mrgsim_variants: mrgsim variant functions

mrgsim_variantsR Documentation

mrgsim variant functions


These functions are called by mrgsim() and have explicit input requirements written into the function name. The motivation behind these variants is to give the user a clear workflow with specific, required inputs as indicated by the function name. Use mrgsim_q() instead to benchmark mrgsolve or to do repeated quick simulation for tasks like parameter optimization, sensitivity analyses, or optimal design.


mrgsim_e(x, events, idata = NULL, data = NULL, ...)

mrgsim_d(x, data, idata = NULL, events = NULL, ...)

mrgsim_ei(x, events, idata, data = NULL, ...)

mrgsim_di(x, data, idata, events = NULL, ...)

mrgsim_i(x, idata, data = NULL, events = NULL, ...)

mrgsim_0(x, idata = NULL, data = NULL, events = NULL, ...)



the model object.


an event object.


a matrix or data frame of model parameters, one parameter per row (see idata_set()).


NMTRAN-like data set (see data_set()).


passed to update() and do_mrgsim().


Important: all of these functions require that data, idata, and/or events be pass directly to the functions. They will not recognize these inputs from a pipeline.

  • mrgsim_e simulate using an event object

  • mrgsim_ei simulate using an event object and idata_set

  • mrgsim_d simulate using a data_set

  • mrgsim_di simulate using a data_set and idata_set

  • mrgsim_i simulate using a idata_set

  • mrgsim_0 simulate using just the model

  • mrgsim_q simulate from a data set with quicker turnaround (see mrgsim_q())

See Also

mrgsim(), mrgsim_q(), qsim()

mrgsolve documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 5:12 p.m.