Man pages for nlme
Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models

ACFAutocorrelation Function
ACF.glsAutocorrelation Function for gls Residuals
ACF.lmeAutocorrelation Function for lme Residuals
AlfalfaSplit-Plot Experiment on Varieties of Alfalfa
allCoefExtract Coefficients from a Set of Objects
anova.glsCompare Likelihoods of Fitted Objects
anova.lmeCompare Likelihoods of Fitted Objects
as.matrix.corStructMatrix of a corStruct Object
as.matrix.pdMatMatrix of a pdMat Object
as.matrix.reStructMatrices of an reStruct Object
asOneFormulaCombine Formulas of a Set of Objects
AssayBioassay on Cell Culture Plate
asTableConvert groupedData to a matrix
augPredAugmented Predictions
balancedGroupedCreate a groupedData object from a matrix
bdfLanguage scores
BodyWeightRat weight over time for different diets
CefamandolePharmacokinetics of Cefamandole
CoefAssign Values to Coefficients
coef.corStructCoefficients of a corStruct Object
coef.gnlsExtract gnls Coefficients
coef.lmeExtract lme Coefficients
coef.lmListExtract lmList Coefficients
coef.modelStructExtract modelStruct Object Coefficients
coef.pdMatpdMat Object Coefficients
coef.reStructreStruct Object Coefficients
coef.varFuncvarFunc Object Coefficients
collapseCollapse According to Groups
collapse.groupedDataCollapse a groupedData Object
compareFitsCompare Fitted Objects
comparePredCompare Predictions
corAR1AR(1) Correlation Structure
corARMAARMA(p,q) Correlation Structure
corCAR1Continuous AR(1) Correlation Structure
corClassesCorrelation Structure Classes
corCompSymmCompound Symmetry Correlation Structure
corExpExponential Correlation Structure
corFactorFactor of a Correlation Matrix
corFactor.corStructFactor of a corStruct Object Matrix
corGausGaussian Correlation Structure
corLinLinear Correlation Structure
corMatrixExtract Correlation Matrix
corMatrix.corStructMatrix of a corStruct Object
corMatrix.pdMatExtract Correlation Matrix from a pdMat Object
corMatrix.reStructExtract Correlation Matrix from Components of an reStruct...
corNaturalGeneral correlation in natural parameterization
corRatioRational Quadratic Correlation Structure
corSpatialSpatial Correlation Structure
corSpherSpherical Correlation Structure
corSymmGeneral Correlation Structure
CovariateAssign Covariate Values
Covariate.varFuncAssign varFunc Covariate
DialyzerHigh-Flux Hemodialyzer
DimExtract Dimensions from an Object
Dim.corSpatialDimensions of a corSpatial Object
Dim.corStructDimensions of a corStruct Object
Dim.pdMatDimensions of a pdMat Object
EarthquakeEarthquake Intensity
ergoStoolErgometrics experiment with stool types
Extract.pdMatSubscript a pdMat Object
FatigueCracks caused by metal fatigue
fdHessFinite difference Hessian
fitted.glsStructCalculate glsStruct Fitted Values
fitted.gnlsStructCalculate gnlsStruct Fitted Values
fitted.lmeExtract lme Fitted Values
fitted.lmeStructCalculate lmeStruct Fitted Values
fitted.lmListExtract lmList Fitted Values
fitted.nlmeStructCalculate nlmeStruct Fitted Values
fixed.effectsExtract Fixed Effects
fixef.lmListExtract lmList Fixed Effects
formula.pdBlockedExtract pdBlocked Formula
formula.pdMatExtract pdMat Formula
formula.reStructExtract reStruct Object Formula
gapplyApply a Function by Groups
GasolineRefinery yield of gasoline
getCovariateExtract Covariate from an Object
getCovariate.corStructExtract corStruct Object Covariate Data Frame Covariate
getCovariateFormulaExtract Covariates Formula
getCovariate.varFuncExtract varFunc Covariate
getDataExtract Data from an Object
getData.glsExtract gls Object Data
getData.lmeExtract lme Object Data
getData.lmListExtract lmList Object Data
getGroupsExtract Grouping Factors from an Object
getGroups.corStructExtract corStruct Groups Groups from a Data Frame
getGroupsFormulaExtract Grouping Formula
getGroups.glsExtract gls Object Groups
getGroups.lmeExtract lme Object Groups
getGroups.lmListExtract lmList Object Groups
getGroups.varFuncExtract varFunc Groups
getResponseExtract Response Variable from an Object
getResponseFormulaExtract Formula Specifying Response Variable
getVarCovExtract variance-covariance matrix
glsFit Linear Model Using Generalized Least Squares
glsControlControl Values for gls Fit
gls-internalAuxiliary functions used by gls
glsObjectFitted gls Object
glsStructGeneralized Least Squares Structure
GlucoseGlucose levels over time
Glucose2Glucose Levels Following Alcohol Ingestion
gnlsFit Nonlinear Model Using Generalized Least Squares
gnlsControlControl Values for gnls Fit
gnlsObjectFitted gnls Object
gnlsStructGeneralized Nonlinear Least Squares Structure
groupedDataConstruct a groupedData Object
gsummarySummarize by Groups
GunMethods for firing naval guns
IGFRadioimmunoassay of IGF-I Protein
InitializeInitialize Object
Initialize.corStructInitialize corStruct Object
Initialize.glsStructInitialize a glsStruct Object
Initialize.lmeStructInitialize an lmeStruct Object
Initialize.reStructInitialize reStruct Object
Initialize.varFuncInitialize varFunc Object
intervalsConfidence Intervals on Coefficients
intervals.glsConfidence Intervals on gls Parameters
intervals.lmeConfidence Intervals on lme Parameters
intervals.lmListConfidence Intervals on lmList Coefficients
isBalancedCheck a Design for Balance
isInitializedCheck if Object is Initialized
LDEsysMatGenerate system matrix for LDEs
lmeLinear Mixed-Effects Models
lmeControlSpecifying Control Values for lme Fit
lme.groupedDataLME fit from groupedData Object
lme.lmListLME fit from lmList Object
lmeObjectFitted lme Object
lmeStructLinear Mixed-Effects Structure
lmListList of lm Objects with a Common Model
lmList.groupedDatalmList Fit from a groupedData Object
logDetExtract the Logarithm of the Determinant
logDet.corStructExtract corStruct Log-Determinant
logDet.pdMatExtract Log-Determinant from a pdMat Object
logDet.reStructExtract reStruct Log-Determinants
logLik.corStructExtract corStruct Log-Likelihood
logLik.glsStructLog-Likelihood of a glsStruct Object
logLik.gnlsLog-Likelihood of a gnls Object
logLik.gnlsStructLog-Likelihood of a gnlsStruct Object
logLik.lmeLog-Likelihood of an lme Object
logLik.lmeStructLog-Likelihood of an lmeStruct Object
logLik.lmListLog-Likelihood of an lmList Object
logLik.reStructCalculate reStruct Log-Likelihood
logLik.varFuncExtract varFunc logLik
MachinesProductivity Scores for Machines and Workers
MathAchieveMathematics achievement scores
MathAchSchoolSchool demographic data for MathAchieve
MatrixAssign Matrix Values
Matrix.pdMatAssign Matrix to a pdMat or pdBlocked Object
Matrix.reStructAssign reStruct Matrices
MeatTenderness of meat
MilkProtein content of cows' milk
model.matrix.reStructreStruct Model Matrix
MuscleContraction of heart muscle sections
NamesNames Associated with an Object
Names.formulaExtract Names from a formula
Names.pdBlockedNames of a pdBlocked Object
Names.pdMatNames of a pdMat Object
Names.reStructNames of an reStruct Object
needUpdateCheck if Update is Needed
needUpdate.modelStructCheck if a modelStruct Object Needs Updating
NitrendipeneAssay of nitrendipene
nlmeNonlinear Mixed-Effects Models
nlmeControlControl Values for nlme Fit
nlme-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in Package 'nlme'
nlme.nlsListNLME fit from nlsList Object
nlmeObjectFitted nlme Object
nlmeStructNonlinear Mixed-Effects Structure
nlsListList of nls Objects with a Common Model
nlsList.selfStartnlsList Fit from a selfStart Function
OatsSplit-plot Experiment on Varieties of Oats
OrthodontGrowth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
OvaryCounts of Ovarian Follicles
OxboysHeights of Boys in Oxford
OxideVariability in Semiconductor Manufacturing
pairs.compareFitsPairs Plot of compareFits Object
pairs.lmePairs Plot of an lme Object
pairs.lmListPairs Plot of an lmList Object
PBGEffect of Phenylbiguanide on Blood Pressure
pdBlockedPositive-Definite Block Diagonal Matrix
pdClassesPositive-Definite Matrix Classes
pdCompSymmPositive-Definite Matrix with Compound Symmetry Structure
pdConstructConstruct pdMat Objects
pdConstruct.pdBlockedConstruct pdBlocked Objects
pdDiagDiagonal Positive-Definite Matrix
pdFactorSquare-Root Factor of a Positive-Definite Matrix
pdFactor.reStructExtract Square-Root Factor from Components of an reStruct...
pdIdentMultiple of the Identity Positive-Definite Matrix
pdLogCholGeneral Positive-Definite Matrix
pdMatPositive-Definite Matrix
pdMatrixExtract Matrix or Square-Root Factor from a pdMat Object
pdMatrix.reStructExtract Matrix or Square-Root Factor from Components of an...
pdNaturalGeneral Positive-Definite Matrix in Natural Parametrization
pdSymmGeneral Positive-Definite Matrix
PhenobarbPhenobarbitol Kinetics
phenoModelModel function for the Phenobarb data
PixelX-ray pixel intensities over time
plot.ACFPlot an ACF Object
plot.augPredPlot an augPred Object
plot.compareFitsPlot a compareFits Object
plot.glsPlot a gls Object
plot.intervals.lmListPlot lmList Confidence Intervals
plot.lmePlot an lme or nls object
plot.lmListPlot an lmList Object
plot.nffGroupedDataPlot an nffGroupedData Object
plot.nfnGroupedDataPlot an nfnGroupedData Object
plot.nmGroupedDataPlot an nmGroupedData Object
plot.ranef.lmePlot a ranef.lme Object
plot.ranef.lmListPlot a ranef.lmList Object
plot.VariogramPlot a Variogram Object
pooledSDExtract Pooled Standard Deviation
predict.glsPredictions from a gls Object
predict.gnlsPredictions from a gnls Object
predict.lmePredictions from an lme Object
predict.lmListPredictions from an lmList Object
predict.nlmePredictions from an nlme Object
print.summary.pdMatPrint a summary.pdMat Object
print.varFuncPrint a varFunc Object
qqnorm.glsNormal Plot of Residuals from a gls Object
qqnorm.lmeNormal Plot of Residuals or Random Effects from an lme Object
QuinidineQuinidine Kinetics
quinModelModel function for the Quinidine data
RailEvaluation of Stress in Railway Rails
random.effectsExtract Random Effects
ranef.lmeExtract lme Random Effects
ranef.lmListExtract lmList Random Effects
RatPupWeightThe weight of rat pups
recalcRecalculate Condensed Linear Model Object
recalc.corStructRecalculate for corStruct Object
recalc.modelStructRecalculate for a modelStruct Object
recalc.reStructRecalculate for an reStruct Object
recalc.varFuncRecalculate for varFunc Object
RelaxinAssay for Relaxin
RemifentanilPharmacokinetics of Remifentanil
residuals.glsExtract gls Residuals
residuals.glsStructCalculate glsStruct Residuals
residuals.gnlsStructCalculate gnlsStruct Residuals
residuals.lmeExtract lme Residuals
residuals.lmeStructCalculate lmeStruct Residuals
residuals.lmListExtract lmList Residuals
residuals.nlmeStructCalculate nlmeStruct Residuals
reStructRandom Effects Structure
simulate.lmeSimulate Results from 'lme' Models
solve.pdMatCalculate Inverse of a Positive-Definite Matrix
solve.reStructApply Solve to an reStruct Object
SoybeanGrowth of soybean plants
splitFormulaSplit a Formula
SpruceGrowth of Spruce Trees
summary.corStructSummarize a corStruct Object
summary.glsSummarize a Generalized Least Squares 'gls' Object
summary.lmeSummarize an lme Object
summary.lmListSummarize an lmList Object
summary.modelStructSummarize a modelStruct Object
summary.nlsListSummarize an nlsList Object
summary.pdMatSummarize a pdMat Object
summary.varFuncSummarize "varFunc" Object
Tetracycline1Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
Tetracycline2Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
update.modelStructUpdate a modelStruct Object
update.varFuncUpdate varFunc Object
varClassesVariance Function Classes
varCombCombination of Variance Functions
varConstPowerConstant Plus Power Variance Function
varConstPropConstant Plus Proportion Variance Function
VarCorrExtract variance and correlation components
varExpExponential Variance Function
varFixedFixed Variance Function
varFuncVariance Function Structure
varIdentConstant Variance Function
VariogramCalculate Semi-variogram
Variogram.corExpCalculate Semi-variogram for a corExp Object
Variogram.corGausCalculate Semi-variogram for a corGaus Object
Variogram.corLinCalculate Semi-variogram for a corLin Object
Variogram.corRatioCalculate Semi-variogram for a corRatio Object
Variogram.corSpatialCalculate Semi-variogram for a corSpatial Object
Variogram.corSpherCalculate Semi-variogram for a corSpher Object
Variogram.defaultCalculate Semi-variogram
Variogram.glsCalculate Semi-variogram for Residuals from a gls Object
Variogram.lmeCalculate Semi-variogram for Residuals from an lme Object
varPowerPower Variance Function
varWeightsExtract Variance Function Weights
varWeights.glsStructVariance Weights for glsStruct Object
varWeights.lmeStructVariance Weights for lmeStruct Object
WaferModeling of Analog MOS Circuits
WheatYields by growing conditions
Wheat2Wheat Yield Trials
nlme documentation built on Nov. 27, 2023, 5:09 p.m.