
Defines functions cauchy_p cauchy_combined harmonic_combined fishers_combined sumlog

Documented in cauchy_combined fishers_combined harmonic_combined

#' Fisher's combine method p-value computation
#' This function takes in p-values to combine them via the Fisher's method.
#' @param pvalues Vector with p-values to combine
#' @return Scalar Fisher's combined p-value
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
sumlog <- function(pvalues) {
    df <- 2 * length(pvalues)
    fisherp <- pchisq(
        -2 * sum(log(pvalues)),
        df, lower.tail = FALSE

#' Fisher's combine method on mvmapit return
#' This function takes in the p-values tibble that mvmapit returned. It then
#' computes the combined p-values grouped by variant id.
#' @param pvalues Tibble with p-values from mvmapit function call.
#' @param group_col String that denotes column by which to group and combine
#' p-values.
#' @param p_col String that denotes p-value column.
#' @return A Tibble with the combined p-values.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(837)
#' p <- 200
#' n <- 100
#' d <- 2
#' X <- matrix(
#'     runif(p * n),
#'     ncol = p
#' )
#' Y <- matrix(
#'     runif(d * n),
#'     ncol = d
#' )
#' mapit <- mvmapit(
#'     t(X),
#'     t(Y),
#'     test = "normal", cores = 1, logLevel = "INFO"
#' )
#' fisher <- fishers_combined(mapit$pvalues)
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
fishers_combined <- function(pvalues, group_col = "id", p_col = "p") {
    pvalues %>%
        group_by(.data[[group_col]]) %>%
        summarize(p = sumlog(.data[[p_col]])) %>%
        mutate(trait = "fisher") %>%
        relocate(all_of(group_col), all_of("trait"), all_of("p"))

#' Harmonic mean p combine method on mvmapit return
#' This function takes in the p-values tibble that mvmapit returned. It then
#' computes the combined p-values grouped by variant id.
#' @param pvalues Tibble with p-values from mvmapit function call. Grouping is
#' based on the column named "id"
#' @param group_col String that denotes column by which to group and combine
#' p-values.
#' @param p_col String that denotes p-value column.
#' @return A Tibble with the combined p-values.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(837)
#' p <- 200
#' n <- 100
#' d <- 2
#' X <- matrix(
#'     runif(p * n),
#'     ncol = p
#' )
#' Y <- matrix(
#'     runif(d * n),
#'     ncol = d
#' )
#' mapit <- mvmapit(
#'     t(X),
#'     t(Y),
#'     test = "normal", cores = 1, logLevel = "INFO"
#' )
#' harmonic <- harmonic_combined(mapit$pvalues)
#' @export
#' @import harmonicmeanp
#' @import dplyr
harmonic_combined <- function(pvalues, group_col = "id", p_col = "p") {
    pvalues %>%
        group_by(.data[[group_col]]) %>%
        summarize(p = as.numeric(hmp.stat(.data[[p_col]]))) %>%
        mutate(trait = "harmonic") %>%
        relocate(all_of(group_col), all_of("trait"), all_of("p"))

#' Cauchy p combine method on mvmapit return
#' This function takes in the p-values tibble that mvmapit returned. It then
#' computes the combined p-values grouped by variant id.
#' @param pvalues Tibble with p-values from mvmapit function call. Grouping is
#' based on the column named "id"
#' @param group_col String that denotes column by which to group and combine
#' p-values.
#' @param p_col String that denotes p-value column.
#' @return A Tibble with the combined p-values.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(837)
#' p <- 200
#' n <- 100
#' d <- 2
#' X <- matrix(
#'     runif(p * n),
#'     ncol = p
#' )
#' Y <- matrix(
#'     runif(d * n),
#'     ncol = d
#' )
#' mapit <- mvmapit(
#'     t(X),
#'     t(Y),
#'     test = "normal", cores = 1, logLevel = "INFO"
#' )
#' cauchy <- cauchy_combined(mapit$pvalues)
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
cauchy_combined <- function(pvalues, group_col = "id", p_col = "p") {
    pvalues %>%
        group_by(.data[[group_col]]) %>%
        summarize(p = as.numeric(cauchy_p(.data[[p_col]]))) %>%
        mutate(trait = "cauchy") %>%
        relocate(all_of(group_col), all_of("trait"), all_of("p"))

#' Cauchy combination method for dependent p-values.
#' @param pvalues Vector with p-values to combine
#' @return Scalar Cauchy combined p-value
#' @examples
#' pvalues <- c(1e-1, 2e-1, 3e-1)
#' cauchy_p(pvalues)
#' @references Liu, Y., & Xie, J. (2020). Cauchy combination test: a powerful test
#' with analytic p-value calculation under arbitrary dependency structures.
#' \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, \emph{115}(529), 393-402.
#' (\href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2018.1554485}{pub})
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats pcauchy
cauchy_p <- function(pvalues){

    if(0 %in% pvalues && 1 %in% pvalues){
        stop("Cannot combine values 0 and 1 because tan becomes infinite. Use harmonic mean p.")
    } else if(0 %in% pvalues){
    } else if(1 %in% pvalues){

    CCT <- sum(tan((0.5 - pvalues) * pi)) / length(pvalues)

    p <- 1 - pcauchy(CCT)

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mvMAPIT documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 9:07 a.m.