#' @title Estimating a dynamic factor model using the EM method.
#' @name dfm
#' @description Runs a DFM for the nowcast model on the transformed data at a certain data vintage. Your data may not be able to be estimated on due to issues with invertible matrices, etc. If you get errors like "non-invertible" or "not a matrix", try reordering the columns in your dataframe, or adding or removing variables from it. It uses an implementation through the EM algorithm. It relies on several functions to determine initial values, calculate the nowcaKF, the sequence of steps of the EM algorithm and criteria to determine convergence.
#' @param data matrix of variables, size (n_obs, n_variables). Must include in 1st column a series of type date, called "date", all data already stationary.
#' @param blocks Dataframe, size (n_variables, n_blocks). Note don't include date column in n_variables. Matrix of 1s or 0s for block loadings, i.e. 1 = included in block. Default is one global block containing all variables.
#' @param p number of lags in transition equation (AR element)
#' @param max_iter maximum number of iterations for EM (if no convergence)
#' @param threshold threshold for convergence of EM loop
#' @return A \code{list} containing the following elements:
#' \item{Xsmooth_std}{standardized Kalman-smoothed data where missing values are replaced by their expectation}
#' \item{Xsmooth}{Kalman-smoothed data where missing values are replaced by their expectation. In original input units.}
#' \item{Z}{smoothed states, rows give time, and columns are organized according to matrix C.}
#' \item{C}{measurement matrix, rows correspond to each series, and the columns are organized as, columns 1-20 give the factor loadings. For example, 1-5 give loadings for the first, and are organized in reverse-chronological order (f^G_t, f^G_t-1, f^G_t-2, f^G_t-3, f^G_t-4), Columns 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20 give loadings for the second, third, and fourth blocks respectively.}
#' \item{R}{covariance for measurement matrix residuals.}
#' \item{A}{transition matrix, a square matrix that follows the same organization scheme as matrix C's columns. Identity matrices are used to account for matching terms on the left and righthand side. For example, we place an I4 matrix to account for matching (f_t-1; f_t-2; f_t-3; f_t-4) terms.}
#' \item{Q}{covariance for transition equation residuals}
#' \item{means}{means of each column.}
#' \item{sdevs}{standard deviations of each column.}
#' \item{Z0}{initial value of state.}
#' \item{V0}{initial value of covariance matrix}
#' \item{p}{number of lags in transition equation (AR element).}
#' \item{model}{names of features input to the model.}
#' \item{blocks}{same as parameter passed in.}
#' \item{num_vars}{number of features estimated in the model.}
#' \item{num_iter}{number of iterations for log likelihood to converge or hit maximum.}
#' \item{convergence}{1 if algorithm converged successfully (given max_iter).}
#' \item{loglik}{log likelihood of last iteration.}
#' \item{LL}{sequence of log likelihoods per iteration.}
#' \item{data}{data passed to the model.}
#' @export
dfm <- function(data, blocks=NA, p=1, max_iter=5000, threshold=1e-5) {
# Sort variables, first monthly variables, then quarterly variables
orig_data <- data
# default one global block
if ([1]) {
blocks <- matlab::ones(ncol(data)-1, 1)
is_quarterly <- function(dates, series) {
tmp <- data.frame(dates, series) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
select(dates) %>% pull
if (identical((sapply(tmp, function(x) substr(x, 6, 7)) %>% unique %>% sort), c("03", "06", "09", "12"))) {
return (TRUE)
} else {
return (FALSE)
quarterly <- c(FALSE)
for (i in 2:ncol(data)) {
quarterly <- append(quarterly, is_quarterly(data[,1], data[,i]))
monthlies <- data[,which(quarterly == FALSE)]
quarterlies <- data[,which(quarterly == TRUE)]
data <- cbind(monthlies, quarterlies)
# drop date column
data <- data[,2:ncol(data)]
quarterly <- quarterly[2:length(quarterly)]
index_freq <- as.integer(!quarterly)
### Obtain the characteristics of the model from the catalogue and the data
num_obs <- nrow(data)
nM <- sum(!quarterly)
nQ <- sum(quarterly)
num_blocks <- ncol(blocks)
R_mat = matrix(c(2, 3, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1), ncol = 5) # Quarterly-monthly aggregation scheme
q <- zeros(4, 1)
### Standardize data
means <- data %>% summarise_all(mean, na.rm = T)
sdevs <- data %>% summarise_all(sd, na.rm = T)
data_std <- data %>% mutate_all(~ scale(.))
index_na <-
### Calculate initial values
init <- init_conds(data_std, p, blocks, R_mat, q, nM, nQ, index_freq)
A <- init$A; C <- init$C; Q <- init$Q; R <- init$R; Z0 <- init$Z0; V0 <- init$V0
## Initialize EM loop values
prev_loglik <- -1e6
num_iter <- 0
LL <- -1e6
converged <- 0
y <- t(data_std) ## y for the estimation is WITH missing data
## EM LOOP ----------------------------------------------------------------
# The model can be written as
# y = C*Z + e;
# Z = A*Z(-1) + v
# where y is NxT, Z is (pr)xT, etc.
# Remove the leading and ending NAs
y_est <- data_std %>%
mutate(na_row = ifelse(rowSums( == ncol(.), 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(row_num = 1:nrow(.), row_num_inv = nrow(.):1) %>%
mutate(beginning = ifelse(cumsum(na_row) == row_num, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(ending = ifelse(rev(cumsum(rev(na_row))) == row_num_inv, 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::filter(beginning != 1 & ending != 1) %>%
select(-(na_row:ending)) %>%
while(!converged & num_iter <= max_iter) {
em_output <- EM_step(y_est, A, C, Q, R, Z0, V0, p, blocks, R_mat, q, nM, nQ, index_freq)
A <- em_output$A_new; C <- em_output$C_new; Q <- em_output$Q_new; R <- em_output$R_new
Z0 <- em_output$Z0; V0 <- em_output$V0; loglik <- em_output$loglik
em_conv <- EM_convergence(loglik, prev_loglik, threshold)
converged <- em_conv$converged
if ((mod(num_iter, 20) == 0) & (num_iter > 0)) { # Print a message every 20 iteratios
message("Now running iteration number ", num_iter, " out of a maximum of ", max_iter)
message("Loglik: ", sprintf("%.4f", loglik), "; % change: ",
sprintf("%.4f", 100 * (loglik - prev_loglik)/prev_loglik), "%")
LL <- c(LL, loglik)
prev_loglik <- loglik
num_iter <- num_iter + 1
# Final run of the Kalman filter
kf_output <- kalman_filter(y, A, C, Q, R, Z0, V0)
Zsmooth <- t(kf_output$Zsmooth)
Xsmooth_std <- Zsmooth[2:nrow(Zsmooth), ] %*% t(C)
# Create list with the results
nowcast <- list()
nowcast$Xsmooth_std <- Xsmooth_std
nowcast$Xsmooth <- repmat(as.numeric(sdevs), num_obs, 1) * Xsmooth_std + repmat(as.numeric(means), num_obs, 1)
nowcast$Z <- Zsmooth[2:nrow(Zsmooth), ]
nowcast$C <- C
nowcast$R <- R
nowcast$A <- A
nowcast$Q <- Q
nowcast$means <- means
nowcast$sdevs <- sdevs
nowcast$Z0 <- Z0
nowcast$V0 <- V0
nowcast$p <- p
nowcast$model <- colnames(data)[1:length(colnames(data))]
nowcast$blocks <- blocks
nowcast$num_vars <- nM + nQ
nowcast$num_iter <- num_iter
nowcast$convergence <- converged
nowcast$loglik <- loglik
nowcast$LL <- LL[2:length(LL)]
nowcast$data <- orig_data
#' @title Predictions from an estimated dynamic factor model.
#' @name predict_dfm
#' @description runs a dataset through a previously estimated DFM to obtain predictions for all missing values in the series.
#' @param data matrix of variables, size (n_obs, n_variables). Must include in 1st column a series of type date, called "date", all data already stationary.
#' @param output_dfm list, the output of the \code{dfm()} function.
#' @param months_ahead number of months ahead to forecast.
#' @param lag number of lags for the kalman filter
#' @return dataframe with all missing values filled + predictions.
#' @export
predict_dfm <- function(data, output_dfm, months_ahead=3, lag=0) {
orig_order <- colnames(data)
# move quarterly variables to the end
is_quarterly <- function(dates, series) {
tmp <- data.frame(dates, series) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
select(dates) %>% pull
if (identical((sapply(tmp, function(x) substr(x, 6, 7)) %>% unique %>% sort), c("03", "06", "09", "12"))) {
return (TRUE)
} else {
return (FALSE)
quarterly <- c(FALSE)
for (i in 2:ncol(data)) {
quarterly <- append(quarterly, is_quarterly(data[,1], data[,i]))
monthlies <- data.frame(data[,which(quarterly == FALSE)])
colnames(monthlies) <- colnames(data)[quarterly==FALSE]
quarterlies <- data.frame(data[,which(quarterly == TRUE)])
colnames(quarterlies) <- colnames(data)[quarterly]
data <- cbind(monthlies, quarterlies)
# add months
add_month <- function (X) {
month <- as.numeric(substr(X, 6, 7))
year <- as.numeric(substr(X, 1, 4))
if (month == 12) {
return (as.Date(paste0(year+1, "-01-01")))
} else {
return (as.Date(paste0(year, "-", month+1, "-01")))
output <- data
for (i in 1:months_ahead) {
output[nrow(output) + 1, "date"] <- add_month(output[nrow(output), "date"])
dates <- output[,"date"]
output <- output[,2:ncol(output)]
# prediction with constant parameters
preds <- kalman_filter_constparams(output, output_dfm, lag=lag)$X_smooth %>%
preds$date <- dates
preds <- preds[,c(ncol(preds), 1:(ncol(preds)-1))]
colnames(preds) <- colnames(data)
return (preds[,orig_order])
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "beginning", "ending", "na_row", "row_num", "row_num_inv")) # defining global variables to suppress dplyr note from devtools::check()
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