
Defines functions print.src_postgres src_postgres

Documented in src_postgres

#' Setup a PostgreSQL database connection
#' @export
#' @param dbname (character) name of database,
#'   has to exist to open a connection
#' @param host (character) host of the database,
#'  see [RPostgres::Postgres()]
#' @param port (integer) port of the database,
#'  see [RPostgres::Postgres()]
#' @param ... additional named parameters passed
#'  on to [RPostgres::Postgres()]
#' @details Uses \pkg{RPostgres} as backend. \pkg{nodbi} creates or uses
#' a PostgreSQL table, with columns `_id` and `json` created and used
#' by package `nodbi`, applying SQL functions as per
#' <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-json.html>
#' to the `json` column.
#' Each row in the table represents a `JSON` document.
#' Any root-level `_id` is extracted from the document(s) and used
#' for column `_id`, otherwise a UUID is created as `_id`.
#' The table is indexed on `_id`. A custom `plpgsql` function
#' [jsonb_merge_patch()](https://github.com/ropensci/nodbi/blob/master/R/src_postgres.R#L60)
#' is used for `docdb_update()`.
#' The order of variables in data frames returned by `docdb_get()`
#' and `docdb_query()` can differ from their order the input to
#' `docdb_create()`.
#' For a benchmark, see <https://github.com/ropensci/nodbi#benchmark>
#' @return A `nodbi` source object
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' con <- src_postgres()
#' print(con)
#' }
src_postgres <- function(dbname = "test",
                         host = "localhost",
                         port = 5432L,
                         ...) {

  # open connection
  con <- DBI::dbConnect(
    drv = RPostgres::Postgres(),
    dbname = dbname,
    host = host,
    port = port,

  # Manually disconnecting a connection is not necessary with RPostgres,
  # but still recommended; if you delete the object containing the connection,
  # it will be automatically disconnected during the next GC with a warning.

  # add plpgsql function for docdb_update(), which should only raise
  # an error if the plpgsql extension is not installed in dbname
  out <- try(
    # credits: Joao Haas, https://stackoverflow.com/a/65093455
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con, statement = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
     jsonb_merge_patch("target" jsonb, "patch" jsonb)
     RETURNS jsonb AS $$
     RETURN COALESCE(jsonb_object_agg(
      COALESCE("tkey", "pkey"),
       WHEN "tval" ISNULL THEN "pval"
       WHEN "pval" ISNULL THEN "tval"
       WHEN jsonb_typeof("tval") != \'object\'
        OR jsonb_typeof("pval") != \'object\' THEN "pval"
       ELSE jsonb_merge_patch("tval", "pval")
     ), \'{}\'::jsonb)
    FROM jsonb_each("target") e1("tkey", "tval")
    FULL JOIN jsonb_each("patch") e2("pkey", "pval")
     ON "tkey" = "pkey"
     WHERE jsonb_typeof("pval") != \'null\' OR "pval" ISNULL;
   $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  '), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(out, "try-error") &&
      !grepl("tuple concurrently updated", out)) {

    stop("PostgreSQL does not support plpgsql in table '", dbname,
         "', but this is needed for nodbi::docdb_update()")

  # ensure disconnect
    e = globalenv(),
    f = closeNodbiConnections,
    onexit = TRUE

  # return standard nodbi structure
  structure(list(con = con,
                 dbname = dbname,
                 host = host,
                 port = port,
            class = c("src_postgres", "docdb_src"))


#' @export
print.src_postgres <- function(x, ...) {

  # provide short info
    "src: PostgreSQL\ndbname: %s\n",


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nodbi documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 1:06 a.m.