print.cvmf <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...) {
if(!inherits(x, "cvmf")) {
stop("use only with \"cvmf\" objects")
op <- options(digits = digits)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat(x$best, " supported with a two-sided p-value of ",
x$p_value, sep = "", "\n")
cat("\nSuccesses: ", x$cvmf$statistic, " out of ", x$cvmf$parameter, " trials",
"\np-value: ",x$p_value,
", 95 percent confidence interval: ", x$cvmf$[c(1)], " ", x$cvmf$[c(2)],
"\nProbability of success: ", x$cvmf$statistic / x$cvmf$parameter, "\n", sep = "")
sd_plm <- sqrt(diag(matrix(c(unlist(x$plm$var)),
ncol = length(x$coef),
byrow = TRUE)))
sd_irr <- sqrt(diag(matrix(c(unlist(x$irr$var)),
ncol = length(x$coef),
byrow = TRUE)))
df <- sum(!$irr_coefs[[1]]))
tmp <- cbind(as.numeric(x$plm_coefs[[1]]), exp(as.numeric(x$plm_coefs[[1]])), sd_plm,
2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(as.numeric(x$plm_coefs[[1]]) / sd_plm))))
rownames(tmp) <- unlist(x$coef)
colnames(tmp) <- c("coef", "exp(coef)", "se(coef)", "p")
cat("\nPartial likelihood estimator\n")
cat("\nWald test = ", x$plm$wald.test, " on ", df, " df,", " p = ",
1 - pchisq(as.numeric(x$plm$wald.test), df), "\n", sep="")
tmp <- cbind(as.numeric(x$irr_coefs[[1]]), exp(as.numeric(x$irr_coefs[[1]])), sd_irr,
2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(as.numeric(x$irr_coefs[[1]]) / sd_irr))))
row.names(tmp) <- unlist(x$coef)
colnames(tmp) <- c("coef", "exp(coef)", "se(coef)", "p")
cat("\nRobust estimator\n")
cat("\nExtended Wald test = ", x$irr$wald.test, " on ", df, " df,", " p = ",
1 - pchisq(as.numeric(x$irr$wald.test), df), "\n", sep="")
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