context("log transformed")
test_that("Identical trees have an nLTTstat of zero,
also when log transformed", {
p <- ape::rcoal(10)
set.seed(314) # Same seed to generate the same tree
q <- ape::rcoal(10)
0.0, nLTTstat(tree1 = p, tree2 = p, distance_method = "abs",
log_transform = TRUE), # nolint nLTTstat should be all lowercase, left in for backwards compatibility
tolerance = 0.0001
0.0, nLTTstat(tree1 = p, tree2 = p, distance_method = "squ",
log_transform = TRUE), # nolint nLTTstat should be all lowercase, left in for backwards compatibility
tolerance = 0.0001
test_that("compare with non-log transformed", {
p <- ape::rcoal(n = 100)
q <- ape::rcoal(n = 100)
stat_1 <- nLTTstat(tree1 = p, tree2 = q, distance_method = "abs",
log_transform = FALSE)
stat_2 <- nLTTstat(tree1 = p, tree2 = q, distance_method = "abs",
log_transform = TRUE)
# for some reason, log transforming richness leads to LOWER
# nLTT values
expect_lt(stat_1, stat_2)
# this function might benefit from additional tests.
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