
Defines functions create.ddfobj

Documented in create.ddfobj

#' Create detection function object
#' Creates and populates a specific list structure to define a detection
#' function object and its data. The \code{ddfobj} is used throughout the
#' package as a calling argument to various functions.
#' @param model model list with key function and possibly adjustment functions,
#'   scale formula, and shape formula
#' @param xmat model data frame
#' @param meta.data list of options describing data like width, etc
#' @param initial named list of initial values for parameters of the detection
#' function (should have at least \code{"scale"}, maybe also have
#' \code{"shape"} and \code{"adjustments"})
#' @return Distance sampling function object list with elements that all can be
#'   null except type: \item{type}{type of detection function
#'   hn, hr, gamma, unif, logistic} \item{xmat}{model data frame}
#'   \item{intercept.only}{TRUE if scale = ~1 and any shape formula =~1}
#'   \item{scale}{sublist with elements (can be NULL i.e., unif key):formula,
#'   parameters, design matrix (dm)} \item{shape}{sublist with elements (power
#'   of hazard rate or gamma) (can be NULL i.e., unif or hn key):formula,
#'   parameters, design matrix (dm)} \item{adjustment}{sublist with elements
#'   (is NULL if no adjustments used):series,order,scale,parameters}
#'   \item{g0}{sublist with elements (not used at present):formula,parameters,
#'   design matrix(dm), link}
#' @note Internal function not meant to be called by user
#' @author Jeff Laake
#' @seealso \code{\link{detfct}}, \code{\link{ddf}}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
create.ddfobj <- function(model, xmat, meta.data, initial){

  # Create empty object and get values from cds or mcds function
  ddfobj <- vector("list")
  point <- meta.data$point
  modpaste <- paste(model)
  modelvalues <- eval(parse(text=modpaste[2:length(modpaste)]))

  # Specify key function type
  ddfobj$type <- modelvalues$key

  if(ddfobj$type == "logistic"){
    stop("Logistic detection function has been temporarily disabled")

  if(!ddfobj$type %in% c("gamma", "hn", "hr", "unif", "th1", "th2", "tpn")){
    stop("Invalid value for detection key function =", ddfobj$type,
         "  Only hn, hr, gamma, unif, th1, th2, tpn allowed")

  # Set adjustment function options

      stop("You must specify adjustment order(s) via adj.order")

    if(is.null(modelvalues$adj.exp)) modelvalues$adj.exp <- FALSE

    ddfobj$adjustment <- list(series = modelvalues$adj.series,
                              order  = modelvalues$adj.order,
                              scale  = modelvalues$adj.scale,
                              exp    = modelvalues$adj.exp)
    ddfobj$adjustment <- NULL

  # Assign scale and shape (if any) formulae
  if(ddfobj$type != "unif"){
      ddfobj$scale <- list(formula="~1")
      ddfobj$scale <- list(formula=paste(as.character(modelvalues$formula),
      # if we have two-part normal, create the dummy variable for the side
      # of the apex
      if(ddfobj$type == "tpn"){
        if(!grepl("\\.dummy_apex_side", ddfobj$scale[[1]])){
          ddfobj$scale[[1]] <- paste0(ddfobj$scale[[1]], "+ .dummy_apex_side")
        hh <- hist(xmat$distance, plot=FALSE)
        #xmat$.dummy_apex_side <- factor(xmat$distance <
        #                                  hh$mids[which.max(hh$count)],
        #                                levels=c(FALSE, TRUE))
        xmat$.dummy_apex_side <- as.numeric(!(xmat$distance <

    ddfobj$shape <- list(formula=paste(as.character(modelvalues$shape.formula),
  }else if(ddfobj$type %in% c("hr", "gamma", "th1", "th2", "tpn")){
    ddfobj$shape <- list(formula=~1)
    ddfobj$shape <- NULL

  # Create model data frame and design matrices
  ddfobj$xmat <- create.model.frame(xmat, as.formula(ddfobj$scale$formula),
                                    meta.data, as.formula(ddfobj$shape$formula))

  if(ddfobj$type != "unif"){
    ddfobj$scale$dm <- setcov(ddfobj$xmat, ddfobj$scale$formula)
    ddfobj$scale$parameters <- rep(0, ncol(ddfobj$scale$dm))
    # Next determine if scale covariate model is intercept only.
    ddfobj$intercept.only <- FALSE
    if(ddfobj$scale$formula == "~1" &
        (is.null(ddfobj$shape) || ddfobj$shape$formula== "~1")){
      ddfobj$intercept.only <- TRUE
    ddfobj$intercept.only <- TRUE

    ddfobj$shape$dm <- setcov(ddfobj$xmat, ddfobj$shape$formula)
    ddfobj$shape$parameters <- rep(0, ncol(ddfobj$shape$dm))

  # Compute initialvalues unless uniform
  initialvalues <- setinitial.ds(ddfobj, width=meta.data$width, initial, point,

  # Delete columns of dm that end up as NA from initialvalues
        warning("Model is not full rank - not all parameters are estimable.")
    ddfobj$scale$parameters <- initialvalues$scale[!is.na(initialvalues$scale)]

    ddfobj$shape$parameters <- initialvalues$shape

    ddfobj$adjustment$parameters <- initialvalues$adjustment

  # If the model includes both covariates (in scale/shape) and adjustments
  if(!is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) & ddfobj$type!="unif"){
    if(ddfobj$scale$formula != ~1){
      # commented-out line below prevents models with adjustments and
      # covariates being fitted
      #stop("\nAdjustment functions cannot be used with scale covariates")
      # shape covariates
        if(ddfobj$shape$formula != ~1){
          stop("\nAdjustment functions cannot be used with shape covariates")

  ## check that we didn't specify a model that doesn't make sense

  # can't constrain monotonicity with covariates
  # don't use monotonicity unless we have adjustment terms
    if(ddfobj$type != "unif"){
      if(ddfobj$scale$formula != "~1"){
        stop("Covariate models cannot be constrained for monotonicity.")

      message("Key only model: not constraining for monotonicity.")
      meta.data$mono <- FALSE


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mrds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.