
Defines functions initialize_options util_drop_nulls util_all_null nhl_process_results nhl_process_result util_generate_sysdata util_prepare_player_ids util_map_player_ids util_map_player_id util_md5sum_str util_attributes_to_cols util_process_minsonice util_convert_minsonice util_report_get_data_errors util_remove_get_data_errors util_locate_get_data_errors util_nhl_is_get_data_error util_inherit_attributes util_rbindlist util_process_copyright nhl_make_seasons.character nhl_make_seasons.numeric nhl_make_seasons.default nhl_make_seasons

Documented in nhl_make_seasons util_attributes_to_cols util_convert_minsonice util_generate_sysdata util_inherit_attributes util_map_player_id util_map_player_ids util_md5sum_str util_prepare_player_ids util_process_copyright util_process_minsonice util_rbindlist util_report_get_data_errors

#' Make a vector of seasons consumable by the API
#' @description The NHL API wants seasons defined in format
#'   `"YYYYZZZZ"` where `ZZZZ = YYYY + 1`. This is a helper to take
#'   a vector of years in `"YYYY"` format and create a vector of
#'   such seasons to be used with the API.
#' @param seasons `numeric()`, `integer()` or `character()`,
#'   vector of starting years of desired seasons in `YYYY`
#'   format, e.g. `1995` or `"1995"` for season 1995-1996.
#'   Accepts vectors such as `c(1995:2000, 2010)` to generate
#'   multiple seasons.
#'   Alternatively, also accepts `character()` with seasons in the
#'     format `"YYYYZZZZ"`, where `ZZZZ = YYYY + 1`, e.g. `"19951996"`.
#'     This is the format that ultimately gets sent to the NHL API.
#'   Some API endpoints, notably `seasons` exposed via [nhl_seasons()]
#'     also allow the value `"current"` to passed. This value will be
#'     returned unchanged.
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::nhl_make_seasons()
#'   nhlapi:::nhl_make_seasons(1995:2000)
#'   nhlapi:::nhl_make_seasons(c(1995, 2015))
#'   nhlapi:::nhl_make_seasons(c("1995", "2015"))
#' @return `character()`, vector of seasons suited for the NHL API.
nhl_make_seasons <- function(seasons = 1950:2019) {
  UseMethod("nhl_make_seasons", seasons)

nhl_make_seasons.default <- function(seasons) seasons

nhl_make_seasons.numeric <- function(seasons = 1950:2019) {
  paste0(seasons, seasons + 1L)

nhl_make_seasons.character <- function(seasons) {
  reservedValues <- c("current", NA_character_)
  if (length(seasons) == 1L && seasons %in% reservedValues) {
  if (all(nchar(seasons) == 8L)) return(seasons)
  if (all(nchar(seasons) == 4L)) {
    seasons <- tryCatch(
      expr = nhl_make_seasons(as.integer(seasons)),
      warning = function(w) return(seasons)

#' Move copyright information to attribute
#' @description Removes the element named `el` from `x` if
#'   present and keeps the information as an equally named
#'   attribute.
#' @param x `list()`, to be processed.
#' @param el `character(1)`, name of the element to remove.
#'   Defaults to `"copyright"` as this is the intended use
#'   of the function.
#' @return `list`, with the `el` element removed and added
#'   as attribute, if it is present in `x`. Unchanged `x`
#'   otherwise.
util_process_copyright <- function(x, el = "copyright") {
  if (el %in% names(x)) {
    attrb <- attributes(x)
    attrb[el] <- x[[el]]
    newnames <- setdiff(names(x), el)
    x <- x[newnames]
    mostattributes(x) <- attrb
    names(x) <- newnames

#' Safely `rbind` multiple data.frames
#' @description Attempts to replace `do.call(rbind, lst)`
#'   taking into consideration that some data frames in
#'   `lst` can have missing columns. Those are filled by
#'   `NA` values.
#' @param lst `list()`, of data frames to be `rbind`-ed into one.
#' @param fill `logical(1)`, if `FALSE`, this function just
#'   returns `do.call(rbind, lst)`.
#' @return `data.frame`, the elements of `lst`, `rbind`-ed into one.
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::util_rbindlist(list(
#'     datasets::mtcars[1, 2:3],
#'     datasets::mtcars[2, 4:5]
#'   ))
util_rbindlist <- function(lst, fill = TRUE) {
  lst <- Filter(function(x) is.data.frame(x) && nrow(x) != 0L, lst)

  if (length(lst) == 0L) {
  if (!isTRUE(fill)) {
    return(do.call(rbind, lst))
  lstNames <- lapply(lst, names)
  if (length(unique(lstNames)) == 1L) {
    # all names equal, use default rbind
    return(do.call(rbind, lst))
  lstAllNames <- unique(unlist(lstNames))
  fill_df <- function(df, allNms) {
    missingCols <- setdiff(allNms, names(df))
    if (length(missingCols) == 0L) {
      return(data.frame(df, row.names = NULL))
    filledCols <- vapply(
      function(thisCol) structure(list(rep(NA, nrow(df))), names = thisCol),
      FUN.VALUE = list(1)
      list(df, filledCols),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      row.names = NULL
  filledDfs <- lapply(lst, fill_df, allNms = lstAllNames)
  do.call(rbind, filledDfs)

#' Inherit attributes from another object
#' @description Take attributes with names specified by `atrs`
#'   from object `src` and add them as the same attributes to `tgt`.
#' @param src `object`, with attributes to be inherited by `tgt`.
#' @param tgt `object`, onto which attributes of `src` should be added.
#' @param atrs `character()`, vector of names of attributes
#'   of `src` to be added to `tgt`.
#' @return `object`, same as `tgt` with attributes added.
util_inherit_attributes <- function(src, tgt, atrs = c("url", "copyright")) {
  relevantAttrs <- intersect(names(attributes(src)), atrs)
  for (i in relevantAttrs) {
    attr(tgt, which = i) <- attr(src, which = i)

util_nhl_is_get_data_error <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "nhl_get_data_error")

util_locate_get_data_errors <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, util_nhl_is_get_data_error, logical(1))

util_remove_get_data_errors <- function(x) {
  Filter(Negate(util_nhl_is_get_data_error), x)

#' Report errors encountered during `nhl_get_data`
#' @param x `list`, results created by [nhl_get_data()].
#' @param reporter `function`, used to report the constructed
#'   error message, e.g. `message`, `warning`, `writeLines`,
#'   etc.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to `reporter`, e.g.
#'   `con = file("~/log.txt")` in case `writeLines` is the
#'   `reporter`.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   # Write errors to a temporary text file
#'   tmpFile <- tempfile()
#'   util_report_get_data_errors(
#'     nhl_get_data(nhl_url_players(c("none", "8451101", "some"))),
#'     reporter = writeLines,
#'     con = tmpFile
#'   )
#' }
#' @return `character()`, URLs for which the retrieval
#'   resulted in an error, invisibly. Optional side-effects.
util_report_get_data_errors <- function(x, reporter = log_e, ...) {
  errors <- Filter(util_nhl_is_get_data_error, x)
  errorUrls <- vapply(errors, attr, which = "url", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  errorCount <- length(errorUrls)
  errorMsg <- if (errorCount > 0L) {
      "The following", length(errorUrls), "of",
      length(x), "url retrievals errored:\n",
      paste(errorUrls, collapse = "\n ")
  } else {
    "No errors encountered"
  if (errorCount > 0L) {
    reporter(errorMsg, ...)

#' Convert `"mm:ss"` character to numeric minutes
#' @param chr `character()`, vector in format `"mins:secs"`.
#' @param splitter `character(1)`, that splits
#'   minutes and seconds in elements of `chr`.
#' @return `numeric()`, vector of times in minutes. Same length
#'   as `chr`.
#' @examples
#'    nhlapi:::util_convert_minsonice(c("20:00", "1500:30"))
util_convert_minsonice <- function(chr, splitter = ":")  {
  mins <- strsplit(chr, split = splitter, fixed = TRUE)
  vapply(mins, function(x) {
    if (length(x) == 1L && is.na(x)) return(NA_real_)
    return(as.integer(x[1L]) + as.integer(x[2L]) / 60)
  }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

#' Convert time columns from `"mm:ss"` to numeric minutes
#' @param df `data.frame`, data to examine.
#' @param patt `character(1)`, pattern to match column names
#'   that contain time information in `"mm:ss"` format.
#' @return `data.frame`, with time columns converted from
#'   `"mm:ss"` characters to numeric minutes.
util_process_minsonice <- function(df, patt = "timeOn|TimeOn") {
  timeColsToConvert <- grep(patt, names(df), value = TRUE)
  for (thisCol in timeColsToConvert) {
    df[[thisCol]] <- util_convert_minsonice(df[[thisCol]])

#' Add attributes as data frame columns
#' @description Take attributes with names specified by `atrs`
#'   from object `lst` and adds their value into columns with the same
#'   name in `df`.
#' @param lst `list`, with attributes to be added as columns to `df`.
#' @param df `data.frame`, onto which new columns containing attributes
#'   of `lst` should be added.
#' @param atrs `character()`, vector of names of attributes
#'   of `lst`.
#' @return `data.frame`, `df` with added columns.
util_attributes_to_cols <- function(lst, df, atrs = c("url", "copyright")) {
  relevantAttrs <- intersect(names(attributes(lst)), atrs)
  for (i in relevantAttrs) {
    df[[i]] <- rep(attr(lst, which = i), nrow(df))

#' Get MD5 hash for a character vector
#' @description Writes `x` to a temporary file
#'   using `writeChar()` and computes the `md5sum()`
#'   on that file, removing the file afterwards.
#' @param x `character()`, vector to compute the MD5 for.
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @return `character(1)`, MD5 hash of a text file
#'   created from `x` using [writeChar()].
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::util_md5sum_str("test")
util_md5sum_str <- function(x) {
  on.exit(unlink(tmpFile, force = TRUE))
  tmpFile <- tempfile()
  writeChar(x, tmpFile)
  res <- tools::md5sum(path.expand(tmpFile))
  res <- unname(res)

#' Retrieve a player id from the name
#' @description Using a table of hashed names and
#'   ids, get a player id based on the name.
#' @param x `character(1)` a player's name, not case
#'   sensitive for convenience.
#' @param map `data.frame`, with 2 columns:
#'  - `nameMd5`: `character()` of hashed player names
#'  - `id`: `integer()` of player ids used by the NHL API
#' @return `integer(1)`, id of the player or `NA_integer`
#'   if not found.
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::util_map_player_id(
#'    "Joe Sakic",
#'    data.frame(
#'      nameMd5 = "9d2a915c8610dbc524c1bc800e010fcc",
#'      id = 19L,
#'      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#'    )
#'  )
util_map_player_id <- function(x, map = getOption("nhlapi_player_map")) {
  md <- util_md5sum_str(tolower(x))
  res <- map[map[["nameMd5"]] == md, "id"]
  if (length(res) == 0L) {
    res <- NA_integer_
    log_w("Id for player name:", sQuote(x), "not found.")
  if (length(res) > 1L) {
    log_w("Multiple ids:", toString(res), "found for name:", sQuote(x))

#' Retrieve a player ids from their names
#' @inheritParams util_map_player_id
#' @param playerNames `character()`, vector of one or more player names.
#'   Not case sensitive for convenience.
#' @return `integer()`, named vector of player ids,
#'   `NA_integer`` for those names where id was not
#'   found. In case a player name has multiple ids,
#'   all of them are returned.
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::util_map_player_ids(
#'     c("Joe SAKIC", "peter Forsberg", "test")
#'   )
util_map_player_ids <- function(
  map = getOption("nhlapi_player_map")
) {
  res <- lapply(playerNames, util_map_player_id, map = map)
  names(res) <- playerNames
  unlist(res, recursive = FALSE)

#' Prepare player ids based on player names
#' @inheritParams util_map_player_ids
#' @return `integer()`, named vector of found valid player
#'  ids, those not found omitted.
#' @examples
#'   nhlapi:::util_prepare_player_ids(c("joe sakic", "fake player"))
util_prepare_player_ids <- function(
  map = getOption("nhlapi_player_map")
) {
  if (!is.character(playerNames)) {
    stop("playerNames must be a character vector.")
  playerIds <- util_map_player_ids(playerNames, map = map)
  playerIds <- playerIds[!is.na(playerIds)]

#' Generate the `sysdata.rda` file
#' @param playerIds `integer()`, vector of `playerIds`.
#' @param tgtPath `character(1)`, path where to save
#'   the generated object, `NULL` to not save.
#' @return `data.frame`, with player name hashes and ids.
util_generate_sysdata <- function(
  playerIds = 8444849L:8490000L,
  tgtPath = "sysdata.rda"
) {
  players <- nhl_players(playerIds = playerIds)
  hashedPlayers <- players[c("id", "fullName")]
  hashedPlayers[["nameMd5"]] <- vapply(
    FUN = util_md5sum_str,
    FUN.VALUE = character(1)
  hashedPlayers[["fullName"]] <- NULL
  if (!is.null(tgtPath)) {
    save(hashedPlayers, file = tgtPath, version = 2, compress = "xz")

nhl_process_result <- function(x, elName) {
  res <- util_process_copyright(x)
  resDf <- res[[elName]]
  if (identical(resDf, list())) resDf <- as.data.frame(resDf)
  resDf <- util_attributes_to_cols(res, resDf)

nhl_process_results <- function(x, elName) {
  res <- lapply(x, nhl_process_result, elName = elName)
  bindedRes <- try(util_rbindlist(res), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(bindedRes, "try-error")) {
    warning("util_rbindlist failed, returning unbinded data.")
  } else {

util_all_null <- function(x) {
  length(x) == 0L ||
    is.null(x) ||
    all(vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))

util_drop_nulls <- function(x) {
  Filter(Negate(is.null), x)

initialize_options <- function(...) {
  initialize_option <- function(optName, optValue) {
    if (is.null(getOption(optName))) {
      options(structure(list(optValue), .Names = optName))
  opts <- list(...)
  invisible(Map(initialize_option, names(opts), opts))

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nhlapi documentation built on Feb. 20, 2021, 9:06 a.m.