
transNcdfCutFiles <- function(
    ##title<< Cut margins of netCDF files
       file.names ##<< vector of character stings: file names to process.
       , time.range.out = c()
       , time.range.file =  c() ##<< POSIXct vector of length two or 'auto': time range of the 
                                ##   original files. If not supplied, this is 
                                ##   determined automatically from the file name 
                                ##   via convertFilename2Date and fun.start/fun.end.
       , fun.start = c()        ##<< see time.range.file
       , fun.end = c()          ##<< see time.range.file
       , format = ''
       , convert = function(x) chron(paste(x, '15', sep=''), format='ymd', out.format='d-m-y'))
  ##description<< Convenience wrapper around cdo to cut outer (time) margins 
  ##              of NetCDF files.
  ##TODO implement possibility to supply dates
  ##TODO implement possibility to extract dates from file
  ##TODO useful defaults
  file.names.out <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(file.names)) {
    print(paste('Processing file', file.names[i]))
    if (length(time.range.file) == 0) {
      date.start.in <- convertFilename2Date(file.names[i], fun.start, convert)
      date.end.in   <- convertFilename2Date(file.names[i], fun.end, convert)
    } else if (time.range.file == 'auto') {
      con.t        <- open.nc(file.names[i])
      dates.range <- range(convertDateNcdf2R(con.t))
      date.start.in <- dates.range[1]
      date.end.in   <- dates.range[2]
    } else {
      date.start.in <- time.range.file[1]
      date.end.in   <- time.range.file[2]
    if (date.start.in < time.range.out[1] | date.end.in > time.range.out[2] ) {
      date.start.cut <- max(c(date.start.in, time.range.out[1]))
      date.end.cut   <- min(c(date.end.in, time.range.out[2]))
      if (is.null(fun.start)) {
        file.name.stripped <- sub('[.]nc$', '', sub('[[:digit:]]{2,4}[.]', '', sub('[[:digit:]]{2,4}[.]', '', file.names[i])))
        file.cut <- paste(file.name.stripped, format(date.start.cut, '%Y'), format(date.end.cut, '%Y'), 'nc', sep = '.')
      } else {
        file.cut       <- sub(do.call(fun.start, list(file.names[i])), format(as.POSIXct(date.start.cut), format=format), file.names[i])
        file.cut       <- sub(do.call(fun.end, list(file.cut)), format(as.POSIXct(date.end.cut), format=format), file.cut)
      system(paste('cdo seldate,', format(as.POSIXct(date.start.cut), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), ',',
              format(as.POSIXct(date.end.cut), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), ' ', file.names[i], ' ', file.cut, sep =''))
      file.names.out <- c(file.names.out, file.cut)
  ##value<< character string: names of the file names after cutting.

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ncdf.tools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:19 a.m.