
Defines functions oneway.test2 oneway.tests.g which_factor index_factor chisq.tests cor_stat_filter class_stat_filter bin_stat_filter stat_filter

Documented in bin_stat_filter class_stat_filter cor_stat_filter stat_filter

#' Univariate filter for binary classification with mixed predictor datatypes
#' Univariate statistic filter for dataframes of predictors with mixed numeric
#' and categorical datatypes. Different statistical tests are used depending on
#' the data type of response vector and predictors:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Binary class response: `bin_stat_filter()`}{t-test for continuous 
#'   data, chi-squared test for categorical data}
#'   \item{Multiclass response: `class_stat_filter()`}{one-way ANOVA for 
#'   continuous data, chi-squared test for categorical data}
#'   \item{Continuous response: `cor_stat_filter()`}{correlation (or linear 
#'   regression) for continuous data and binary data, one-way ANOVA for 
#'   categorical data}
#' }
#' @param y Response vector
#' @param x Matrix or dataframe of predictors
#' @param force_vars Vector of column names within `x` which are always retained
#'   in the model (i.e. not filtered). Default `NULL` means all predictors will
#'   be passed to `filterFUN`.
#' @param nfilter Number of predictors to return. If `NULL` all predictors with
#'   p-values < `p_cutoff` are returned.
#' @param p_cutoff p value cut-off
#' @param rsq_cutoff r^2 cutoff for removing predictors due to collinearity.
#'   Default `NULL` means no collinearity filtering. Predictors are ranked based
#'   on t-test. If 2 or more predictors are collinear, the first ranked
#'   predictor by t-test is retained, while the other collinear predictors are
#'   removed. See [collinear()].
#' @param rsq_method character string indicating which correlation coefficient
#'   is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman".
#'   See [collinear()].
#' @param type Type of vector returned. Default "index" returns indices, "names"
#'   returns predictor names, "full" returns a dataframe of statistics, "list"
#'   returns a list of 2 matrices of statistics, one for continuous predictors,
#'   one for categorical predictors.
#' @param cor_method For `cor_stat_filter()` only, either `"pearson"`,
#'   `"spearman"` or `"lm"` controlling whether continuous predictors are
#'   filtered by correlation (faster) or regression (slower but allows inclusion
#'   of covariates via `force_vars`).
#' @param ... optional arguments, e.g. `rsq_method`: see [collinear()].
#' @return Integer vector of indices of filtered parameters (type = "index") or
#'   character vector of names (type = "names") of filtered parameters in order
#'   of test p-value. If `type` is `"full"` full output is
#'   returned containing a dataframe of statistical results. If `type` is
#'   `"list"` the output is returned as a list of 2 matrices containing
#'   statistical results separated by continuous and categorical predictors.
#' @details
#' `stat_filter()` is a wrapper which calls `bin_stat_filter()`,
#' `class_stat_filter()` or `cor_stat_filter()` depending on whether `y` is
#' binary, multiclass or continuous respectively. Ordered factors are converted
#' to numeric (integer) levels and analysed as if continuous.
#' @examples
#' library(mlbench)
#' data(BostonHousing2)
#' dat <- BostonHousing2
#' y <- dat$cmedv  ## continuous outcome
#' x <- subset(dat, select = -c(cmedv, medv, town))
#' stat_filter(y, x, type = "full")
#' stat_filter(y, x, nfilter = 5, type = "names")
#' stat_filter(y, x)
#' data(iris)
#' y <- iris$Species  ## 3 class outcome
#' x <- subset(iris, select = -Species)
#' stat_filter(y, x, type = "full")
#' @export
stat_filter <- function(y, x, ...) {
  if (is.factor(y) || is.character(y)) {
    if (nlevels(factor(y)) == 2) {
      bin_stat_filter(y, x, ...)
    } else class_stat_filter(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    cor_stat_filter(y, x, ...)

#' @rdname stat_filter
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @export
bin_stat_filter <- function(y,
                            force_vars = NULL,
                            nfilter = NULL,
                            p_cutoff = 0.05,
                            rsq_cutoff = NULL,
                            type = c("index", "names", "full", "list"),
                            ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (length(unique(y)) != 2) stop("y is not binary")
  factor_ind <- index_factor(x)
  if (sum(factor_ind) == 0) {
    if (type == "list") type <- "full"
    return(ttest_filter(y, x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff, type, ...))
  if (is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  x1 <- as.matrix(x[, !factor_ind])
  x2 <- x[, factor_ind, drop = FALSE]
  yi1 <- as.numeric(y) == 1
  yi2 <- as.numeric(y) == 2
  res1 <- NULL
  if (ncol(x1) > 0) {
    res1 <- Rfast::ttests(x1[yi1, ], x1[yi2, ])
    rownames(res1) <- colnames(x1)
  res2 <- chisq.tests(x2, y)
  if (type == "list") return(list("t.test" = res1, "chisq.test" = res2))
  rescomb <- matrix(nrow = ncol(x), ncol = 3,
                    dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(res2)))
  rescomb[!factor_ind, ] <- res1
  rescomb[factor_ind, ] <- res2
  if (type == "full") {
    test <- ifelse(factor_ind, "chi-squared", "t-test")
    test <- data.frame(test)
    return(cbind(test, rescomb))
  filter_end(rescomb[, "pvalue"],
             x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff,
             type, keep_factors = FALSE, factor_ind = NULL, ...)

#' @rdname stat_filter
#' @export
class_stat_filter <- function(y,
                              force_vars = NULL,
                              nfilter = NULL,
                              p_cutoff = 0.05,
                              rsq_cutoff = NULL,
                              type = c("index", "names", "full", "list"),
                              ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  factor_ind <- index_factor(x)
  if (sum(factor_ind) == 0) {
    if (type == "list") type <- "full"
    return(anova_filter(y, x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff, type, ...))
  if (is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  x1 <- as.matrix(x[, !factor_ind])
  x2 <- x[, factor_ind, drop = FALSE]
  y <- factor(y)
  res1 <- NULL
  if (ncol(x1) > 0) {
      res1 <- matrixTests::col_oneway_welch(x1, y)
      res1 <- as.matrix(res1[, c("statistic", "pvalue")])
      dimnames(res1) <- list(colnames(x1), c("stat", "pvalue"))
  res2 <- chisq.tests(x2, y)[, 1:2]
  if (type == "list") return(list("F-test" = res1, "chisq.test" = res2))
  rescomb <- matrix(nrow = ncol(x), ncol = 2,
                    dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(res2)))
  rescomb[!factor_ind, ] <- res1
  rescomb[factor_ind, ] <- res2
  if (type == "full") {
    test <- ifelse(factor_ind, "chi-squared", "F-test")
    test <- data.frame(test)
    return(cbind(test, rescomb))
  filter_end(rescomb[, "pvalue"],
             x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff,
             type, keep_factors = FALSE, factor_ind = NULL, ...)

#' @rdname stat_filter
#' @export
cor_stat_filter <- function(y,
                            cor_method = c("pearson", "spearman", "lm"),
                            force_vars = NULL,
                            nfilter = NULL,
                            p_cutoff = 0.05,
                            rsq_cutoff = NULL,
                            rsq_method = "pearson",
                            type = c("index", "names", "full", "list"),
                            ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method)
  factor_ind <- index_factor(x, convert_bin = TRUE)
  if (sum(factor_ind) == 0) {
    if (type == "list") type <- "full"
    out <- if (cor_method == "lm") {
      lm_filter(y, x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff, rsq_method,
                type, ...)
    } else correl_filter(y, x, method = cor_method, force_vars, nfilter,
                         p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff, type, ...)
  if (is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(x) <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  x1 <- data.matrix(x[, !factor_ind])
  x2 <- x[, factor_ind, drop = FALSE]
  res1 <- NULL
  if (ncol(x1) > 0) {
    if (cor_method == "lm") {
      res1 <- lm_filter(y, x1, force_vars, type = "full")
      res1 <- res1[, 3:4]
    } else {
      res1 <- correl_filter(y, x1, method = cor_method, type = "full")
      colnames(res1) <- c("stat", "pvalue")
  res2 <- oneway.tests.g(y, x2)
  if (type == "list") {
    out <- list(res1, "oneway.test" = res2)
    names(out)[1] <- cor_method
  rescomb <- matrix(nrow = ncol(x), ncol = 2,
                    dimnames = list(colnames(x), c("stat", "pvalue")))
  rescomb[!factor_ind, ] <- res1
  rescomb[factor_ind, ] <- res2[, c(1, 4)]
  if (type == "full") {
    test <- ifelse(factor_ind, "F-test", cor_method)
    test <- data.frame(test)
    return(cbind(test, rescomb))
  filter_end(rescomb[, "pvalue"],
             x, force_vars, nfilter, p_cutoff, rsq_cutoff,
             type, keep_factors = FALSE, factor_ind = NULL, ...)

chisq.tests <- function(x, y) {
  res <- t(apply(x, 2, function(j) {
    chsq <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(j, y))
    unlist(chsq[c(1, 3, 2)])
  colnames(res) <- c("stat", "pvalue", "dof")

index_factor <- function(x, convert_bin = FALSE) {
  if (is.matrix(x)) return(NULL)
  if (convert_bin) {
    num_ind <- unlist(lapply(x, function(i) {
      is.numeric(i) || nlevels(factor(i)) <= 2 || is.ordered(i)
  } else {
    num_ind <- unlist(lapply(x, is.numeric))

which_factor <- function(x) {
  if (is.matrix(x)) return(NULL)
  which(index_factor(x, convert_bin = TRUE))

# apply over g
oneway.tests.g <- function(x, g) {
  ok <- !is.na(x)
  x <- x[ok]
  g <- g[ok, , drop = FALSE]
  res <- t(apply(g, 2, function(gi) oneway.test2(x, gi) ))
  colnames(res) <- c("F", "num df", "denom df", "pvalue")

# based on oneway.test base R source code
#' @importFrom stats var pf
oneway.test2 <- function(y, g) {
  g <- factor(g)
  n.i <- tabulate(g)
  ok <- n.i >= 2
  n.i <- n.i[ok]
  k <- length(n.i)
  if (k < 2) {
    return(rep(NA, 4))
  m.i <- tapply(y, g, mean)[ok]
  v.i <- tapply(y, g, var)[ok]
  w.i <- n.i / v.i
  sum.w.i <- sum(w.i)
  tmp <- sum((1 - w.i / sum.w.i)^2 / (n.i - 1)) / (k^2 - 1)
  m <- sum(w.i * m.i) / sum.w.i
  STATISTIC <- sum(w.i * (m.i - m)^2) /
    ((k - 1) * (1 + 2 * (k - 2) * tmp))
  PARAMETER <- c(k - 1, 1 / (3 * tmp))
  PVAL <- pf(STATISTIC, k - 1, 1 / (3 * tmp), lower.tail = FALSE)

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