
Defines functions .format_dates_re_sb .format_dates_ag .build_query .check_lonlat .check_dates get_power

Documented in get_power

#' Get NASA POWER Data From the POWER API
#' @description Get \acronym{POWER} global meteorology and surface solar energy
#'   climatology data and return a tidy data frame [tibble::tibble()]
#'   object.  All options offered by the official \acronym{POWER} \acronym{API}
#'   are supported.  Requests are formed to submit one request per point.
#'   There is no need to make synchronous requests for multiple parameters for
#'   a single point or regional request.  See section on \dQuote{Rate Limiting}
#'   for more.
#' @param community A case-intensive character vector providing community name:
#'   \dQuote{AG}, \dQuote{RE} or \dQuote{SB}.  See argument details for more.
#' @param pars  case-intensive character vector of solar, meteorological or
#'   climatology parameters to download.  When requesting a single point of x, y
#'   coordinates, a maximum of twenty (20) `pars` can be specified at one time,
#'   for \dQuote{DAILY}, \dQuote{MONTHLY} and \dQuote{climatology}
#'   `temporal_api`s.  If the `temporal_api` is specified as \dQuote{hourly}
#'   only 15 `pars` can be specified in a single query.  See `temporal_api` for
#'   more.  These values are checked internally for validity before sending the
#'   query to the \acronym{POWER} \acronym{API}.
#' @param temporal_api A case-intensive character vector providing the temporal
#'   \acronym{API} end-point for data being queried, supported values are
#'   \dQuote{hourly}, \dQuote{DAILY}, \dQuote{MONTHLY} or \dQuote{climatology}.
#'   Defaults to \dQuote{DAILY}.  See argument details for more.
#' @param lonlat A numeric vector of geographic coordinates for a cell or region
#'   entered as x, y (longitude, latitude) coordinates.  See argument details
#'   for more.
#' @param dates A character vector of start and end dates in that order,\cr
#'   _e.g._, `dates = c("1983-01-01", "2017-12-31")`.
#'   Not used when\cr `temporal_api` is set to \dQuote{climatology}.
#'   See argument details for more.
#' @param site_elevation A user-supplied value for elevation at a single point
#'   in metres.  If provided this will return a corrected atmospheric pressure
#'   value adjusted to the elevation provided.  Only used with `lonlat` as a
#'   single point of x, y coordinates, not for use with \dQuote{global} or with
#'   a regional request.
#' @param wind_elevation A user-supplied value for elevation at a single point
#'   in metres.  Wind Elevation values in Meters are required to be between 10m
#'   and 300m.  Only used with `lonlat` as a single point of x, y coordinates,
#'   not for use with \dQuote{global} or with a regional request.  If this
#'   parameter is provided, the `wind-surface` parameter is required with the
#'   request, see
#'    <https://power.larc.nasa.gov/docs/methodology/meteorology/wind/>.
#' @param wind_surface A user-supplied wind surface for which the corrected
#'   wind-speed is to be supplied.  See `wind-surface` section for more detail.
#' @param time_standard \acronym{POWER} provides two different time standards:
#'    * Universal Time Coordinated (\acronym{UTC}): is the standard time measure
#'     that used by the world.
#'    * Local Solar Time (\acronym{LST}): A 15 degree swath that represents
#'     solar noon at the middle longitude of the swath.
#'    Defaults to `LST`.
#' @section Argument details for \dQuote{community}: There are three valid
#'   values, one must be supplied. This  will affect the units of the parameter
#'   and the temporal display of time series data.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ag}{Provides access to the Agroclimatology Archive, which
#'  contains industry-friendly parameters formatted for input to crop models.}
#'  \item{sb}{Provides access to the Sustainable Buildings Archive, which
#'  contains industry-friendly parameters for the buildings community to include
#'  parameters in multi-year monthly averages.}
#'  \item{re}{Provides access to the Renewable Energy Archive, which contains
#'  parameters specifically tailored to assist in the design of solar and wind
#'  powered renewable energy systems.}
#'  }
#' @section Argument details for `temporal_api`: There are four valid values.
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{hourly}{The hourly average of `pars` by hour, day, month and year,
#'   the time zone is LST by default.}
#'   \item{daily}{The daily average of `pars` by day, month and year.}
#'   \item{monthly}{The monthly average of `pars` by month and year.}
#'   \item{climatology}{Provide parameters as 22-year climatologies (solar)
#'    and 30-year climatologies (meteorology); the period climatology and
#'    monthly average, maximum, and/or minimum values.}
#'  }
#' @section Argument details for `lonlat`:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{For a single point}{To get a specific cell, 1/2 x 1/2 degree, supply a
#'  length-two numeric vector giving the decimal degree longitude and latitude
#'  in that order for data to download,\cr
#'  _e.g._, `lonlat = c(-179.5, -89.5)`.}
#'  \item{For regional coverage}{To get a region, supply a length-four numeric
#'  vector as lower left (lon, lat) and upper right (lon, lat) coordinates,
#'  _e.g._, `lonlat = c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` in that order for a
#'  given region, _e.g._, a bounding box for the south western corner of
#'  Australia: `lonlat = c(112.5, -55.5, 115.5, -50.5)`.  *Maximum area
#'  processed is 4.5 x 4.5 degrees (100 points).}
#'  \item{For global coverage}{To get global coverage for \dQuote{climatology},
#'  supply \dQuote{global} while also specifying \dQuote{climatology} for the
#'  `temporal_api`.}
#' }
#' @section Argument details for `dates`: if one date only is provided, it
#'   will be treated as both the start date and the end date and only a single
#'   day's values will be returned, _e.g._, `dates = "1983-01-01"`.  When
#'   `temporal_api` is set to \dQuote{MONTHLY}, use only two year values (YYYY),
#'   _e.g._ `dates = c(1983, 2010)`.  This argument should not be used when
#'   `temporal_api` is set to \dQuote{climatology} and will be ignored if set.
#' @section `wind_surface`: There are 17 surfaces that may be used for corrected
#'   wind-speed values using the following equation:
#'   \deqn{ WSC_hgt = WS_10m\times(\frac{hgt}{WS_50m})^\alpha}{WSC_hgt = WS_10m*(hgt/WS_50m)^\alpha }
#'   Valid surface types are described here.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{vegtype_1}{35-m broadleaf-evergreen trees (70% coverage)}
#'   \item{vegtype_2}{20-m broadleaf-deciduous trees (75% coverage)}
#'   \item{vegtype_3}{20-m broadleaf and needleleaf trees (75% coverage)}
#'   \item{vegtype_4}{17-m needleleaf-evergreen trees (75% coverage)}
#'   \item{vegtype_5}{14-m needleleaf-deciduous trees (50% coverage)}
#'   \item{vegtype_6}{Savanna:18-m broadleaf trees (30%) & groundcover}
#'   \item{vegtype_7}{0.6-m perennial groundcover (100%)}
#'   \item{vegtype_8}{0.5-m broadleaf shrubs (variable %) & groundcover}
#'   \item{vegtype_9}{0.5-m broadleaf shrubs (10%) with bare soil}
#'   \item{vegtype_10}{Tundra: 0.6-m trees/shrubs (variable %) & groundcover}
#'   \item{vegtype_11}{Rough bare soil}
#'   \item{vegtype_12}{Crop: 20-m broadleaf-deciduous trees (10%) & wheat}
#'   \item{vegtype_20}{Rough glacial snow/ice}
#'   \item{seaice}{Smooth sea ice}
#'   \item{openwater}{Open water}
#'   \item{airportice}{Airport: flat ice/snow}
#'   \item{airportgrass}{Airport: flat rough grass}
#' }
#' @section Rate limiting: The \acronym{POWER} \acronym{API} endpoints limit
#'  queries to prevent server overloads due to repetitive and rapid requests.
#'  If you find that the \acronym{API} is throttling your queries, I suggest
#'  that you investigate the use of `limit_rate()` from \CRANpkg{ratelimitr} to
#'  create self-limiting functions that will respect the rate limits that the
#'  \acronym{API} has in place.  It is considered best practice to check the
#'  [POWER website](https://power.larc.nasa.gov/docs/services/api/) for the
#'  latest rate limits as they differ between temporal \acronym{API}s and may
#'  change over time as the project matures.
#' @note The associated metadata shown in the decorative header are not saved
#'   if the data are exported to a file format other than a native \R data
#'   format, *e.g.*, .Rdata, .rda or .rds.
#' @return A data frame as a `POWER.Info` class, an extension of the
#' [tibble::tibble], object of \acronym{POWER} data including location, dates
#' (not including \dQuote{climatology}) and requested parameters.  A decorative
#' header of metadata is included in this object.
#' @references
#' <https://power.larc.nasa.gov/docs/methodology/>
#' <https://power.larc.nasa.gov>
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # Fetch daily "AG" community temperature, relative humidity and
#' # precipitation for January 1 1985 at Kingsthorpe, Queensland, Australia
#' ag_d <- get_power(
#'   community = "AG",
#'   lonlat = c(151.81, -27.48),
#'   pars = c("RH2M", "T2M", "PRECTOTCORR"),
#'   dates = "1985-01-01",
#'   temporal_api = "DAILY"
#' )
#' ag_d
#' # Fetch single point climatology for air temperature
#' ag_c_point <- get_power(
#'   community = "AG",
#'   pars = "T2M",
#'   c(151.81, -27.48),
#'   temporal_api = "climatology"
#' )
#' ag_c_point
#' # Fetch interannual solar cooking parameters for a given region
#' sse_i <- get_power(
#'   community = "RE",
#'   lonlat = c(112.5, -55.5, 115.5, -50.5),
#'   dates = c("1984", "1985"),
#'   temporal_api = "MOHTHLY",
#' )
#' sse_i
#' @author Adam H. Sparks \email{adamhsparks@@gmail.com}
#' @export
get_power <- function(community = c("ag", "re", "sb"),
                      temporal_api = c("daily",
                      dates = NULL,
                      site_elevation = NULL,
                      wind_elevation = NULL,
                      wind_surface = NULL,
                      time_standard = c("LST", "UTC")) {
  community <- tolower(community)
  temporal_api <- tolower(temporal_api)
  time_standard <- toupper(time_standard)

  community <- rlang::arg_match(community)
  temporal_api <- rlang::arg_match(temporal_api)
  time_standard <- rlang::arg_match(time_standard)

  wind_surface <- .match_surface_alias(wind_surface)

  if (temporal_api == "climatology") {
    dates <- NULL

  if (any(tolower(lonlat) == "global")) {
    # remove this if POWER enables global queries for climatology again
      c(x = "The POWER team have not enabled {.var global} data queries with
        this version of the 'API'.")
  if (!is.null(site_elevation) && !is.numeric(site_elevation)) {
      c(x = "You have entered an invalid value for {.arg site_elevation},
         {.val site_elevation}.")
  if (length(lonlat) > 2 && !is.null(site_elevation)) {
        x = "You have provided {.arg site_elevation}, {.var {site_elevation}}
        for a region request. The {.arg site_elevation} value will be ignored."
    site_elevation <- NULL

  if (length(lonlat) > 2 && !is.null(wind_elevation)) {
      "You have provided {.arg wind_elevation}, {.var {wind_elevation}},
      for a region request.",
      i = "The {.arg wind_elevation} value will be ignored."
    wind_elevation <- NULL

  if (is.character(wind_surface) && is.null(wind_elevation)) {
        x = "If you provide a correct wind surface alias, {.arg wind_surface},
        please include a surface elevation, {.arg wind_elevation}, with the
  if (!is.null(wind_elevation)) {
    if (wind_elevation < 10 || wind_elevation > 300) {
        c(x = "{.arg wind_elevation} values in metres are required to be between
          10m and 300m.")
  if (is.character(lonlat)) {
    lonlat <- tolower(lonlat)
    if (lonlat != "global") {
          x = "You have entered an invalid value for {.arg lonlat}.",
          i = "Valid values are {.val global} with {.val climatology}",
          "or a string of lon and lat values."

  if (temporal_api == "hourly" && length(lonlat) == 4L) {
    cli::cli_abort(c(x = "{.arg temporal_api} does not support hourly values for
                     regional queries."))

  if (length(pars) > 15 && temporal_api == "hourly") {
      call = rlang::caller_env(),
      c(x = "A maximum of 15 parameters can currently be requested in one
        submission for hourly data.",
        i = "You have submitted {.val {length(pars)}}")
  } else if (length(pars) > 20) {
      call = rlang::caller_env(),
      c(i = "A maximum of 20 parameters can currently be requested in one
        i = "You have submitted {.val {length(pars)}}")

  # see internal_functions.R for these functions prefixed with "."
  pars <- .check_pars(pars = pars,
                      community = community,
                      temporal_api = temporal_api)
  lonlat_identifier <- .check_lonlat(lonlat,
  dates <- .check_dates(dates,

  # submit query -------------------------------------------------------------
  query_list <- .build_query(

  power_url <- sprintf(

  response <-
    .send_query(.query_list = query_list,
                .url = power_url)


  # create meta object
  power_data <- readr::read_lines(I(response$parse("UTF8")))

  meta <- power_data[c(grep("-BEGIN HEADER-",
                            power_data):grep("-END HEADER-",
  # strip BEGIN/END HEADER lines
  meta <- meta[-c(1, max(length(meta)))]

  # replace missing values with NA in metadata header
  for (i in c("-999", "-99", "-99.00")) {
    meta <- gsub(pattern = i,
                 replacement = "NA",
                 x = meta)

  # create tibble object
  power_data <- readr::read_csv(
    col_types = readr::cols(),
    na = c("-999", "-999.00", "-999.0", "-99", "-99.00", "-99.0"),
    skip = length(meta) + 2

  # add lon and lat values from user's request
  power_data <- tibble::add_column(
    LON = query_list$longitude,
    LAT = query_list$latitude,
    .before = 1

  # if the temporal average is anything but climatology, add date fields
  if (temporal_api == "daily" &&
      query_list$community == "re" ||
      query_list$community == "sb") {
    power_data <- .format_dates_re_sb(power_data)
  if (temporal_api == "daily" &&
      query_list$community == "ag") {
    power_data <- .format_dates_ag(power_data)

  # add new class
  power_data <- tibble::new_tibble(power_data,
                                   class = "POWER.Info",
                                   nrow = nrow(power_data))

  # add attributes for printing df
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Info") <- meta[1]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Dates") <- meta[2]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Location") <- meta[3]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Elevation") <- meta[4]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Climate_zone") <- meta[5]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Missing_value") <- meta[6]
  attr(power_data, "POWER.Parameters") <-
          collapse = ";\n ")

# functions internal to get_power() -----

#' Check Dates for Validity When Querying API
#' Validates user entered dates against `lonlat` and `temporal_api` values
#' @param dates User entered `dates` value.
#' @param lonlat User entered `lonlat` value.
#' @param temporal_api User entered `temporal_api` value.
#' @return Validated dates in a list for use in `.build_query`
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.check_dates <- function(dates, lonlat, temporal_api) {
  if (is.null(dates) & temporal_api != "climatology") {
    cli::cli_abort(c(i = "You have not entered dates for the query."),
                   call = rlang::caller_env())
  if (temporal_api == "monthly") {
    if (length(unique(dates)) < 2) {
          i = "For {.par temporal_api} = {.arg monthly}, at least two (2)
          years are required to be provided, {.emph e.g.}, 2016 and 2017."
        call = rlang::caller_env()
    if (any(nchar(dates) > 4)) {
      dates <- unique(substr(dates, 1, 4))
    if (dates[[2]] < dates[[1]]) {
      cli::cli_alert_info(c(i = "Your start and end dates were reversed.
                                They have been reordered."))
      dates <- c(dates[2], dates[1])
  if (temporal_api == "daily" || temporal_api == "hourly") {
    if (is.numeric(lonlat)) {
      if (length(dates) == 1) {
        dates <- c(dates, dates)
      if (length(dates) > 2) {
            i = "You have supplied more than two dates for start and end.",
            x = "Please supply only two (2) dates for {.arg dates} as
            'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO8601 format)."
          call = rlang::caller_env()

      # put dates in list to use lapply
      dates <- as.list(dates)

      # check dates as entered by user
      date_format <- function(x) {
          # try to parse the date format using lubridate
          x <- lubridate::parse_date_time(x,
          warning = function(c) {
              call = rlang::caller_env(),
              c(i = "{.var {x}} is not a valid entry for a date value.",
                x = "Enter as 'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO8601 format) and check that it
                is a valid date.")

      # apply function to reformat/check dates
      dates <- lapply(X = dates, FUN = date_format)

      # if the stdate is > endate, flip order
      if (dates[[2]] < dates[[1]]) {
        cli::cli_alert_info(c(i = "Your start and end dates were reversed.
                              They have been reordered."))
        dates <- c(dates[2], dates[1])

      # check date to be sure it's not before POWER data start
      if (temporal_api != "hourly" &&
          dates[[1]] < "1981-01-01") {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "{.arg dates} = {.val {dates[[1]]}} is an invalid value.",
            x = "1981-01-01 is the earliest available data from POWER.")
      } else if (temporal_api == "hourly" &
                 dates[[1]] < "2001-01-01")
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "{.arg dates} = {.val {dates[[1]]}} is an invalid value.",
            x = "2001-01-01 is the earliest available hourly data from POWER.")
      # check end date to be sure it's not _after_
      if (dates[[2]] > Sys.Date()) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "{.arg dates} = {.val {dates[[2]]}} is invalid.",
            x = "The weather data cannot possibly extend beyond this day.")

      dates <- lapply(dates, as.character)
      dates <- gsub("-", "", dates, ignore.case = TRUE)

#' Check user-supplied `lonlat` for validity when querying API
#' Validates user entered `lonlat` values and checks against `pars`
#' values.
#' @param lonlat User entered `lonlat` value.
#' @param pars User entered `pars` value.
#' @return A list called `lonlat_identifier` for use in [.build_query()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.check_lonlat <-
  function(lonlat, pars) {
    bbox <- NULL
    if (is.character(lonlat) & length(lonlat) == 1) {
      if (lonlat == "global") {
        identifier <- "global"
      } else if (is.character(lonlat)) {
        cli::cli_abort(call = rlang::caller_env(),
                       c(i = "You have entered an invalid request for `lonlat`."))
    } else if (is.numeric(lonlat) & length(lonlat) == 2) {
      if (lonlat[1] < -180 | lonlat[1] > 180) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "Please check your longitude, {.var {lonlat[1]}},
                         to be sure it is valid.")
      if (lonlat[2] < -90 |
          lonlat[2] > 90) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "Please check your latitude, {.val {lonlat[2]}},
          value to be sure it is valid.")
      identifier <- "point"
      longitude <- lonlat[1]
      latitude <- lonlat[2]
    } else if (length(lonlat) == 4 & is.numeric(lonlat)) {
      if ((lonlat[[3]] - lonlat[[1]]) * (lonlat[[4]] - lonlat[[2]]) * 4 > 100) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
            i. = "Please provide correct bounding box values. The bounding box
            can only enclose a max of 10 x 10 region of 0.5 degree values or a
            5 x 5 region of 1 degree values, ({.emph i.e.}, 100 points total)."
      } else if (any(lonlat[1] < -180 |
                     lonlat[3] < -180 |
                     lonlat[1] > 180 |
                     lonlat[3] > 180)) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "Please check your longitude values, {.var {lonlat[1]}} and
            {.var {lonlat[3]}}, to be sure they are valid.")
      } else if (any(lonlat[2] < -90 |
                     lonlat[4] < -90 |
                     lonlat[2] > 90 |
                     lonlat[4] > 90)) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
          c(i = "Please check your latitude values, {.var {lonlat[2]}} and
          {.var {lonlat[4]}}, to be sure they are valid.")
      } else if (lonlat[2] > lonlat[4]) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
            i = "The first `lonlat` {.arg lat} value must be the minimum value.")
      } else if (lonlat[1] > lonlat[3]) {
          call = rlang::caller_env(),
            i = "The first `lonlat` {.arg lon} value must be the minimum value.")
      identifier <- "regional"
      bbox <- c(
        "xmin" = lonlat[1],
        "ymin" = lonlat[2],
        "xmax" = lonlat[3],
        "ymax" = lonlat[4]
    } else {
        call = rlang::caller_env(),
        c(i = "You have entered an invalid request for `lonlat`
          {.arg {lonlat}}."))

    if (!is.null(bbox)) {
      lonlat_identifier <- list(bbox, identifier)
      names(lonlat_identifier) <- c("bbox", "identifier")
    } else if (identifier == "global") {
      lonlat_identifier <- list("global")
      names(lonlat_identifier) <- "identifier"
    } else {
      lonlat_identifier <- list(longitude, latitude, identifier)
      names(lonlat_identifier) <-
        c("longitude", "latitude", "identifier")

#' Construct a list of options to pass to the POWER API
#' @param community A validated value for community from [check_community()].
#' @param lonlat_identifier A list of values, a result of [check_lonlat()]
#' @param pars A validated value from [check_pars()].
#' @param dates A list of values, a result of [check_dates()].
#' @param site_elevation A validated value from
#' @param wind_elevation A validate value from
#' @param wind_surface A validated value from
#' @return A `list` object of values to be passed to a [crul] object to query
#'  the 'POWER' 'API'
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.build_query <- function(community,
                         time_standard) {
  user_agent <- "nasapower4r"

  if (lonlat_identifier$identifier == "point") {
    query_list <- list(
      parameters = pars,
      community = community,
      start = dates[[1]],
      end = dates[[2]],
      `site-elevation` = site_elevation,
      `wind-elevation` = wind_elevation,
      `wind-surface` = wind_surface,
      longitude = lonlat_identifier$longitude,
      latitude = lonlat_identifier$latitude,
      format = "csv",
      `time-standard` = time_standard,
      user = user_agent

  if (lonlat_identifier$identifier == "regional") {
    query_list <- list(
      parameters = pars,
      community = community,
      start = dates[[1]],
      end = dates[[2]],
      `latitude-min` = lonlat_identifier$bbox["ymin"],
      `latitude-max` = lonlat_identifier$bbox["ymax"],
      `longitude-min` = lonlat_identifier$bbox["xmin"],
      `longitude-max` = lonlat_identifier$bbox["xmax"],
      format = "csv",
      `time-standard` = time_standard,
      user = user_agent

  if (lonlat_identifier$identifier == "global") {
    query_list <- list(
      parameters = pars,
      community = community,
      format = "csv",
      `time-standard` = time_standard,
      user = user_agent
  return(query_list[lengths(query_list) != 0])

#' Format date columns in POWER data frame for the ag community
#' Formats columns as integers for DOY and adds columns for year, month and day.
#' @param power_response A tidy data.frame resulting from [build_query()].
#' @return A tidy data frame of 'POWER' data with additional date information
#'   columns.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

.format_dates_ag <- function(power_response) {
  # convert DOY to integer
  power_response$DOY <- as.integer(power_response$DOY)

  # Calculate the full date from YEAR and DOY
  power_response <- tibble::add_column(
    YYYYMMDD = as.Date(power_response$DOY - 1,
                       origin = as.Date(
                         paste(power_response$YEAR, "-01-01",
                               sep = "")
    .after = "DOY"

  # Extract month as integer
  power_response <- tibble::add_column(power_response,
                                       MM = as.integer(substr(power_response$YYYYMMDD, 6, 7)),
                                       .after = "YEAR")

  # Extract day as integer
                            DD = as.integer(substr(
                              power_response$YYYYMMDD, 9, 10
                            .after = "MM"))

#' Format date columns in POWER data frame for the re community
#' Formats columns as integers for DOY and adds columns for year, month and day.
#' @param power_response A tidy data.frame resulting from [.build_query()].
#' @return A tidy data frame of 'POWER' data with additional date information
#'   columns.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

.format_dates_re_sb <- function(power_response) {
  names(power_response)[names(power_response) == "DY"] <- "DD"
  names(power_response)[names(power_response) == "MO"] <- "MM"

  # add day of year col
  power_response$YYYYMMDD <-
        sep = "-"
      format = "%d-%m-%Y"
  power_response$DOY <- lubridate::yday(power_response$YYYYMMDD)

  # set integer cols
  power_response$MM <- as.integer(power_response$MM)
  power_response$DD <- as.integer(power_response$DD)

  refcols <- c("LON", "LAT", "YEAR", "MM", "DD", "DOY", "YYYYMMDD")
  return(power_response[, c(refcols, setdiff(names(power_response), refcols))])

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nasapower documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.