fn3 <- function(ss,a,n,M){ ## getting s_1 and checking for solution for a 0-1 subset sum problem, where s_i is either 0 or 1...
## ss has to be in order from 2 till 'l'
res <- numeric(0)
s1 <- (n-sum(ss*a[-1]))/a[1]
if ((s1==0 | s1 == 1) && sum(c(s1,ss))<= M)
res <- c(s1,ss)
## function to work through the loops for a '0-1 subset sum' problem......
recursive.fn3 <- function(w,b,a,n,M){
S <- rep(0,0)
d <- 0
if(length(b)) {
for( i in seq(0,b[1]) ) {
if (length(b) >1){
b[2] <- min(1,floor((n-d)/a[length(b)]))
S <- c(S, Recall( c(w,i), b[-1],a,n,M))
} else {
fn4 <- function(ss,a,n,M,bounds){ ## getting s_1 and checking for solution for a bounded subset sum problem, where s_i is either 0 or 1...
## ss has to be in order from 2 till 'l'
res <- numeric(0)
s1 <- (n-sum(ss*a[-1]))/a[1]
if (s1>=0 && s1 <= bounds[1] && s1==floor(s1) && sum(c(s1,ss))<= M)
res <- c(s1,ss)
## function to work through the loops for a bounded subset sum problem......
recursive.fn4 <- function(w,b,a,n,M,bounds){
S <- rep(0,0)
d <- 0
if(length(b)) {
for( i in seq(0,b[1]) ) {
if (length(b) >1){
b[2] <- min(bounds[length(b)],floor((n-d)/a[length(b)]))
S <- c(S, Recall( c(w,i), b[-1],a,n,M,bounds))
} else {
get.subsetsum <- function(a,n,M=NULL,problem="subsetsum01", bounds=NULL){
## function to solve 0-1 or bounded subset sum problems:
## given as set of pos integers (a) and a pos integer n, does any non-empty subset sum to n?
## 'a' is an l-vector of positive integers with l>= 2
## 'n' is positive integer
## 'M' is a positive integer, the maximum number of summands, M <= l
## 'problem' is one of the two problems to be solved: "subsetsum01" (default) for a 0-1 subset sum problem,
## or "bsubsetsum" a bounded subset sum problem,
## 'bounds' is an l-vector of positive integers, bounds of s_i, i.e. 0 <= s_i <= b_i
if (length(a) < 2) {stop("length of vector 'a' has to be more than 1")}
if (!isTRUE(all(a == floor(a))) || !isTRUE(all(a > 0))) stop("'a' must only contain positive integer values")
if (length(n) >1) {stop("'n' has to be a positive integer")}
if (!isTRUE(n == floor(n)) || !isTRUE(n > 0)) {stop("'n' has to be a positive integer")}
l <- length(a)
if (is.null(M)) M <- floor(n/min(a))
else { if (!isTRUE(M == floor(M)) || !isTRUE(M > 0)) {stop("'M' has to be a positive integer")}
if (M > l) stop("'M' has to be less or equal to the length of 'a'")
if (!(problem %in% c("subsetsum01", "bsubsetsum"))) stop("unknown problem is used")
if (problem=="bsubsetsum" & is.null(bounds)) stop("no upper limits for the set of indices, 'bounds', supplied to solve the bounded problem")
if (problem=="bsubsetsum" & length(bounds)!=length(a)) stop("lengths of vectors 'bounds' and 'a' must be the same")
ra <- rank(a, ties.method= "first")
a <- sort(a)
bounds <- bounds[ra]
out <-numeric(0)
if (problem=="subsetsum01"){
b <- c(min(1,floor(n/a[l])),rep(NA,l-2))
out <- recursive.fn3(numeric(0), b,a,n,M)
if (length(out)==0) {out <- NULL }
else {
dim(out) <- c(l,length(out)/l)
out <- as.matrix(out[ra,],l,length(out)/l) ## going back to original unsorted coefficients
rownames(out) <- paste("s", c(1:l), sep="")
colnames(out) <- paste(c("sol."), seq(1:dim(out)[2]), sep="")
} else if (problem=="bsubsetsum"){
b <- c(min(bounds[l],floor(n/a[l])),rep(NA,l-2))
out <- recursive.fn4(numeric(0), b,a,n,M,bounds)
if (length(out)==0) {out <- NULL }
else {
dim(out) <- c(l,length(out)/l)
out <- as.matrix(out[ra,],l,length(out)/l) ## going back to original unsorted coefficients
rownames(out) <- paste("s", c(1:l), sep="")
colnames(out) <- paste(c("sol."), seq(1:dim(out)[2]), sep="")
if (is.null(out)) n.sol <-0
else n.sol <- ncol(out)
object <- list()
object$p.n <- n.sol
object$solutions <- out
} ## end get.subsetsum
## printing subsetsum solutions...
print.subsetsum <- function (x,...)
## default print function for "subsetsum" objects
if (is.null(x$solutions)) cat("no solutions", "\n")
else {
cat("The number of solutions: ", x$p.n, "\n", sep = "")
printCoefmat(x$solutions, ...)
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