
Defines functions list.network.attributes.active list.edge.attributes.active list.vertex.attributes.active deactivate.edge.attribute deactive.spell.attribute withIn getValsForSpells match.rule.any match.rule.all insertSpellAndVal temp.insertSpellAndVal fastInsertSpellAndVal search.spell spells.hit spells.overlap get.vertex.attribute.active activate.edge.attribute activate.edge.value get.edge.value.active get.edge.attribute.active get.network.attribute.active

Documented in activate.edge.attribute activate.edge.value deactivate.edge.attribute get.edge.attribute.active get.edge.value.active get.network.attribute.active get.vertex.attribute.active list.edge.attributes.active list.network.attributes.active list.vertex.attributes.active search.spell spells.hit spells.overlap

#  Part of the statnet package, http://statnetproject.org
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#    http://statnetproject.org/attribution
#  Copyright 2013 the statnet development team

#some basic functions to be used as a starting point for extending networkDynamic copied over from ndtv
# these may not fully meet spec

activate.network.attribute <- function (x, prefix, value, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL, length=NULL, at=NULL, dynamic.only=FALSE){
  #check that argument is a network
    stop("activate.network.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in activate.network.attribute.\n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in activate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in activate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in activate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in activate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  # figure out onset and terminus from at and length if necessary
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- at
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {

    if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + length
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- -Inf
      terminus <- Inf
    } else {
      onset <- terminus - length
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in activate.network.attributes\n")
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%list.network.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timed <- get.network.attribute(x, attrname,unlist=FALSE); 
  if (!is.null(timed)){
    timed <- insertSpellAndVal(timed[[1]],timed[[2]],value,onset,terminus)
  } else {                                  #add the new dynamic attribute
    timed <- list(list(value),matrix(c(onset,terminus),nrow=1,ncol=2))
  x <- set.network.attribute(x,attrname,value=timed)
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

#Only returns first value, since aggregation rules are not specified
get.network.attribute.active <- function(x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, rule = c("any", "all","earliest","latest"), dynamic.only=FALSE, return.tea=FALSE,unlist=TRUE, ...){
  # checks for proper inputs
    stop("get.network.attribute.active requires an argument of class network.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if( !is.numeric(at))
      stop("'at' argument must be  numeric in get.network.attribute.active.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
      stop("'at' time argument must have length one in get.network.attribute.active")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) &&  !is.numeric(onset))
      stop("Onset time must be  numeric  in get.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset) &&  length(onset)!=1){
      stop("Onset time argument must have length one get.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && !is.numeric(terminus))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector get.network.attribute.active.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) &&  length(terminus)!=1){
      stop("Terminus time argument must have length one get.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric in get.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) &&  length(length)!=1){
      stop("Length time argument must have length one get.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
      if(is.null(terminus) || is.null(length))
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- at
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + length
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- -Inf
      terminus <- Inf
    } else {
      onset <- terminus - length
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times\n")
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%list.network.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
      val <-get.network.attribute(x,prefix,unlist=unlist)
    } else {
      val <-NULL
  } else {
    attribute <- get.network.attribute(x,attrname,unlist=FALSE)
    # find intersecting spells and corresponding values
    val <-getValsForSpells(list(attribute), onset=onset, terminus=terminus,
                          rule=rule, return.tea=return.tea)[[1]]
    # check for multiple values and return.tea state
    if (!return.tea){
        warning("Multiple attribute values matched query spell for network attribute, only earliest value used\n")
        val <-val[[1]]
      # TODO: this is probably where we would apply any other merge rules
      # now that there is only one value, need to remove a level of nesting.
    val <-val[[1]]
   if (unlist){
     val <- unlist(val)

get.edge.attribute.active<-function(x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, rule = c("any", "all","earliest","latest"), active.default = TRUE, dynamic.only=FALSE, require.active=FALSE,return.tea=FALSE,unlist=TRUE, ..., el){
  if(!missing(el)) {
    stop(sQuote("get.edge.attribute.active"), " does not support the ", sQuote("el"), " argument.")
  if (!is.network(x)){
    stop("The first argument for get.edge.attribute.active must be a network object. (This version does not yet support using a list of edges)")

get.edge.value.active <- function(x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, rule = c("any", "all","earliest","latest"), active.default = TRUE, dynamic.only=FALSE, require.active=FALSE,return.tea=FALSE,unlist=TRUE, ...){
  # validate inputs
  #check for common error of calling get.edge.attribute instead of get.edge.value
  if (!is.network(x)){
    stop("The first argument for get.edge.value.active must be a network object")
  if (missing(prefix)){
    stop("The 'prefix' argument to get.value.attribute.active is missing, unable to determine the name of the attribute to fetch")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Singular time points given by the 'at' argument must be a numeric vector in get.edge.attribute.active\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in get.edge.value.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in get.edge.value.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in get.edge.value.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
      if(is.null(terminus) || is.null(length))
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  # process inputs
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=network.edgecount(x))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=network.edgecount(x))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=network.edgecount(x))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=network.edgecount(x))
  } else {
    terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(el))
    onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=network.edgecount(x))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times\n")
  attrname <- paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  #implement fall-through to non-tea
  if (!attrname%in%list.edge.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
    #check for non active version
    vals <- get.edge.value(x,prefix,unlist=FALSE)
  } else {
    vals<- as.list(rep(NA,network.edgecount(x)))
    attributes <- get.edge.value(x,attrname,unlist=FALSE)
  # locate potentially missing activity attributes
    valid.edges <- !sapply(attributes,is.null)
    # find intersecting spells and corresponding values
    vals[valid.edges] <-getValsForSpells(attributes[valid.edges], onset=onset, terminus=terminus,
                            rule=rule, return.tea=return.tea)
    # check for multiple values and return.tea state
    if (!return.tea){
        warning(paste("Multiple attribute values matched query spell for attribute",attrname,"on some edges. Only earliest value used\n"))
        extravals <- which(sapply(vals[valid.edges],length)>1)
        for (index in extravals){
      # now that there is only one value, need to remove a level of nesting.
      vals[valid.edges] <-lapply(vals[valid.edges],"[[",1)
  # remove attributes for non-active edges depending on require.active
  if (require.active){
    vals[which(!is.active(x,onset=onset,terminus=terminus,e=seq_len(network.edgecount(x)),rule=rule,active.default=active.default))] <- NA
  if (unlist){vals <-unlist(vals)}

activate.vertex.attribute <- function (x, prefix, value, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL,at=NULL, v=seq_len(network.size(x)), dynamic.only=FALSE){
  #possibly duplicate list for when setting multiple verticies
  #check that argument is a network
    stop("activate.vertex.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.vector(v) || !is.numeric(v)){
    stop("Vertex ID's, v, must be a numeric vector in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  # no vertices specified so don't do anything  
  if((min(v,Inf) < 1) || (max(v,-Inf) > network.size(x))){  # combinatorial breakage:
    stop("Illegal vertex id specified in v in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  # convert at and lenth options to onsets, and possibly replicate
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=length(v))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=length(v))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(v))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=length(v))
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- rep(-Inf, length=length(v))
      terminus <- rep(Inf, length=length(v))
    } else {
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(v))
      onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=length(v))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in activate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  # TODO: also need to handle list case?
  if (length(value) != length(v)){
    if (!is.null(value)){
      value <- rep(value, length = length(v))
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%list.vertex.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timedlist <- get.vertex.attribute(x, attrname,unlist=FALSE);
  # possibly get rid of values we not using
  timedlist <- timedlist[v]
  #have to loop instead of just checking if attribute exists because it can exist for some nodes and not others

  timedlist <-lapply(seq_len(length(v)),function(n){
    if (is.null(timedlist[[n]]) | (length(timedlist[[n]])==1 && is.na(timedlist[[n]]))){  #have to check if it is null or na, but na can be long
    } else {
  x <- set.vertex.attribute(x,attrname,value=timedlist,v=v)
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

activate.edge.value<-function(x, prefix, value, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL,at=NULL, 
                                   e=seq_along(x$mel), dynamic.only=FALSE){
  if (!is.network(x)) 
    stop("activate.edge.value requires an argument of class network.\n")
  if (is.hyper(x)) 
    stop("Hypergraphs not currently supported in activate.edge.value.\n")
  n <- network.size(x)
  if (!is.matrix(value)) {
    if (is.vector(value)) 
      value <- matrix(rep(value, length = n * n), n, n)
    else value <- matrix(value, n, n)
  if ((min(e) < 1) | (max(e) > length(x$mel))) 
    stop("Illegal edge in activate.edge.value.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x)
  # remove e corresponding to NULL edge values (deleted edges)
  # get the list of values corresponding to edges that exist, limited by e
  evals<- lapply(x$mel[e],function(edge){
  x<-activate.edge.attribute(x=x,prefix=prefix,value=evals, onset=onset,terminus=terminus,length=length,at=at,e=e,dynamic.only=dynamic.only)
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

#this may be too slow if edge allready has spells for the attribute
# also stores its vals in a vector, needs to be a list
activate.edge.attribute <-function(x, prefix, value, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL,at=NULL, 
	e=seq_along(x$mel), dynamic.only=FALSE){
  #check that argument is a network
    stop("activate.edge.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
  #check that it has edges
    warning("edge attributes cannot be activated because network does not contain any edges")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.vector(e) || !is.numeric(e)){
    stop("Edge ID's, e, must be a numeric vector in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
  if (length(e)>0){
    if((min(e,Inf) < 1) || (max(e,-Inf) > length(x$mel))){  # combinatorial breakage:
      stop("Illegal edge id specified in e in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  # possibly convert at and length or replicated onsets
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=length(e))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=length(e))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(e))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=length(e))
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- rep(-Inf, length=length(e))
      terminus <- rep(Inf, length=length(e))
    } else {
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(e))
      onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=length(e))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in activate.edge.attribute\n")
  # replicate values if they were not enough per edge
  if (length(value) != length(e)){
    value <- rep(value, length = length(e))
  #Filter outvalues corresponding to non-edges caused by edge deletion
  value <-value[!sapply(x$mel[e], is.null)]
  e <- e[!sapply(x$mel[e], is.null)]  
	attrname <- paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")	
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%knownAttrs & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timedlist <- get.edge.attribute(x$mel, attrname,unlist=FALSE);
  timedlist <- lapply(seq_len(length(e)),function(n){
    timed <- timedlist[[e[n]]];
    if(is.null(timed) || (length(timed)==1 && is.na(timed))){
      # create a new TEA attribute
    } else {
      # append to existing TEA attribute
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

get.vertex.attribute.active <- function(x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, rule = c("any", "all","earliest","latest"), na.omit = FALSE, null.na = TRUE, active.default = TRUE, dynamic.only=FALSE, require.active=FALSE,return.tea=FALSE,unlist=TRUE,...){
  # validate inputs
    stop("get.vertex.attribute.active requires an argument of class network.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Singular time points given by the 'at' argument must be a numeric vector in get.vertex.attribute.active\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in get.vertex.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in get.vertex.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in get.vertex.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
      if(is.null(terminus) || is.null(length))
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  # process inputs
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=network.size(x))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=network.size(x))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=network.size(x))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=network.size(x))
  } else {
    terminus <- rep(terminus, length=network.size(x))
    onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=network.size(x))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times\n")
  attrname <- paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  if (!attrname%in%list.vertex.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
    #check for non active version
    vals <- get.vertex.attribute(x,prefix,na.omit=na.omit,null.na=TRUE,unlist=FALSE)
  } else {
    attributes <- get.vertex.attribute(x,attrname,na.omit=na.omit,null.na=TRUE,unlist=FALSE)
    # find intersecting spells and corresponding values
    vals <-getValsForSpells(attributes, onset=onset, terminus=terminus, 
                                      rule=rule, return.tea=return.tea)
    # check for multiple values and return.tea state
    if (!return.tea){
      extravals <- which(sapply(vals,length)>1)
        warning(paste("Multiple attribute values matched query spell for attribute",attrname,"on some vertices. Only earliest value used\n"))
        for (index in extravals){
      # TODO: this is probably where we would apply any other merge rules
      # now that there is only one value, need to remove a level of nesting.
      vals <-lapply(vals,"[[",1)
  # remove attributes for non-active vertices depending on require.active
  if (require.active){
    vals[which(!is.active(x,onset=onset,terminus=terminus,v=seq_len(network.size(x)),rule=rule,active.default=active.default))] <- NA
  #  handle null.na
  # this is awfully awkward, but not sure anyone uses anyways
  if (!null.na){
    possiblyNull <- get.vertex.attribute(x,attrname,na.omit=na.omit,null.na=FALSE,unlist=FALSE)
    vals[sapply(possiblyNull, is.null)] <- list(NULL)
  # todo: handle na.omit and null.na here!
  if (unlist){vals <-unlist(vals)}

#function to check if two spells intersect
spells.overlap <-function(s1,s2){
  if (length(s1)!=2 | length(s2)!=2){
		stop("Each spell must be a vector of length 2")
  # check for null spell
  if ((s1[1]==Inf & s1[2]==Inf) | (s2[1]==Inf & s2[2]==Inf)){
  # check for equality (point -point and spell spell)
  if (all(s1==s2)){
  # point-spell comparisons
  if (s1[1]==s1[2]){
    if (s1[1] >= s2[1] & s1[1] < s2[2]){
  } else if (s2[1]==s2[2]) {
    if (s2[1] >= s1[1] & s2[1] < s1[2]){
  # interval comparisons
  #start one < end two and end one > start 2
  if (s1[1]<s2[2] & s1[2] > s2[1]){
	return(FALSE)  # non-overlapping

#search an array of spells to see if any intersect
    stop("search spell (needle) must have exactly two elements")
    stop("target  spell matrix (haystack) must have exactly two columns")
    stop("target  spell matrix (haystack) must have at least one row")
  for (s in 1:nrow(haystack)){

    stop("search spell (needle) must have exactly two elements")
    stop("search spell (needle) must have onset <= terminus")
    stop("target  spell matrix (haystack) must have exactly two columns")
    stop("target  spell matrix (haystack) must have at least one row")
  indices <- which(sapply(1:nrow(haystack),function(s){ spells.overlap(needle,haystack[s,])}))

# Ayn wrote this, which is why it is so nicely documented
# this is a helper function to insert a single spell
# @param
#    cur.vals  : a list of current values
#    cur.spells: the 2x(number of spells) matrix of current
#                spells
#    val       : the value of the spell to be inserted
#    onset     : the onset time of the spell to be inserted;
#                default=-Inf
#    terminus  : the terminus time of the spell to be inserted;
#                default=Inf
# @return:
#    the list of two elements, 1) the updated values, 2) the
#    updated spells

#for this version, try no testing, just do operation
fastInsertSpellAndVal<-function(cur.vals, cur.spells, val, onset=-Inf,
    c(cur.vals, list(val)),

temp.insertSpellAndVal<-function(cur.vals, cur.spells, val, onset=-Inf,
     if (is.null(cur.spells) ||
         (is.infinite(cur.spells[1,1]) & cur.spells[1,1] > 0)) {
       new.values <- list(val)
       new.spells <- matrix(c(onset, terminus), 1,2)
     } else {
        ns <- NROW(cur.spells)
        # find the row that this spell will go into
      	if(onset>cur.spells[ns,1]) {
      	  spell.row <- ns+1
      	} else {
      	  spell.row <- min(which(onset<=cur.spells[,1]))
      	# if the onset interrupts/continues an existing spell... 
      	if (spell.row > 1 && onset<=cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]) {
                if(identical(val, cur.vals[[spell.row-1]])) {
      	     spell.row <- spell.row-1
      	     onset <- cur.spells[spell.row,1]   # back up onset to that of interrupted spell
      	   } else {
                   if(terminus < cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]){  # this spells splits the interrupted spell in 2
                     val2 <- cur.vals[[spell.row-1]]
                     spell2 <-matrix(c(terminus, cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]),1,2)
                   cur.spells[spell.row-1,2] <- onset   # truncate interrupted spell
      	# find the minimum spell that is retained (vs. spells that are overlapped/overwritten)
      	if(terminus>=cur.spells[ns, 2]){
      	  retain.row <- ns+1
      	} else {
      	  retain.row <- min(which(terminus<cur.spells[,2]))
      	# if the terminus interrupts/continues an existing spell...
      	if(retain.row <= ns && terminus>=cur.spells[retain.row,1]) {
      	  if(identical(val,cur.vals[[retain.row]])) {
      	    terminus <- cur.spells[retain.row,2]  # forward terminus to that of interrupted spell
      	    retain.row <- retain.row+1
      	  } else {
      	    cur.spells[retain.row,1] <- terminus  # partial overwrite of interrupted spell
      	# construct new spell matrix and value vector
      	#new.spells <- matrix(c(onset, terminus),1,2)
      	#new.values <- list(val)
                new.spells <- rbind(new.spells, spell2)
                new.values[[2]] <- val2
      	if(spell.row > 1){
      	  #new.spells <- rbind(cur.spells[1:(spell.row-1),], new.spells)
      	  new.values <- c(cur.vals[1:(spell.row-1)], list(val))
      	if(retain.row <= ns) {
      	  new.spells <- rbind(new.spells, cur.spells[retain.row:ns,])
      	  new.values <- c(new.values, cur.vals[retain.row:ns])
    list(new.values, new.spells)

insertSpellAndVal<-function(cur.vals, cur.spells, val, onset=-Inf,
  if (is.null(cur.spells) ||
        (is.infinite(cur.spells[1,1]) & cur.spells[1,1] > 0)) {
    new.values <- list(val)
    new.spells <- matrix(c(onset, terminus), 1,2)
  } else {
    ns <- NROW(cur.spells)
    # find the row that this spell will go into
    if(onset>cur.spells[ns,1]) {
      spell.row <- ns+1
    } else {
      spell.row <- min(which(onset<=cur.spells[,1]))
    # if the onset interrupts/continues an existing spell... 
    if (spell.row > 1 && onset<=cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]) {
      if(identical(val, cur.vals[[spell.row-1]])) {
        spell.row <- spell.row-1
        onset <- cur.spells[spell.row,1]   # back up onset to that of interrupted spell
      } else {
        if(terminus < cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]){  # this spells splits the interrupted spell in 2
          val2 <- cur.vals[[spell.row-1]]
          spell2 <-matrix(c(terminus, cur.spells[spell.row-1,2]),1,2)
        cur.spells[spell.row-1,2] <- onset   # truncate interrupted spell
    # find the minimum spell that is retained (vs. spells that are overlapped/overwritten)
    if(terminus>=cur.spells[ns, 2]){
      retain.row <- ns+1
    } else {
      retain.row <- min(which(terminus<cur.spells[,2]))
    # if the terminus interrupts/continues an existing spell...
    if(retain.row <= ns && terminus>=cur.spells[retain.row,1]) {
      if(identical(val,cur.vals[[retain.row]])) {
        terminus <- cur.spells[retain.row,2]  # forward terminus to that of interrupted spell
        retain.row <- retain.row+1
      } else {
        cur.spells[retain.row,1] <- terminus  # partial overwrite of interrupted spell
    # construct new spell matrix and value vector
    new.spells <- matrix(c(onset, terminus),1,2)
    new.values <- list(val)
      new.spells <- rbind(new.spells, spell2)
      new.values[[2]] <- val2
    if(spell.row > 1){
      new.spells <- rbind(cur.spells[1:(spell.row-1),], new.spells)
      new.values <- c(cur.vals[1:(spell.row-1)], new.values)
    if(retain.row <= ns) {
      new.spells <- rbind(new.spells, cur.spells[retain.row:ns,])
      new.values <- c(new.values, cur.vals[retain.row:ns])
  list(new.values, new.spells)

# define functions to use as match rules. These are interval comparison functions 
# x = a spell [onset,terminus]
# y = onset to be compared for match
# z = terminus to be compared for match
match.rule.all <-function(x,y,z){y >= x[1] && z <= x[2]}
match.rule.any <-function(x,y,z){(y >= x[1] && y <  x[2]) ||
                              (z >  x[1] && z <= x[2]) ||
                (y <= x[1] && z >= x[2] && !(x[2]==x[1] && z==x[2]))}

# internal function to get a set of values corresponding to a query spell, uing the TEA value and spell list components
# active is a list of TEA attributes corresponding to a vertex (or edge), each of which is a list where the first element is list of atribute values, and the second element 2nd is spell matrix
# onset, terminus, length and at if specified must have the same length as active
# returns a list with elements corresponding to active, which are NA or contain list of matching values
# TODO: maybe this could be re-written to be faster with the "findInterval" function?
# or just move the entire function into C
# or parallelize with package "parallel" and parLapply
getValsForSpells <- function(active,onset=NULL,terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL,
  # since this is not a user function assumes inputs were allready verified by the calling function

  # switch out the function we will use to compare spell intervals 
  # to either the 'any' or 'all' match rule
    int.query.true <- match.rule.all
  } else {
    int.query.true <- match.rule.any
  # create a vector default values of NA for any elements that may not be otherwise specified
  # Skye: I tried this loop as lapply, didn't get any speedup, but that could be because it wasn't well written. 
  # for each network element (either vertex or edge), check the spell matrix for intersections with the query spell and return the corresponding values. 
  for(i in seq_along(active)){
    if(is.null(active[[i]])){ # is the attribute malformed?
      stop(paste("activity attribute missing for element",i))
      # TODO: should this be controled by the null.na value?
    } else if (length(active[[i]])==1 && is.na(active[[i]])){ # if no value was ever specified ...
      # don't do anything, we will return NA
    } else if (active[[i]][[2]][1,1]==-Inf && active[[i]][[2]][1,2]==Inf){ # if it is always active ...
      if (return.tea){ # should we return a TEA structure (for user to process) instead of just the value?
      } else {
        vals[[i]]<-active[[i]][[1]][[1]]  # just return the value
    } else if (all(is.infinite(active[[i]][[2]]))) { # check allways inactive spell (Inf, Inf) The valid (-Inf,Inf) already dealt with in previous condition.
      vals[[i]]<-NA  # it was marked as never active, so set to NA
    } else if (terminus[i] == onset[i]){  # if the query is a point interval we know it can only match one value
      # construct a vector of indices of spells having an onset equal to the query onset
      befon<-which(onset[i]==active[[i]][[2]][,1]) # before onset
      if(length(befon)>0){  # did we find it?
        if (return.tea){ # should we return a TEA structure (for user to process) instead of just the value?
        } else {
      } else {
        # construct a vector of indices of spells where the query onset is after (>=) spell onset
        afton <-which(onset[i]>=active[[i]][[2]][,1])
        # construct a vector of indices of spells where the query onset is before (<) spell terminus
        # intersect the vector of indices to find the matching set
        splindex <-sort(intersect(afton,befterm))
        if (length(splindex)>0){
          if (return.tea){ # should we return a TEA structure (for user to process) instead of just the value?
          } else {
    } else {  # interval query
      # TODO: this seems to be slow..
      # apply the spell query to each row of the activity matrix to determine the indices of intersecting values
      # old code:
      #splindex <- which(apply(active[[i]][[2]], 1, int.query.true, onset[i], terminus[i]))
      # new code:
      # amazingly, the for loop below takes less time than apply above because we can loop backwards
      for (r in nrow(active[[i]][[2]]):1){
        } else if (foundSome){ # since rows are ordered, stop searching if we've already found some
      if (length(splindex)>0){  # if we found 1 or more values ...
        # evaluate the earliest or latest rule to decide which to return
          splindex<-splindex[1] # choose the earliest value found
        } else if (rule=='latest'){
          splindex<-splindex[length(splindex)] # choose the latest value found
        if (return.tea){ # should we return the TEA structure instead of just the value?
        } else {

# 1. after deactivate all spells, should we leave the tea name with an empty list or delete the tea completely?
deactivate.vertex.attribute <- function (x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL,at=NULL, v=seq_len(network.size(x)), dynamic.only=FALSE){
  #possibly duplicate list for when setting multiple verticies
  #check that argument is a network
    stop("deactivate.vertex.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.vector(v) || !is.numeric(v)){
    stop("Vertex ID's, v, must be a numeric vector in deactivate.vertex.attribute. \n")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in deactivate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  if((min(v,Inf) < 1) || (max(v,-Inf) > network.size(x))){  # combinatorial breakage:
    stop("Illegal vertex id specified in v in deactivate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  # convert at and lenth options to onsets, and possibly replicate
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=network.size(x)) # modifed on 04/04 from legnth(v) to network.size(x))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=network.size(x))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=network.size(x))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=network.size(x))
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- rep(-Inf, length=network.size(x))
      terminus <- rep(Inf, length=network.size(x))
    } else {
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=network.size(x))
      onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=network.size(x))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in deactivate.vertex.attribute.\n")
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%list.vertex.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timedlist <- get.vertex.attribute(x, attrname,unlist=FALSE);
  # possibly get rid of values we not using
  # 4/1,fix problem for v is not entire network nodes.
#   if(is.null(timedlist)){
#     warning("intend to deactivate attribute on inactivate vertex")
#     return(character(0))}
#   v.act <- which(!unlist(lapply(timedlist,function(x)all(is.na(x)))))
#   if (!all(v%in%v.act)){
#     warning("intend to deactivate attribute on inactivate vertex")
#   v = intersect(v.act,v)}
   timedlist <- timedlist[v]
  #have to loop instead of just checking if attribute exists because it can exist for some nodes and not others
  timedlist <-lapply(seq_len(length(timedlist)),function(n){
    if (!is.null(timedlist[[n]]) && !(length(timedlist[[n]])==1) && !any(is.na(timedlist[[n]]))){ 
  x <- set.vertex.attribute(x,attrname,value=timedlist,v=v)
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

#withIn: a function to select the changing spell
withIn <- function(onset,terminus,spell.mat){
  apply(spell.mat,1,function(x) !(terminus<=x[1] | onset>=x[2]))

#deactive.spell.attribute:  a internal function to output the spell matrix
#                           after deactivate
deactive.spell.attribute <- function(onset,terminus,spell.mat,val.list){
  index.row <- withIn(onset,terminus,spell.mat)
  } else{
    val.list.c <- lapply(which(index.row),function(x)val.list[[x]])
    add.row <- t(apply(spell.mat[index.row,,drop=FALSE],1,function(x){ 
      #     x<-spell.mat[index.row,,drop=FALSE]
      if(x[1]>=onset && x[2]>terminus) #deactivate at the beginning
      else if(x[1]>=onset && x[2]<=terminus) # deactivate covers the spell
      else if(x[1]<onset && x[2]>terminus) # deactivate at the interval within the spell
      else if(x[1]<onset && x[2]<=terminus) # deactiate at the ending 
      # temp version to solve the matrix returns....may need to improve
      add.row <- matrix(add.row,ncol=2,byrow=F)
    add.row <- na.omit(add.row)
    # for the spells being compeletely deactivated, NA,NA returned, and need to delete the corresponding val. 
      val.list.c <-val.list.c[!(1:length(val.list.c) %in% attr(add.row,"na.action"))] 
    spell.mat.new <- spell.mat[!index.row,]
    val.list.new <- val.list[!index.row]
    spell.mat.new <- rbind(spell.mat.new,add.row)
    val.list.new <-append(val.list.new,val.list.c)
    #   spell.mat.new <- spell.mat.new[order(val.new,spell.mat.new[,1]),]
    if (!(length(val.list.new) | length(spell.mat.new))){
        val.list.new <- list("NA")
        spell.mat.new <- matrix(c(Inf,Inf),ncol=2)} 
      val.list.new <- lapply(1:length(val.list.new),function(x)val.list.new[[order(spell.mat.new[,1],spell.mat.new[,2],decreasing=FALSE)[x]]])
      spell.mat.new <- unname(spell.mat.new[order(spell.mat.new[,1],spell.mat.new[,2],decreasing=FALSE),,drop=FALSE])}
    # to do: order the list, 


deactivate.edge.attribute <-function(x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL,at=NULL,e=seq_along(x$mel), dynamic.only=FALSE){
  #check that argument is a network
    stop("deactivate.edge.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
  #check that it has edges
    warning("edge attributes cannot be deactivated because network does not contain any edges")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in deactivate.edge.attribute. \n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.vector(e) || !is.numeric(e)){
    stop("Edge ID's, e, must be a numeric vector in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
  if (length(e)>0){
    if((min(e,Inf) < 1) || (max(e,-Inf) > length(x$mel))){  # combinatorial breakage:
      stop("Illegal edge id specified in e in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  #Filter out non-edges caused by edge deletion
  e <- e[!sapply(x$mel[e], is.null)]  
  # possibly convert at and length or replicated onsets
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- rep(at, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))  # modifed on 04/04 from legnth(e) to length(seq_along(x$mel))
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    onset <- rep(onset, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
    else if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + rep(length, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- rep(-Inf, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
      terminus <- rep(Inf, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
    } else {
      terminus <- rep(terminus, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
      onset <- terminus - rep(length, length=length(seq_along(x$mel)))
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in deactivate.edge.attribute.\n")
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")  
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%knownAttrs & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timedlist <- get.edge.attribute(x$mel,attrname,unlist=FALSE)
#   # 4/1,fix problem for e is not entire network edges.
#   if(is.null(timedlist)){
#     warning("intend to deactivate attribute on inactivate edges")
#     return(character(0))}
#   e.act <- which(!unlist(lapply(timedlist,function(x)all(is.null(x)))))
#   if (!all(e%in%e.act)){
#     warning("intend to deactivate attribute on inactivate edge")
#     e = intersect(e.act,e)}
#   timedlist <- timedlist[e]
  timedlist <-lapply(seq_len(length(e)),function(n){
    timed <- timedlist[[n]];
    if (!is.null(timed) && !(length(timed)==1) && !any(is.na(timed))){ 
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))

# -----------deactivate.network.attribute----

deactivate.network.attribute <- function (x, prefix, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL, length=NULL, at=NULL, dynamic.only=FALSE){
    stop("deactivate.network.attribute requires that the first argument be a network")
    stop("prefixes must be character strings in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
  if(length(prefix) > 1){
    warning("Only the first element of prefix will be used.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Activation times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
  xn <- substitute(x) #this stuff is for modifying network inplace
  # figure out onset and terminus from at and length if necessary
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    onset <- terminus <- at
  } else if (!is.null(onset)) {
    if (!is.null(length))
      terminus <- onset + length
  } else {
    if (is.null(terminus)) {
      onset <- -Inf
      terminus <- Inf
    } else {
      onset <- terminus - length
    stop("Onset times must precede terminus times in deactivate.network.attribute.\n")
  attrname = paste(prefix,"active",sep=".")
  # optionally replace non-active version of attribute with the same name
    if(prefix%in%list.network.attributes(x) & !dynamic.only){
      #delete the old attribute, it will effectively be replaced with the new one
  timed <- get.network.attribute(x, attrname,unlist=FALSE) 
  if (!is.null(timed) | !(length(timed)==1 && !any(is.na(timed)))){ 
    timed <- 
  x <- set.network.attribute(x,attrname,value=timed)
  if(.validLHS(xn, parent.frame()))
    on.exit(eval.parent(call('<-',xn, x)))


list.vertex.attributes.active <-function(x, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, na.omit=FALSE, rule = c("any", "all"), v=seq_len(network.size(x)), require.active=FALSE, active.default = TRUE, dynamic.only=FALSE,...){
    stop("list.vertex.attributes.active requires that the first argument be a network object")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Specified times must be a numeric vector in list.vertex.attributes.active\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in list.vertex.attributes.active.\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in list.vertex.attributes.active.\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in list.vertex.attributes.active.\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
        stop("Spells must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  if(!is.vector(v) || !is.numeric(v)){
    stop("Vertex ID's, v, must be a numeric vector in list.vertex.attributes.active.\n")
    stop("dynamic.only flag must be a logical in list.vertex.attributes.active.\n")
  if((min(v,Inf) < 1) || (max(v,-Inf) > network.size(x))){  # combinatorial breakage:
    stop("Illegal vertex id specified in v in activate.edge.attribute.\n")
    attributes <- list.vertex.attributes(x)
    attributes.active <- grep(".active",attributes,value=TRUE) 
    currently.active <- sapply(gsub(".active","",attributes.active),function(attr){
      any(!is.na(get.vertex.attribute.active(x,attr,onset=onset, terminus=terminus,length=length, at=at, rule = rule, na.omit = na.omit, active.default = active.default, dynamic.only=dynamic.only, require.active=require.active, return.tea=TRUE,null.na=TRUE)))
   if (length(currently.active)>0){
   } else {
  } else {
    if (length(currently.active)>0){
    } else {

list.edge.attributes.active <-function(x, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, na.omit = FALSE, rule = c("any", "all"), e=seq_along(x$mel), require.active= FALSE, active.default = TRUE, dynamic.only=FALSE, ...){
  # validate inputs
  if (!is.network(x)){
    stop("The first argument for get.edge.attributes.active must be a network object")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if(!is.vector(at) || !is.numeric(at))
      stop("Singular time points given by the 'at' argument must be a numeric vector in list.edge.attributes.active\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) && (!is.vector(onset) || !is.numeric(onset)))
      stop("Onset times must be a numeric vector in list.edge.attributes.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && (!is.vector(terminus) || !is.numeric(terminus)))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector in list.edge.attributes.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.vector(length) || !is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric vector in list.edge.attributes.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
      if(is.null(terminus) || is.null(length))
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
  # work around bug in network for 0 edges
  if (network.edgecount(x)>0)
    attributes <- list.edge.attributes(x) 
    attributes.active <- grep(".active",attributes,value=TRUE)
    currently.active <- sapply(gsub(".active","",attributes.active),function(attr){
      any(!is.na(get.edge.value.active(x,attr,onset=onset, terminus=terminus,length=length, at=at, rule = rule, active.default = active.default, dynamic.only=dynamic.only, require.active=require.active,return.tea=TRUE)))
    } else {
  } else {
    } else {
  } else { 
    # no edges to test for attributes


list.network.attributes.active <-function(x, onset=NULL, terminus=NULL,length=NULL, at=NULL, na.omit = FALSE, rule = c("any", "all"), dynamic.only=FALSE, ...){
  # checks for proper inputs
    stop("list.network.attribute.active requires an argument of class network.\n")
  if(!is.null(at)) {
    if( !is.numeric(at))
      stop("'at' argument must be  numeric in list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!(is.null(onset) && is.null(terminus) && is.null(length)))
      stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
      stop("'at' time argument must have length one in list.network.attribute.active")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(onset) &&  !is.numeric(onset))
      stop("Onset time must be  numeric  in list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset) &&  length(onset)!=1){
      stop("Onset time argument must have length one list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) && !is.numeric(terminus))
      stop("Terminus times must be a numeric vector list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(terminus) &&  length(terminus)!=1){
      stop("Terminus time argument must have length one list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) && (!is.numeric(length) || any(length < 0)))
      stop("Interval lengths must be a non-negative numeric in list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(length) &&  length(length)!=1){
      stop("Length time argument must have length one list.network.attribute.active\n")
    if(!is.null(onset)) {
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    } else {
      if(is.null(terminus) || is.null(length))
        stop("Query intervals must be specified by exactly 1 of {at, onset+terminus, onset+length, length+terminus}")
    attributes <- list.network.attributes(x)
    active.attributes <-grep(".active",attributes,value=T)
    currently.active <- sapply(gsub(".active","",active.attributes),function(attr){
      any(!is.na(get.network.attribute.active(x,attr,onset=onset, terminus=terminus,length=length, at=at,rule = rule, dynamic.only=dynamic.only,return.tea=TRUE)))
    if (length(currently.active)>0){
    } else {
  } else {
    if (length(currently.active)>0){
    } else {

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networkDynamic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:16 a.m.