
Defines functions monClosedEndCpDist detClosedEndCpDist threshClosedEndCpDist simClosedEndCpDist rBetaCopulaRanks rBetaCopula

Documented in detClosedEndCpDist monClosedEndCpDist simClosedEndCpDist threshClosedEndCpDist

##   R package npcp by Ivan Kojadinovic Copyright (C) 2020
##   This file is part of the R package npcp.
##   The R package npcp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   The R package npcp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##   along with the R package npcp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## Sequential change-point tests based on the empirical dfs

rBetaCopula <- function(n, x) {

    ## Checks
    if(!is.matrix(x)) {
        warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
        stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
    stopifnot(n >= 1L)

    m <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)

              as.integer(apply(x, 2, rank)),
              x = double(n * d),
              PACKAGE = "npcp")$x, n, d)

rBetaCopulaRanks <- function(n, r) {

    ## Checks
    ## if(!is.matrix(r)) {
    ##     warning("coercing 'r' to a matrix.")
    ##     stopifnot(is.matrix(r <- as.matrix(r)))
    ## }
    ## stopifnot(n >= 1L)

    m <- nrow(r)
    d <- ncol(r)

              x = double(n * d),
              PACKAGE = "npcp")$x, n, d)

## Simulation / bootstrap

simClosedEndCpDist <- function(x.learn = NULL, m = NULL, n, gamma = 0.25, delta = 1e-4,
                      B = 1000,
                      ## method = c("sim", "beta", "mult.seq1", "mult.seq2",
                      ## "mult.nonseq"),
                      method = c("sim", "mult"),
                      b = NULL, weights = c("parzen", "bartlett"),
                      g = 5, L.method = c("max","median","mean","min")) {

    ## Checks
    method <- match.arg(method) # "beta", "mult.seq1", "mult.seq2", "mult.nonseq"
    weights <- match.arg(weights)
    L.method <- match.arg(L.method)

    ## Checks related to x.learn and m
    if (is.null(x.learn)) {
        if (is.null(m))
            stop("either 'x.learn' or 'm' needs to be specified")
        else {
            d <- 1
            if (method != "sim")
                stop("if 'x.learn' is not specified, only 'method = \"sim\"' can be used")
    else {
        if(!is.matrix(x.learn)) {
            warning("coercing 'x.learn' to a matrix.")
            stopifnot(is.matrix(x.learn <- as.matrix(x.learn)))
        d <- ncol(x.learn)
        if (is.null(m))
            m <- nrow(x.learn)
            stopifnot(nrow(x.learn) == m)

    ## Other checks
    stopifnot(m > 1L && n > m)
    stopifnot(gamma >= 0 && gamma <= 0.5)
    stopifnot(delta >= 0 && delta <= 1)

    nm <- n - m

    ########## sim ###################################

    if (method == "sim") {

        if (d > 1L)
            stop("Setting 'method = \"sim\"' is possible only for univariate (independent) observations")

        do1 <- function() {
            stat <- .C("seqCpDistStat",
                       mac = double(nm),
                       mmc = double(nm),
                       mmk = double(nm),
                       mc = double(nm),
                       mk = double(nm),
                       wmc = integer(nm),
                       wmk = integer(nm),
                       PACKAGE = "npcp")
            c(stat$mac, stat$mmc, stat$mmk, stat$mc, stat$mk)

        ## Replicates
        rep  <- t(replicate(B, do1()))
        mac0 <- rep[,seq.int(1,nm)]
        mmc0 <- rep[,seq.int(nm+1,2*nm)]
        mmk0 <- rep[,seq.int(2*nm+1,3*nm)]
        mc0  <- rep[,seq.int(3*nm+1,4*nm)]
        mk0  <- rep[,seq.int(4*nm+1,5*nm)]
        pmax <- nm

    ########## beta ###################################

    else if (method == "beta") {

        if (d <= 1L)
            stop("Setting 'method = \"beta\"' is possible only for multivariate (independent) observations")

        r <- apply(x.learn, 2, rank)

        do1 <- function() {
            stat <- .C("seqCpDistStat",
                       as.double(rBetaCopulaRanks(n, r)),
                       mac = double(nm),
                       mmc = double(nm),
                       mmk = double(nm),
                       mc = double(nm),
                       mk = double(nm),
                       wmc = integer(nm),
                       wmk = integer(nm),
                       PACKAGE = "npcp")
            c(stat$mac, stat$mmc, stat$mmk, stat$mc, stat$mk)

        ## Replicates
        rep  <- t(replicate(B, do1()))
        mac0 <- rep[,seq.int(1,nm)]
        mmc0 <- rep[,seq.int(nm+1,2*nm)]
        mmk0 <- rep[,seq.int(2*nm+1,3*nm)]
        mc0  <- rep[,seq.int(3*nm+1,4*nm)]
        mk0  <- rep[,seq.int(4*nm+1,5*nm)]
        pmax <- nm

    ########## mult ###################################

    else {

        mm <- floor(m * m / n)
        mmm <- m - mm

        ## Bandwith parameter
        if (is.null(b))
            b <- bOptEmpProc(x.learn, m = g, weights = weights,
                             L.method = L.method)
        stopifnot(b >= 1L)
        init.seq <- rnorm(B * (m + 2 * (b - 1)))

        ## CFuncName <- switch(method,
        ##                     "mult.seq1" = "seqCpDistMultSeq1",
        ##                     "mult.seq2" = "seqCpDistMultSeq2",
        ##                     "mult.nonseq" = "seqCpDistMultNonSeq")

        rep <- .C("seqCpDistMultNonSeq",
                  mac0 = double(B * mmm),
                  mmc0 = double(B * mmm),
                  mmk0 = double(B * mmm),
                  mc0 = double(B * mmm),
                  mk0 = double(B * mmm),
                  PACKAGE = "npcp")

        ## Replicates
        mac0 <- matrix(rep$mac0, B, mmm, byrow = TRUE)
        mmc0 <- matrix(rep$mmc0, B, mmm, byrow = TRUE)
        mmk0 <- matrix(rep$mmk0, B, mmm, byrow = TRUE)
        mc0 <- matrix(rep$mc0, B, mmm, byrow = TRUE)
        mk0 <- matrix(rep$mk0, B, mmm, byrow = TRUE)
        pmax <- mmm


    ## Time grid and scale information
    time.grid <- if (method %in% c("sim", "beta")) seq.int(m+1, n) / m
                 else seq.int(mm + 1, m) / mm
    smac <- 4 * (1 - gamma) # scale power for mac
    smmc <- 3 - 4 * gamma # scale power for mmc
    smmk <- 1.5 - 2 * gamma # scale power for mmk
    smc <-  2 # scale power for mc
    smk <-  1 # scale power for mk

    structure(class = "sims.cpDist",
              list(mac = mac0, mmc = mmc0, mmk = mmk0, mc = mc0, mk = mk0,
                   d = d, m = m, n = n, gamma = gamma, delta = delta,
                   B = B, method = method, pmax = pmax,
                   time.grid = time.grid, smac = smac, smmc = smmc,
                   smmk = smmk, smc = smc, smk = smk))

## Threshold functions

threshClosedEndCpDist <- function(sims,
                         ## scale = TRUE,
                         ## method = c("cond", "center.max", "scale.max"),
                         ## p = NULL, alpha = 0.05, type = 7) {
                         p = 1, alpha = 0.05, type = 7) {

    scale <- FALSE

    ## Checks on 'sims'
    if (!inherits(sims, "sims.cpDist"))
        stop("'sims' should be obtained by 'simClosedEndCpDist()'")

    method <- "cond" #match.arg(method)

    ## Parameters
    nm <- sims$n - sims$m
    pmax <- sims$pmax

    stopifnot(alpha > 0 && alpha <= 0.5)

    ## Scale trajectories ?
    mac0 <- if (scale) sims$mac %*% diag(sims$time.grid^-sims$smac) else sims$mac
    mmc0 <- if (scale) sims$mmc %*% diag(sims$time.grid^-sims$smmc) else sims$mmc
    mmk0 <- if (scale) sims$mmk %*% diag(sims$time.grid^-sims$smmk) else sims$mmk
    mc0 <-  if (scale) sims$mc  %*% diag(sims$time.grid^-sims$smc)  else sims$mc
    mk0 <-  if (scale) sims$mk  %*% diag(sims$time.grid^-sims$smk)  else sims$mk

    ## Threshold functions
    if (method == "cond") {

        if (is.null(p))
            stop("The value of 'p' needs to be specified when 'method = \"cond\"'")

        stopifnot(p >= 1L)
        if (p > pmax) stop("The maximum possible value for 'p' is ", pmax)

        ## Blocks for computing block maxima
        bs <- pmax %/% p # ideal size of blocks; blocks of size bs+1 may exist
        s <- rep(bs, p) # sizes of blocks initialised at bs
        r <- pmax - p * bs # remaining number of lines
        if (r > 0) s[seq_len(r)] <- bs + 1 # size of first r blocks incremented if r > 0
        bl <- c(0, cumsum(s)) # 0 + ending line of each block

        ## Blocks for computing thresholds
        if (sims$method %in% c("sim", "beta"))
            st <- s # sizes of blocks for computing thresholds
        else  { # multiplier replicates
            bs <- nm %/% p # ideal size of blocks; blocks of size bs+1 may exist
            st <- rep(bs, p) # sizes of blocks initialised at bs
            r <- nm - p * bs # remaining number of lines
            if (r > 0) st[seq_len(r)] <- bs + 1 # size of first r blocks incr. if r > 0

        ## Quantile order
        q.prob <- (1 - alpha)^(1/p)

        ## Threshold functions
        computeThreshFunc <- function(rep) {

            ## Compute block maxima
            rep.max <- matrix(0, sims$B, 0)
            for (i in seq.int(p))
                rep.max <- cbind(rep.max,
                                 apply(rep[,seq.int(bl[i]+1,bl[i+1]),drop=FALSE], 1, max))

            ## Compute thresholds
            threshold <- numeric(p)
            threshold[1] <- quantile(rep.max[,1], probs = q.prob, type = type)
            if (p > 1)
                for (i in seq.int(2,p)) {
                    rep.max <- rep.max[rep.max[,i-1] <= threshold[i-1],]
                    threshold[i] <- quantile(rep.max[,i], probs = q.prob, type = type)

            ## Compute threshold function so that it is of length nm
            rep(threshold, times = st) # threshold function
    }  else {

        ## Threshold functions
        computeThreshFunc <- function(rep) {

            ## Scale replications at at each time point
            means <- colMeans(rep)

            ## Compute threshold
            if (method == "center.max") {

                q <- quantile(apply(scale(rep, center = means, scale = FALSE), 1, max),
                              probs = 1 - alpha, type = type)
                threshold <- q + means

            } else if (method == "scale.max") {

                sds <- apply(rep, 2, sd)

                ## Compute 1 - alpha quantile of maxima of centered replications
                q <- quantile(apply(scale(rep, center = means, scale = sds), 1, max),
                              probs = 1 - alpha, type = type)
                threshold <- sds * q + means

            } else stop("method not implemented")

            if (sims$method %in% c("sim", "beta"))
            else {
                ## Blocks for computing thresholds
                bs <- nm %/% pmax # ideal size of blocks; blocks of size bs+1 may exist
                st <- rep(bs, pmax) # sizes of blocks initialised at bs
                r <- nm - pmax * bs # remaining number of lines
                if (r > 0) st[seq_len(r)] <- bs + 1 # size of first r blocks incr. if r > 0
                ## Compute threshold function so that it is of length nm
                rep(threshold, times = st) # threshold function

    structure(class = "thresh.cpDist",
              list(mac = computeThreshFunc(mac0),
                   mmc = computeThreshFunc(mmc0),
                   mmk = computeThreshFunc(mmk0),
                   mc = computeThreshFunc(mc0),
                   mk = computeThreshFunc(mk0),
                   d = sims$d, m = sims$m, n = sims$n, gamma = sims$gamma,
                   delta = sims$delta, B = sims$B, sim.method = sims$method,
                   smac = sims$smac, smmc = sims$smmc, smmk = sims$smmk,
                   smc = sims$smc, smk = sims$smk, scale = as.logical(scale),
                   p = p, alpha = alpha, type = type))

## Detector functions

detClosedEndCpDist <- function(x.learn, x, gamma = 0.25, delta = 1e-4) {

    ## Checks
    if(!is.matrix(x.learn)) {
        warning("coercing 'x.learn' to a matrix.")
        stopifnot(is.matrix(x.learn <- as.matrix(x.learn)))
    if(!is.matrix(x)) {
        warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
        stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))

    stopifnot(gamma >= 0 && gamma <= 0.5)
    stopifnot(delta >= 0 && delta <= 1)
    stopifnot(ncol(x) == (d <- ncol(x.learn)))

    m <- nrow(x.learn)
    nm <- nrow(x) # n - m
    n <- m + nm

    ## Detector function #############################

    det <- .C("seqCpDistStat",
              as.double(rbind(x.learn, x)),
              mac = double(nm),
              mmc = double(nm),
              mmk = double(nm),
              mc = double(nm),
              mk = double(nm),
              wmc = integer(nm),
              wmk = integer(nm),
              PACKAGE = "npcp")

    structure(class = "det.cpDist",
              list(mac = det$mac, mmc = det$mmc, mmk = det$mmk,
                   mc = det$mc, mk = det$mk,
                   wmc = det$wmc + 1, wmk = det$wmk + 1, # offset necessary: see formula
                   d = d, m = m, gamma = gamma, delta = delta))

## Monitoring step

monClosedEndCpDist <- function(det, thresh,
                      statistic = c("mac", "mmc", "mmk", "mk", "mc"),
                      plot = TRUE) {

    ## Checks on 'det' and 'thresh'
    if (!inherits(det, "det.cpDist"))
        stop("'det' should be obtained by 'detClosedEndCpDist()'")

    if (!inherits(thresh, "thresh.cpDist"))
        stop("'thresh' should be obtained by 'threshClosedEndCpDist()'")

    if (det$d != thresh$d || det$m != thresh$m)
        stop("'det' and 'thresh' have not been computed from the same learning sample")

    if (det$gamma != thresh$gamma)
        stop("'det' and 'thresh' have not been computed with the same value of 'gamma'")

    if (det$delta != thresh$delta)
        stop("'det' and 'thresh' have not been computed with the same value of 'delta'")

    ## Other checks
    statistic <- match.arg(statistic)
    ds <- det[[statistic]] # detector values
    ts <- thresh[[statistic]] # threshold values
    if ((l <- length(ds)) > length(ts))
        stop("the number of detector values is greater than the number of threshold values")
    ## Check for too large gamma value
    if (statistic != "mac" && thresh$sim.method == "mult" && thresh$gamma > 0.25)  ## CHANGED
        warning("the test might be too conservative with these settings; consider decreasing gamma")

    ## Scale detector values if threshold function scaled
    if (thresh$scale == TRUE)
        time.grid <- seq.int(thresh$m+1, thresh$n) / thresh$m
        ds <- switch(statistic,
                     "mac" = ds / time.grid^thresh$smac,
                     "mmc" = ds / time.grid^thresh$smmc,
                     "mmk" = ds / time.grid^thresh$smmk,
                     "mc"  = ds / time.grid^thresh$smc,
                     "mk"  = ds / time.grid^thresh$smk)

    ## Alarm ?
    conds <- (ds <= ts[seq_len(l)])
    alarm <- !all(conds)
    ta <- if (alarm) which.max(1 - as.double(conds)) else NA # time of alarm
    tm <- if (statistic %in% c("mac", "mmc")) det$wmc
          else if (statistic == "mmk") det$wmk else NA

    if (plot) {
        mon.period <- seq.int(thresh$m+1, thresh$n) # monitoring period
        plot(mon.period, ts, type = "l", lty = 1,
             xlab = "Monitoring period", ylab = "",
             ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(ts, ds)))
        points(mon.period[seq.int(l)], ds, type = "b", lty = 3)
        legend("topleft", c("threshhold function", "detector function"), lty = c(1, 3))
    list(alarm = alarm, time.alarm = if (alarm) ta + thresh$m else NA,
         times.max = tm, time.change = if (alarm) tm[ta] else NA)

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