
Defines functions RGB2mnsl rgb2mnsl mnsl2hvc hvc2mnsl mnsl

Documented in hvc2mnsl mnsl mnsl2hvc rgb2mnsl

#' Converts a Munsell colour to hex
#' Take a character string representation of a Munsell colour and returns the 
#' hex specification of that colour
#' Munsell colours are specified by hue, value and chroma.  They 
#' take a form like "5PB 5/10" where the first characters represent the
#' hue, followed by a space then the value and chroma separated by a "/". In
#' this package value should be an integer in 0:10 and chroma an even number
#' at most 24.  Note that not all possible specifications result in 
#' representable colours.  
#' @param col a character string representing a Munsell colour.
#' @param ... passed on to \code{\link{in_gamut}}. Use \code{fix = TRUE} to
#' fix "bad" colours
#' @return a character string specification of a hex colour
#' @seealso \code{\link{check_mnsl}},\code{\link{in_gamut}}, \code{\link{hvc2mnsl}}
#' @aliases mnsl2hex mnsl
#' @export mnsl2hex mnsl
#' @examples
#' mnsl2hex("5PB 5/10")
#' # use a munsell colour in a plot
#' plot.new()
#' rect(0, 0, 1 ,1 , col = mnsl("5R 5/10"))
mnsl <- function(col, ...){
  col <- check_mnsl(col)
  col <- in_gamut(col, ...)
  positions <- match(col, munsell.map$name)
  munsell.map[positions, "hex"]
mnsl2hex <- mnsl

#' Converts a hue, chroma and value to a Munsell colour
#' Takes separate specifications of hue, value and chroma and returns the 
#' text specification of that colour.
#' Munsell colours are specified by hue, value and chroma.  They 
#' take a form like "5PB 5/10" where the first characters represent the
#' hue, followed by a space then the value and chroma separated by a "/". In
#' this package value should be an integer in 0:10 and chroma an even number
#' at most 24.  Note that not all possible specifications result in 
#' representable colours.  Regular recycling rules apply.
#' @param hue a character vector of Munsell hues, or a 3 column data frame
#' containing the hue value and chroma levels
#' @param value a numeric vector of values
#' @param chroma a numeric vector of chromas
#' @param ... passed on to \code{\link{check_mnsl}}. Use \code{fix = TRUE} to
#' fix "bad" colours
#' @return a character string specification of a hex colour
#' @seealso \code{\link{check_mnsl}}, \code{\link{mnsl2hex}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude
#' @examples
#' hvc2mnsl("5PB", 5, 10)
#' # All values of 5PB with chroma 10
#' hvc2mnsl("5PB", 1:9, 10) # note some are undefined
#' plot_mnsl(hvc2mnsl("5PB", 1:9, 10))
hvc2mnsl <- function(hue, value = NULL, chroma = NULL, ...){
  if(!(is.null(value) == is.null(chroma))) stop("specify both value and chroma")
  hcv <- hue
  if(!is.null(value)) {
    hcv <- cbind(hcv, value, chroma)
  hcv <- na.exclude(hcv)
  selected <- paste(hcv[, 1], " ", hcv[, 2], "/", hcv[, 3],  sep = "")
  selected <- check_mnsl(selected, ...)
  na_handle(hcv, selected)

#' Converts a Munsell colour to a hue, chroma and value triplet
#' Takes a text specification of a Munsell colour and returns
#' the hue, chroma and value triplet.
#' Munsell colours are specified by hue, value and chroma.  They 
#' take a form like "5PB 5/10" where the first characters represent the
#' hue, followed by a space then the value and chroma separated by a "/". In
#' this package value should be an integer in 0:10 and chroma an even number
#' at most 24.  Note that not all possible specifications result in 
#' representable colours. 
#' @param col a character vector of Munsell colours
#' @param ... passed on to \code{\link{check_mnsl}}. Use \code{fix = TRUE} to
#' fix "bad" colours
#' @return a data frame with named columns hue, value and chroma containing the hue,
#' value and chroma levels.
#' @seealso \code{\link{check_mnsl}}, \code{\link{hvc2mnsl}}
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mnsl2hvc("5PB 5/10")
#' hvc2mnsl(mnsl2hvc("5PB 5/10"))
mnsl2hvc <- function(col, ...){
  col <- check_mnsl(col, ...)
  col <- na.exclude(col)
  if (length(col) == 0) stop("zero non-missing colours")
  col.split <- lapply(strsplit(col, "/"), 
    function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " ")))
  col_mat <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, col.split),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(col_mat) <- c("hue", "value", "chroma")
  col_mat[, "value"] <- as.numeric(col_mat[, "value"])
  col_mat[, "chroma"] <- as.numeric(col_mat[, "chroma"])
  na_handle(col, col_mat)
#' Converts an sRGB colour to Munsell
#' Finds the closest Munsell colour (in LUV space) to the specified sRGB colour
#' @param R a numeric vector of red values or a 3 column matrix with the
#' proportions R,  G,  B in the columns.
#' @param G numeric vector of green values
#' @param B numeric vector of blue values
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_closest}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' rgb2mnsl(0.1, 0.1, 0.3)
#' rgb2mnsl(matrix(c(.1, .2, .4, .5, .6, .8),  ncol = 3))
#' plot_closest(matrix(c(.1, .2, .4, .5, .6, .8),  ncol = 3))
rgb2mnsl <- function(R, G = NULL, B = NULL){
    LUV.vals <- as(sRGB(R, G, B), "LUV")@coords
    # check for black
    if (any(LUV.vals[,"L"] == 0)){
      LUV.vals[LUV.vals[,"L"] == 0, ] <- 0
    ncolors <- nrow(LUV.vals)
    dist.calc <- function(x, y) rowSums((rep(x, each = ncolors) - y) ^ 2)
    dists <- apply(munsell.map[, c("L", "U", "V")], 1, dist.calc, y = LUV.vals)
    if(is.null(dim(dists)))  closest <- which.min(dists)
    else closest <- apply(dists, 1, which.min)
    munsell.map[closest, "name"]

RGB2mnsl <- function(rgb.cols){
  LUV.vals <- as(rgb.cols, "LUV")@coords
  # check for black
  if (any(LUV.vals[,"L"] == 0)){
    LUV.vals[LUV.vals[,"L"] == 0, ] <- 0
  ncolors <- nrow(LUV.vals)
  dist.calc <- function(x, y) rowSums((rep(x, each = ncolors) - y) ^ 2)
  dists <- apply(munsell.map[, c("L", "U", "V")], 1, dist.calc, y = LUV.vals)
  if(is.null(dim(dists)))  closest <- which.min(dists)
  else closest <- apply(dists, 1, which.min)
  munsell.map[closest, "name"]

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munsell documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:29 a.m.