
Defines functions getCitation

Documented in getCitation

#' @title Get a Bibtex citation for NEON data with a DOI, or generate a provisional Bibtex citation

#' @author
#' Claire Lunch \email{clunch@battelleecology.org}

#' @description
#' Use the DOI Foundation API to get Bibtex-formatted citations for NEON data, or use a template to generate a Bibtex citation for provisional data. Helper function to download and stacking functions.

#' @param dpID The data product ID of the data to be cited [character]
#' @param release The data release to be cited. Can be provisional. [character]

#' @return A character string containing the Bibtex citation
#' @export

#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get the citation for Breeding landbird point counts (DP1.10003.001), RELEASE-2023
#' cit <- getCitation(dpID="DP1.10003.001", release="RELEASE-2023")
#' }

#' @references
#' License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007

# Changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   Claire Lunch (2023-04-18)

getCitation <- function(dpID=NA_character_, release=NA_character_) {
  if(is.na(dpID) | is.na(release)) {
    stop("dpID and release are required inputs.")
  # if release=PROVISIONAL, construct provisional citation from template
  if(release=="PROVISIONAL") {
    cit <- cit_prov_template
    cit <- base::gsub(pattern="DPID", replacement=dpID, x=cit)
    cit <- base::gsub(pattern="YEAR", replacement=format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"), x=cit)
    # get product name from NEON API
    req <- httr::GET(paste("https://data.neonscience.org/api/v0/products/", 
                           dpID, sep=""))
    if(is.null(req)) {return(invisible())}
    if(!inherits(req, "response")) {return(invisible())}
    df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(req, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"), 
                             simplifyDataFrame=TRUE, flatten=TRUE)
    nm <- df$data$productName
    cit <- base::gsub(pattern="NAME", replacement=nm, x=cit)
  } else {
    doi <- try(getNeonDOI(dpID=dpID, release=release), silent=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(doi, "try-error")) {
      req <- httr::GET(paste("https://doi.org/", doi$DOI, sep=""),
      # check for no or empty response
      if(is.null(req)) {
        message("No response. DOI Foundation API may be unavailable, check for outage alerts.")
      if(!inherits(req, "response")) {
        message("No response. DOI Foundation API may be unavailable, check for outage alerts.")
      # read response
      cit <- httr::content(req, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
    } else {
      message(paste("DOI not found for data product ID ", dpID, "and release",
                    release, ". Check inputs.", sep=""))



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