
Defines functions print.netleague netleague

Documented in netleague print.netleague

#' Create league table with network meta-analysis results
#' @description
#' A league table is a square matrix showing all pairwise comparisons
#' in a network meta-analysis. Typically, both treatment estimates and
#' confidence intervals are shown.
#' @aliases netleague print.netleague
#' @param x An object of class \code{netmeta} or \code{netleague}
#'   (mandatory).
#' @param y An object of class \code{netmeta} (optional).
#' @param common A logical indicating whether a league table should be
#'   printed for the common effects network meta-analysis.
#' @param random A logical indicating whether a league table should be
#'   printed for the random effects network meta-analysis.
#' @param seq A character or numerical vector specifying the sequence
#'   of treatments in rows and columns of a league table.
#' @param ci A logical indicating whether confidence intervals should
#'   be shown.
#' @param backtransf A logical indicating whether printed results
#'   should be back transformed. If \code{backtransf = TRUE}, results
#'   for \code{sm = "OR"} are printed as odds ratios rather than log
#'   odds ratios, for example.
#' @param direct A logical indicating whether league table with
#'   network estimates (default) or estimates from direct comparisons
#'   should be generated if argument \code{y} is not missing.
#' @param digits Minimal number of significant digits, see
#'   \code{print.default}.
#' @param big.mark A character used as thousands separator.
#' @param text.NA A character string to label missing values.
#' @param bracket A character with bracket symbol to print lower
#'   confidence interval: "[", "(", "\{", "".
#' @param separator A character string with information on separator
#'   between lower and upper confidence interval.
#' @param lower.blank A logical indicating whether blanks between left
#'   bracket and lower confidence limit should be printed.
#' @param upper.blank A logical indicating whether blanks between
#'   separator and upper confidence limit should be printed.
#' @param writexl A logical indicating whether an Excel file should be
#'   created (R package \bold{writexl} must be available).
#' @param path A character string specifying the filename of the Excel
#'   file.
#' @param overwrite A logical indicating whether an existing Excel
#'   file should be overwritten.
#' @param warn.deprecated A logical indicating whether warnings should
#'   be printed if deprecated arguments are used.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments (passed on to \code{write_xlsx}
#'   to create Excel file).
#' @details
#' A league table is a square matrix showing all pairwise comparisons
#' in a network meta-analysis (Hutton et al., 2015). Typically, both
#' treatment estimates and confidence intervals are shown.
#' If argument \code{y} is not provided, the league table contains the
#' network estimates from network meta-analysis object \code{x} in the
#' lower triangle and the direct treatment estimates from pairwise
#' comparisons in the upper triangle. Note, for the random-effects
#' model, the direct treatment estimates are based on the common
#' between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2} from the network meta-analysis,
#' i.e. the square of list element \code{x$tau}.
#' If argument \code{y} is provided, the league table contains
#' information on treatment comparisons from network meta-analysis
#' object \code{x} in the lower triangle and from network
#' meta-analysis object \code{y} in the upper triangle. This is, for
#' example, useful to print information on efficacy and safety in the
#' same league table.
#' By default, an R object with the league tables is
#' generated. Alternatively, an Excel file is created if argument
#' \code{writexl = TRUE}.
#' This implementation reports pairwise comparisons of the treatment
#' in the column versus the treatment in the row in the lower triangle
#' and row versus column in the upper triangle. This is a common
#' presentation for network meta-analyses which allows to easily
#' compare direction and magnitude of treatment effects. For example,
#' given treatments A, B, and C, the results reported in the first row
#' and second column as well as second row and first column are from
#' the pairwise comparison A versus B. Note, this presentation is
#' different from the printout of a network meta-analysis object which
#' reports opposite pairwise comparisons in the lower and upper
#' triangle, e.g., A versus B in the first row and second column and B
#' versus A in the second row and first column.
#' If the same network meta-analysis object is used for arguments
#' \code{x} and \code{y}, reciprocal treatment estimates will be shown
#' in the upper triangle (see examples), e.g., the comparison B versus
#' A.
#' R function \code{\link{netrank}} can be used to change the order of
#' rows and columns in the league table (see examples).
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{netleague} with corresponding \code{print}
#' function if \code{writexl = FALSE}. The object is a list containing
#' the league tables in list elements 'common' and 'random'. An Excel
#' file is created if \code{writexl = TRUE}. In this case, \code{NULL}
#' is returned in R.
#' @author Guido Schwarzer \email{guido.schwarzer@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}, Gerta
#'   Rücker \email{gerta.ruecker@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{netmeta}}, \code{\link{netposet}},
#'   \code{\link{netrank}}
#' @references
#' Hutton B, Salanti G, Caldwell DM, et al. (2015):
#' The PRISMA Extension Statement for Reporting of Systematic Reviews
#' Incorporating Network Meta-analyses of Health Care Interventions:
#' Checklist and Explanations.
#' \emph{Annals of Internal Medicine},
#' \bold{162}, 777
#' @keywords print
#' @examples
#' # Network meta-analysis of count mortality statistics
#' #
#' data(Woods2010)
#' p0 <- pairwise(treatment, event = r, n = N,
#'   studlab = author, data = Woods2010, sm = "OR")
#' net0 <- netmeta(p0)
#' oldopts <- options(width = 100)
#' # League table for common and random effects model with
#' # - network estimates in lower triangle
#' # - direct estimates in upper triangle
#' #
#' netleague(net0, digits = 2, bracket = "(", separator = " - ")
#' # League table for common effects model
#' #
#' netleague(net0, random = FALSE, digits = 2)
#' # Change order of treatments according to treatment ranking (random
#' # effects model)
#' #
#' netleague(net0, common = FALSE, digits = 2, seq = netrank(net0))
#' #
#' print(netrank(net0), common = FALSE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a CSV file with league table for random effects model
#' #
#' league0 <- netleague(net0, digits = 2, bracket = "(", separator = " to ")
#' #
#' write.table(league0$random, file = "league0-random.csv",
#'   row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
#' #
#' # Create Excel files with league tables
#' # (if R package writexl is available)
#' #
#' netleague(net0, digits = 2, bracket = "(", separator = " to ",
#'           path = tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx"))
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' # Use depression dataset
#' #
#' data(Linde2015)
#' # Define order of treatments
#' #
#' trts <- c("TCA", "SSRI", "SNRI", "NRI",
#'   "Low-dose SARI", "NaSSa", "rMAO-A", "Hypericum", "Placebo")
#' # Outcome labels
#' #
#' outcomes <- c("Early response", "Early remission")
#' # (1) Early response
#' #
#' p1 <- pairwise(treat = list(treatment1, treatment2, treatment3),
#'   event = list(resp1, resp2, resp3), n = list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   studlab = id, data = Linde2015, sm = "OR")
#' #
#' net1 <- netmeta(p1, common = FALSE,
#'                 seq = trts, ref = "Placebo", small = "undesirable")
#' # (2) Early remission
#' #
#' p2 <- pairwise(treat = list(treatment1, treatment2, treatment3),
#'   event = list(remi1, remi2, remi3), n = list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   studlab = id, data = Linde2015, sm = "OR")
#' #
#' net2 <- netmeta(p2, common = FALSE,
#'                 seq = trts, ref = "Placebo", small = "undesirable")
#' options(width = 200)
#' netleague(net1, digits = 2)
#' netleague(net1, digits = 2, ci = FALSE)
#' netleague(net2, digits = 2, ci = FALSE)
#' # League table for two outcomes with
#' # - network estimates of first outcome in lower triangle
#' # - network estimates of second outcome in upper triangle
#' #
#' netleague(net1, net2, digits = 2, ci = FALSE)
#' netleague(net1, net2, seq = netrank(net1), ci = FALSE)
#' netleague(net1, net2, seq = netrank(net2), ci = FALSE)
#' print(netrank(net1))
#' print(netrank(net2))
#' # Report results for network meta-analysis twice
#' #
#' netleague(net1, net1, seq = netrank(net1), ci = FALSE,
#'   backtransf = FALSE)
#' netleague(net1, net1, seq = netrank(net1), ci = FALSE,
#'   backtransf = FALSE, direct = TRUE)
#' }
#' options(oldopts)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generate a partial order of treatment rankings 
#' #
#' np <- netposet(net1, net2, outcomes = outcomes)
#' # Requires R package 'hasse'
#' #
#' hasse(np)
#' plot(np)
#' }
#' @rdname netleague
#' @export netleague

netleague <- function(x, y,
                      common = x$common, random = x$random,
                      seq = x$seq, ci = TRUE, backtransf = TRUE,
                      direct = FALSE,
                      digits = gs("digits"),
                      big.mark = gs("big.mark"),
                      text.NA = ".",
                      bracket = gs("CIbracket"),
                      separator = gs("CIseparator"),
                      lower.blank = gs("CIlower.blank"),
                      upper.blank = gs("CIupper.blank"),
                      writexl = !missing(path),
                      path = "leaguetable.xlsx",
                      overwrite = FALSE,
                      warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                      ...) {
  ## (1) Check class and arguments
  chkclass(x, "netmeta")
  x <- updateversion(x)
  if (!missing(y)) {
    chkclass(y, "netmeta")
    if (length(x$seq) != length(y$seq))
      stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must have the same number of treatments.")
    if (any(sort(x$seq) != sort(y$seq)))
      stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must have the same treatments.")
    x.is.y <- all.equal(x, y)
    x.is.y <- is.logical(x.is.y) && x.is.y
  if (missing(seq)) {
    seq.f <- seq.r <- seq
  else {
    if (is.null(seq))
      stop("Argument 'seq' must be not NULL.")
    else if (inherits(seq, "netrank")) {
      ranking.f <- seq$ranking.common
      ranking.r <- seq$ranking.random
      seq.f <- setseq(names(ranking.f)[rev(order(ranking.f))], x$seq)
      seq.r <- setseq(names(ranking.r)[rev(order(ranking.r))], x$seq)
      seq.f <- seq.r <- setseq(seq, x$seq)
  chknumeric(digits, min = 0, length = 1)
  bracket.old <- gs("CIbracket")
  separator.old <- gs("CIseparator")
  lower.blank.old <- gs("CIlower.blank")
  upper.blank.old <- gs("CIupper.blank")
  cilayout(bracket, separator, lower.blank, upper.blank)
  on.exit(cilayout(bracket.old, separator.old,
                   lower.blank.old, upper.blank.old))
  chkchar(path, length = 1)
  ## Check for deprecated arguments in '...'
  args  <- list(...)
  missing.common <- missing(common)
  common <- deprecated(common, missing.common, args, "comb.fixed",
  common <- deprecated(common, missing.common, args, "fixed",
  random <- deprecated(random, missing(random), args, "comb.random",
  ## (2) Back-transform log odds ratios & Co
  if (!missing(y) & direct) {
    TE.common.x    <- x$TE.direct.common
    lower.common.x <- x$lower.direct.common
    upper.common.x <- x$upper.direct.common
    if (random) {
      TE.random.x    <- x$TE.direct.random
      lower.random.x <- x$lower.direct.random
      upper.random.x <- x$upper.direct.random
  else {
    TE.common.x    <- x$TE.common
    lower.common.x <- x$lower.common
    upper.common.x <- x$upper.common
    if (random) {
      TE.random.x    <- x$TE.random
      lower.random.x <- x$lower.random
      upper.random.x <- x$upper.random
  if (backtransf & is.relative.effect(x$sm)) {
    TE.common.x    <- exp(TE.common.x)
    lower.common.x <- exp(lower.common.x)
    upper.common.x <- exp(upper.common.x)
    if (random) {
      TE.random.x    <- exp(TE.random.x)
      lower.random.x <- exp(lower.random.x)
      upper.random.x <- exp(upper.random.x)
  if (!missing(y)) {
    if (direct) {
      TE.common.y    <- y$TE.direct.common
      lower.common.y <- y$lower.direct.common
      upper.common.y <- y$upper.direct.common
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- y$TE.direct.random
        lower.random.y <- y$lower.direct.random
        upper.random.y <- y$upper.direct.random
    else {
      TE.common.y    <- y$TE.common
      lower.common.y <- y$lower.common
      upper.common.y <- y$upper.common
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- y$TE.random
        lower.random.y <- y$lower.random
        upper.random.y <- y$upper.random
    if (backtransf & is.relative.effect(y$sm)) {
      TE.common.y    <- exp(TE.common.y)
      lower.common.y <- exp(lower.common.y)
      upper.common.y <- exp(upper.common.y)
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- exp(TE.random.y)
        lower.random.y <- exp(lower.random.y)
        upper.random.y <- exp(upper.random.y)
    if (x.is.y) {
      TE.common.y    <- t(TE.common.y)
      lower.common.y <- t(lower.common.y)
      upper.common.y <- t(upper.common.y)
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- t(TE.random.y)
        lower.random.y <- t(lower.random.y)
        upper.random.y <- t(upper.random.y)
  else {
    if (backtransf & is.relative.effect(x$sm)) {
      TE.common.y    <- exp(x$TE.direct.common)
      lower.common.y <- exp(x$lower.direct.common)
      upper.common.y <- exp(x$upper.direct.common)
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- exp(x$TE.direct.random)
        lower.random.y <- exp(x$lower.direct.random)
        upper.random.y <- exp(x$upper.direct.random)
    else {
      TE.common.y    <- x$TE.direct.common
      lower.common.y <- x$lower.direct.common
      upper.common.y <- x$upper.direct.common
      if (random) {
        TE.random.y    <- x$TE.direct.random
        lower.random.y <- x$lower.direct.random
        upper.random.y <- x$upper.direct.random
  ## Comparisons are column versus row
  TE.common.x <- t(TE.common.x)
  lower.common.x <- t(lower.common.x)
  upper.common.x <- t(upper.common.x)
  if (random) {
    TE.random.x <- t(TE.random.x)
    lower.random.x <- t(lower.random.x)
    upper.random.x <- t(upper.random.x)
  TE.common.y <- t(TE.common.y)
  lower.common.y <- t(lower.common.y)
  upper.common.y <- t(upper.common.y)
  if (random) {
    TE.random.y <- t(TE.random.y)
    lower.random.y <- t(lower.random.y)
    upper.random.y <- t(upper.random.y)
  ## (3) Create league table for common effects model
  TE.common.x    <- round(   TE.common.x[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  lower.common.x <- round(lower.common.x[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  upper.common.x <- round(upper.common.x[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  if (ci) {
    nl.NA <- is.na(TE.common.x)
    nl.c <- paste(formatN(TE.common.x, digits = digits,
                          text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark),
                  formatCI(lower.common.x, upper.common.x, lab.NA = text.NA,
                           big.mark = big.mark))
    nl.c[nl.NA] <- text.NA
    nl.c <- formatN(TE.common.x, digits = digits,
                    text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  nl.c <- matrix(nl.c, nrow = nrow(TE.common.x), ncol = ncol(TE.common.x))
  diag(nl.c) <- rownames(TE.common.x)
  TE.common.y    <- round(   TE.common.y[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  lower.common.y <- round(lower.common.y[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  upper.common.y <- round(upper.common.y[seq.f, seq.f], digits)
  if (ci) {
    nl.NA <- is.na(TE.common.y)
    nl.c.y <- paste(formatN(TE.common.y,
                            digits = digits, text.NA = text.NA,
                            big.mark = big.mark),
                    formatCI(lower.common.y, upper.common.y, lab.NA = text.NA,
                             big.mark = big.mark))
    nl.c.y[nl.NA] <- text.NA
    nl.c.y <- formatN(TE.common.y, digits = digits,
                      text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  nl.c.y <- matrix(nl.c.y, nrow = nrow(TE.common.y), ncol = ncol(TE.common.y))
  nl.c[upper.tri(nl.c)] <- t(nl.c.y)[upper.tri(nl.c)]
  nl.c <- as.data.frame(nl.c, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ## (4) Create league table for random effects model
  if (random) {
    TE.random.x    <- round(   TE.random.x[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    lower.random.x <- round(lower.random.x[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    upper.random.x <- round(upper.random.x[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    if (ci) {
      nl.NA <- is.na(TE.random.x)
      nl.r <- paste(formatN(TE.random.x, digits = digits,
                            text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark),
                    formatCI(lower.random.x, upper.random.x, lab.NA = text.NA,
                             big.mark = big.mark))
      nl.r[nl.NA] <- text.NA
      nl.r <- formatN(TE.random.x, digits = digits,
                      text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    nl.r <- matrix(nl.r, nrow = nrow(TE.random.x), ncol = ncol(TE.random.x))
    diag(nl.r) <- rownames(TE.random.x)
    TE.random.y    <- round(   TE.random.y[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    lower.random.y <- round(lower.random.y[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    upper.random.y <- round(upper.random.y[seq.r, seq.r], digits)
    if (ci) {
      nl.NA <- is.na(TE.random.y)
      nl.r.y <- paste(formatN(TE.random.y, digits = digits,
                              text.NA = text.NA),
                      formatCI(lower.random.y, upper.random.y, lab.NA = text.NA))
      nl.r.y[nl.NA] <- text.NA
      nl.r.y <- formatN(TE.random.y, digits = digits,
                        text.NA = text.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    nl.r.y <- matrix(nl.r.y, nrow = nrow(TE.random.y), ncol = ncol(TE.random.y))
    nl.r[upper.tri(nl.r)] <- t(nl.r.y)[upper.tri(nl.c)]
    nl.r <- as.data.frame(nl.r, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## (5) Save Excel file
  if (writexl) {
    if (!(common | random)) {
      warning("Excel file not generated as neither ",
              "argument 'common' nor 'random' is TRUE.")
    if (!is.installed.package("writexl", stop = FALSE))
      stop(paste0("Package 'writexl' missing.",
                  "\n  ",
                  "Please use the following R command for installation:",
                  "\n  install.packages(\"writexl\")"),
           call. = FALSE)
    if (file.exists(path) & !overwrite)
      warning("File '", path, "' exists. ",
              "Use argument 'overwrite = TRUE' to overwrite file.",
              call. = FALSE)
    else {
      if (common & random)
        xlsx <- list(common = nl.c, random = nl.r)
      else if (common)
        xlsx <- list(common = nl.c)
        xlsx <- list(random = nl.r)
      writexl::write_xlsx(xlsx, path = path, col_names = FALSE, ...)
      message(paste0("League table", if (common & random) "s",
                     " saved in file '", path, "'."))
  ## (6) Return league tables
  res <- list(common = nl.c,
              random = if (random) nl.r else NA,
              seq = seq, ci = ci, backtransf = backtransf,
              x = list(common = common, random = random),
              digits = digits,
              version = packageDescription("netmeta")$Version)
  ## Backward compatibility
  res$fixed <- res$common
  res$x$fixed <- res$x$common
  class(res) <- "netleague"

#' @rdname netleague
#' @method print netleague
#' @export

print.netleague <- function(x,
                            common = x$x$common,
                            random = x$x$random,
                            warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                            ...) {
  ## (1) Check arguments
  chkclass(x, "netleague")
  x <- updateversion(x)
  ## Check for deprecated arguments in '...'
  args  <- list(...)
  missing.common <- missing(common)
  common <- deprecated(common, missing.common, args, "comb.fixed",
  common <- deprecated(common, missing.common, args, "fixed",
  random <- deprecated(random, missing(random), args, "comb.random",
  ## (2) Print league table for common effects model
  if (common) {
    cat("League table (common effects model):\n")
    prmatrix(x$common, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,
             rowlab = rep("", nrow(x$common)),
             collab = rep("", ncol(x$common)))
    if (random)
  ## (3) Print league table for random effects model
  if (random) {
    cat("League table (random effects model):\n")
    prmatrix(x$random, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE,
             rowlab = rep("", nrow(x$random)),
             collab = rep("", ncol(x$random)))

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