
#' plot multcomp displays
#' Helper functions for plot.multcompTs and plot.multcompLetters.  These not
#' intended to be called directly and are hidden in a namespace.  You can use
#' 'getAnywhere' to see them.
#' The requested graphic is either plotted by itself or added to an existing
#' plot as specified by the arguments.
#' "plotTs" and "plotBoxes" use traditional R graphics and will not be
#' discussed further here.
#' "plotLetters" uses 'grid' graphics, because it seems to provide more support
#' for controlling the side-by-side placement of "Letters" of possibly
#' different colors and widths.  The "Letters" display will be positioned in
#' the "plot region" defined by fig and mar, assuming the entire device region
#' is 37 lines both wide and tall.  Thus, the plot region is diff(fig[1:2])*37
#' lines wide and diff(fig(1:2])*37 lines high.  If, for example, fig = c(0.9,
#' 1, 0, 1), this makes the plot region 3.7 lines wide.  With the default
#' mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+0.1 lines, the "width" of the plot region is therefore 3.7
#' - (4.1+2.1) = (-2.5) lines.  "plotLetters" initially ignores this
#' contradictory negative width, and centers the plot at the midpoint of h0 =
#' fig[1]+mar[2]/37, h1 = fig[2]-mar[4]/37, v0 = fig[3]+mar[1]/37, and v1 =
#' fig[4]-mar[3]/37.  The "Letters" for the different levels compared are
#' rescaled from at[, "center"] to fit inside At.rng = if(horizontal) c(h0, h1)
#' else c(v0, v1).  With "n" levels compared and at.rng = range(at[,
#' "center"]), at[, "center"] is expanded to (at.rng+/-0.5) and rescaled to
#' match At.rng; if(diff(At.rng)<=0), an error message is issued.
#' Meanwhile, the "Letters" are centered at the midpoint of W.rng =
#' if(horizontal) c(v0, v1) else v(h0, h1) [the opposite of At.rng]; the
#' argument "width" used by plotTs and plotBoxes is not used (and not even
#' accepted) by plotLetters.  If(label.levels), these are positioned in the
#' midpoint of the right margin in the "W" direction.
#' @aliases plotTs 
#' @param obj a matrix describing which levels (rows) will be plotted with
#' which groups (columns).  For plotTs and plotBoxes, obj is a matrix of
#' numbers from (-1, 0, 1).  For plotLetters, obj is a logical matrix = TRUE if
#' that "letter" (group or column of obj) is to be plotted with that level (row
#' of obj).
#' @param at an array with one row for each level and 3 columns giving low,
#' middle and high levels for the display for that level.
#' @param width an array with one row for each group of levels in the display
#' and 3 columns giving low, middle and high levels for the display for that
#' group.
#' @param horizontal A logical scalar indicating whether the list of items
#' compared reads left to right (horizontal = TRUE) or top to bottom
#' (horizontal = FALSE).  If this multcomp graphic accompanies boxplots for
#' different levels or groups compared, the 'boxplot' argument 'horizontal' is
#' the negation of the multcomp plot 'horizontal' argument.
#' @param col The color for each group of items or factor levels.  The colors
#' will cross the different items or factor levels and will therefore have the
#' orientation specified via 'horizontal'.  If the number of columns exceeds
#' length(col), col is recycled.  For alternative choices for col, see "Color
#' Specification" in the \code{\link{par}} help page.
#' @param add TRUE to add to an existing plot; FALSE to start a new plot.  The
#' names of the factor levels or items compared will be plotted only if
#' add=FALSE.
#' @param lwd line width for the display outline.
#' @param label.levels Distance from the plot region to print the names of the
#' levels as a proportion of the plot range; NA for no level labels.
#' @param label.groups Distance from the plot region to print the names of the
#' groups as a proportion of the plot range; NA for no level labels.
#' @param T.base A numeric scalar giving the proportion of the available space
#' devoted to the base of the Ts.
#' @param orientation If 'reversed', the base(s) of each "T" or triangle
#' indicating the master level(s) of that "undifferentiated class" will point
#' right or up (depending on horizontal) rather than down or left.
#' @param ...  graphical parameters can be given as described on the
#' \code{\link{plot}} help page or the \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} help page.
#' @return "Done"
#' @author Spencer Graves
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.multcompTs}} \code{\link{plot.multcompLetters}}
#' \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}
#' @keywords aplot internal
#' @importFrom graphics par text lines polygon rect
#' @examples
#' # Designed to be called from plot.multcompTs
#' # or plot.multcompLetters, NOT directly by users.  
#' @export
"plotTs" <-
function(obj, at, width,
      horizontal, col, add, lwd, label.levels,
      label.groups, T.base, orientation="",
  if(orientation=="reverse") width[,] <- width[, 3:1]
  lvl.rng <- range(at)
  gp.rng <- range(width)
  n <- dim(obj)[1]
  k <- dim(obj)[2]
# compute the base of the Ts
  Tb <- T.base[1]
  a.b <- at[, "bottom"]
  a.c <- at[, "center"]
  a.t <- at[, "top"]
  at.5 <- cbind(a.c-Tb*(a.c-a.b),
      plot(lvl.rng, gp.rng, type="n", xlab="",
          ylab="", bty="n", axes=FALSE, ...)
      for(i in 1:k){
        for(j in 1:n){
#         Top of the "T"
          rect(at[j, "bottom"], width[i, "center"],
               at[j, "top"], width[i, "top"],
               density=(-1), col=col[i], lty="blank")
            rect(at.5[j, 1], width[i, "bottom"],
                 at.5[j, 2], width[i, "top"],
                 density=(-1), col=col[i], lty="blank")
#           Leg(s) of the "T"
#       Bridge across the top in case of gaps
        lines(range(at[obj[, i]>(-1), ]),
              rep(width[i, "top"],2),
              col=col[i], lwd=lwd)
#     Labels?
        text(at[, "center"],
             width[, "center"],
      plot(gp.rng, lvl.rng, type="n", xlab="",
          ylab="", bty="n", axes=FALSE, ...)
      for(i in 1:k){
        for(j in 1:n){
#         Top of the "T"
          rect(width[i, "center"], at[j, "bottom"],
               width[i, "top"], at[j, "top"],
               density=(-1), col=col[i], lty="blank")
            rect(width[i, "bottom"],at.5[j, 1],
                 width[i, "top"],at.5[j, 2],
                 density=(-1), col=col[i], lty="blank")
#           Leg(s) of the "T"
#       Bridge across the top in case of gaps
        lines(rep(width[i, "top"],2),
              range(at[obj[, i]>(-1), ]),
              col=col[i], lwd=lwd)
#     Labels?
      dots <- list(...)
      cex <- (if(is.null(dots$cex.axis)) 1 else dots$cex.axis)
             at[, "center"], dimnames(obj)[[1]], cex=cex)
        text(width[, "center"],
             dimnames(obj)[[2]], cex=cex)

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multcompView documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:01 p.m.