
Defines functions mt_derivatives

Documented in mt_derivatives

#' Calculate distance, velocity, and acceleration.
#' Calculate distance traveled, velocity, and acceleration for each logged 
#' position. Distance is calculated as the Euclidean distance between successive
#' coordinates, and velocity as distance covered per time interval. The 
#' acceleration denotes the difference in absolute velocity, again normalized
#' per time.
#' Distances, velocities and acceleration are computed as follows:
#' The first entry in each respective vector is always zero. Each subsequent
#' entry thus represents the Euclidean distance traveled since the previous
#' recorded set of coordinates and the velocity with which the movement between
#' both samples took place. Thus, both distance and velocity represent the
#' intervening period between the previous sample and the one with which the
#' numeric value is saved.
#' The acceleration, by contrast, denotes the change in absolute velocity
#' between two adjacent periods. Because of this, it is shifted forward to best
#' match the actual time point at which the acceleration was measured. Because
#' there will always be one less value computed for acceleration than for
#' velocity, the final value in the acceleration vector has been padded with an
#' NA.
#' If the distance is calculated across both horizontal and vertical (x and y) 
#' dimensions, distance and velocity is always positive (or 0). If only one 
#' dimension is used, by default (\code{absolute=FALSE}), increases in x (or y)
#' values result in positive distances and velocity values, decreases in
#' negative distances and velocity values. If \code{absolute=TRUE}, absolute
#' values for distance and velocity are reported.
#' @inheritParams mt_time_normalize
#' @param dimensions a character vector specifying across which dimension(s)
#'   distances, velocity, and acceleration are calculated. By default
#'   (\code{c("xpos","ypos")}), they are calculated across both x and y
#'   dimensions. Alternatively, only one dimension can be specified, e.g.,
#'   \code{"xpos"} or \code{"ypos"}.
#' @param timestamps a character string specifying the trajectory dimension
#'   containing the timestamps.
#' @param prefix an optional character string that is added as a prefix to the
#'   to be created new trajectory dimensions.
#' @param absolute logical indicating if absolute values for distances and
#'   velocities should be reported. Only relevant if a single dimension is
#'   specified in \code{dimensions} (see Details).
#' @param return_delta_time logical indicating if the timestamp differences 
#'   should be returned as well (as "delta_time").
#' @return A mousetrap data object (see \link{mt_example}) with Euclidian 
#'   distance, velocity, and acceleration added as additional variables to the 
#'   trajectory array (called \code{dist}, \code{vel}, and  \code{acc}, if no 
#'   prefix was specified). If the trajectory array was provided directly as 
#'   \code{data}, only the trajectory array will be returned.
#' @seealso \link{mt_average} for averaging trajectories across constant time
#'   intervals.
#'   \link{mt_measures} for calculating per-trial mouse-tracking
#'   measures.
#' @examples
#' # Calculate derivatives looking at movement
#' # across both dimensions
#' mt_example <- mt_derivatives(mt_example)
#' # Calculate derivatives only looking at movement along x dimension
#' # reporting absolute values for distance and velocity
#' mt_example <- mt_derivatives(mt_example,
#'   dimensions="xpos", absolute=TRUE)
#' @author
#' Pascal J. Kieslich
#' Felix Henninger
#' @export
mt_derivatives <- function(
  use="trajectories", save_as=use,
  dimensions=c("xpos","ypos"), timestamps="timestamps",
  absolute = FALSE,
  verbose=FALSE) {
  # Extract trajectories and create labels
  trajectories <- extract_data(data=data, use=use)
  dist <- paste0(prefix, "dist")
  vel  <- paste0(prefix, "vel")
  acc  <- paste0(prefix, "acc")
  delta_time <-  paste0(prefix, "delta_time")

  # Create new array with added columns for the new variables
  derivatives <- mt_add_variables(trajectories,
  if (return_delta_time){
    derivatives <- mt_add_variables(derivatives,

  # Calculate derivatives
  for (i in 1:nrow(trajectories)) {

    # Compute deltas for timestamps
    delta_timestamps <- diff(derivatives[i,,timestamps])

    # Compute distance depending on the number of dimensions

    # For one dimension, simply compute the distance
    if (length(dimensions) == 1) {
      distances <- diff(derivatives[i,,dimensions])

    # For more than one dimension, compute Eucledian distance between measurements
    } else {
      distances <- sqrt(rowSums(diff(derivatives[i,,dimensions])^2))
    # If specified, use absolute distances
    if (absolute){
      distances <- abs(distances)

    # Compute velocity based on distance and time deltas
    velocities <- distances / delta_timestamps

    # Compute acceleration based on the differences of absolute velocities
    accelerations <- diff(abs(velocities)) / delta_timestamps[-length(delta_timestamps)]
    # Pad the accelerations so that they can be concatenated to the remaining data
    accelerations <- c(accelerations, NA)

    # Add derivatives to array (adding a ceiling so they have the same length)
    derivatives[i,,dist] <- c(0, distances)
    derivatives[i,,vel] <- c(0, velocities)
    derivatives[i,,acc] <- c(0, accelerations)
    if (return_delta_time){
      derivatives[i,,delta_time] <- c(0, delta_timestamps)

    if (verbose) {
      if (i %% 100 == 0) message(paste(i, "trials finished"))

  if (verbose) {
    message(paste("all", i, "trials finished"))

    data=data, results=derivatives,
    use=use, save_as=save_as

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mousetrap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.