
Defines functions bridge

Documented in bridge

#' Bridge Centrality
#' Calculates bridge centrality metrics (bridge strength, bridge betweenness, bridge closeness, and bridge expected influence)
#' given a network and a prespecified set of communities.
#' To plot the results, first save as an object, and then use plot() (see ?plot.bridge)
#' @param network a network of class "igraph", "qgraph", or an adjacency matrix representing
#' a network
#' @param communities an object of class "communities" (igraph) OR a character vector of
#' community  assignments for each node (e.g., c("Comm1", "Comm1", "Comm2", "Comm2)).
#' The ordering of this vector should correspond to the vector from argument "nodes".
#' Can also be in list format (e.g., list("Comm1"=c(1:10), "Comm2"=c(11:20)))
#' @param useCommunities character vector specifying which communities should be included. Default set to "all"
#' @param directed logical. Directedness is automatically detected if set to "NULL" (the default).
#' Symmetric adjacency matrices will be undirected, asymmetric matrices will be directed
#' @param nodes a vector containing the names of the nodes. If set to "NULL", this vector will
#' be automatically detected in the order extracted
#' @param normalize logical. Bridge centralities are divided by their highest possible value (assuming max edge strength=1)
#' in order to normalize by different community sizes
#' @details
#' Centrality metrics (strength, betweenness, etc.) illuminate how nodes are interconnected
#' among the entire network. However, sometimes we are interested in the connectivity
#' \emph{between specific communities} in a larger network. Nodes that are important in communication
#' between communities can be conceptualized as bridge nodes.
#' Bridge centrality statistics aim to identify bridge nodes. Bridge centralities
#' can be calculated across all communities, or between a specific subset of communities (as
#' identified by the \code{useCommunities} argument)
#' The bridge() function currently returns 5 centrality metrics: 1) bridge strength,
#' 2) bridge betweenness, 3) bridge closeness, 4) bridge expected influence (1-step), and
#' 5) bridge expected influence (2-step)
#' See ?plot.bridge for plotting details.
#' Bridge strength is defined as the sum of the absolute value of all edges that exist between a
#' node A and all nodes that are not in the same community as node A. In a directed network, bridge strength can be
#' separated into bridge in-degree and bridge out-degree.
#' Bridge betweenness is defined as the number of times a node B lies on the shortest path between
#' nodes A and C, where nodes A and C come from different communities.
#' Bridge closeness is defined as the inverse of the average length of the path from a node A to all nodes that are
#' not in the same community as node A.
#' Bridge expected influence (1-step) is defined as the sum of the value (+ or -) of all edges that
#' exist between a node A and all nodes that are not in the same community as node A. In a directed network, expected influence
#' only considers edges extending from the given node (e.g., out-degree)
#' Bridge expected influence (2-step) is similar to 1-step, but also considers the indirect effect that a node A may have
#' on other communities through other nodes (e.g, an indirect effect on node C as in A -> B -> C).
#' Indirect effects are weighted by the first edge weight (e.g., A -> B), and then added to the 1-step expected influence.
#' Indirect effects back on node A's own community (A -> B -> A) are not counted.
#' If negative edges exist, bridge expected influence should be used. Bridge closeness and bridge betweenness are only defined
#' for positive edge weights, thus negative edges, if present, are deleted in the calculation of these metrics. Bridge strength
#' uses the absolute value of edge weights.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' graph1 <- qgraph::qgraph(cor(depression))
#' b <- bridge(graph1, communities=c('1','1','2','2','2','2','1','2','1'))
#' b
#' @return \code{\link{bridge}} returns a list of class \code{bridge} which contains:
#'\code{$'Bridge Strength'}
#'\code{$'Bridge Betweenness'}
#'\code{$'Bridge Closeness'}
#'\code{$'Bridge Expected Influence (1-step)'}
#'\code{$'Bridge Expected Influence (2-step)'}
#'Each of these contains a vector of named centrality values
#'\code{$'communities'} is also returned, which returns the communities in vector format. If communities were supplied as a list or igraph object, it is advised that one check the accuracy of this vector.
bridge <- function(network, communities=NULL, useCommunities="all", directed=NULL, nodes=NULL, normalize=FALSE) {
  adj <- coerce_to_adjacency(network)
  ## name nodes
  if(is.null(nodes)){nodes <- colnames(adj)}
  allnodes <- nodes
  colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- nodes
  if(NA %in% adj){
    adj[is.na(adj)] <- 0
    message("Note: NAs detected in adjacency matrix, will be treated as 0s")
  adjmat <- adj
  #coerce_to_adjacency includes auto-detection of directedness
  if(is.null(directed)) {directed<-attr(adj,"directed")}

  # get igraph of complete network
  if(directed) {
    g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, mode="directed", diag=FALSE, weighted= TRUE)
  } else {
    g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, mode="upper", diag=FALSE, weighted= TRUE)

  #if communities not supplied, use spinglass default settings to detect
  if(is.null(communities) | inherits(communities, "function")){
    if(useCommunities[1] != "all"){
      stop("You must prespecify communities to use the useCommunities argument")
    communities <- try(igraph::spinglass.community(g, spins=3))
    if(inherits(communities, "try-error")) {stop("Automatic community detection failed. Please prespecify communities")}
    message("Note: Communities automatically detected with spinglass. Use \'communities\' argument to prespecify community structure")

  if(inherits(communities, "communities")) {communities <- as.character(communities$membership)}
    stacked <- utils::stack(communities)
    if("" %in% stacked$ind){
      warning("Check communities list: possible missing community names")
    stacked <- stacked[order(stacked$values),]
    if(FALSE %in% c(stacked$values == 1:nrow(stacked))){
      stop("Invalid communities object")
    communities <- as.character(stacked$ind)

  #Check for communities mismatch
    stop("Length of communities argument does not match number of nodes")

  innodes <- communities %in% communities
    innodes <- communities %in% useCommunities
    communities_orig <- communities
    communities <- communities[innodes]
    adj <- adjmat <- adj[innodes,innodes]
    # Recompute g
    # get igraph of complete network
    if(directed) {
      g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, mode="directed", diag=FALSE, weighted= TRUE)
    } else {
      g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, mode="upper", diag=FALSE, weighted= TRUE)
    nodes <- nodes[innodes]

  #Check for common communities issues
    stop("No viable communities")
    stop("Only 1 community specified, bridge centrality cannot be computed")

  #take inverse of weight for igraph object "g" only (igraph's length functions view small edges as closer)
  igraph::E(g)$weight <- 1/igraph::E(g)$weight

  ## Bridge strength
  out_degree <- in_degree <- total_strength <- vector()
  for(i in 1:length(communities)){
    out_degree[i] <- sum(abs(adj[i, communities != communities[i]])) # from=row, to=col
    in_degree[i] <- sum(abs(adj[communities != communities[i],i]))
    total_strength[i] <- sum(out_degree[i], in_degree[i])
  if(!directed){total_strength <- out_degree}

  names(out_degree)<-names(in_degree)<-names(total_strength)<- nodes

  ## Bridge betweenness

  # make a copy
  g2 <- g

  # Delete negative edges in the copy (if they exist)
  if(min(igraph::E(g2)$weight)<0) {
    g2 <- igraph::delete.edges(g2, which(igraph::E(g2)$weight < 0))

  delete.ends <- function(x) {return(nodes[utils::tail(utils::head(as.vector(x), -1),-1)])}
  short.bridge.mid.paths <- function(x) {
    # Note: mode argument ignored in undirected graphs
    b <- suppressWarnings(igraph::get.all.shortest.paths(g2, from=nodes[x], to=nodes[communities!=communities[which(nodes==nodes[x])]],mode="out"))
    # turn those paths into vectors, deleting "starts" and "ends", and unify into a single vector
    c <- unlist(sapply(b$res, delete.ends))
  betweenness.df <- as.data.frame(table(factor(unlist(sapply(1:length(nodes), short.bridge.mid.paths)), levels=nodes)))
  betweenness <- betweenness.df[,2]
  ## correct for "duplication" in undirected (e.g. node 1--2 and 2--1 were counted)
  if(!directed) {betweenness <- betweenness/2}
  names(betweenness) <- betweenness.df[,1]

  ## Bridge closeness
  b.close <- function(x) {
    # note: mode="all", so it will take the shortest path either in or out, whichever is closer
    b <- igraph::distances(g, v=nodes[x], to=nodes[communities!=communities[which(nodes==nodes[x])]], mode="all")
    c <- mean(1/b[is.finite(b)])
  closeness <- try(sapply(1:length(nodes), b.close), silent=TRUE)
  if(inherits(closeness, "try-error")) {
    b.close2 <- function(x) {
      # note: mode="all", so it will take the shortest path either in or out, whichever is closer
      b <- igraph::distances(g2, v=nodes[x], to=nodes[communities!=communities[which(nodes==nodes[x])]], mode="all")
      c <- 1/mean(b[is.finite(b)])
    closeness <- sapply(1:length(nodes), b.close2)
  names(closeness) <- nodes

  ## Bridge expected influence (1 step)
    diag(adjmat) <- 0
  expectedInfBridge <- function(node_of_interest, network, nodes, communities) {
    names(communities) <- nodes
    comm_int <- communities[match(node_of_interest, nodes)] # finds the community of the node_of_interest
    other_comm <- nodes[communities != comm_int] # creates a vector of all nodes not in the community of node_of_interest
    included_nodes <- c(node_of_interest, other_comm)
    new_net <- network[included_nodes, included_nodes]
    new_net[node_of_interest, node_of_interest] <- 0 # a self loop isn't a bridge
    ei1_node <- expectedInf(new_net, step=1, directed=directed)[[1]][node_of_interest]

  ## apply to all nodes
  ei1 <- sapply(nodes, FUN= expectedInfBridge, network=adjmat, nodes=nodes, communities=communities)
  names(ei1) <- nodes

  ## Bridge expected influence (2 step)
  ## This function finds the influence of a node on the jth unique community
  influence_on_comm_j <- function(node_of_interest, network, nodes, communities, j) {
    names(communities) <- nodes
    included_nodes <- unique(c(node_of_interest, names(communities[communities==unique(communities)[j]])))
    new_net <- network[included_nodes, included_nodes]
      new_net[node_of_interest, node_of_interest] <- 0 # a self loop isn't a bridge
      ei1_node <- expectedInf(new_net, step=1, directed=directed)[[1]][node_of_interest]
    } else {
      ei1_node <- 0
  ## This loop creates a list of j vectors
  ## Each vector contains the influence of each node on the jth community
  infcomm <- list()
  for(j in 1:length(unique(communities))){
    infcomm[[j]] <- sapply(nodes, FUN=influence_on_comm_j, network=adjmat, nodes=nodes,
                           communities=communities, j=j)
    names(infcomm[[j]]) <- nodes

  ei2func <- function(node_of_interest, network, nodes, communities) {
    names(communities) <- nodes
    comm_int <- communities[match(node_of_interest, nodes)] # finds the community of the node of interest
    non_comm_vec <- unique(communities)[unique(communities) != comm_int] #vector of all communities OTHER than comm_int
    ei2_vec <- vector()
    for(i in 1:length(non_comm_vec)) {
      ei2.wns <-sweep(adjmat, MARGIN=2, infcomm[[which(unique(communities)==non_comm_vec[i])]], "*") ## sweep by influence on community i (same as j above)
      ei2_vec[i]<- sum(ei2.wns[node_of_interest,]) # influence of node of interest on non_comm[i]
    ei2 <- sum(ei2_vec) + ei1[node_of_interest] # sums the influence on all OTHER communities, plus ei1
  ei2 <- sapply(nodes, FUN=ei2func, network=adjmat, nodes=nodes, communities=communities)
  names(ei2) <- nodes

    NAvec <- rep(NA, length(allnodes)-length(nodes))
    names(NAvec) <- allnodes[!(allnodes %in% nodes)]
    in_degree <- c(in_degree, NAvec)[allnodes]
    out_degree <- c(out_degree, NAvec)[allnodes]
    total_strength <- c(total_strength, NAvec)[allnodes]
    betweenness <- c(betweenness, NAvec)[allnodes]
    closeness <- c(closeness, NAvec)[allnodes]
    ei1 <- c(ei1, NAvec)[allnodes]
    ei2 <- c(ei2, NAvec)[allnodes]
    #communities <- c(communities, NAvec)[allnodes]
    communities <- communities_orig

    res <- list("Bridge Indegree"=in_degree, "Bridge Outdegree"=out_degree, "Bridge Strength"=total_strength,
                "Bridge Betweenness"=betweenness, "Bridge Closeness"=closeness,
                "Bridge Expected Influence (1-step)"=ei1, "Bridge Expected Influence (2-step)"=ei2,
    res <- list("Bridge Strength"=total_strength, "Bridge Betweenness"=betweenness, "Bridge Closeness"=closeness,
                "Bridge Expected Influence (1-step)"=ei1, "Bridge Expected Influence (2-step)"=ei2,

  if(normalize) {
    divbyp <- if(directed){c(1,2,3,6)}else{c(1,4)}
    betw <- if(directed){4}else{2}
    for(l in divbyp){ # indegree, outdegree, strength, BEI
      for(i in 1:length(res[[1]])){
        p <- length(communities[communities!=communities[i]])
        res[[l]][i] <- res[[l]][i] / p
    for(i in 1:length(res[[1]])){ # BEI-2
      p <- length(communities[communities!=communities[i]])
      res[[length(res)-1]][i] <- res[[length(res)-1]][i] / (p + (length(communities)-1)*(p-(p/(length(communities)-1)))) # For BEI-2
    for(i in 1:length(res[[1]])){ # betweenness
      p <- length(communities[communities!=communities[i]])
      res[[betw]][i] <- res[[betw]][i] / ((length(communities)-1) * p)

  class(res) <- "bridge"

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