
Defines functions format_vector summary.mudata print.mudata guess_x_columns .addlocation .adddataset .movetofront .checkcols .checktypes .isempty .distinct_vector .checkunique as_mudata.list as_mudata.tbl as_mudata.data.frame as_mudata.mudata as.mudata as_mudata is.mudata is_mudata validate_mudata new_mudata mudata

Documented in as_mudata as.mudata as_mudata.data.frame as_mudata.list as_mudata.mudata as_mudata.tbl is_mudata is.mudata mudata new_mudata print.mudata summary.mudata validate_mudata

#' Create a mudata object
#' Create a mudata object, which is a collection of five tables: data,
#' locations, params, datasets, and columns. You are only required to provide
#' the data table, which must contain columns "param" and "value", but will more
#' typically contain columns "location", "param", "datetime" (or "date"), and
#' "value". See [ns_climate], [kentvillegreenwood], [alta_lake],
#' [long_lake], and [second_lake_temp] for examples of data in this
#' format.
#' @param data A data.frame/[tibble][tibble::tibble] containing columns "param" and
#'   "value" (at least), but more typically columns "location", "param",
#'   "datetime" (or "date", depending on the type of data), and "value".
#' @param locations The locations table, which is a data frame containing the
#'   columns (at least) "dataset", and "location". If omitted, it will be
#'   created automatically using all unique dataset/location combinations.
#' @param params The params table, which is a data frame containing the columns
#'   (at least) "dataset", and "param". If omitted, it will be created
#'   automatically using all unique dataset/param combinations.
#' @param datasets The datasets table, which is a data frame containing the
#'   column (at least) "dataset". If omitted, it will be generated automatically
#'   using all unique datasets.
#' @param columns The columns table, which is a data frame containing the
#'   columns (at least) "dataset", "table", and "column". If omitted, it will be
#'   created automatically using all dataset/table/column combinations.
#' @param x_columns A vector of column names from the data table that in
#'   combination with "dataset", "location", and "param" identify unique rows.
#'   These will typically be guessed using the column names between "param" and
#'   "value".
#' @param ...,more_tbls More tbls (as named arguments) to be included in the
#'   mudata object
#' @param dataset_id The dataset to use if a "dataset" column is omitted.
#' @param location_id The location if a "location" column is omitted.
#' @param validate Pass `FALSE` to skip validation of input tables using
#'   [validate_mudata].
#' @return An object of class "mudata", which is a [list] with components
#'   data, locations, params, datasets, columns, and any other tables provided
#'   in `more_tbls`. All list components must be tbls.
#' @export
#' @references Dunnington DW and Spooner IS (2018). "Using a linked table-based
#' structure to encode self-describing multiparameter spatiotemporal data".
#' FACETS. doi:10.1139/facets-2017-0026
#' @examples
#' # use the data table from kentvillegreenwood as a template
#' kg_data <- tbl_data(kentvillegreenwood)
#' # create mudata object using just the data table
#' mudata(kg_data)
#' # create a mudata object starting from a parameter-wide data frame
#' library(tidyr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' # gather columns and summarise replicates
#' datatable <- pocmaj %>%
#'   gather(Ca, Ti, V, key = "param", value = "param_value") %>%
#'   group_by(core, param, depth) %>%
#'   summarise(value = mean(param_value), sd = mean(param_value)) %>%
#'   rename(location = core)
#' # create mudata object
#' mudata(datatable)
mudata <- function(data, locations = NULL, params = NULL, datasets = NULL, columns = NULL,
                   x_columns = NULL, ..., more_tbls = NULL,
                   dataset_id = "default", location_id = "default", validate = TRUE) {
  # check validity of extra tbls
  more_tbls <- c(list(...), as.list(more_tbls))
  if (length(more_tbls) > 0 && (is.null(names(more_tbls)) || any(names(more_tbls) == ""))) {
    abort("`more_tbls` must only contain named tbls")
  if (!all(vapply(more_tbls, function(x) dplyr::is.tbl(x) || is.data.frame(x), logical(1)))) {
    abort("`more_tbls` must only contain tbls")

  # check data object
  .checkcols(data, "data", c("param", "value"))
  # check for x_columns if necessary
  if (is.null(x_columns)) {
    x_columns <- guess_x_columns(data)
  } else {
    # x_columns should be able to be character(0), for the case where there is no axis other than
    # dataset, location, and param
    x_columns <- as.character(x_columns)
    .checkcols(data, "data", x_columns)

  data <- data %>%
    # grouped tbls cause problems in other methods
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    # add default location if necessary
    .addlocation(location_id = location_id) %>%
    # add default dataset if necessary
    .adddataset(dataset_id = dataset_id) %>%
    # move dataset, location, param, x to the front
    .movetofront(c("dataset", "location", "param", x_columns, "value"))

  # check datasets object
  if (is.null(datasets)) {
    # create a derived table for datasets
    datasets <- data %>%
      dplyr::select("dataset") %>%
  } else {
    # if there is no dataset column, use mutate to create one
    .checkcols(datasets, "datasets", character(0)) # this just checks type of datasets
    datasets <- .adddataset(datasets, dataset_id = dataset_id)
    # check columns, move datasets to front
    .checkcols(datasets, "datasets", "dataset")
    datasets <- .movetofront(datasets, "dataset")

  # check locations object
  if (is.null(locations)) {
    locations <- data %>%
      dplyr::select("dataset", "location") %>%
  } else {
    # if there is no dataset or location column, use mutate to create one
    .checkcols(locations, "locations", character(0)) # this just checks type of locaitons
    locations <- locations %>%
      .adddataset(dataset_id = dataset_id) %>%
      .addlocation(location_id = location_id)

    # check columns, move dataset and location to the front
    .checkcols(locations, "locations", c("dataset", "location"))
    locations <- .movetofront(locations, c("dataset", "location"))

  # check params object
  if (is.null(params)) {
    params <- data %>%
      dplyr::select("dataset", "param") %>%
  } else {
    # if there is no dataset column, use mutate to create one
    .checkcols(params, "params", "param")
    params <- .adddataset(params, dataset_id = dataset_id)
    # check columns, move dataset and param to the front
    .checkcols(params, "params", c("dataset", "param"))
    params <- .movetofront(params, c("dataset", "param"))

  # check columns object
  if (is.null(columns)) {
    # autogenerate columns table
    columns <- c(
        data = data, locations = locations,
        params = params, datasets = datasets
    ) %>%
      new_mudata(x_columns = x_columns) %>%
      generate_type_tbl(default = "guess")
  } else {
    # if there is no dataset column, use mutate to create one
    .checkcols(columns, "columns", c("table", "column"))
    columns <- .adddataset(columns, dataset_id = dataset_id)
    .checkcols(columns, "columns", c("dataset", "table", "column"))
    columns <- .movetofront(columns, c("dataset", "table", "column"))

  # create a list of tables
  mdlist <- c(
      data = data, locations = locations, params = params,
      datasets = datasets, columns = columns

  # coerce to tbls using dplyr
  mdlist <- lapply(mdlist, tibble::as_tibble)

  # create object using new_mudata
  md <- new_mudata(mdlist, x_columns = x_columns)

  # validate object
  if (identical(validate, TRUE)) {
    validate <- abort
  if (!identical(validate, FALSE)) {
    validate_mudata(md, action = validate)

  # return object

#' Validate, create a mudata object
#' Validates a mudata object by calling [rlang::abort] when an error is found;
#' creates a mudata object from a [list]. Validation is generally performed
#' when objects are created using [mudata], or when objects are read/writen
#' using [read_mudata] and [write_mudata].
#' @param md An object of class 'mudata'
#' @param check_unique Check if columns identify unique values in the appropriate tables
#' @param check_references Check the referential integrity of the mudata object
#' @param x_columns The x_columns attribute (see [mudata]).
#' @param action The function to be called when errors are detected in validate_mudata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' validate_mudata(kentvillegreenwood)
#' new_mudata(kentvillegreenwood, x_columns = "date")
new_mudata <- function(md, x_columns) {
  # check base type of md
  if (!is.list(md)) {
    abort("Base type of md is not a list")

  # check for sql tables in md
  is_sql <- vapply(md, inherits, "tbl_sql", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  if (any(is_sql)) {
    abort("Can't create a mudata object with remote tbls")

  # return classed list
  structure(md, x_columns = x_columns, class = c("mudata", "list"))

#' @rdname new_mudata
#' @export
validate_mudata <- function(md, check_unique = TRUE, check_references = TRUE,
                            action = abort) {
  # check that it is a mudata object
  if (!inherits(md, "mudata")) action("Object is not a 'mudata' object")

  # check base type
  if (!is.list(md)) action("Base type of md is not a list")
  if (is.null(names(md))) action("Base type of md is not a named list")
  if (any(names(md) == "")) action("All members of md must be named")

  # check names
  missing_names <- setdiff(
    c("data", "locations", "params", "datasets", "columns"),

  if (length(missing_names) > 0) {
    missing_names_list <- paste0("'", missing_names, "'", collapse = ", ")
    action(glue::glue("The following tables were missing from md: {missing_names_list}"))

  # check types (all members of md must be tbls)
  wrong_type_names <- !vapply(
    md, function(x) dplyr::is.tbl(x) || is.data.frame(x),
  if (any(wrong_type_names)) {
    wrong_type_list <- paste0("'", names(md)[wrong_type_names], "'", collapse = " ")
    action(glue::glue("The following tables were not a tbl or data.frame: {wrong_type_list}"))

  # check attributes
  x_columns <- attr(md, "x_columns")
  if (is.null(x_columns)) action("md is missing attribute 'x_columns'")
  if (!is.character(x_columns)) action("`attr(md, 'x_columns')` is not a character vector")

  # check columns/classes
  .checkcols(md$locations, "locations", c("dataset", "location"), action = action)
  .checkcols(md$data, "data", c("dataset", "location", "param", x_columns, "value"), action = action)
  .checkcols(md$datasets, "datasets", "dataset", action = action)
  .checkcols(md$columns, "columns", c("dataset", "table", "column"), action = action)
  .checkcols(md$params, "params", c("dataset", "param"), action = action)

  # check column types
  .checktypes(md$locations, "locations", c("dataset", "location"), c("character", "factor"), action = action)
  .checktypes(md$data, "data", c("dataset", "location", "param"), c("character", "factor"), action = action)
  .checktypes(md$datasets, "datasets", "dataset", c("character", "factor"), action = action)
  .checktypes(md$columns, "columns", "dataset", c("character", "factor"), action = action)
  .checktypes(md$columns, "columns", c("table", "column"), "character", action = action)
  .checktypes(md$params, "params", c("dataset", "param"), c("character", "factor"), action = action)

  if (check_unique) {
    # ensure data is summarised
    .checkunique(md$data, "data", "dataset", "location", "param", x_columns, action = action)

  if (check_references) {
    # get unique params, locations, and datasets from the data table
    params <- .distinct_vector(md$data, "param")
    locations <- .distinct_vector(md$data, "location")
    datasets <- .distinct_vector(md$data, "dataset")

    # get unique params, locations, and datasets from the meta tables
    table_locs <- .distinct_vector(md$locations, "location")
    table_params <- .distinct_vector(md$params, "param")
    table_datasets <- .distinct_vector(md$datasets, "dataset")

    # ensure locations in data are in the locations table
    noinflocs <- setdiff(table_locs, locations)
    if (length(noinflocs) > 0) {
      noinflocs_list <- paste0("'", noinflocs, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Locations not included in location table: {noinflocs_list}"))

    noinfparams <- setdiff(table_params, params)
    if (length(noinfparams) > 0) {
      noinfparams_list <- paste0("'", noinfparams, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Params not included in params table: {noinfparams_list}"))

    noinfds <- setdiff(table_datasets, datasets)
    if (length(noinfds) > 0) {
      noinfds_list <- paste0("'", noinfds, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Datasets not included in datasets table: {noinfds_list}"))

    # ensure there are no extraneous information in information tables
    noinflocs <- setdiff(locations, table_locs)
    if (length(noinflocs) > 0) {
      noinflocs_list <- paste0("'", noinflocs, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Locations not included in data table: {noinflocs_list}"))

    noinfparams <- setdiff(params, table_params)
    if (length(noinfparams) > 0) {
      noinfparams_list <- paste0("'", noinfparams, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Params not included in data table: {noinfparams_list}"))

    noinfds <- setdiff(datasets, table_datasets)
    if (length(noinfds) > 0) {
      noinfds_list <- paste0("'", noinfds, "'", collapse = ", ")
      action(glue::glue("Datasets not included in data table: {noinfds_list}"))

  if (check_unique) {
    # ensure no duplicates in locations, datasets, params, columns
    .checkunique(md$locations, "locations", "dataset", "location", action = action)
    .checkunique(md$params, "params", "dataset", "param", action = action)
    .checkunique(md$datasets, "datasets", "dataset", action = action)
    .checkunique(md$columns, "columns", "dataset", "table", "column", action = action)

  # return the object, invisibly

#' Test if an object is a mudata object
#' @param x An object
#' @return TRUE if the object is a mudata object, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_mudata(kentvillegreenwood)
is_mudata <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "mudata")

#' @rdname is_mudata
#' @export
is.mudata <- function(x) {

#' Coerce objects to mudata
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Passed to other methods
#' @return A [mudata] object or an error
#' @export
as_mudata <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as_mudata")

#' @rdname as_mudata
#' @export
as.mudata <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as_mudata")

#' @rdname as_mudata
#' @export
as_mudata.mudata <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_mudata
#' @export
as_mudata.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
  mudata(data = x, ...)

#' @rdname as_mudata
#' @export
as_mudata.tbl <- function(x, ...) {
  mudata(data = x, ...)

#' @rdname as_mudata
#' @export
as_mudata.list <- function(x, ...) {
    data = x$data, locations = x$locations,
    params = x$params, datasets = x$datasets, columns = x$columns,
    x_columns = attr(x, "x_columns"),
    more_tbls = x[setdiff(names(x), c("data", "locations", "params", "datasets", "columns"))],

.checkunique <- function(tbl, context, ..., action = abort) {
  # empty tables can be considered unique
  if (.isempty(tbl)) {

  lengths <- tbl %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(c(...))) %>%
    dplyr::group_by_all() %>%
    dplyr::tally() %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select("n") %>%

  if (!identical(lengths[[1]], 1L)) {
    action(sprintf("Duplicate %s in %s table", context, context))

# gets distinct values of a single column as a vector
.distinct_vector <- function(tbl, col) {
  col <- tbl %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(col)) %>%

# checks for emtpy tbls
.isempty <- function(tbl) {
  nrow(tbl) == 0

.checktypes <- function(df, name, cols, types, action = abort) {
  df_head <- utils::head(df)
  wrong_type_cols <- !vapply(
    function(col_name) any(class(df_head[[col_name]]) %in% types),
  if (any(wrong_type_cols)) {
      "Table '%s' has columns of incorrect type: %s",
      paste0("'", cols[wrong_type_cols], "'", collapse = ", ")

# ensures all columns in required_cols are in df, and that df has colnames to begin with
.checkcols <- function(df, name, required_cols, action = abort) {
  if (!inherits(df, "data.frame") && !inherits(df, "tbl")) {
    action(sprintf("Table '%s' is not a data.frame", name))
  missingcols <- setdiff(required_cols, colnames(df))
  if (length(missingcols) > 0) {
      "Table '%s' is missing columns %s",
      paste0("'", missingcols, "'", collapse = ", ")

# moves required_cols to the front of tbl
.movetofront <- function(tbl, required_cols) {
  dplyr::select(tbl, dplyr::one_of(required_cols), dplyr::everything())

# adds a default dataset to a tbl
.adddataset <- function(tbl, dataset_id) {
  # if there is no dataset column, use mutate to create one
  if (!("dataset" %in% colnames(tbl))) {
    # can't add a dataset to a table with zero rows (ambiguous)
    if (.isempty(tbl)) {
      abort("Can't add a dataset to a table with zero rows!")
    tbl <- dplyr::mutate(tbl, dataset = dataset_id)

# adds a default location to a tbl
.addlocation <- function(tbl, location_id) {
  # if there is no location column, use mutate to create one
  if (!("location" %in% colnames(tbl))) {
    # can't add a location to a table with zero rows (ambiguous)
    if (.isempty(tbl)) {
      abort("Can't add a location to a table with zero rows!") # nocov
    tbl <- dplyr::mutate(tbl, location = location_id)

# guesses the "x" column, or the column along which the data are aligned
guess_x_columns <- function(df, quiet = FALSE) {
  # make sure value is a column
  if (!("value" %in% colnames(df))) {
    abort("Could not guess x columns: no `value` column") # nocov

  # looking for the column name(s) before 'value'
  value <- which(colnames(df) == "value")[1]
  cols <- setdiff(colnames(df)[1:value], c("dataset", "location", "param", "value"))

  if (!quiet) message("Guessing x columns: ", paste(cols, collapse = ", "))

  # return cols

#' Print a mudata object
#' @param x,object A mudata object
#' @param width The number of characters to use as console width
#' @param ... Passed to other methods
#' @return print returns x (invisibly); summary returns a data frame with summary information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print(kentvillegreenwood)
#' summary(kentvillegreenwood)
print.mudata <- function(x, ..., width = NULL) {
  cat(format_vector(prefix = "A mudata object aligned along ", x_columns(x), width = width))
  cat(format_vector(prefix = "  distinct_datasets():  ", distinct_datasets(x), width = width))
  cat(format_vector(prefix = "  distinct_locations(): ", distinct_locations(x), width = width))
  cat(format_vector(prefix = "  distinct_params():    ", distinct_params(x), width = width))
  cat(format_vector(prefix = "  src_tbls():           ", src_tbls(x), width = width))

  cat("\n\ntbl_data() %>% head():\n")

  print(utils::head(tbl_data(x)), width = width)

#' @export
#' @rdname print.mudata
summary.mudata <- function(object, ...) {
  data <- tbl_data(object)
  data_head <- utils::head(data)

  # empty data, empty summary
  if (nrow(data_head) == 0) {
    return(tibble::tibble(param = character(0), location = character(0), dataset = character(0)))

  # numeric, non sql data
  n <- NULL
  value <- NULL
  sd <- NULL
  if (is.numeric(data_head$value) && !inherits(data, "tbl_sql")) {
    df <- data %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(dplyr::vars("param", "location", "dataset")) %>%
        mean_value = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd_value = stats::sd(value, na.rm = TRUE),
        n = n(),
        n_NA = sum(is.na(value))
  } else {
    df <- data %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(dplyr::vars("param", "location", "dataset")) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(n = n())

  df %>% dplyr::ungroup()

format_vector <- function(x, width = NULL, quote = '"', prefix = "") {
  if (is.null(width)) {
    width <- getOption("width")
  # use only non-prefix space
  effective_width <- width - nchar(prefix)

  # if zero length, use <none>
  if (length(x) == 0) {
    return(paste0(prefix, "<none>"))

  # try to fit as many possible values into to one line as possible
  out_len <- length(x)
  while (out_len > 0) {
    out_x <- x[seq_len(out_len)]
    if ((length(x) - length(out_x)) > 0) {
      out_more <- sprintf(" ... and %s more", length(x) - length(out_x))
    } else {
      out_more <- ""
    out_chars <- paste0(quote, out_x, quote, collapse = ", ")
    out_text <- paste0(prefix, out_chars, out_more)
    if (nchar(out_text) <= effective_width) {

    # exponential backoff in case lists are extra long
    if (out_len <= 2) {
      # never print less than 2 values, regardless of width
    } else {
      out_len <- round(out_len * 0.75)

  # no values will fit within width
  # (should never happen)
  return(sprintf("%s... %s values", prefix, length(x))) # nocov

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mudata2 documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:48 a.m.