset` <- dataset
project[[table_name]]$`data_dict` <- data_dict
if(!is.null(dataset) & is.null(data_dict)){
# stop()}
project[[table_name]]$`dataset` <- dataset
project[[table_name]]$`data_dict` <- dataset %>% data_dict_extract()
if(!is.null(data_dict) & is.null(dataset)){
# stop()}
project[[table_name]]$`dataset` <- data_dict %>% data_extract()
project[[table_name]]$`data_dict` <- data_dict
table_names <- names(project)
# check if id
for(i in table_names){
# stop()}
# col_id <- attributes(project[[i]][['dataset']])$`madshapR::col_i`
# if(is.null(col_id))
# attributes(project[[i]][['dataset']])$`madshapR::col_i` <-
# names(project[[i]][['dataset']][1])
project[[i]][['dataset']] <-
project[[i]][['dataset']] %>%
add_index(name_index = basename(tempfile())) %>%
message("Verification of input format done.")
# si le project n'existe pas et que force = TRUE
if(.force == TRUE){
if(!opal.project_exists(opal, project_name)){
opal_project_create(opal, project_name)}}
if(.overwrite == TRUE){
warning("Tables overwritten, or specify .overwrite = FALSE")}
for(i in table_names){
# stop()}
if(.force == TRUE){
if(!opal.table_exists(opal, project_name,i)){
opal = opal,
project = project_name,
table = i)}}
opal = opal,
tibble = project[[i]][['dataset']],
project = project_name,
table = i,
overwrite = .overwrite,
force = .force, = names(project[[i]][['dataset']])[1])
opal = opal,
project = project_name,
table = i,
variables = project[[i]][['data_dict']][['Variables']],
categories = project[[i]][['data_dict']][['Categories']])
"\nThe table: ",i,
" has been successfuly uploaded to Opal in ",project_name)
#' @title
#' Download tables from an Opal project as a dossier
#' @description
#' Downloads a dossier or dataset from an Opal environment to the local
#' environment. This is a wrapper function for[opalr::opal.table_get()] and
#' [opalr::opal.table_dictionary_get()].
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' [madshapR::as_dossier()]
#' [madshapR::as_dataset()]
#' [madshapR::as_data_dict_mlstr()]
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @param project A character string specifying the Opal project name.
#' @param table_list A vector character string specifying Opal tables name.
#' @param content A vector of character string which indicates if the
#' function returns a dataset, or data dictionary. Default is 'dataset'.
#' @param keep_as_dossier whether to return a dossier or a dataset if there is
#' only one table. TRUE by default, if FALSE returns dataset.
#' @param .remove_id whether to return the id column created in Opal or not.
#' TRUE by default.
#' @returns
#' Objects (tibbles and list of tibbles) representing tables and their
#' respective data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' # use DEMO_files provided by the package
#' library(madshapR)
#' library(stringr)
#' dossier <-
#' DEMO_files[str_detect(names(DEMO_files),"dataset_MELBOURNE")]
#' tempdir <- basename(tempdir())
#' try(opal_project_create(opal, tempdir))
#' try(
#' opal_tables_push(
#' opal, dossier,project_name = tempdir, .force = TRUE, .overwrite = TRUE))
#' ###### Example pull a table from a project.
#' try(
#' opal_tables_pull(
#' opal,project = tempdir,table_list = 'dataset_MELBOURNE_1'))
#' }
#' @import dplyr opalr fabR madshapR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
opal_tables_pull <- function(
table_list = NULL,
content = c("dataset","data_dict"),
keep_as_dossier = TRUE,
.remove_id = FALSE){
if(length(project) > 1 & !is.null(table_list))
stop(call. = FALSE,"Too many argments entered")
if(length(project) == 1 & project[1] == "")
stop(call. = FALSE,"\nYou must provide an Opal project\n")
stop(call. = FALSE,
'`keep_as_dossier` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')
stop(call. = FALSE,
'`.keep_id` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')
dossier <- list()
table_list <-
opal.tables(opal = opal,datasource = project) %>% pull(.data$`name`)
for(i in table_list){
# stop()}
"Download of: ", project ," / ", i,
" (",which(table_list == i),"/",length(table_list), ")")
# creation of data_dict
data_dict_i <-
opal.table_dictionary_get(opal = opal, project = project, table = i))
if(length(data_dict_i) == 0){
data_dict_i <-
project = project,
table = i,
variables = tibble(name = as.character()),
categories =
tibble(variable = as.character(), name = as.character()))}
data_dict_i <-
data_dict_opalr_fix(data_dict_i) %>%
# creation of dataset
if("dataset" %in% content == TRUE){
table_i <-
opal.table_get(opal = opal, project = project, table = i)
}else{table_i <- silently_run(data_extract(data_dict = data_dict_i))}
if(ncol(table_i) == 0) table_i <- data_extract(data_dict_i)
# if id is to be removed
if(.remove_id == TRUE){
table_i <- select(table_i,-1)
# take the Variable part of the dd created with the first column
data_dict_temp <- data_dict_extract(table_i[1])[[1]]
if(!data_dict_temp$name %in% data_dict_i[['Variables']]$`name`){
data_dict_i[['Variables']] <-
by = intersect(
if(ncol(table_i) == 0) table_i <- data_extract(data_dict_i)
# only data_dict:
if("dataset" %in% content == TRUE){
table_i <-
table_i %>%
dataset_zap_data_dict %>%
data_dict_apply(data_dict_i) %>%
as_dataset(col_id = names(table_i)[1])
dossier_table_i <- list(dataset = table_i, data_dict = data_dict_i)
dossier_table_i <- list(dossier_table_i)
names(dossier_table_i) <- i
dossier <- append(dossier, dossier_table_i)
# only data_dict:
if("dataset" %in% content == FALSE){
data_dict_list <-
dossier %>% lapply(function(x){
x <- x[['data_dict']]
if(length(data_dict_list) == 1 & keep_as_dossier == FALSE)
data_dict_list <- data_dict_list[[1]]
# if datasets:
dataset_list <-
dossier %>% lapply(function(x){
x <- x[['dataset']]
return(x)}) %>%
if(length(dataset_list) == 1 & keep_as_dossier == FALSE)
dataset_list <- dataset_list[[1]]
# # # if only one dossier.table
# # if(length(dossier) == 1) dossier <- dossier[[1]]
# dossier <- as_dossier(dossier)
# if(keep_as_dossier == FALSE) dossier <- dossier[[1]]
# return(dossier)
#' @title
#' Get available taxonomies in format used by Maelstrom Research
#' @description
#' Downloads all taxonomies from an Opal server in a specific tibble format
#' used in the Maelstrom Research ecosystem.
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' [madshapR::as_taxonomy()]
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @returns
#' A tibble identifying a taxonomy (generally generated from Opal taxonomy.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' try(taxonomy_opal_mlstr_get(opal))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr opalr madshapR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
taxonomy_opal_mlstr_get <- function(opal){
taxonomy <- taxonomy_opal_get(opal)
taxonomy_unknown <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(taxonomy == "Unknown_taxonomy")
taxonomy_additional <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(taxonomy == "Mlstr_additional")
taxonomy_harmo <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(taxonomy == "Mlstr_harmo")
taxonomy_area <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(.data$`taxonomy` == "Mlstr_area") %>%
vocabulary_short = case_when(
.data$`vocabulary` == "Sociodemographic_economic_characteristics"~"SDC",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Lifestyle_behaviours" ~"LSB",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Reproduction" ~"REP",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Health_status_functional_limitations" ~"HST",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Diseases" ~"DIS",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Symptoms_signs" ~"SYM",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Medication_supplements" ~"MED",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Non_pharmacological_interventions" ~"NPH",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Health_community_care_utilization" ~"CAR",
.data$`vocabulary` == "End_of_life" ~"EOL",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Physical_measures" ~"PME",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Laboratory_measures" ~"LAB",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Cognitive_psychological_measures" ~"COG",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Life_events_plans_beliefs" ~"LIF",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Preschool_school_work" ~"SCH",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Social_environment" ~"SOC",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Physical_environment" ~"PHY",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Administrative_information" ~"ADM",
.data$`vocabulary` == "Mlstr_area_Unknown_vocabulary" ~"ERR",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
)) %>%
"vocabulary", "vocabulary_short", starts_with("term"))
list_of_scales <-
taxonomy_scales <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(.data$`taxonomy` %in% list_of_scales) %>%
index_term_scale = "index_term",
taxonomy_scale = "taxonomy",
taxonomy_scale_title = "taxonomy_title",
taxonomy_scale_description = "taxonomy_description",
vocabulary_scale = "vocabulary",
term_scale = "term",
term_scale_title = "term_title",
term_scale_description = "term_description") %>%
term = case_when(
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Tobacco"
~ "Tobacco",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Alcohol"
~ "Alcohol",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Drugs"
~ "Drugs",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Nutrition"
~ "Nutrition",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Breastfeeding"
~ "Breastfeeding",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Physical_activity"
~ "Phys_act",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Sleep"
~ "Sleep",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Sexual_behaviours"
~ "Sex_behav",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Tech_devices"
~ "Tech_devices",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Misbehaviour"
~ "Misbehav_crim",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Other"
~ "Other_lifestyle",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Perception"
~ "Perc_health",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Quality"
~ "Qual_life",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Development"
~ "Life_dev",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Functional"
~ "Act_daily_living",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Other"
~ "Other",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Cog_scale"
~ "Cognitive_functioning",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Personality"
~ "Personality",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Emotional"
~ "Psychological_emotional_distress",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Other_psycho"
~ "Other_psycholog_measures",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_events" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Life_events"
~ "Life_events",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_events" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Beliefs_values"
~ "Beliefs_values",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Social_network"
~ "Soc_network",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Social_participation"
~ "Soc_participation",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Social_support"
~ "Soc_support",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Parenting"
~ "Parenting",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Other"
~ "Other_soc_characteristics",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_habits" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Mlstr_habits_Unknown_vocabulary"
~ "Lifestyle_behaviours_Unknown_term",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Mlstr_genhealth_Unknown_vocabulary"
~ "Health_status_functional_limitations_Unknown_term",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Mlstr_cogscale_Unknown_vocabulary"
~ "Cognitive_psychological_measures_Unknown_term",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_events" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Mlstr_events_Unknown_vocabulary"
~ "Life_events_plans_beliefs_Unknown_term",
.data$`taxonomy_scale` == "Mlstr_social" &
.data$`vocabulary_scale` == "Mlstr_social_Unknown_vocabulary"
~ "Social_environment_Unknown_term",
~ NA_character_))
taxonomy_scales <-
full_join(taxonomy_area, taxonomy_scales, by = "term",multiple = "all")
taxonomy <-
taxonomy_unknown %>%
bind_rows(taxonomy_additional) %>%
bind_rows(taxonomy_area) %>%
bind_rows(taxonomy_scales) %>%
bind_rows(taxonomy_harmo) %>%
distinct %>%
mutate(term_scale =
.data$`index_term_scale` == 0,
paste0("[NO_SCALE], ",.data$`term_scale`),
.data$`term_scale`)) %>%
separate_rows("term_scale" ,sep = ", ") %>%
~ ifelse(.data$`term_scale` == "[NO_SCALE]", NA,.))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ na_if(.,""))) %>%
~ as.integer(.))) %>%
.data$`index_term`) %>%
mutate(across('index_term_scale',as.integer)) %>%
c('taxonomy_scale', 'vocabulary_scale', 'term_scale'),
.add_qual_check <- FALSE
if(.add_qual_check == FALSE) {
taxonomy <-
taxonomy %>%
filter(.data$`index_term` > 0 |$`index_term`)) %>%
filter(.data$`index_term_scale` > 0 |$`index_term_scale`))}
taxonomy <- as_taxonomy(taxonomy)
#' @title
#' Get available taxonomies in format used by Opal
#' @description
#' Downloads all taxonomies from an Opal server in a specific tibble format
#' used by Opal.
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' [madshapR::as_taxonomy()]
#' @param opal Opal login attributes.
#' @returns
#' A tibble identifying a taxonomy (generally generated from Opal taxonomy).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' try(taxonomy_opal_get(opal))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr opalr fabR madshapR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
taxonomy_opal_get <- function(opal){
# get taxons
taxonomy <- tibble(opal.taxonomies(opal))
if(nrow(taxonomy) == 0){
taxonomy <- tibble(
index_taxonomy = as.integer(),
index_vocabulary = as.integer(),
index_term = as.integer(),
taxonomy = as.character(),
vocabulary = as.character(),
taxonomy_title = as.character(),
taxonomy_description = as.character(),
term = as.character(),
label = as.character())
taxonomy <-
taxonomy %>%
select(taxonomy = 'name', vocabulary = 'vocabularies',
taxonomy_title = 'title', taxonomy_description = 'description') %>%
add_row(taxonomy = "Unknown_taxonomy",vocabulary = "", .before = TRUE) %>%
add_index("index_taxonomy", start = 0) %>%
rowwise() %>%
vocabulary =
sep = "|"),
vocabulary = str_remove(.data$`vocabulary`,"\\|$")) %>%
separate_rows('vocabulary',sep = "\\|") %>%
group_by(.data$`taxonomy`) %>%
add_index("index_vocabulary",start = 0) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rowwise() %>%
term = ifelse(
opal.terms(opal,.data$`taxonomy`, .data$`vocabulary`)$name))) %>%
tibble() %>%
term =
.data$`term`,sep = ", "),
term = str_remove(.data$`term`,", $")) %>%
separate_rows('term',sep = ", ") %>%
group_by(.data$`index_vocabulary`, .data$`index_taxonomy`) %>%
add_index("index_term",start = 0) %>%
ungroup %>%
.add_qual_check <- FALSE
if(.add_qual_check == FALSE)
taxonomy <- taxonomy %>% filter(.data$`index_term` != 0)
terms_labels <-
tibble(term = as.character(),
term_title = as.character(),
term_description = as.character())
distinct_vocabularies <- distinct(taxonomy[c('taxonomy','vocabulary')])
for(i in seq_len(nrow(distinct_vocabularies))){
# stop()}
" - Gather taxonomy of ",distinct_vocabularies$vocabulary[i])
terms_labels <-
distinct_vocabularies$vocabulary[i])) %>%
select(term = 'name',
term_title = 'title',
term_description = 'description') %>%
mutate(taxonomy = distinct_vocabularies$taxonomy[i],
vocabulary = distinct_vocabularies$vocabulary[i]))
if(nrow(terms_labels) != nrow(taxonomy)){
stop(call. = FALSE, "Problem in taxonomy. Please contact us.")}
taxonomy <-
taxonomy %>%
full_join(terms_labels,by = c('taxonomy', 'vocabulary', 'term')) %>%
#' @title
#' Transform a data dictionary object from 'opalr' format to Opal format
#' @description
#' Transforms a data dictionary from 'opalr' format to Opal format.
#' A data dictionary imported using the 'opalr' package has a different
#' structure and will be transformed to the structure used in Maelstrom
#' packages.
#' @details
#' Opal is the OBiBa application for data management, and Opal environments can
#' be integrated with RStudio environments using the package `opalr`.
#' The user must have adequate credentials to interact with a specific Opal
#' environment. Some function errors produced may be associated with the
#' handler or Opal read/write permissions.
#' @seealso
#' Please see [Opal documentation]( for
#' complete documentation.
#' [madshapR::as_data_dict_mlstr()]
#' @param data_dict A list of tibble(s) representing meta data to be
#' transformed. Automatically generated if not provided.
#' @returns
#' A list of tibble(s) identifying a data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(opalr)
#' opal <-
#' opal.login('administrator','password',
#' url ='')
#' # use DEMO_files provided by the package
#' library(madshapR)
#' library(stringr)
#' dossier <-
#' DEMO_files[str_detect(names(DEMO_files),"dataset_MELBOURNE")]
#' tempdir <- basename(tempdir())
#' try(opal_project_create(opal, tempdir))
#' try(
#' opal_tables_push(
#' opal, dossier,project_name = tempdir, .force = TRUE, .overwrite = TRUE))
#' # get the data dictionary and reshape it.
#' data_dict <-
#' try(
#' opal.table_dictionary_get(
#' opal,project = tempdir,table = "dataset_MELBOURNE_1"))
#' data_dict <- try(data_dict_opalr_fix(data_dict))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_opalr_fix <- function(data_dict){
# test if actually an opalr data dictionary
if(sum(names(data_dict) %in% c("variables", "table", "project")) != 3){
stop(call. = FALSE,
"Your file is not in the opalr format. Please provide another file")}
data_dict[['Variables']] <-
data_dict[['variables']] %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ na_if(.,"")))
if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['categories']])) > 0){
data_dict[['Categories']] <-
data_dict[['categories']] %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~ na_if(.,"")))
data_dict[['variables']] <- NULL
data_dict[['categories']] <- NULL
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