
Defines functions detfct.fit.opt

Documented in detfct.fit.opt

#' Fit detection function using key-adjustment functions
#' Fit detection function to observed distances using the key-adjustment
#' function approach. If adjustment functions are included it will alternate
#' between fitting parameters of key and adjustment functions and then all
#' parameters much like the approach in the CDS and MCDS Distance FORTRAN code.
#' This function is called by the driver function \code{detfct.fit}, then
#' calls \code{\link{optimx}} function.
#' @import optimx Rsolnp
#' @aliases detfct.fit.opt
#' @param ddfobj detection function object
#' @param optim.options control options for optim
#' @param bounds bounds for the parameters
#' @param misc.options miscellaneous options
#' @param fitting character string with values "all","key","adjust" to
#'   determine which parameters are allowed to vary in the fitting
#' @return fitted detection function model object with the following list
#'   structure \item{par}{final parameter vector} \item{value}{final negative
#'   log likelihood value} \item{counts}{number of function evaluations}
#'   \item{convergence}{see codes in optim} \item{message}{string about
#'   convergence} \item{hessian}{hessian evaluated at final parameter values}
#'   \item{aux}{ a list with 20 elements \itemize{ \item maxit: maximum number
#'   of iterations allowed for optimization \item lower: lower bound values for
#'   parameters \item upper: upper bound values for parameters \item setlower:
#'   TRUE if they are user set bounds \item setupper: TRUE if they are user set
#'   bounds \item point: TRUE if point counts and FALSE if line transect \item
#'   int.range: integration range values \item showit: integer value that
#'   determines information printed during iteration \item integral.numeric
#'   if TRUE compute logistic integrals numerically \item
#'   breaks: breaks in distance for defined fixed bins for analysis \item
#'   maxiter: maximum iterations used \item refit: if TRUE, detection function
#'   will be fitted more than once if parameters are at a boundary or when
#'   convergence is not achieved \item nrefits: number of refittings
#'   \item mono: if TRUE, monotonicity will be enforced \item
#'   mono.strict: if TRUE, then strict monotonicity is enforced; otherwise weak
#'   \item width: radius of point count or half-width of strip \item
#'   standardize: if TRUE, detection function is scaled so g(0)=1 \item ddfobj:
#'   distance detection function object; see \code{\link{create.ddfobj}} \item
#'   bounded: TRUE if estimated parameters are at the bounds \item model:
#'   list of formulas for detection function model (probably can remove this)
#'   }}
#' @author Dave Miller; Jeff Laake; Lorenzo Milazzo
#' @importFrom stats runif optim
detfct.fit.opt <- function(ddfobj, optim.options, bounds, misc.options,

  # grab the initial values
  initialvalues <- getpar(ddfobj)
  initialvalues.set <- initialvalues # store for later

  bounded <- FALSE
  refit.count <- 0
  # Set some shortcuts
  lowerbounds <- bounds$lower
  upperbounds <- bounds$upper
  showit <- misc.options$showit
  refit <- misc.options$refit
  nrefits <- misc.options$nrefits

  # jll 18-sept-2006; added this code to get the logicals that indicate whether
  # lower/upper bound settings were specified by the user
  setlower <- bounds$setlower
  setupper <- bounds$setupper

  # grab the method(s) if we're using optimx()
    opt.method <- optim.options$optimx.method
    optim.options$optimx.method <- NULL
    optim.options$follow.on <- TRUE
    opt.method <- "solnp"

  # if monotonicity has been requested but we are using key only then just
  # use optimx
  if(misc.options$mono & is.null(ddfobj$adjustment)){
    misc.options$mono <- FALSE
    # set back to default optimiser
    opt.method <- optim.options$optimx.method

  # if nofit=TRUE, we just want to set the parameters, calculate the
  # likelihood and exit
    if(!is.null(initialvalues) && any(is.na(initialvalues))){
      stop("No fitting, but initial values not specified!\n")

    lt <- list()
    lt$par <- initialvalues
    lt$value <- flnl(initialvalues, ddfobj, misc.options)
    lt$hessian <- NULL
    lt$model <- list(scalemodel=misc.options$scalemodel)
    lt$converge <- 0
    lt$message <- "MAYBE CONVERGENCE?"

    lt$aux <- c(optim.options, bounds, misc.options)
    ddfobj <- assign.par(ddfobj, lt$par)
    lt$aux$ddfobj <- ddfobj

    lt$optim.history <- rbind(misc.options$optim.history,
                              c(lt$conv, -lt$value, lt$par))

    lt$conv <- NULL

  # save last value of the lnl -- starting value
  lnl.last <- Inf

  # recover the optimisation history
  optim.history <- misc.options$optim.history

  # save the list of optimisation methods
  opt.method.save <- opt.method

  # Continue fitting until convergence occurs while parameters are within
  # their bounds
  itconverged <- FALSE
    # Call optimization routine to find constrained mles; upon
    # completion add the user specified models and return the list.

    ### Monotonically constrained optimisation

      # fail if int.range is a matrix
      if(is.matrix(misc.options$int.range) && nrow(misc.options$int.range)>1){
        stop("Montonicity constraints not available with multiple integration ranges")

      # lower and upper bounds of the inequality constraints
      lowerbounds.ic <- rep(0, 2*misc.options$mono.points)
      upperbounds.ic <- rep(10^10, 2*misc.options$mono.points)

      # small initialvalues lead to errors in solnp, so work around that
      initialvalues[initialvalues<1e-2] <- sign(initialvalues[initialvalues<1e-2]) * 1e-2
        lt <- suppressWarnings(
                try(solnp(pars=initialvalues, fun=flnl, eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                          ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                          LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                          ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,
        lt <- try(solnp(pars=initialvalues, fun=flnl, eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                        ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                        LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                        ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,

      # only do something more complicated if we didn't converge above!
      if(inherits(lt, "try-error") || lt$convergence!=0){
        # we can use the gosolnp() function to explore the parameter space
        # randomly...
            # gosolnp doesn't work when there is only 1 parameter
            # since there is a bug that leaves the optimisation with a vector
            # when it is expecting a matrix. To avoid this bug, don't do the
            # multiple start points in that case (should only be unif+cos(1))

              lt2 <- suppressWarnings(
                     try(gosolnp(pars=initialvalues, fun=flnl,
                                 eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                                 ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                                 LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                                 ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,
                                 distr = rep(1, length(lowerbounds)),
                                 n.restarts = 2, n.sim = 200,
              lt2 <- try(gosolnp(pars=initialvalues, fun=flnl,
                                 eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                                 ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                                 LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                                 ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,
                                 distr = rep(1, length(lowerbounds)),
                                 n.restarts = 2, n.sim = 200,

            # was this better than the first time
            if(!inherits(lt2, "try-error")){
              if(inherits(lt, "try-error") ||
                 (!is.na(lt2$values[length(lt2$values)]) &&
                 (lt2$values[length(lt2$values)] <
                lt <- lt2
            } # end "was it better" check
          } # end par length check
          # otherwise we do non-random par space exploration using a grid

          # n.sim=200 for gosolnp, so we want a comparable systematic grid
          # so we want n.notsim=200= (seq len)^(par dimensions)
          # => ~~ 200^(1/(par dimensions))
          # but still need some resolution on the grid, so make the min
          # sequence be length 4??
          n.notsim <- max(c(4, ceiling(200^(1/length(lowerbounds)))))
          # create a sequence in each parameters direction
          par_grid <- apply(cbind(lowerbounds, upperbounds), 1,
                            \(x) seq(x[1], x[2], length.out=n.notsim))
          # trim the extremes
          par_grid <- par_grid[-c(1, nrow(par_grid)), , drop=FALSE]
          # then expand out the options
          par_grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(as.data.frame(par_grid)))
          # add in the initialvalues pars too
          par_grid <- rbind(par_grid, initialvalues)

          # small initialvalues lead to errors in solnp, so work around that
          par_grid[abs(par_grid)<1e-2] <- sign(par_grid[abs(par_grid)<1e-2])*1e-2

          flnl_wrap <- function(...){
            e <- try(flnl(...), silent=TRUE)
            if(inherits(e, "try-error")){
          grid_lnls <- apply(par_grid, 1, flnl_wrap,
                             ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options)
          igrid <- which.min(grid_lnls)

          # now run at best value
            lt <- suppressWarnings(
                    try(solnp(pars=par_grid[igrid, ], fun=flnl,
                              eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                              ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                              LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                              ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,
            lt <- try(solnp(pars=par_grid[igrid, ], fun=flnl,
                            eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL,
                            ineqLB=lowerbounds.ic, ineqUB=upperbounds.ic,
                            LB=lowerbounds, UB=upperbounds,
                            ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options,
          } # end showit status
        } # end random vs. non-random par space exploration
      } # end if solnp didn't converge the first time

      # if that failed then make a dummy object
      if(inherits(lt, "try-error")){
        lt <- list()
        lt$conv <- 9
        lt$value <- lnl.last
        lt$par <- initialvalues

        if(showit >= 2){
          cat("DEBUG: Optimisation failed, ignoring and carrying on...\n")
        lt$conv <- lt$convergence
        lt$par <- lt$pars
        lt$value <- lt$values[length(lt$values)]
        lt$message <- ""
    ## end monotonically constrained estimation
    ## unconstrained optimisation

      # get the list of optimisation methods
      opt.method <- opt.method.save

      # SANN is not an optimx method, so do that first using optim
      if(any(opt.method == "SANN")){
        lt <- try(optim(initialvalues, flnl, method="SANN",
                        hessian=TRUE, lower=lowerbounds,
                        upper=upperbounds, ddfobj=ddfobj, fitting=fitting,
                        misc.options=misc.options), silent=TRUE)
        opt.method <- opt.method[opt.method != "SANN"]
        if(!inherits(lt, "try-error")){
          initialvalues <- lt$par

      # if one of the methods was nlminb and we need to rescale (see above)
      # then we need to call nlminb separately to ensure that the scaling is
      # passed (optimx will phase out scaling according to JC Nash, email
      # to DLM, 4 Dec 2014)
      # this code taken from Distance2

      # only do this if we have covariates
      # AND we are fitting all of the parameters
      # AND parscale is TRUE
      # AND using nlminb
      # rescaling only happens if the scaling factor is above some threshold
      # see ?rescale_pars
      if(!is.null(ddfobj$scale$formula) && (ddfobj$scale$formula != ~1) &&
         !is.null(optim.options$parscale) &&
         all(optim.options$parscale) &&
          (opt.method=="nlminb") && (fitting=="all")){

        # get the rescaling
          optim.options$parscale <- rescale_pars(initialvalues, ddfobj)

        # run the optimiser
        lt <- try(nlminb_wrapper(par=initialvalues, ll=flnl,
                                 mcontrol=optim.options, ddfobj=ddfobj,
        # remove nlminb from the list
        opt.method <- opt.method[opt.method != "nlminb"]

        # get new initialvalues
        if(inherits(lt, "try-error") || any(is.na(lt[,1:attr(lt,"npar")]))){
          if(showit >= 2){
            cat("DEBUG: Optimisation failed, ignoring and carrying on...\n")
        # put the results in a nice format
        lt <- parse.optimx(lt, lnl.last, initialvalues)
        initialvalues <- lt$par
        # reset parscale to be logical, it will be recalculated each time
        optim.options$parscale <- TRUE
      } # end rescaled nlminb

      ## use optimx if there are methods left

        # remove scaling, as otherwise there's weird conflicts
        optim.options$parscale <- NULL
        # remove this again, because of conflicts
        optim.options$optimx.method <- NULL

        # if we're only fitting one part of the model, we need to do the
        # optimisation over that bit only (with only the relevant parameters
        # and corresponding bounds)
        if(fitting == "key"){
          savedvalues <- initialvalues
          parind <- getpar(ddfobj, index=TRUE)
          initialvalues <- initialvalues[1:parind[2]]
          ub <- upperbounds[1:parind[2]]
          lb <- lowerbounds[1:parind[2]]
        }else if(fitting=="adjust"){
          savedvalues <- initialvalues
          parind <- getpar(ddfobj, index=TRUE)
          initialvalues <- initialvalues[(parind[2]+1):parind[3]]
          ub <- upperbounds[(parind[2]+1):parind[3]]
          lb <- lowerbounds[(parind[2]+1):parind[3]]
          savedvalues <- initialvalues
          ub <- upperbounds
          lb <- lowerbounds

        # now run the optimizer
        lt <- try(optimx(initialvalues, flnl, method=opt.method,
                         control=optim.options, hessian=TRUE,
                         lower=lb, upper=ub,
                         ddfobj=ddfobj, fitting=fitting,
                         misc.options=misc.options), silent=TRUE)

        if(inherits(lt, "try-error") || any(is.na(lt[, 1:attr(lt,"npar")]))){
          if(showit >= 2){
            cat("DEBUG: Optimisation failed, ignoring and carrying on...\n")

        # put the results in a nice format
        lt <- parse.optimx(lt, lnl.last, initialvalues)

        # ensure that ddfobj has the full parameter set by putting the
        # saved values back in place
        if(fitting == "key"){
          if(parind[1] == 0){
            # half-normal
            ddfobj$scale$parameters <- lt$par
            # hazard-rate
            ddfobj$shape$parameters <- lt$par[1]
            ddfobj$scale$parameters <- lt$par[2:parind[2]]
          if(parind[3] != 0){
            lt$par <- c(lt$par, savedvalues[(parind[2]+1):parind[3]])
        }else if(fitting == "adjust"){
          ddfobj$adjustment$parameters <- lt$par
          lt$par <- c(savedvalues[1:parind[2]], lt$par)

        initialvalues <- lt$par
      } # end optimx
    } # end unconstrained optimisation

    # now we're done with optimization, what happened?

    # Print debug information
      cat("DEBUG: Converge   =", lt$conv, "(", fitting, ")\n",
          "      nll        =", lt$value,"\n",
          "      parameters =", paste(round(lt$par, 7), collapse=", "), "\n")

      lt$value <- NA
      lt$conv <- 2
    optim.history <- rbind(optim.history, c(lt$conv, -lt$value, lt$par))

    # check whether parameters hit their bounds
    bounded <- check.bounds(lt, lowerbounds, upperbounds, ddfobj,
                            showit, setlower, setupper)

    # did the optimisation converge? (code 0 is GOOD)
    if(!bounded & (lt$conv==0 | !refit)){
      itconverged <- TRUE
    # If we don't have convergence what do we do

      # first check to see if any parameters were NA and if we're in debug mode
      # return that bad object for diagnosis
      if(any(is.na(lt$par)) & misc.options$debug){
        # if there was no convergence then just return the
        # lt object for debugging
        warning("Problems with fitting model. Did not converge")
        lt$optim.history <- optim.history

      # increment the refit counter and check we've not run out of refits
      refit.count <- refit.count + 1
      if(refit.count < nrefits){
        if(showit >= 1){
          cat("DEBUG: No convergence. Refitting ...\n")

        # move starting values around if they were not close to the boundary
        # (if they were at the upper/lower bounds then we should make the
        # bounds wider rather than mess with the initial values, see below)
        if(!bounded & fitting=="all"){
          initialvalues <- lt$par*runif(length(initialvalues),
          #initialvalues <- runif(length(initialvalues),
          #                              lowerbounds,
          #                              upperbounds)
        lnl.last <- lt$value

        # if had NAs in lt$par, replace them with the values we started with
        initialvalues[is.na(initialvalues)] <-
        # if we ran out of refits we need to get out of here
        lt$message <- "FALSE CONVERGENCE"
        lt$conv <- 1
    } # end convergence check

    # for parameters that were at their bounds, we widen those bounds
      bound.low <- abs(lt$par-lowerbounds)<1e-6
      bound.hi <- abs(lt$par-upperbounds)<1e-6
      bound.scale <- 0.5
      if(!setlower) {
        lowerbounds[bound.low] <- lowerbounds[bound.low] -
        lowerbounds[bound.low & lowerbounds>0 & lowerbounds < 0.5] <- -0.5
        upperbounds[bound.hi] <- upperbounds[bound.hi] +
        upperbounds[bound.hi & upperbounds<0 & upperbounds > -0.5] <- 0.5

        cat("DEBUG: Refitting ...\n")
    } # end of bounds checking
  } # end of while(!bounded & !itconverged)

  # build the lt object to return
  lt$aux <- c(optim.options, bounds, misc.options)
  ddfobj <- assign.par(ddfobj, lt$par)
  lt$aux$ddfobj <- ddfobj
  lt$model <- list(scalemodel=misc.options$scalemodel)
  lt$converge <- lt$conv
  lt$conv <- NULL

  # save bounded status
  lt$bounded <- bounded
  # save the bounds
  bounds$lower <- lowerbounds
  bounds$upper <- upperbounds
  lt$bounds <- bounds

  # save optimisation history
  lt$optim.history <- optim.history


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