
    context("test 307")
    test_that("saem issue #307", {
      model_onecmt <- function() {
          tvka <- c(-10, -2, 10) # log(Absorption rate (1/hr))
          tvcl <- c(-10, -5, 10) # log(Clearance (L/hr))
          tvv <- c(-10, -3, 10) # log(Volume of Distribution (L/kg))
          tvf_sc <- c(0, 0.5, 1) # subcutaneous bioavailability
          eta_cl ~ 0.3 # IIV in clearance
          add.sd <- c(0, 0.1, 1) # Proportional error
          cl <- exp(tvcl + eta_cl)
          ka <- exp(tvka)
          v <- exp(tvv)
          kel <- cl / v
          d / dt(SC) <- -ka * SC
          d / dt(C) <- ka * tvf_sc * SC - kel * C
          cp <- C / v
          cp ~ add(add.sd)

      fit <- nlmixr(model_onecmt)

      expect_equal(fit$saem.theta.trans, c(2L, 1L, 3L, 4L, NA_integer_))

  test = "cran"

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nlmixr documentation built on March 27, 2022, 5:05 p.m.