
Defines functions getTMatrix makeTMatrix modifyExcludeValueRank modifyExcludeValueExistingRank modifyExcludeValueNewRank makeRanks makeAbsoluteRanks makeMixedRanks makeRelativeRanks checkTooManyRanks checkInputs

Documented in getTMatrix

checkInputs <- function(dat, col_in, col_out, num_ranks, mixed_col, bounds, exclude_value, rerank_exclude_value){
  stopifnot(nrow(dat) > 0)
  if (!("id" %in% colnames(dat))) {
    stop(paste(dat, "does not contain column 'id'"))
  if (length(dat[["id"]]) != length(unique(dat[["id"]]))) {
    stop("'id' column contains non-unique values.")
  if (!missing(num_ranks)) {
    stopifnot(nrow(dat) >= num_ranks)
  if (!missing(mixed_col)) {
  if (!missing(bounds)){
    if (min(dat[[col_in]]) < min(bounds)){
      stop('At least one data value falls below the first bound.')
    if (max(dat[[col_in]]) > max(bounds)){
      stop('At least one data value falls above the last bound.')

checkTooManyRanks <- function(df, col_in, num_ranks, exclude_value){
  if (missing(exclude_value)){
    if (max(table(df[col_in])/nrow(df)) >= 1/num_ranks) {
      stop(paste0('One of the values represents more than ', paste(1/num_ranks), ' of the data. Try using fewer ranks or setting strict to FALSE.'))
  } else {
    control <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] != exclude_value)
    if (max(table(control[col_in])/nrow(control)) >= 1/num_ranks) {
      stop(paste0('One of the non-excluded values represents more than ', paste(1/num_ranks), ' of the non-excluded data. Try using fewer ranks or setting strict to FALSE.'))

makeRelativeRanks <- function(dat, col_in, col_out, num_ranks, exclude_value, strict){
  df <- dat[c('id', col_in)]
  if (strict) {
   checkTooManyRanks(df = df, col_in = col_in, num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  if (missing(exclude_value)) {
    if (!strict) {
      df[[col_in]] <- df[[col_in]] + abs(rnorm(n = nrow(df), mean = 0.0000000000001, 0.0000000001))
    cutoffs <- quantile(df[[col_in]], probs = c(0:num_ranks/num_ranks))
    df[[col_out]] <- cut(df[[col_in]], breaks = cutoffs, labels = 1:num_ranks, right = FALSE,
                         include.lowest = TRUE)
    df[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(df[[col_out]])
  } else {
    control <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] != exclude_value)
    if (!strict) {
      control[[col_in]] <- control[[col_in]] + abs(rnorm(n = nrow(control), mean = 0.0000000000001, 0.0000000001))
    cutoffs <- quantile(control[[col_in]], probs = c(0:num_ranks/num_ranks))
    control[[col_out]] <- cut(control[[col_in]], breaks = cutoffs, labels = 1:num_ranks,
                              right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    exclude <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] == exclude_value)
    if (nrow(exclude) > 0) {
      exclude[[col_out]] <- 0
      df <- rbind(exclude, control)
    } else {
      df <- control
    df[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(df[[col_out]])
    cutoffs <- c(exclude_value, cutoffs)
    names(cutoffs)[1] <- 'exclude_value'
  output <- list('data' = df, 'bounds' = cutoffs)

makeMixedRanks <- function(dat, col_in, mixed_col, col_out, num_ranks, exclude_value, strict){
  if (col_in == mixed_col){
    df <- dat[c('id', col_in)]
    df <- dat[c('id', col_in, mixed_col)]
  if (strict) {
    checkTooManyRanks(df = df, col_in = col_in, num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  if (missing(exclude_value)) {
    if (!strict) {
      df[[mixed_col]] <- df[[mixed_col]] + abs(rnorm(n = nrow(df), mean = 0.0000000000001, 0.0000000001))
    cutoffs <- quantile(df[[mixed_col]], probs = c(0:num_ranks/num_ranks))
    cutoffs[1] <- min(min(df[[mixed_col]]), min(df[[col_in]])) - 1
    cutoffs[num_ranks + 1] <- max(max(df[[mixed_col]]), max(df[[col_in]])) + 1
    df[[col_out]] <- cut(df[[col_in]], breaks = cutoffs, labels = 1:num_ranks,
                         right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    df[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(df[[col_out]])
  } else {
    control_mixed <- subset(df, df[[mixed_col]] != exclude_value)
    if (!strict) {
      control_mixed[[mixed_col]] <- control_mixed[[mixed_col]] + abs(rnorm(n = nrow(control_mixed), mean = 0.0000000000001, 0.0000000001))
    control <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] != exclude_value)
    cutoffs <- quantile(control_mixed[[mixed_col]], probs = c(0:num_ranks/num_ranks))
    cutoffs[1] <- min(min(control_mixed[[mixed_col]]), min(control[[col_in]])) - 1
    cutoffs[num_ranks + 1] <- max(max(control_mixed[[mixed_col]]), max(control[[col_in]])) + 1
    control[[col_out]] <- cut(control[[col_in]], breaks = cutoffs, labels = 1:num_ranks,
                              right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    control[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(control[[col_out]])
    exclude <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] == exclude_value)
    if (nrow(exclude) > 0){
      exclude[[col_out]] <- 0
      exclude[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(exclude[[col_out]])
      df <- rbind(control, exclude)
    } else {
      df <- control
    cutoffs <- c(exclude_value, cutoffs)
    names(cutoffs)[1] <- 'exclude_value'
  if (col_in != mixed_col){
    df <- df[c('id', col_in, col_out)]
  output <- list('data' = df, 'bounds' = cutoffs)

makeAbsoluteRanks <- function(dat, col_in, col_out, bounds, exclude_value){
  df <- dat[c('id', col_in)]
  num_ranks <- length(bounds) - 1
  if (missing(exclude_value)){
    df[[col_out]] <- cut(df[[col_in]], breaks = bounds, labels = 1:num_ranks, right = FALSE,
                         include.lowest = TRUE)
    df[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(df[[col_out]])
    output <- list('data' = df, 'bounds' = bounds)
  else {
    control <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] != exclude_value)
    control[[col_out]] <- cut(control[[col_in]], breaks = bounds, labels = 1:num_ranks,
                              right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    control[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(control[[col_out]])
    exclude <- subset(df, df[[col_in]] == exclude_value)
    if (nrow(exclude) > 0){
      exclude[[col_out]] <- 0
      exclude[[col_out]] <- as.numeric(exclude[[col_out]])
      df <- rbind(control, exclude)
    } else {
      df <- control
    bounds <- c(exclude_value, bounds)
    output <- list('data' = df, 'bounds' = bounds)

makeRanks <- function(dat, col_in, col_out, type, num_ranks, exclude_value, mixed_col, bounds, strict){
  checkInputs(dat = dat, col_in = col_in, col_out = col_out, num_ranks = num_ranks, mixed_col = mixed_col, bounds = bounds)
  if (type == 'relative'){
    df_out <- makeRelativeRanks(dat = dat, col_in = col_in, col_out = col_out,
                                num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value, strict = strict)
  } else if (type == 'mixed'){
    df_out <- makeMixedRanks(dat = dat, col_in = col_in, mixed_col = mixed_col, col_out = col_out,
                             num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value, strict = strict)
  } else if (type == 'absolute'){
    df_out <- makeAbsoluteRanks(dat = dat, col_in = col_in, col_out = col_out, bounds = bounds, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  } else {
    stop('Not a valid rank type! Try relative, mixed, or absolute.')

modifyExcludeValueNewRank <- function(dat, col, rank, bounds, exclude_value){
  bounds <- bounds[2:length(bounds)]
  bounds[1] <- min(bounds[1], exclude_value)
  bounds[length(bounds)] <- max(bounds[length(bounds)], exclude_value) + 1
  replacement_exclude <- as.numeric(cut(exclude_value, breaks = bounds, labels = 1:(length(bounds)-1),
                                          right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))
  if (exclude_value %in% bounds){
    dat[[rank]] <- ifelse(dat[[rank]] >= replacement_exclude, dat[[rank]] + 1, dat[[rank]])
    dat[[rank]] <- ifelse(dat[[rank]] == 0, replacement_exclude, dat[[rank]])
  else {
    dat[[rank]] <- ifelse(dat[[col]] > exclude_value, dat[[rank]] + 2, dat[[rank]])
    dat[[rank]] <- ifelse(dat[[rank]] == 0, replacement_exclude + 1, dat[[rank]])
  shift <- min(dat[[rank]]) - 1
  dat[[rank]] <- dat[[rank]] - shift

modifyExcludeValueExistingRank <- function(dat, col, rank, bounds, exclude_value){
  bounds <- bounds[2:length(bounds)]
  bounds[1] <- min(bounds[1], exclude_value)
  bounds[length(bounds)] <- max(bounds[length(bounds)], exclude_value) + 1
  replacement_exclude <- as.numeric(cut(exclude_value, breaks = bounds, labels = 1:(length(bounds)-1),
                                          right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))
  dat[[rank]] <- ifelse(dat[[rank]] == 0, replacement_exclude, dat[[rank]])

modifyExcludeValueRank <- function(dat, col_x, col_y, rank_x, rank_y, rerank_exclude_value, bounds_x, bounds_y, exclude_value){
  if (!(rerank_exclude_value %in% c('as_existing_rank', 'as_new_rank', 'exclude'))){
    stop('The provided argument for rerank_exclude_value is not valid.')
  if (rerank_exclude_value == 'as_new_rank'){
    dat <- modifyExcludeValueNewRank(dat = dat, col = col_x, rank = rank_x, bounds = bounds_x, exclude_value = exclude_value)
    dat <- modifyExcludeValueNewRank(dat = dat, col = col_y, rank = rank_y, bounds = bounds_y, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  if (rerank_exclude_value == 'as_existing_rank'){
    dat <- modifyExcludeValueExistingRank(dat = dat, col = col_x, rank = rank_x, bounds = bounds_x, exclude_value = exclude_value)
    dat <- modifyExcludeValueExistingRank(dat = dat, col = col_y, rank = rank_y, bounds = bounds_y, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  if (rerank_exclude_value == 'exclude'){
    condition_x <- dat[[rank_x]] != 0
    dat <- subset(dat, condition_x)
    condition_y <- dat[[rank_y]] != 0
    dat <- subset(dat, condition_y)

makeTMatrix <- function(dat, rank_x, rank_y, probs){
  if (probs){
    tmatrix <- table(dat[[rank_x]], dat[[rank_y]])/nrow(dat)
  } else {
    tmatrix <- table(dat[[rank_x]], dat[[rank_y]])

#' @title Calculates Transition Matrix
#' @description Returns transition matrix from two columns in dataset. Supports relative, mixed,
#' and absolute transition matrices as well as handling an excluded value.
#' @param dat a dataframe with an "id" column
#' @param col_x a character string denoting the first column from dat to be used in the transition matrix
#' @param col_y a character string denoting the second column from dat to be used in the transition matrix
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of transition matrix;
#' accepts 'relative', 'mixed', and 'absolute'
#' @param probs logical. If TRUE, values in transition matrix are probabilities;
#' if FALSE, values in transition matrix are counts
#' @param num_ranks an integer specifying the number of ranks for a relative or mixed transition matrix
#' @param exclude_value a single numeric value that is excluded in calculating the transition matrix;
#' see the rerank_exclude_value parameter to specify how the exclude value is handled
#' @param bounds a sequence of numeric bounds for defining absolute transition matrix ranks
#' @param rerank_exclude_value a character string indicating how the exclude value is handled when present; accepts
#' 'as_new_rank', 'as_existing_rank', and 'exclude'
#' @param strict logical. If TRUE, transition matrix is calculated from the given values. If FALSE,
#' transition matrix is calculated by jittering the values to ensure uniqueness of bounds.
#' Only used with relative and mixed types.
#' @return Returns a list with a transition matrix as a Matrix and vectors of the the x and y bounds corresponding to the ranks in the matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(incomeMobility)
#' getTMatrix(dat = incomeMobility,
#'            col_x = 't0',
#'            col_y = 't9',
#'            type = 'relative',
#'            num_ranks = 5)
getTMatrix <- function(dat, col_x, col_y, type, probs = TRUE, num_ranks, exclude_value, bounds, rerank_exclude_value, strict = TRUE){
  df_rank_x <- makeRanks(dat = dat, col_in = col_x, col_out = 'rank_x', type = type,
                         num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value,
                         mixed_col = col_x, bounds = bounds, strict = strict)
  df_rank_y <- makeRanks(dat = dat, col_in = col_y, col_out = 'rank_y', type = type,
                         num_ranks = num_ranks, exclude_value = exclude_value,
                         mixed_col = col_x, bounds = bounds, strict = strict)
  df <- merge(df_rank_x$data, df_rank_y$data, by = 'id')
  if (!missing(exclude_value)){
    df <- modifyExcludeValueRank(dat = df, col_x = col_x, col_y = col_y, rank_x = 'rank_x', rank_y = 'rank_y',
                                 rerank_exclude_value = rerank_exclude_value, bounds_x = df_rank_x$bounds,
                                 bounds_y = df_rank_y$bounds, exclude_value = exclude_value)
  tmatrix <- makeTMatrix(dat = df, rank_x = 'rank_x', rank_y = 'rank_y', probs = probs)
  output <- list('tmatrix' = tmatrix, 'col_x_bounds' = round(df_rank_x$bounds, digits = 6),
                 'col_y_bounds' = round(df_rank_y$bounds, digits = 6))

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mobilityIndexR documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 5:09 p.m.