
Defines functions select_order information_criteria distribution probability_model outliers_treatment regressors_treatment use_constant loss ets_model

Documented in distribution ets_model information_criteria loss outliers_treatment probability_model regressors_treatment select_order use_constant

#' Tuning Parameters for ADAM Models
#' @param values A character string of possible values.
#' @details
#' The main parameters for ADAM models are:
#'  - `ets_model`:
#'      - model="ZZZ" means that the model will be selected based on the chosen information criteria type. The Branch and Bound is used in the process.
#'      - model="XXX" means that only additive components are tested, using Branch and Bound.
#'      - model="YYY" implies selecting between multiplicative components.
#'      - model="CCC" triggers the combination of forecasts of models using information criteria weights (Kolassa, 2011).
#'      - combinations between these four and the classical components are also accepted. For example, model="CAY" will combine models with additive trend and either none or multiplicative seasonality.
#'      - model="PPP" will produce the selection between pure additive and pure multiplicative models. "P" stands for "Pure". This cannot be mixed with other types of components.
#'      - model="FFF" will select between all the 30 types of models. "F" stands for "Full". This cannot be mixed with other types of components.
#'      - The parameter model can also be a vector of names of models for a finer tuning (pool of models). For example, model=c("ANN","AAA") will estimate only two models and select the best of them.
#'  - `loss`:
#'      - likelihood - the model is estimated via the maximization of the likelihood of the function specified in distribution;
#'      - MSE (Mean Squared Error),
#'      - MAE (Mean Absolute Error),
#'      - HAM (Half Absolute Moment),
#'      - LASSO - use LASSO to shrink the parameters of the model;
#'      - RIDGE - use RIDGE to shrink the parameters of the model;
#'      - TMSE - Trace Mean Squared Error,
#'      - GTMSE - Geometric Trace Mean Squared Error,
#'      - MSEh - optimisation using only h-steps ahead error,
#'      - MSCE - Mean Squared Cumulative Error.
#'  - `non_seasonal_ar`: The order of the non-seasonal auto-regressive (AR) terms.
#'  - `non_seasonal_differences`: The order of integration for non-seasonal differencing.
#'  - `non_seasonal_ma`: The order of the non-seasonal moving average (MA) terms.
#'  - `seasonal_ar`: The order of the seasonal auto-regressive (SAR) terms.
#'  - `seasonal_differences`: The order of integration for seasonal differencing.
#'  - `seasonal_ma`: The order of the seasonal moving average (SMA) terms.
#'  - `use_constant`: Logical, determining, whether the constant is needed in the model or not.
#'  - `regressors_treatment`: The variable defines what to do with the provided explanatory variables.
#'  - `outliers_treatment`: Defines what to do with outliers.
#'  - `probability_model`: The type of model used in probability estimation.
#'  - `distribution`: What density function to assume for the error term.
#'  - `information_criteria`: The information criterion to use in the model selection / combination procedure.
#'  - `select_order`: If TRUE, then the function will select the most appropriate order.
#' @returns  A `dials` parameter
#' @examples
#' use_constant()
#' regressors_treatment()
#' distribution()
#' @name adam_params

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
ets_model <- function(values = c("ZZZ", "XXX", "YYY", "CCC", "PPP", "FFF")) {
        type      = "character",
        # default   = FALSE,
        values    = values,
        label     = c(ets_model = "ETS Model"),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
loss <- function(values = c("likelihood", "MSE", "MAE", "HAM", "LASSO", "RIDGE", "TMSE", "GTMSE", "MSEh", "MSCE")) {
        type      = "character",
        # default   = FALSE,
        values    = values,
        label     = c(ets_model = "Loss Function"),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
use_constant <- function(values = c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
        type      = "logical",
        # default   = FALSE,
        values    = values,
        label     = c(use_constant = "Logical, determining, whether the constant is needed in the model or not"),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
regressors_treatment <- function(values = c("use", "select", "adapt")) {
        type      = "character",
        # default   = "use",
        values    = values,
        label     = c(regressors_treatment = "The variable defines what to do with the provided explanatory variables."),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
outliers_treatment <- function(values = c( "ignore", "use", "select")) {
        type      = "character",
        values    = values,
        # default   = "ignore",
        label     = c(outliers_treatment = "Defines what to do with outliers."),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
probability_model <- function(values= c("none", "auto", "fixed", "general", "odds-ratio", "inverse-odds-ratio", "direct")) {
        type      = "character",
        # default   = "none",
        values    = values,
        label     = c(probability_model = "The type of model used in probability estimation."),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
distribution <- function(values = c("default", "dnorm", "dlaplace", "ds", "dgnorm", "dlnorm", "dinvgauss", "dgamma")) {
        type      = "character",
        # default   = "default",
        values    = values,
        label     = c(distribution = "What density function to assume for the error term."),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
information_criteria <- function(values    = c("AICc", "AIC", "BICc", "BIC")) {
        type      = "character",
        values    = values,
        # default   = "AICc",
        label     = c(information_criteria = "The information criterion to use in the model selection / combination procedure."),
        finalize  = NULL

#' @export
#' @return A parameter
#' @rdname adam_params
select_order <- function(values = c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
        type      = "logical",
        # default   = FALSE,
        values    = values,
        label     = c(select_order = "If TRUE, then the function will select the most appropriate order."),
        finalize  = NULL

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modeltime documentation built on Oct. 23, 2024, 1:07 a.m.