
"plot.iio.class" <-
function(x, item.pairs = all.pairs, ci = TRUE, alpha = .05, color = c("black", "blue"), transparancy = 20, ask = TRUE, ...){

up.lo.bound.mean <- function(n,alpha=.05){
   n[n < 1e-10] <- 1e-10
   n <- matrix(n)
   p <- length(n)
   scores <- rep(c(0:(p-1)),n)
   m <- mean(scores)
   ase <- sd(scores)/sqrt(sum(n))
   z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
   matrix(c(m - z * ase, m + z * ase),1,2)

if(length(x) == 2) {
  x2l <- x
  for(lvl in 1:2){
    x <- x2l[[lvl]]
    def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    J <- length(x$item.mean)
    max.item.pairs <- J*(J-1)/2
    all.pairs <- 1:max.item.pairs
    results <- x$results
    m <- x$m
    if (ask==TRUE) par("ask"=TRUE) else par("ask"=FALSE)
    i <- 0; j <- 0
    c1 <- as.numeric(col2rgb(color[1]))
    c2 <- as.numeric(col2rgb(color[2]))
    colorCi   = c(rgb(c1[1], c1[2], c1[3], alpha = transparancy, maxColorValue = 255), rgb(c2[1], c2[2], c2[3], alpha = transparancy, maxColorValue = 255))
    for (j in item.pairs){
      plot.matrix <- results[[j]][[2]]
      x.labels <- paste(plot.matrix[,2],"-",plot.matrix[,3],sep="")
      z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
      mi1 <- plot.matrix[,5]
      mi2 <- plot.matrix[,6]
        lo1 <-  plot.matrix[,5] - z * plot.matrix[,7]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
        lo2 <-  plot.matrix[,6] - z * plot.matrix[,8]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
        up1 <-  plot.matrix[,5] + z * plot.matrix[,7]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
        up2 <-  plot.matrix[,6] + z * plot.matrix[,8]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
           xaxt = 'n',
           xlab = "Rest score group",
           ylab = "Item response functions",
           type = "n")
      title(paste("Level", lvl, ":", results[[j]][[1]][1],"(solid)",results[[j]][[1]][2],"(dashed)"))
      axis(1, at=1:nrow(plot.matrix),labels=x.labels)
        polygon(c((1:length(up1))[!is.na(up1)],rev((1:length(lo1))[!is.na(lo1)])),c(up1[!is.na(up1)],rev(lo1[!is.na(lo1)])),col = colorCi[1], border=NA)
        polygon(c((1:length(up2))[!is.na(up2)],rev((1:length(lo2))[!is.na(lo2)])),c(up2[!is.na(up2)],rev(lo2[!is.na(lo2)])),col = colorCi[2], border=NA)
      lines(plot.matrix[,1],mi1, lwd=4, lty=1, col = color[1])
      lines(plot.matrix[,1],mi2, lwd=4, lty=2, col = color[2])
} else {
  def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  J <- length(x$item.mean)
  max.item.pairs <- J*(J-1)/2
  all.pairs <- 1:max.item.pairs
  results <- x$results
  m <- x$m
  if (ask==TRUE) par("ask"=TRUE) else par("ask"=FALSE)
  i <- 0; j <- 0
  c1 <- as.numeric(col2rgb(color[1]))
  c2 <- as.numeric(col2rgb(color[2]))
  colorCi   = c(rgb(c1[1], c1[2], c1[3], alpha = transparancy, maxColorValue = 255), rgb(c2[1], c2[2], c2[3], alpha = transparancy, maxColorValue = 255))
  for (j in item.pairs){
    plot.matrix <- results[[j]][[2]]
    x.labels <- paste(plot.matrix[,2],"-",plot.matrix[,3],sep="")
    z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
    mi1 <- plot.matrix[,5]
    mi2 <- plot.matrix[,6]
      lo1 <-  plot.matrix[,5] - z * plot.matrix[,7]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
      lo2 <-  plot.matrix[,6] - z * plot.matrix[,8]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
      up1 <-  plot.matrix[,5] + z * plot.matrix[,7]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
      up2 <-  plot.matrix[,6] + z * plot.matrix[,8]/sqrt(plot.matrix[,4])
         xaxt = 'n',
         xlab = "Rest score group",
         ylab = "Item response functions",
         type = "n")
    axis(1, at=1:nrow(plot.matrix),labels=x.labels)
      polygon(c((1:length(up1))[!is.na(up1)],rev((1:length(lo1))[!is.na(lo1)])),c(up1[!is.na(up1)],rev(lo1[!is.na(lo1)])),col = colorCi[1], border=NA)
      polygon(c((1:length(up2))[!is.na(up2)],rev((1:length(lo2))[!is.na(lo2)])),c(up2[!is.na(up2)],rev(lo2[!is.na(lo2)])),col = colorCi[2], border=NA)
    lines(plot.matrix[,1],mi1, lwd=4, lty=1, col = color[1])
    lines(plot.matrix[,1],mi2, lwd=4, lty=2, col = color[2])

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mokken documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:24 p.m.