
Defines functions cal_event pwr2n.LR

Documented in cal_event pwr2n.LR

pwr2n.LR <- function( method    = c("schoenfeld","freedman")
                          ,ratio  =  1
                          ,entry  = 0
                          ,alpha = 0.05
                          ,beta  = 0.1
                          ,alternative = c("two.sided")
                          ,summary = TRUE
  # the calculation assumes the exponential distribution for control and
  # treatment group
  # ratio: randomization ratio
  if (missing(method)) {stop("method must be specified")}
  if (!(match.arg(method)  %in% (c("schoenfeld","freedman")))){
    stop("Error: method must be schoenfeld or freedman")
  if (!is.null(Lparam)){
    l_shape=Lparam[1]; l_scale=Lparam[2]
    calp <- function(lambda1){
      f1 <- function(x){lambda1*exp(-x*lambda1-(x/l_scale)^l_shape)}
      F1 <- Vectorize(function(u){integrate(f1,lower=0,upper=u)$value})
      if (entry==0){
        e1 <-F1(fup)
      }else {
        e1 <- stats::integrate(F1,lower=fup,upper=entry+fup)$value/entry

  HR <- lambda1/lambda0
  if (entry==0){
    if (is.null(Lparam)){
      e0 <- 1-exp(-lambda0*fup)
      e1 <- 1-exp(-lambda1*fup)
    }else {
      e0 <- calp(lambda0)
      e1 <- calp(lambda1)

  else {
    if (is.null(Lparam)){
      intef <- function(x,l){(1-exp(-l*x))}
      e0 <-stats::integrate(function(x){intef(x,l=lambda0)},lower=fup,upper=entry+fup)
      e1 <-stats::integrate(function(x){intef(x,l=lambda1)},lower=fup,upper=entry+fup)
      e0 <- e0$value/entry
      e1 <- e1$value/entry
    }else {
      e0 <- calp(lambda0)
      e1 <- calp(lambda1)

  ## calculate the event rate
  erate <- stats::weighted.mean(c(e0,e1),
  ## calculate the number of events
 if (alternative == "two.sided"){
 } else if (alternative == "one.sided"){
 } else {
   stop ("alternative must be either 'two-sided' or 'one-sided'!")
  if (method == "schoenfeld"){

  }else if (method=="freedman"){
  N=Dnum /erate

  inparam <- c("Method", "Lambda1/Lambda0/HR","Entry Time", "Follow-up Time",
               "Allocation Ratio", "Type I Error", "Type II Error",
               "Alternative","Drop-out Parameter")
  if (is.null(Lparam)) {Lparam <- "Not Provided"
  }else {Lparam <- round(Lparam, digits = 3)}

  inval <- c(method, paste0(round(lambda1,digits=3),"/",round(lambda0,digits=3), "/",
             entry, fup,ratio, alpha, beta,
             alternative,paste0(Lparam,collapse = ","))
  inputdata <- data.frame(parameter=inparam, value=inval)
  outparam <- c("Number of Events", "Number of Total Sampe Size",
                "Overall Event Rate")
  outval <- round(c(Dnum, N, Dnum/N),digits=3)
  outputdata <- data.frame(parameter=outparam, value=outval)
  summaryout <- list(input=inputdata,output=outputdata)
  if(summary ==TRUE){
    cat("------------------------------------------ \n ")
    cat("-----Summary of the Input Parameters----- \n")
    cat("------------------------------------------ \n ")
    names(inputdata) <- c("__Parameter__", "__Value__")
    print(inputdata, row.names = FALSE)
    cat("------------------------------------------ \n ")
    cat("-----Summary of the Output Parameters----- \n ")
    cat("------------------------------------------ \n ")
    names(outputdata) <- c("__Parameter__", "__Value__")
    print(outputdata, row.names = FALSE)


cal_event <- function(
  calp <- function(lambda1){
    f1 <- function(x){lambda1*exp(-x*lambda1-(x/l_scale)^l_shape)}
    F1 <- Vectorize(function(u){integrate(f1,lower=0,upper=u)$value})
    e1 <- integrate(F1,lower=fup,upper=entry+fup)$value/entry

  ## treatment group
  e1 <- calp(lambda1)
  ## placebo
  e0 <- calp(lambda0)
  e <- ratio/(1+ratio)*e1+e0/(1+ratio)
  return(list(ep1 = e1,
              ep0 = e0,
              ep = e))

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nphPower documentation built on Dec. 1, 2021, 5:06 p.m.