
Defines functions mop_distance

Documented in mop_distance

#' MOP distance calculation
#' @description
#' Calculates distances from each of the points of interest in \code{g_matrix}
#' to a defined percentage of the reference conditions in \code{m_matrix}.
#' @usage
#' mop_distance(m_matrix, g_matrix, distance = "euclidean", percentage = 1,
#'              comp_each = 2000, tol = NULL, parallel = FALSE, n_cores = NULL,
#'              progress_bar = TRUE)
#' @param m_matrix matrix of variables representing the set of conditions to be
#' used as reference. Each column represents a variable.
#' @param g_matrix matrix of variables representing the set of conditions to be
#' compared against the reference conditions (where distances are to be
#' calculated). Each column represents a variable. Variable names must match
#' those in \code{m_matrix}.
#' @param distance `character`, one of two options: "euclidean" or "mahalanobis".
#' @param percentage `numeric`, percentage of points of m (the closest ones)
#' used to derive mean environmental distances to each g point.
#' @param comp_each `numeric`, number of points of the g matrix to be used for
#' distance calculations at a time (default = 2000). Increasing this number
#' requires more RAM.
#' @param tol tolerance to detect linear dependencies when calculating
#' Mahalanobis distances. The default, NULL, uses `.Machine$double.eps`.
#' @param parallel `logical`, if TRUE, calculations will be performed in parallel
#' using \code{n_cores} of the computer. Using this option will speed up the
#' analysis  but will demand more RAM.
#' @param n_cores `numeric`, number of cores to be used in parallel processing.
#' Uses current host CPU cores - 1 by default.
#' @param progress_bar `logical`, whether to show a progress bar for
#' calculations. Valid when calculations are not run in parallel.
#' @return
#' A numeric vector with values of distances calculated according to
#' parameters used.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats mahalanobis cov
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom snow makeSOCKcluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom foreach `%dopar%` foreach
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib mop, .registration = TRUE
#' @examples
#' # data
#' data("reference_matrix", package = "mop")
#' data("matrix_of_interest", package = "mop")
#' # analysis
#' mop_dist <- mop_distance(m_matrix = reference_matrix,
#'                          g_matrix = matrix_of_interest)

mop_distance <- function(m_matrix, g_matrix, distance = "euclidean",
                         percentage = 1, comp_each = 2000, tol = NULL,
                         parallel = FALSE, n_cores = NULL, progress_bar = TRUE) {
  # initial tests
  if (missing(m_matrix) | missing(g_matrix)) {
    stop("Arguments 'm_matrix' and 'g_matrix' must be defined.")

  clasm <- class(m_matrix)[1]
  clasg <- class(g_matrix)[1]

  if (clasm != "matrix" | clasg != "matrix") {
    stop("'m_matrix' and 'g_matrix' must be of class 'matrix'.")

  if (!distance %in% c("euclidean", "mahalanobis")) {
    stop("'distance' must be 'euclidean' or 'mahalanobis'.")

  if (percentage <= 0 | percentage > 100) {
    stop("'percentage' connot be <= 0 or > 100.")

  if (is.null(tol)) {
    tol <- .Machine$double.eps

  # preparing groups of points
  nred <- nrow(g_matrix)
  per_out <- round(nrow(m_matrix) * (percentage / 100))

  if (nred <= comp_each) {
    comp_each <- ceiling(nred / 3)

  groups <- c(seq(1, nred, comp_each),  nred + 1)
  nprocess <- length(groups) - 1

  # running analysis
  if (parallel == FALSE) {
    ## progress bar preparation
    if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nprocess, style = 3)

    ## distance calculation in loop
    mop1 <- lapply(1:nprocess, function(x) {
      if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)

      ## defining sets and all distances
      seq_rdist <- groups[x]:(groups[x + 1] - 1)

      if (distance == "euclidean") {
        cdist <- eucdist_mm(g_matrix[seq_rdist, ], m_matrix)
      } else {
        cv <- stats::cov(g_matrix)
        cdist <- lapply(seq_rdist, function(y) {
          stats::mahalanobis(x = m_matrix, center = g_matrix[y, ], cov = cv,
                             tol = tol)
        cdist <- do.call(rbind, cdist)

      ## mean of closer distances
      apply(cdist, 1, function(y) {mean(sort(y)[1:per_out])})

    if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
    mop1 <- unlist(mop1)

  } else {
    ## parallel processing preparation
    if (is.null(n_cores)) {
      n_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1

    cl <- snow::makeSOCKcluster(n_cores)

    ## progress bar preparation
    if (progress_bar == TRUE) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nprocess, style = 3)
      progress <- function(n) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
      opts <- list(progress = progress)
    } else {
      opts <- NULL

    ## parallel running
    mop1 <- foreach::foreach(
      i = 1:nprocess, .inorder = TRUE, .options.snow = opts, .combine = "c"
    ) %dopar% {

      ## defining sets and all distances
      seq_rdist <- groups[i]:(groups[i + 1] - 1)

      if (distance == "euclidean") {
        cdist <- eucdist_mm(g_matrix[seq_rdist, ], m_matrix)
      } else {
        cv <- stats::cov(g_matrix)
        cdist <- lapply(seq_rdist, function(y) {
          stats::mahalanobis(x = m_matrix, center = g_matrix[y, ], cov = cv,
                             tol = tol)
        cdist <- do.call(rbind, cdist)

      ## getting mean of closer distances
      return(apply(cdist, 1, function(y) {mean(sort(y)[1:per_out])}))



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mop documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:28 a.m.