
Defines functions checkViews viewsClasses vectorLength UL rowWUL oFSkm conceptVectorsSkm conceptIndicesSkm consensusMeansPerClVSkm assignFinIdxPerClSkm dbern dcat mApplyBern mApplyCat logsum assignIdxPerClMBinEM agreementRateBinM

Documented in agreementRateBinM assignFinIdxPerClSkm assignIdxPerClMBinEM checkViews conceptIndicesSkm conceptVectorsSkm consensusMeansPerClVSkm dbern dcat logsum mApplyBern mApplyCat oFSkm rowWUL UL vectorLength viewsClasses

#' Check views for consistency
#' Views must have exactly the same row names
#' @param view1 View 1
#' @param view2 View 2
#' @return Message and stop as appropriate

checkViews <- function(view1, view2) {
  if (!is.data.frame(view1) | !is.data.frame(view2)) {
    stop("Preparing data failed: Views must be data frames")
  if ( sum(sort(row.names(view1))==sort(row.names(view2)) ) != length(row.names(view1)) ) {
    stop("Preparing data failed: Row names differ")
  if ( ! identical( row.names(view1), row.names(view2)) ) {
    stop("Preparing data failed: Order of row names differs between views")


#' Counts unique values in both views
#' Stops on any non-numeric values
#' @param view1 View 1
#' @param view2 View 2
#' @return list containing unique values for each view

viewsClasses <- function(view1, view2) {
  nrColsView1 <- dim(view1)[2]
  nrColsView2 <- dim(view2)[2]
  if (sum(apply(view1,2,is.numeric)) < nrColsView1) {
    stop("view1 contains non-numeric columns")
  if (sum(apply(view2,2,is.numeric)) < nrColsView2) {
    stop("view2 contains non-numeric columns")
  uniqueValsView1 <- sort(unique( unlist(as.list (apply(view1,2,unique),use.names=F) ) ))
  uniqueValsView2 <- sort(unique( unlist(as.list (apply(view2,2,unique),use.names=F) ) ))
  list(view1=uniqueValsView1, view2=uniqueValsView2)

# # # Multi-Spherical k-Means # # #

#' Euclidean length of vector
#' @param x vector
#' @return length of x

vectorLength <- function(x) {
  as.vector(sqrt(x %*% x))

#' Unit length for vector
#' @param x vector
#' @return x converted to unit length

UL <- function(x) {
  x = x/vectorLength(x) # trick to scale to unit length
  x[is.nan(x)] = 0

#' Unit length of all vectors row-wise
#' @param X matrix
#' @return X row-wise converted to unit length

rowWUL <- function(X) {
  # X = t ( apply ( X, 1, function(x) x/vectorLength(x) ) ) # trick to scale to unit length
  for (i in 1:NROW(X)) {
    #tryCatch ( X[i,]=X[i,]/vectorLength(X[i,]), error=function(e) print(X[i,]) ) 
  X[is.nan(X)] = 0

#' Objective Function (sum of cosines)
#' @param X data matrix (row-wise vectors in unit length).
#' @param C concept vectors as matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param CIdx vector of length NROW(X) with natural numbers 1..k, indicating cluster for each data vector.
#' @return sum of cosine-similarities.
#' @examples { 
#'   X=structure(c(0.707, 0.707, 0.707, 0.707), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))
#'   C=structure(c(1, 0, 0, 1), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))
#'   CIdx=c(2, 1)
#'   oFSkm(X,C,CIdx) # 1.414
#' }

oFSkm <- function(X,C,CIdx) {
  CIdxs = unique(sort(CIdx))
  k = length(CIdxs)
  of = vector( length = k, mode = 'numeric' ) # mode 'numeric' inits to 0
  for ( j in 1:k ) {
    subSpaceJ = X [ CIdx == CIdxs[j], , drop=F ]
    #if (dim(subSpaceJ)[1] > 0) {
      for ( i in 1:NROW(subSpaceJ) ) {
        of[j] = of[j] + abs( unlist(subSpaceJ[i,]) %*% unlist(C[j,]) )

#' Calculate concept vectors for Spherical k-Means as unit length sum of vectors of the k clusters.
#' @param X data matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param CIdx vector of length NROW(X) with natural numbers 1..k, indicating cluster for each data vector.
#' @param doOutput whether progress bar indicators should be output
#' @return concept vectors as matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @examples {
#'   X=structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   CIdx=c(1, 1, 2, 2)
#'   C=conceptVectorsSkm(X,CIdx)
#'   dput(C) 
#'   # structure(c(0.894427190999916, -0.447213595499958, 
#'   # 0.447213595499958, -0.894427190999916), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))
#' }

conceptVectorsSkm <- function(X,CIdx,doOutput=F) {
  CIdxs = unique(sort(CIdx))
  k = length(CIdxs)
  C = matrix( rep( 0, k*NCOL(X) ), k, NCOL(X) )
  if (doOutput) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = k, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    ithConceptSum = colSums( X [ CIdx==CIdxs[i], , drop=F ] )
    C[i,] = UL(unlist(ithConceptSum))
    if (doOutput) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if (doOutput) close(pb)

#' Calculate partitions (concept indices) by assigning each vector to the closest concept vector.
#' @param X data matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param C matrix with k rows, indicating concept vectors (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param doOutput whether progress bar indicators should be output
#' @return concept indices as vector.
#' @examples { 
#'   X=structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   C=structure(c(0.894427190999916, -0.447213595499958, 
#'   0.447213595499958, -0.894427190999916), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))
#'   CIdx=conceptIndicesSkm(X,C)
#'   dput(CIdx) 
#'   # c(1, 1, 2, 2)
#' }

conceptIndicesSkm <- function(X,C,doOutput=F) {
  k = NROW(C)
  n = NROW(X)
  CIdx = rep( 0, n )
  if (doOutput) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style = 3)
  for ( i in 1:n ) {
    maxDist = -Inf # Init to -infty
    for ( j in 1:k ) {
      actualDist = abs(as.vector(unlist(X[i,]) %*% unlist(C[j,])))
      if (actualDist > maxDist) {
        maxDist = actualDist
        CIdx[i] = j
    if (doOutput) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if (doOutput) close(pb)

#' Calculate means per Cluster and view for Spherical k-Means by using a consensus approach.
#' @param view1 data matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param view2 data matrix (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param view1Idx vector of length NROW(view1) with natural numbers 1..k, indicating cluster for each data vector of view1.
#' @param view2Idx vector of length NROW(view1) with natural numbers 1..k, indicating cluster for each data vector of view2.
#' @return cluster means as matrices per view (row-wise in unit length).
#' @examples {
#'   view1 = structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   view2 = structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   view1Idx = c(2, 2, 1, 1)
#'   view2Idx = c(2, 1, 1, 1)
#'   mPerClV=consensusMeansPerClVSkm(view1,view2,view1Idx,view2Idx)
#'   dput(mPerClV) 
#' }

consensusMeansPerClVSkm <- function(view1,view2,view1Idx,view2Idx) {

# structure(list(view1 = structure(c(-0.447213595499958, 0.707106781186547, -0.894427190999916, 0.707106781186547), .Dim = c(2L, 2L)), view2 = structure(c(-0.707106781186547, 0.707106781186547, -0.707106781186547, 0.707106781186547), .Dim = c(2L, 2L))), .Names = c("view1", "view2"))

  #n = length(view1Idx)

  intersectOfIdxs = intersect(sort(unique(view1Idx)),sort(unique(view2Idx)))
  k = length(intersectOfIdxs)

  #if (sum(sort(unique(view1Idx)) != sort(unique(view2Idx)))>0) {
  #  print(unique(view1Idx))
  #  print(unique(view2Idx))
  #  stop("Different clusters.")

  view1mMatrix = matrix(rep(0,k*NCOL(view1)),k,NCOL(view1),byrow=T)
  view2mMatrix = matrix(rep(0,k*NCOL(view2)),k,NCOL(view2),byrow=T)

  for ( j in 1:k ) {
    sharedInJ = ((view1Idx==intersectOfIdxs[j]) & (view2Idx==intersectOfIdxs[j]))
    mPerClV1 = UL( unlist( colSums( view1 [sharedInJ, ,drop=F] ) ) )
    mPerClV2 = UL( unlist( colSums( view2 [sharedInJ, ,drop=F] ) ) )

  list("view1"=view1mMatrix, "view2"=view2mMatrix)

#' Assign final indices to means that have the smallest angle.
#' @param view1 data matrices (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param view2 data matrices (row-wise in unit length).
#' @param mPerClV list of means per Cluster and View.
#' @return vector of indices for each data point.
#' @examples \dontrun{ 
#'   view1 = structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   view2 = structure(c(1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0), .Dim = c(4L, 2L))
#'   finIdx = assignFinIdxPerClSkm(view1,view2,mPerClV)
#'   dput(finIdx) 
#'   # c(2, 2, 1, 1)
#' }

assignFinIdxPerClSkm <- function(view1,view2,mPerClV) {

  view1 = matrix ( unlist(view1), dim(view1)[1], dim(view1)[2] )
  view2 = matrix ( unlist(view2), dim(view2)[1], dim(view2)[2] )
  view1 = rowWUL(view1)
  view2 = rowWUL(view2)
  mPerClV1 = rowWUL(mPerClV[["view1"]])
  mPerClV2 = rowWUL(mPerClV[["view2"]])

  k = NROW(mPerClV1)
  if (NROW(mPerClV2) != k) stop("Different clusters.")

  n = NROW(view1)
  finalCIdx = rep(0,n)
  sphericMin = rep(Inf,n) # init to +infty
  for ( j in 1:k ) {
    sphericVal = as.vector( acos( round( view1 %*%  mPerClV1[j,] , digits=5 ) ) + acos( round(  view2 %*% mPerClV2[j,] , digits=5 ) ) )
    minPat = sphericVal < sphericMin
    sphericMin[minPat] = sphericVal[minPat]
    finalCIdx[minPat] = j

# # # Mixture of Categoricals EM # # #

#' Calculate Bernoulli likelihood
#' @param x a binary event (vector)
#' @param prob the Bernoulli probability (vector)
#' @return Bernoulli likelihood

dbern <- function(x,prob) {
  prob^x * (1-prob)^(1-x)

#' Calculate categorical likelihood
#' @param x a categorical event vector
#' @param prob the categorical probability matrix (rows along events, cols along event values)
#' @return categorical likelihood
#' @examples {
#'   dcat(c(1,2,1),matrix(c(.9,.8,.9,.1,.2,.1),3,2))
#' }

dcat <- function(x,prob) {
    sapply(seq_along(x), function(idx) prob[idx,x[idx]])

#' Calculate Bernoulli likelihood row-wise for binary events
#' @param X a matrix of binary events (row-wise)
#' @param prob the Bernoulli probability vector (along events)
#' @return a matrix of Bernoulli likelihoods

mApplyBern <- function(X,prob) {
    t ( apply(X,1,function(x) dbern(x,prob)) )

#' Calculate categorical likelihood row-wise for categorical events
#' @param X a matrix of categorical events (row-wise)
#' @param prob the categorical probability matrix (rows along events, cols along event values)
#' @return a matrix of categorical likelihoods

mApplyCat <- function(X,prob) {
    t ( apply(X,1,function(x) dcat(x,prob)) )

#' Estimate log document probabilites given specific Bernoulli parameters
#' @param X a matrix of binary events (row-wise)
#' @param logprob the Bernoulli probability
#' @examples {
#'   X=matrix(c(0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0),2,4,byrow=TRUE) # two documents of length 4
#'   prob=c(.1,.2,.1,.1) # prob per index
#'   dput(mApplyBern(X,prob)) # likelihood for each index
#'   #structure(c(0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), .Dim = c(2L, 4L))
#'   dput(estLogPxBernGthetaJ(X,log(prob))) 
#'   # c(-1.92551945940758, -2.73644967562391)
#' }

estLogPxBernGthetaJ <- function (X, logprob) {
  # prob is a vector of size #words
  # X is a matrix (nrow=n, ncol=#words)
  apply(mApplyBern(X,exp(logprob)), 1, function(x) cumsum(log(x))[length(x)] )

#' Estimate log document probabilites given specific Categorical parameters
#' @param X a matrix of categorical events (row-wise)
#' @param logprob the Categorical probability
#' @examples {
#'   X=matrix(c(1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1),2,4,byrow=TRUE) # two documents of length 4
#'   prob=matrix(c(.9,.8,.9,.9,.1,.2,.1,.1),4,2) # prob per index
#'   dput(mApplyCat(X,prob)) # likelihood for each index
#'   #structure(c(0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9), .Dim = c(2L, 4L))
#'   dput(estLogPxCatGthetaJ(X,log(prob))) 
#'   # c(-1.92551945940758, -2.73644967562391)
#' }

estLogPxCatGthetaJ <- function (X, logprob) {
  # prob is a matrix of size #words x #classes
  # X is a matrix (nrow=n, ncol=#words)
  apply(mApplyCat(X,exp(logprob)), 1, function(x) cumsum(log(x))[length(x)] )

#' Computes the cumulative sum in terms of logarithmic in- and output
#' Useful to avoid numerical underflow when summing products of probabilities
#' When using this function, one can sum sums of log probabilities
#' See also: http://goo.gl/aJopi
#' @param logx a vector of log numbers (need not be probabilities)
#' @return the log of the sum of the exponentiated input
#' @examples {
#'   x=c(1,2,3)
#'   exp(logsum(log(x)))
#'   # 6
#' }

logsum <- function(logx) {
  for (i in 1:length(logx)) {
    mysum = mysum + exp(logx[i]-mypi)
  mypi + log(mysum)

#' objective function for mixture of binomials EM: 
#' @param DPS documents weighted by cluster priors
#' @return sum of log likelihood of documents

oFMixBinEM<- function (DPS) {
  sum(apply(DPS, 2, function(logx) logsum(logx)))

#' Assign final indices to data by maximum posterior value.
#' @param PjV1 Posterior matrix view 1 (by document).
#' @param PjV2 Posterior matrix view 2 (by document).
#' @return vector of indices for each data point.

assignIdxPerClMBinEM <- function(PjV1, PjV2) {
  apply( PjV1 + PjV2, 1, function(x) which.max(x) )

#' Agreement rate by maximum posterior values.
#' @param PjV1 Posterior matrix view 1 (by document).
#' @param PjV2 Posterior matrix view 2 (by document).
#' @return agreement rate.

agreementRateBinM  <- function(PjV1, PjV2) {
  v1 = apply( PjV1, 1, function(x) which.max(x) )
  v2 = apply( PjV2, 1, function(x) which.max(x) )
  sum(v1 == v2) / length(v1)

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