# p.LookupList = NULL
makeLookupList <- function( Munsell2xy, xyC=c(0.3101,0.3163), kfactor=c(0.7,0.5) )
time_start = gettime()
Hue.vector = seq(2.5,100,by=2.5) # H is always a multiple of 2.5. later this vector will change
Value.vector = sort( unique(Munsell2xy$V) )
Value.vector = c( 0, Value.vector ) # put 0 at beginning, so we can interpolate between 0 and 0.2
# Value.vector = c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
# put 0 at beginning of chroma.vector,
# because we will put the neutral x,y there, for Illuminant C
Chroma.vector = seq(0,50,by=2)
# allocate 4D array, full of NAs
Lookup4D = array( NA_real_, dim=c(length(Hue.vector),length(Value.vector),length(Chroma.vector),2) )
dimnames(Lookup4D)[[1]] = as.character( Hue.vector )
dimnames(Lookup4D)[[2]] = as.character( Value.vector )
dimnames(Lookup4D)[[3]] = as.character( Chroma.vector )
dimnames(Lookup4D)[[4]] = c('x','y')
# filter out very dark samples that are not real
#mask = Munsell2xy$real | (1 <= Munsell2xy$V )
#dfsub = Munsell2xy[ mask, ]
# copy Munsell2xy to Lookup4D[]. Some of these may be overwritten later
for( i in 1:nrow(Munsell2xy) )
row = Munsell2xy[i, ]
iH = match( row$H, Hue.vector )
iV = match( row$V, Value.vector )
iC = match( row$C, Chroma.vector )
Lookup4D[ iH, iV, iC, ] = c( row$x, row$y )
Lookup4D = extrapGAM( Lookup4D, Munsell2xy, kfactor=kfactor )
#print( str(Lookup4D) ) ; print( object.size(Lookup4D) )
# return(FALSE)
# count the total number of non-NA points in Lookup4D
gridcount = integer( length(Value.vector) )
names(gridcount) = as.character(Value.vector)
for( iV in 2:length(Value.vector) )
gridcount[iV] = sum( is.finite(Lookup4D[ ,iV, ,'x',drop=FALSE]) )
gridcount = c( gridcount, sum(gridcount) )
names(gridcount)[ length(gridcount) ] = 'sum'
cat( "Total gridcount:\n" )
print( gridcount )
# now copy from array Lookup4D[] to a list with an item for each Munsell Value
out = vector( length(Value.vector), mode='list' )
names(out) = as.character(Value.vector)
# there are are only 40 hues, but we make 43 for easier wraparound (periodicity)
Hue.vector = seq(-2.5,102.5,by=2.5)
attr( out, "V.vector" ) = Value.vector
attr( out, "H.vector" ) = Hue.vector
attr( out, "C.vector" ) = Chroma.vector
# initialize with arrays of NAs
dummy = array( NA_real_, dim=c( length(Hue.vector), length(Chroma.vector) ) )
rownames(dummy) = HueStringFromNumber( Hue.vector )
colnames(dummy) = as.character( Chroma.vector )
for( iV in 1:length(out) )
out[[iV]] = list() # list( x=dummy, y=dummy )
dummy[ 3:42, ] = Lookup4D[ ,iV, , 'x' ]
out[[iV]]$x = dummy
dummy[ 3:42, ] = Lookup4D[ ,iV, , 'y' ]
out[[iV]]$y = dummy
# copy data from V=0.2 to V=0
out[[1]]$x = out[[2]]$x
out[[1]]$y = out[[2]]$y
# trim away high Chroma, to reduce memory
for( iV in 1:length(out) )
x = out[[iV]]$x #; print( str(x) )
cmax = NA
for( iC in 2:ncol(x) )
if( all([ ,iC]) ) )
cmax = iC - 1
if( )
log.string( INFO, "At V=%g, there is data up to the maximum C=%g.",
Value.vector[iV], Chroma.vector[length(Chroma.vector)] )
attr( out[[iV]], "C.vector" ) = Chroma.vector
log.string( INFO, "At V=%g, there is data up to C=%g.",
Value.vector[iV], Chroma.vector[cmax] )
out[[iV]]$x = out[[iV]]$x[ , 1:cmax ]
out[[iV]]$y = out[[iV]]$y[ , 1:cmax ]
attr( out[[iV]], "C.vector" ) = Chroma.vector[ 1:cmax ]
# duplicate data for Hue wraparound
out[[iV]]$x[1, ] = out[[iV]]$x[41, ]
out[[iV]]$y[1, ] = out[[iV]]$y[41, ]
out[[iV]]$x[2, ] = out[[iV]]$x[42, ]
out[[iV]]$y[2, ] = out[[iV]]$y[42, ]
out[[iV]]$x[43, ] = out[[iV]]$x[3, ]
out[[iV]]$y[43, ] = out[[iV]]$y[3, ]
# replace NAs by 0s
#out[[iV]]$x[[[iV]]$x) ] = 0
#out[[iV]]$y[[[iV]]$y) ] = 0
# fill Chroma=0 with xyC
for( k in 1:length(out) )
out[[k]]$x[ ,1] = xyC[1]
out[[k]]$y[ ,1] = xyC[2]
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
log.string( INFO, "Made list in %g seconds.", time_elapsed )
return( invisible(out) )
extrapGAM <- function( Lookup4D, Munsell2xy, kfactor=c(0.9,0.5) )
if( ! requireNamespace( 'mgcv', quietly=TRUE ) ) return( NULL )
if( ! requireNamespace( 'spacesXYZ', quietly=TRUE ) ) return(NULL)
time_start = gettime()
Hue.vector = as.numeric( dimnames(Lookup4D)[[1]] )
Value.vector = as.numeric( dimnames(Lookup4D)[[2]] )
Chroma.vector = as.numeric( dimnames(Lookup4D)[[3]] )
out = Lookup4D
Mask3D = makeRequiredMask3D( Munsell2xy )
samples = 0
log.string( INFO, "Processing colors with V < 1..." )
# for value < 1 make a special data.frame, and make only 1 model from it
# use a subset of points for V<1, plus all points for V==1
mask = Munsell2xy$V < 1
mask = mask & Munsell2xy$real # | (75 <= Munsell2xy$H & Munsell2xy$H <= 100) )
mask = mask | (Munsell2xy$V == 1)
data.dark = Munsell2xy[ mask, ]
# add rectangular coordinates A,B
tmp = ABfromHC( data.dark$H, data.dark$C )
data.dark = cbind( data.dark, A = tmp$A, B = tmp$B )
# add ab coordinates
white.C = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS',],100) )
Y = YfromV( data.dark$V )
XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( cbind( data.dark$x, data.dark$y, Y ) )
Lab = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ, white.C )
data.dark$a = Lab[ ,2]
data.dark$b = Lab[ ,3]
#Luv = xyz2luv( XYZ, white.C )
#data.dark$u = Luv[ ,2]
#data.dark$v = Luv[ ,3]
# print( str(data.dark) )
if( TRUE )
k = round( kfactor[1] * nrow(data.dark) )
form = sprintf( "x ~ s( A, B, V, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
log.string( INFO, "Computing model '%s'...", form ) ; flush.console();
gam.x = mgcv::gam( formula(form), data=data.dark )
form = sprintf( "y ~ s( A, B, V, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
log.string( INFO, "Computing model '%s'...", form ) ; flush.console();
gam.y = mgcv::gam( formula(form), data=data.dark )
log.string( INFO, "Very Dark" )
log.string( INFO, "x residual range = [%g,%g]", range(residuals(gam.x))[1], range(residuals(gam.x))[2] )
log.string( INFO, "y residual range = [%g,%g]", range(residuals(gam.y))[1], range(residuals(gam.y))[2] )
for( value in c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8) )
iV = match( value, Value.vector )
if( FALSE )
dfv = Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$V==value, ]
# make mask of the ones to keep for modeling
mask.model = dfv$real # | (75 <= dfv$H & dfv$H <= 100)
dfmodel = dfv[ mask.model, ]
# add rectangular coordinates A,B
tmp = ABfromHC( dfmodel$H, dfmodel$C )
dfmodel = cbind( dfmodel, A=tmp$A, B=tmp$B )
k = round( kfactor[1] * nrow(dfmodel) )
form = sprintf( "x ~ s( H, C, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
log.string( INFO, "value=%g. Computing model '%s'...", value, form ) ; flush.console();
gam.x = mgcv::gam( formula(form), data=dfmodel )
form = sprintf( "y ~ s( H, C, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
log.string( INFO, "value=%g. Computing model '%s'...", value, form ) ; flush.console();
gam.y = mgcv::gam( formula(form), data=dfmodel )
log.string( INFO, "x residual range = [%g,%g]", range(residuals(gam.x))[1], range(residuals(gam.x))[2] )
log.string( INFO, "y residual range = [%g,%g]", range(residuals(gam.y))[1], range(residuals(gam.y))[2] )
#log.string( INFO, "For value=%g, found %d real samples.", value, nrow(dfreal) )
# make 2D mask of the ones used for modeling
mask2D = matrix( FALSE, length(Hue.vector), length(Chroma.vector) )
for( i in 1:nrow(data.dark) )
if( data.dark$V[i] == value )
iH = match( data.dark$H[i], Hue.vector )
iC = match( data.dark$C[i], Chroma.vector )
mask2D[iH,iC] = TRUE
# make a mask of iH,iC points to be extrapolated. Preserve the ones used for modeling.
# preserve the entries used
mask_extrap = Mask3D[ , iV, ] & (! mask2D) # mask_extrap is 2D
for( iC in 2:length(Chroma.vector) ) # start at 2 to ensure that neutral is NOT extrapolated
mask = mask_extrap[ , iC] # mask is 1D horizontal slice of constant C
if( ! any(mask) )
# log.string( INFO, "For value=%g, and iC=%d, no extrapolation needed.", value, iC )
next # no extrapolation needed here
newdata = data.frame( H=Hue.vector[mask], V=value, C=Chroma.vector[iC] )
tmp = ABfromHC( newdata$H, newdata$C )
newdata = cbind( newdata, A = tmp$A, B = tmp$B )
#L = Lightness_from_linear( YfromV( newdata$V ) / 100 )
x = predict( gam.x, newdata=newdata )
y = predict( gam.y, newdata=newdata )
#Luv = cbind( L, u, v )
#xyY = XYZ2xyY( luv2xyz( Luv, white.C ) )
xyY = cbind( x, y, YfromV( newdata$V ) / 100 ) = x )
if( any( )
log.string( WARN, "For value=%g and chroma=%g, %d of the extrapolated xy's are NA.",
value, Chroma.vector[iC], sum( )
df = newdata[, , drop=FALSE]
# df$Luv = Luv[, , drop=FALSE]
df$xyY = xyY[, , drop=FALSE]
out[mask,iV,iC,'x'] = x # predict( gam.x, newdata=newdata )
out[mask,iV,iC,'y'] = y # predict( gam.b, newdata=newdata )
samples = samples + sum(mask)
log.string( INFO, "Extrapolated %d very dark samples in %g seconds.", samples, gettime() - time_start )
# for V >= 1 do one value at a time
log.string( INFO, "Processing colors with V >= 1..." )
for( value in 1:10 )
iV = match( value, Value.vector )
# for value >=1 Munsell2xy has good data
dfsub = Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$V==value, ] #; print(value) ; print( str(dfsub) )
# add rectangular coordinates A,B
tmp = ABfromHC( dfsub$H, dfsub$C )
dfsub = cbind( dfsub, A = tmp$A, B = tmp$B )
k = round( kfactor[2] * nrow(dfsub) ) # - 10
mess = sprintf( "x ~ s( A, B, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
gam.x = mgcv::gam( formula(mess), data=dfsub )
mess = sprintf( "y ~ s( A, B, bs='tp', k=%d )", k )
gam.y = mgcv::gam( formula(mess), data=dfsub )
ran.x = range(residuals(gam.x))
ran.y = range(residuals(gam.y))
log.string( INFO, "value=%g. x residual range = [%g,%g]", value, ran.x[1], ran.x[2] )
log.string( INFO, "value=%g. y residual range = [%g,%g]", value, ran.y[1], ran.y[2] )
# do not extrapolate if a value is already present
mask_extrap = Mask3D[ , iV, ] & Lookup4D[ ,iV, ,'x'] ) # mask_extrap is 2D
for( iC in 2:length(Chroma.vector) )
chroma = Chroma.vector[iC]
mask = mask_extrap[ ,iC] # mask is 1D
if( ! any(mask) ) next # no interpolation needed here
newdata = data.frame( H=Hue.vector[mask], C=chroma ) #V=value,
# add rectangular coordinates A,B
tmp = ABfromHC( newdata$H, newdata$C )
newdata = cbind( newdata, A = tmp$A, B = tmp$B )
out[mask,iV,iC,'x'] = predict( gam.x, newdata=newdata )
out[mask,iV,iC,'y'] = predict( gam.y, newdata=newdata )
samples = samples + sum(mask)
log.string( INFO, "Extrapolated %d samples in %g seconds.", samples, gettime() - time_start )
return( out )
# returns a logical 3D array
# for given HVC, the entry is TRUE if an xy value is required for the HVC
makeRequiredMask3D <- function( Munsell2xy )
time_start = gettime()
Hue.vector = seq(2.5,100,by=2.5)
Value.vector = sort( unique(Munsell2xy$V) )
Value.vector = c( 0, Value.vector ) # put 0 at beginning, so we can interpolate between 0 and 0.2
# Value.vector = c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
# put 0 at beginning of chroma.vector,
# because we will put the neutral x,y there, for Illuminant C
Chroma.vector = seq(0,50,by=2)
nH = length(Hue.vector)
nV = length(Value.vector)
nC = length(Chroma.vector)
# allocate 3D array, and copy Munsell2xy to it
Mask3D = array( FALSE, dim=c( nH, nV, nC ) )
dimnames(Mask3D)[[1]] = as.character( Hue.vector )
dimnames(Mask3D)[[2]] = as.character( Value.vector )
dimnames(Mask3D)[[3]] = as.character( Chroma.vector )
if( TRUE )
# use the entire all.dat
dfsub = Munsell2xy
# only the real ones
dfsub = Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$real, ] # ; cat( "nrow(dfsub) = ", nrow(dfsub), '\n' )
for( i in 1:nrow(dfsub) )
row = dfsub[i, ]
iH = match( row$H, Hue.vector ) # H is always a multiple of 2.5
iV = match( row$V, Value.vector )
iC = match( row$C, Chroma.vector )
Mask3D[ iH, iV, iC ] = TRUE
# now dilate with mask
out = Mask3D
huedelta = 1 # 2
chromadelta = 1 # 2
valuedelta = 2 # 1 fails when hcinterp='bicub', vinterp='lin'
for( iV in 2:nV )
mask00 = Mask3D[ , iV, ]
# rotate and translate mask00
# hue
for( h in -huedelta:huedelta )
hrot = (((1:nH) + h-1) %% nH) + 1
maskrot = mask00[ hrot, , drop=FALSE ]
# chroma
for( j in 0:chromadelta )
cshift = pmax( (1-j) : (nC-j), 1 )
mask = maskrot[ , cshift, drop=FALSE ]
# copy to valuedelta levels above and below
vlevel = max( iV-valuedelta, 2 ) : min( iV+valuedelta,nV )
for( v in vlevel )
out[ , v, ] = mask | out[ , v, ]
log.string( INFO, "Made extrapolation mask in %g seconds.",
gettime() - time_start )
count = integer( nV )
for( iV in 1:nV )
count[iV] = sum( out[ ,iV, ] )
count = c( count, sum(count) )
names(count) = c(as.character(Value.vector),'Total')
print( count )
return( invisible(out) )
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