Man pages for mvSLOUCH
Multivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses

BrownianMotionModelEstimate parameters under a Brownian motion model of...
drawPhylProcessPlots the realization of a process evolving on a phylogenetic...
estimate.evolutionary.modelWrapper function to find best (out of BM, OU, OUOU, OUBM)...
fitch.mvslUnordered Fitch parsimony reconstruction of discrete...
generate.model.setupsGenerate a list of model setups for the function...
mvSLOUCH-internalInternal mvSLOUCH objects
mvslouchModelEstimate parameters under a (multivariate) OUBM model of...
mvSLOUCH-packageMultivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic differential...
ouchModelEstimate parameters under a (multivariate) OU model of...
OU_phylregPerforms a phylogenetic regression under a given OU model of...
OU_RSSCalculates the RSS under a (multivariate) phylogenetic OU...
OU_xVzPerforms a vector matrix vector multiplcation under a...
parametric.bootstrapParametric bootstrap for confidence intervals
phyltree_pathsExtract path information from a phylogenetic tree
plot.clustered_phyloPlots a clustered_phylo object.
simulate_clustered_phylogenySimulate a phylogenetic tree with a specified number of...
simulBMProcPhylTreeSimulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) Brownian...
simulMVSLOUCHProcPhylTreeSimulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OUBM...
simulOUCHProcPhylTreeSimulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OU model
SummarizeBMSummarize parameters estimated under a Brownian motion model
SummarizeMVSLOUCHSummarize parameters estimated under a multivariate OUBM...
SummarizeOUCHSummarize parameters estimated under a (multivariate) OU...
mvSLOUCH documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:08 a.m.