
Defines functions faultFilter

Documented in faultFilter

#' Process Fault Filtering
#' @description  Flag and filter out observations beyond normal operating
#'   conditions, then return the observations within normal operating
#'   conditions.
#' @param trainData An xts data matrix of initial training observations
#' @param testData The data not included in the training data set
#' @param updateFreq The number of observations from the test data matrix that
#'   must be returned to update the training data matrix and move it forward.
#' @param ... Lazy dots for additional internal arguments
#' @param faultsToTriggerAlarm Specifies how many sequential faults will cause
#'   an alarm to trigger. Defaults to 5.
#' @return A list of class "fault_ls" with the following:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{faultObj -- }{An xts flagging matrix with the same number of rows as
#'       "testData". This flag matrix has the following five columns:
#'         \describe{
#'           \item{SPE -- }{The SPE statistic value for each observation in
#'             "testData". This statistic is defined as
#'             \deqn{
#'               SPE_i = (\textbf{X}_i - \textbf{Y}_i * \textbf{P}^T) *
#'                (\textbf{X}_i - \textbf{Y}_i * \textbf{P}^T)^T,
#'             }
#'             where \eqn{\textbf{X}_i} is the \eqn{i^{th}} observation vector,
#'             \eqn{\textbf{Y}_i} is the reduced-feature projection of the
#'             observation \eqn{\textbf{X}_i}, and \eqn{\textbf{P}} is the
#'             projection matrix such that \eqn{\textbf{X}_i\textbf{P} =
#'             \textbf{Y}_i}.}
#'           \item{SPE_Flag -- }{A vector of SPE indicators recording 0 if the
#'             test statistic is less than or equal to the critical value
#'             passed through from the threshold object.}
#'           \item{T2 -- }{The T2 statistic value for each observation in
#'             "testData". This statistic is defined as
#'             \deqn{
#'                T^2_i = \textbf{Y}_i * \textbf{D}^{-1} * \textbf{Y}_i^T,
#'             }
#'             where \eqn{\textbf{Y}_i = \textbf{X}_i\textbf{P}} is the reduced-
#'             feature projection of the observation \eqn{\textbf{X}_i}, and
#'             \eqn{\textbf{D}} is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.}
#'           \item{T2_Flag -- }{A vector of T2 fault indicators, defined like
#'             SPE_Flag.}
#'           \item{Alarm -- }{A column indicating if there have been five flags
#'             in a row for either the SPE or T2 monitoring statistics or both.
#'             Alarm states are as follows: 0 = no alarm, 1 = Hotelling's T2
#'             alarm, 2 = Squared Prediction Error alarm, and 3 = both alarms.}
#'         }
#'       }
#'     \item{nonAlarmedTestObs -- }{An xts matrix of the first updateFreq number
#'       of rows of the training data which were not alarmed.}
#'     \item{trainSpecs -- }{The threshold object returned by the internal
#'       threshold() function. See the threshold() function's help file for more
#'       details.}
#'   }
#' @details This function is essentially a wrapper function to call and organize
#'   the output from these other internal functions: faultDetect(), threshold(),
#'   and pca(). It is applied over a rolling window, with observation width
#'   equal to updateFreq, of the larger full data matrix via the
#'   processMonitor() function, wherein the testing and training data sets move
#'   forward in time across the entire data matrix.
#'   This internal function is called by processMonitor().
#' @seealso Calls: \code{\link{pca}}, \code{\link{threshold}},
#'   \code{\link{faultDetect}}. Called by: \code{\link{processMonitor}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom lazyeval lazy_eval
#' @importFrom lazyeval lazy_dots
#' @importFrom zoo index
#' @importFrom xts xts
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @examples
#' nrml <- mspProcessData(faults = "NOC")
#' # Select the data under state 1
#' data <- nrml[nrml[,1] == 1]
#' faultFilter(trainData = data[1:672, -1],
#'             testData = data[673:3360, -1],
#'             updateFreq = 336)
faultFilter <- function(trainData,
                        faultsToTriggerAlarm = 5,

  # browser()

  ls <- lazy_dots(...)
  muTrain <- colMeans(trainData)
  sigmaTrain <- cov(trainData)
  stdDevs <- sqrt(diag(sigmaTrain))
  precisRootMat <- diag(1 / stdDevs, ncol = ncol(sigmaTrain))

  scaledTrainData <- scale(trainData)

  # Call the pca.R file, passing in the scaled training data matrix and the
  # proportion of energy to preserve in the projection (defaults to 95%)
  pcaObj <- do.call(pca, args = c(list(data = scaledTrainData), lazy_eval(ls)))

  # Call the threshold.R file, passing in the object returned by the pca call
  # previous.
  thresholdObj <- do.call(threshold, args = c(list(pca_object = pcaObj),

  muTrain_mat <- rep(1, nrow(testData)) %*% t(muTrain)
  scaledTest <- as.matrix(testData - muTrain_mat) %*% precisRootMat
  scaledTest <- xts(scaledTest, order.by = index(testData))
  colnames(scaledTest) <- colnames(testData)

  # We also need the training information to contain the mean and precision, so
  # that new observations can be centred and scaled based on the training info.
  thresholdObj$muTrain <- muTrain
  thresholdObj$RootPrecisTrain <- precisRootMat

  # We now apply the faultDetect function down each row of the scaled test data
  # set. We then return it to its form as an xts matrix.
  faultObj <- lapply(1:nrow(scaledTest), function(i){
            args = c(list(threshold_object = thresholdObj,
                          observation = scaledTest[i,]),
  faultObj <- do.call(rbind, faultObj)
  faultObj <- xts(faultObj, order.by = index(testData))

  # This bit will find the observations which have not been flagged by either
  # statistic. However, we need to find and report the alarmed observations as
  # well. We first add a column for SPE and T2 alarm status.

  faultObj <- cbind(faultObj, rep(0, nrow(faultObj)))
  colnames(faultObj)[5] <- "Alarm"
  # nonFlaggedObs <- faultObj[faultObj[,2] == FALSE & faultObj[,4] == FALSE, ]

  # Now we iterate through the faultObj xts object by row, checking when we see
  # 3 (the default value of faultsToTriggerAlarm) flagged observations in a row
  alarmCheck <- rep(1, faultsToTriggerAlarm)
  # Alarm code: 1 = T2 alarm; 2 = SPE alarm; 3 = both
  if(nrow(faultObj) >= faultsToTriggerAlarm){
    for(i in faultsToTriggerAlarm:nrow(faultObj)){
      # T2
      x1 <- as.vector(faultObj[(i - faultsToTriggerAlarm + 1):i, 4])
      if(identical(x1, alarmCheck)){
        faultObj[i,5] <- 1
      # SPE
      x2 <- as.vector(faultObj[(i - faultsToTriggerAlarm + 1):i, 2])
      if(identical(x2, alarmCheck)){
        faultObj[i,5] <- faultObj[i,5] + 2
  # We seperate out the non-alarmed observations, and we keep as many as we
  # need to update the algorithm.
  nonAlarmedObs <- faultObj[faultObj[,5] == 0, ]
  keptObsIndex <- head(index(nonAlarmedObs), n = updateFreq)
  keptObs <- testData[keptObsIndex]

  # The faultObj is an xts with the same number of observations as testData.
  object <- list(faultObj = faultObj,
                 nonAlarmedTestObs = keptObs,
                 trainSpecs = thresholdObj)
  class(object) <- "fault_ls"

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mvMonitoring documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:09 a.m.