Man pages for netClass
netClass: An R Package for Network-Based Biomarker Discovery

ad.matrixAn adjacency matrix of a sample graph...
calc.diffusionKernelpComputing the Random Walk Kernel matrix of network
classify.aepTraining and predicting using aepSVM (aepSVM) classification...
classify.frsvmTraining and predicting using FrSVM
classify.hubcTraining and predicting using hub nodes classification...
classify.pacTraining and predicting using PAC classification methods
classify.stsvmTraining and predicting using stSVM classification methods
cv.aepCross validation for aepSVM (aepSVM)
cv.frsvmCross validation for FrSVM
cv.hubcCross validation for hub nodes classification
cv.pacCross validation for Pathway Activities Classification(PAC)
cv.stsvmCross validation for smoothed t-statistic to select...
EN2SYAn list for mapping gene entre ids to symbol ids
exprTwo expression profile matrixs and their labels
getGeneRankingGet gene ranking based on geneRank algorithm.
getGraphRankRandom walk kernel matrix smoothing t-statistic
Gs2An subgraph of hub nodes
netClass-packageAn R package for network-Based microarray Classification
pOfHubsComputing p value of hubs using the permutation test
predictAepPredicting the test tdata using aep trained model
predictFrsvmPredicting the test data using frsvm trained model
predictHubcPredicting the test data using hubc trained model
predictPacPredicting the test data using pac trained model
predictStsvmPredicting the test data using stsvm trained model
probeset2pathwayGenerae a mean gene expression of genes of each pathway...
probeset2pathwayTrainSearch CROG in training data
probeset2pathwayTstApplied CROG to testing data
train.aepTraining the data using aep methods
train.frsvmTraining the data using frsvm method
train.hubcPredicting the data using hub nodes classification model
train.pacTraining the data using pac methods
train.stsvmTraining the data using stsvm methods
netClass documentation built on May 29, 2017, 7:18 p.m.