# xyY a numeric Nx3 matrix, or a vector that can be converted to one,
# with xyY in each row
# xyC xy 2-vector for illuminant C
# can also be a string: 'NBS', 'JOSA', 'NTSC', or 'ASTM'
# hcinterp 'bicubic' or 'bilinear'
# vinterp 'cubic' or 'linear'
# VfromY 'ASTM' or 'NBS' or 'MUNSELL'. 'MGO' is not allowed here
# warn log a warning if there were any inversion failures
# perf add performance data to returned output
# return value a data.frame with columns
# xyY the input
# HVC a matrix with the same size as xyY, with (Hue,Value,Chroma) in the rows
# SAMPLE_NAME Munsell notation for HVC, a string
xyYtoMunsell <- function( xyY,
perf=FALSE )
p = 'rootSolve'
if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )
time_start = gettime()
xyY = prepareNx3(xyY)
if( is.null(xyY) ) return(NULL)
if( is.null(colnames(xyY)) )
colnames(xyY) = c( 'x', 'y', 'Y' )
# process xyC
xyC = process_xyC( xyC )
if( any( )
log.string( ERROR, "xyC is invalid." )
# process hcinterp
hcinterp = process_hcinterp(hcinterp)
if( )
log.string( ERROR, "hcinterp='%s' is invalid.", hcinterp )
# assign function pointer
if( hcinterp == 'bicubic' )
hcinterpfun = bicubicCardinal # mybicubic
else if( hcinterp == 'bilinear' )
hcinterpfun = bilinearApprox # mybilinear
# process vinterp
vinterp = process_vinterp(vinterp)
if( )
log.string( ERROR, "vinterp='%s' is invalid.", as.character(vinterp) )
# process VfromY
full = c( 'ASTM', 'NBS', 'MUNSELL', 'PRIEST' )
idx = pmatch( toupper(VfromY), full )
if( )
log.string( ERROR, "VfromY='%s' is invalid. ('MgO' is not allowed in this function).", VfromY )
# allocate arrays for mapping H,C -> x and H,C -> y
# Value 7 has the full extent, so just use that as a template
xlookup = array( NA_real_, dim=dim(p.LookupList[[7]]$x) )
ylookup = array( NA_real_, dim=dim(p.LookupList[[7]]$y) )
H.vector = attr( p.LookupList, "H.vector" ) # ; cat( 'H.vector=',H.vector,'\n')
V.vector = attr( p.LookupList, "V.vector" )
C.vector = attr( p.LookupList[[7]], "C.vector" )
# fill neutrals at Chroma=0, these are the same for all hues and values
xlookup[ ,1] = xyC[1]
ylookup[ ,1] = xyC[2]
# define the "forward" function, which we will try to find the root of
# AB input 2-vector. It changes on each iteration.
# value the Munsell Value. It remains constant throughout the iteration
# vlevel vector of value indices (not the values) where HC is interpolated.
# This is 1-based It depends only on value. It remains constant throughout the iteration
# xy_target we are trying to find HC that maps to xy_target. It remains constant throughout the iteration
forwardfun <- function( AB, value, vlevel, xy_target )
evaluation <<- evaluation + 1
#cat( "###### evaluation = ", evaluation, " ###########\n", file=stderr() )
# cat( 'HC=', HC, " value=", value, '\n' )
HC = unlist( HCfromAB( AB[1], AB[2] ) )
#HC[1] = HC[1] %% 100
#if( HC[2] < 0 )
# log.string( WARN, "Chroma = %g < 0. hue=%g value=%g. evaluation=%d.",
# HC[2], HC[1], value, evaluation )
iH = findInterval( HC[1], H.vector, all.inside=TRUE ) #; cat( 'iH=',iH,'\n')
iC = findInterval( HC[2], C.vector, all.inside=TRUE )
if( hcinterp == 'bicubic' )
hseq = max(iH-1,1) : min(iH+2,length(H.vector)) # 4 points for bicubic
cseq = max(iC-1,1) : min(iC+2,length(C.vector)) # 4 points for bicubic
hseq = iH : (iH+1) # 2 points for bilinear
cseq = iC : (iC+1) # 2 points for bilinear
# iterate over 4x4 or 2x2 grid, and compute missing values
gridpoints = 0
# extract just the values that are relevant to the iteration, usually either 2 or 4 of them
# V.vector will not be used again
Vsub = V.vector[ vlevel ]
for( ih in hseq )
for( ic in cseq )
if( ! xlookup[ih,ic] ) ) next
# xlookup[ih,ic] has been computed yet, so compute it now
gridpoints = gridpoints + 1
xvec = rep( NA_real_, length(Vsub) ) # length(V.vector)
yvec = xvec
for( k in 1:length(vlevel) ) # v in vlevel )
iV = vlevel[k]
icc = min( ic, ncol(p.LookupList[[iV]]$x) )
xvec[k] = p.LookupList[[iV]]$x[ih,icc]
yvec[k] = p.LookupList[[iV]]$y[ih,icc]
fmask = is.finite(xvec)
count = sum( fmask ) #; print(count)
if( vinterp == 'linear' || (p.vinterpOverride && value<2) )
# print( xvec ) ; print( V.vector ) ; print( value )
if( count < 1 )
# need 1 finite value
if( evaluation == 1 )
mess = sprintf( "forwardfun(). The initial guess for root is outside the range of the HVC -> xyY lookup table. AB=%g,%g HC=%g,%g",
AB[1], AB[2], HC[1], HC[2] )
mess = sprintf( "forwardfun(). The root-finder has wandered outside the range of the HVC -> xyY lookup table. evaluation=%d. AB=%g,%g HC=%g,%g",
evaluation, AB[1], AB[2], HC[1], HC[2] )
stop( mess, call.=FALSE )
if( count == 2 ) # all(fmask)
# interpolate between those 2
xlookup[ih,ic] <<- approx( Vsub, xvec, xout=value )$y
ylookup[ih,ic] <<- approx( Vsub, yvec, xout=value )$y
# just use the one
# this happens for 1 out of 994 optimals
idx = which( fmask )
xlookup[ih,ic] <<- xvec[ idx ]
ylookup[ih,ic] <<- yvec[ idx ]
else if( vinterp == 'cubic' )
if( count < 2 )
# need 2 finite values
if( evaluation == 1 )
mess = sprintf( "forwardfun(). The initial guess for root is outside the range of the HVC -> xyY lookup table. AB=%g,%g HC=%g,%g",
AB[1], AB[2], HC[1], HC[2] )
mess = sprintf( "forwardfun(). The root-finder has wandered outside the range of the HVC -> xyY lookup table. evaluation=%d. AB=%g,%g HC=%g,%g",
evaluation, AB[1], AB[2], HC[1], HC[2] )
stop( mess, call.=FALSE )
xyvec = cbind(xvec,yvec)
rownames(xyvec) = as.character(Vsub)
#print( xyvec )
if( all(fmask) )
# the usual case
xy = splineCardinal( Vsub, xyvec, xout=value )
# despite the dilation, count==3 still happens for 11 out of 994 optimals
# TODO: another workaround might be shrinking the polym() model, as already done for value=0.2
# log.string( TRACE, "cubic count=%d evaluation=%d value=%g", count, evaluation, value )
xy = splineCardinal( Vsub[fmask], xyvec[fmask, ], xout=value )
#xlookup[ih,ic] <<- spline( Vsub, xvec, xout=value, method='natural' )$y
#ylookup[ih,ic] <<- spline( Vsub, yvec, xout=value, method='natural' )$y
xlookup[ih,ic] <<- xy[1]
ylookup[ih,ic] <<- xy[2]
# the grids xlookup and ylookup are ready, now interpolate in this V-plane
xy = numeric(2)
xy[1] = hcinterpfun( H.vector, C.vector, xlookup, HC[1], HC[2] )$z
xy[2] = hcinterpfun( H.vector, C.vector, ylookup, HC[1], HC[2] )$z
#cat( 'vlevel=', vlevel, '\n' )
#cat( 'xy_target=', xy_target, '\n' )
#cat( 'gridpoints=', gridpoints, '\n' )
#cat( 'xy=', xy, '\n' )
delta = xy - xy_target
#cat( 'delta=', sum(abs(delta)), '\n' )
HVC = array( NA_real_, dim=dim(xyY) )
colnames(HVC) = c( 'H', 'V', 'C' )
HVC[ ,2] = VfromY( xyY[ ,3], which=VfromY )
n = nrow(xyY) #; print(n)
evaluations.vec = rep( NA_integer_, n )
iterations.vec = rep( NA_integer_, n )
estim.precis.vec = rep( NA_real_, n )
time.elapsed.vec = rep( NA_real_, n )
for( i in 1:n )
time_begin = gettime() # as.double( Sys.time() )
xy_target = xyY[i,1:2]
value = HVC[i,2]
if( value ) ) next
if( 0 < value && any( ) ) next # invalid, so ignore this one
if( value==0 || all( xy_target == xyC ) )
# neutrals are easy. Note that value==0 must be pure black !
# Set both H and C to 0
HVC[ i, c(1,3) ] = 0
time.elapsed.vec[i] = (gettime() - time_begin)
delta = abs(V.vector - value) #; print( delta )
iV = which.min( delta )
if( delta[iV] < 5.e-9 )
# this is so close to a V-plane, that this is probably where xyY[i, ] came from
value = V.vector[iV]
HVC[i,2] = value
if( value < 0 || 10 < value )
# this is out of range
iV = match(value,V.vector)
if( )
# value is *between* 2 V-planes. This is the usual case
# erase the lookup tables, but only where Chroma > 0
xlookup[ ,-1] = NA_real_ #; print(xlookup)
ylookup[ ,-1] = NA_real_
iV = findInterval( value, V.vector, all.inside=TRUE )
if( vinterp == 'linear' || (p.vinterpOverride && value<2) )
vlevel = iV : (iV+1)
else if( vinterp == 'cubic' )
vlevel = max(iV-1,1) : min(iV+2, length(V.vector))
# value is *exactly* on a V-plane
# not likely but since all the action will be on this plane, we can optimize it
# cat( "i=", i, " Exact value=", value, '\n', file=stderr() )
nC = dim(p.LookupList[[iV]]$x)[2]
xlookup[ ,1:nC] = p.LookupList[[iV]]$x
ylookup[ ,1:nC] = p.LookupList[[iV]]$y
vlevel = iV # vlevel will never be accessed, but this is what it would be if it were
# make an initial guess for HC
evaluation = 0
#HCstart = approxHCfromxyY( xyY[i, ] , c(xyC,100) )
#ABstart = unlist( ABfromHC( HCstart[1], HCstart[2] ) )
ABstart = approxABfromxyY( xyY[i, ], c(xyC,100), V.vector )
HCstart = unlist( HCfromAB( ABstart[1], ABstart[2] ) )
res = try( rootSolve::multiroot( forwardfun, ABstart, rtol=1.e-8, atol=1.e-6, ctol=0, verbose=FALSE,
value=value, vlevel=vlevel, xy_target=xy_target ), silent=F )
if( inherits(res,"try-error" ) ) # class(res) == "try-error" )
# failed to find the root
# print(res)
log.string( DEBUG, "rootSolve::multiroot() failed. ABstart=%g,%g. HCstart=%g,%g. value=%g",
ABstart[1], ABstart[2], HCstart[1], HCstart[2], value )
time.elapsed.vec[i] = (gettime() - time_begin) # ;as.double( Sys.time() ) - time_begin
# convert from AB back to HC
HVC[ i, c(1,3) ] = unlist( HCfromAB( res$root[1], res$root[2] ) )
# cat( "Success ! iterations=", res$iter, '\n', file=stderr() )
iterations.vec[i] = res$iter
evaluations.vec[i] = evaluation
estim.precis.vec[i] = res$estim.precis
# hue wrap-around to interval (0,100]
hue = HVC[ ,1] %% 100
hue[ hue==0 ] = 100
HVC[ , 1] = hue
# copy rownames from xyY to HVC, unless NULL then use SAMPLE_NAME
rownames(HVC) = rownames(xyY)
if( is.null(rownames(HVC)) ) rownames(HVC) = SAMPLE_NAME
out = data.frame( row.names=1:n, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
out$xyY = xyY
out$HVC = HVC
if( perf )
out$time.elapsed = time.elapsed.vec
out$iterations = iterations.vec
out$evaluations = evaluations.vec
out$estim.precis = estim.precis.vec
# print( str(out) )
if( FALSE )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
log.string( INFO, "Processed %d samples in %g seconds. %g/sample. [mean(time.elapsed)=%g].",
n, time_elapsed, time_elapsed/n, mean(out$time.elapsed,na.rm=TRUE) )
if( warn )
mask =[ ,1]) |[ ,3])
if( any(mask) )
log.string( WARN, "%d samples, out of %d, could not be mapped; HVC row set to NA.",
sum(mask), n )
return( out )
# this one use global variable p.InversionCoeffs
approxABfromxyY <- function( xyY, xyY.white, V.vector )
p = 'spacesXYZ'
if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )
V = VfromY( xyY[3] )
iV = which.min( abs(V - V.vector) )
coeffs = p.InversionCoeffs[[iV]]
vars = colnames(coeffs)[1]
if( grepl( "a,b", vars, fixed=TRUE ) )
# polynomial in a and b
Yp = YfromV( V.vector[iV] ) # use Y in the closest V plane, which is where the model was computed
XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c(xyY[1],xyY[2],Yp) )
XYZ.white = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( xyY.white )
Lab = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ, XYZ.white )
a = Lab[2]
b = Lab[3]
a2 = a*a
b2 = b*b
term = c( a, a2, a2*a, b, a*b, a2*b, b2, a*b2, b2*b ) # compare order here with polym() in makeInversionCoeffs()
else if( grepl( "xdelta,ydelta", vars, fixed=TRUE ) )
# polynomial in xdelta and ydelta
xd = xyY[1] - xyY.white[1]
yd = xyY[2] - xyY.white[2]
xd2 = xd*xd
yd2 = yd*yd
term = c( xd, xd2, xd2*xd, yd, xd*yd, xd2*yd, yd2, xd*yd2, yd2*yd ) # compare order here with polym() in makeInversionCoeffs()
log.string( FATAL, "vars='%s' is invalid.", vars )
AB = numeric(2)
for( k in 1:2 )
AB[k] = sum( coeffs[k, ] * term )
return( AB )
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