
Defines functions index_mult index_bin k_to_prob rep_options index_free_to_fixed add_fixed.default add_fixed.data.frame add_fixed.matrix add_fixed.mcmc add_fixed drop_fixed.default drop_fixed.data.frame drop_fixed.matrix drop_fixed binom_to_multinom

Documented in add_fixed binom_to_multinom drop_fixed

############ CONSTANTS
# to avoid numerical issues: lower value for probability parameters
BOUND <- 1e-10
MIN_LL <- -1e100

# reduce memory load by counting in batches:
BATCH <- 5000

############################# S3 methods: drop / add fixed dimensions
#' Converts Binary to Multinomial Frequencies
#' Converts the number of "hits" in the binary choice format to the observed
#' frequencies across  for all response categories (i.e., the multinomial format).
#' @inheritParams count_binom
#' @details
#' In \code{multinomineq}, binary choice frequencies are represented by the number
#' of "hits" for each item type/condition (the vector \code{k}) and by the total
#' number of responses per item type/condition (the scalar or vector \code{n}).
#' In the multinomial format, the vector \code{k} includes all response categories
#' (not only the number of "hits"). This requires to define a vector \code{options},
#' which indicates how many categories belong to one item type/condition (since
#' the total number of responses per item type is fixed).
#' @examples
#' k <- c(1, 5, 8, 10)
#' n <- 10
#' binom_to_multinom(k, n)
#' @export
binom_to_multinom <- function(k, n) {
  if (length(n) == 1) n <- rep(n, length(k))
  check_kn(k, n)
  options <- rep(2, length(k))
  k_fixed <- add_fixed(k, options, n)
  list(k = k_fixed, options = options)

############################# S3 methods: drop / add fixed dimensions

#' Drop or Add Fixed Dimensions for Multinomial Probabilities/Frequencies
#' Switches between two representation of polytopes for multinomial probabilities
#' (whether the fixed parameters are included).
#' @param x a vector (typically \code{k}, \code{n}, or \code{prior}) or
#'   a matrix (typically \code{A} or \code{V}), in which case the fixed dimensions
#'   are dropped/added column-wise.
#' @inheritParams count_multinom
#' @examples
#' ######## bi- and trinomial (a1,a2, b1,b2,b3)
#' # vectors with frequencies:
#' drop_fixed(c(3, 7, 4, 1, 5), options = c(2, 3))
#' add_fixed(c(3, 4, 1),
#'   options = c(2, 3),
#'   sum = c(10, 10)
#' )
#' # matrices with probabilities:
#' V <- matrix(c(
#'   1, 0, 0,
#'   1, .5, .5,
#'   0, 1, 0
#' ), 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' V2 <- add_fixed(V, options = c(2, 3))
#' V2
#' drop_fixed(V2, c(2, 3))
#' @export
drop_fixed <- function(x, options = 2) {
  UseMethod("drop_fixed", x)

#' @export
drop_fixed.matrix <- function(x, options = 2) {
  options <- rep_options(options, x[1, ], drop_fixed = FALSE)
  xn <- x[, -cumsum(options), drop = FALSE]
  if (is.null(colnames(xn))) {
    colnames(xn) <- index_mult(options, fixed = FALSE)

#' @export
drop_fixed.data.frame <- function(x, options = 2) {
  drop_fixed.matrix(x, options)

#' @export
drop_fixed.default <- function(x, options = 2) {
  options <- rep_options(options, x, drop_fixed = FALSE)
  check_ko(k = x, options = options, label = "x")
  xn <- x[-cumsum(options)]
  if (is.null(names(xn))) {
    names(xn) <- index_mult(options, fixed = FALSE)

#' @param sum a vector that determines the fixed sum in each multinomial condition.
#'   By default, probabilities are assumed that sum to one.
#'   If frequencies \code{n} are provided, use \code{sum=n}.
#' @rdname drop_fixed
#' @export
add_fixed <- function(x, options = 2, sum = 1) {
  UseMethod("add_fixed", x)

# ' @rdname drop_fixed
#' @importFrom stats start end
#' @import coda
#' @export
add_fixed.mcmc <- function(x, options = 2, sum = 1) {
  as.mcmc(add_fixed.matrix(x, options = options, sum = sum),
    start = start(x), thin = thin(x), end = end(x)

# ' @rdname drop_fixed
#' @export
add_fixed.matrix <- function(x, options = 2, sum = 1) {
  options <- rep_options(options, x[1, ])
  if (length(sum) == 1) {
    sum <- rep(sum, length(options))
  xn <- matrix(NA, nrow(x), sum(options))
  for (i in seq_along(options)) {
    k <- sum(options[0:(i - 1)]) + seq(1, options[i] - 1)
    l <- sum((options - 1)[0:(i - 1)]) + seq(1, options[i] - 1)
    xn[, k] <- x[, l]
    rs <- rowSums(xn[, k, drop = FALSE])
    message <- paste0(
      "Within multinomial condition ", i, ", row sums of matrix must be: ",
      " <= ", sum[i], "  and  >= 0 "
    if (any(rs < 0 | rs > sum[i])) {
    xn[, max(k) + 1] <- sum[i] - rs
  colnames(xn) <- index_mult(options, fixed = TRUE)

# ' @rdname drop_fixed
#' @export
add_fixed.data.frame <- function(x, options = 2, sum = 1) {
  add_fixed.matrix(x, options, sum)

# ' @rdname drop_fixed
#' @export
add_fixed.default <- function(x, options = 2, sum = 1) {
  add_fixed.matrix(t(x), options, sum)[1, ]
  # check_ko(k, options)
  # oo <- rep(1:length(options), options - 1)
  # xn <- c()
  # for(i in seq_along(options)){
  #   ko <- x[oo == i]
  #   k_all <- c(k_all, ko, sum[i] - sum(ko))
  # }
  # names(k_all) <- index_mult(options)
  # k_all

index_free_to_fixed <- function(i, options) {
  option <- rep(1:length(options), options - 1)[i]
  i + option - 1

rep_options <- function(options, x, drop_fixed = TRUE) {
  if (length(options) == 1) {
    times <- length(x) / (options - drop_fixed)
    if (times != round(times)) {
      stop("Check input: The length/number of columns of 'x' is not a multiple of (options-1)")
    options <- rep(options, times)
  } else if (length(x) != sum(options - drop_fixed)) {
    stop("Length of 'options' does not match number of frequencies/probabilities/columns.")

k_to_prob <- function(k, options = rep(2, length(k) / 2)) {
  oo <- rep(1:length(options), options)
  n <- tapply(k, oo, sum)[oo]
  ml <- k / n
  # ml[is.na(ml)] <- runif(sum(is.na(ml)))
  drop_fixed(ml, options)

# meaningful labels for column indices of A and V / names of k/n
index_bin <- function(k) {
  I <- length(k)
  paste0("p", rep(1:I, each = 2), "_", 1:2)
index_mult <- function(options, fixed = TRUE) {
  I <- length(options)
  if (fixed) {
    j <- unlist(sapply(options, function(x) seq(1, x)))
    labels <- paste0("p", rep(1:I, options), "_", j)
  } else {
    j <- unlist(sapply(options - 1, function(x) seq(1, x)))
    labels <- paste0("p", rep(1:I, options - 1), "_", j)

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