#' Calculate the Neyman-Pearson Receiver Operating Characteristics
#' \code{nproc} calculates the Neyman-Pearson Receiver Operating Characteristics
#' band for a given sequence of type I error values.
#' @export
#' @param x n * p observation matrix. n observations, p covariates.
#' @param y n 0/1 observatons.
#' @param method base classification method(s).
#' \itemize{
#' \item logistic: Logistic regression. \link{glm} function with family = 'binomial'
#' \item penlog: Penalized logistic regression with LASSO penalty. \code{\link[glmnet]{glmnet}} in \code{glmnet} package
#' \item svm: Support Vector Machines. \code{\link[e1071]{svm}} in \code{e1071} package
#' \item randomforest: Random Forest. \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} in \code{randomForest} package
#' \item Linear Discriminant Analysis. lda: \code{\link[MASS]{lda}} in \code{MASS} package
#' \item nb: Naive Bayes. \code{\link[e1071]{naiveBayes}} in \code{e1071} package
#' \item nnb: Nonparametric Naive Bayes. \code{\link[naivebayes]{naive_bayes}} in \code{naivebayes} package
#' \item ada: Ada-Boost. \code{\link[ada]{ada}} in \code{ada} package
#' }
#' @param delta the violation rate of the type I error. Default = 0.05.
#' @param split the number of splits for the class 0 sample. Default = 1. For ensemble
#' version, choose split > 1.
#' @param split.ratio the ratio of splits used for the class 0 sample to train the
#' classifier. Default = 0.5.
#' @param n.cores number of cores used for parallel computing. Default = 1.
#' @param randSeed the random seed used in the algorithm.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return An object with S3 class nproc.
#' \item{typeI.u}{sequence of upper bound of type I error.}
#' \item{typeII.l}{sequence of lower bound of type II error.}
#' \item{typeII.u}{sequence of upper bound of type II error.}
#' \item{auc.l}{the auc value of the lower NP-ROC curve.}
#' \item{auc.u}{the auc value of the upper NP-ROC curve.}
#' \item{method}{the base classification method implemented.}
#' \item{delta}{the violation rate.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{npc}}
#' @references
#' Xin Tong, Yang Feng, and Jingyi Jessica Li (2018), Neyman-Pearson (NP) classification algorithms and NP receiver operating characteristic (NP-ROC), \emph{Science Advances}, \bold{4}, 2, eaao1659.
#' @examples
#' n = 200
#' x = matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
#' c = 1 - 3*x[,1]
#' y = rbinom(n,1,1/(1+exp(-c)))
#' #fit = nproc(x, y, method = 'svm')
#' fit2 = nproc(x, y, method = 'penlog')
#' ##Plot the nproc curve
#' plot(fit2)
#' \dontrun{
#' fit3 = nproc(x, y, method = 'penlog', n.cores = 2)
#' #In practice, replace 2 by the number of cores available 'detectCores()'
#' fit4 = nproc(x, y, method = 'penlog', n.cores = detectCores())
#' #Confidence nproc curves
#' fit6 = nproc(x, y, method = 'lda')
#' plot(fit6)
#' nproc ensembled version
#' fit7 = nproc(x, y, method = 'lda', split = 11)
#' plot(fit7)
#' }
nproc <- function(x = NULL, y, method = c("logistic", "penlog", "svm", "randomforest", "lda", "nb", "nnb","ada", "tree"), delta = 0.05, split = 1, split.ratio = 0.5, n.cores = 1, randSeed = 0, ...) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
x = as.matrix(x)
p = ncol(x)
if (p == 1 & method == "penlog") {
stop("glmnet does not support the one predictor case. ")
method = match.arg(method)
v = npc(x, y, method = method, alpha = 1, delta = delta,
split = split, split.ratio = split.ratio, n.cores = n.cores, band = TRUE, randSeed = randSeed, ...)
split = v$split
alphalist = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.001)
n.alpha = length(alphalist)
beta.u = beta.l = matrix(0, n.alpha, max(split, 1))
for (i in 1:max(split, 1)) {
obj = v$fits[[i]]
ref.alpha.l = c(0, obj$alpha.l, 1)
ref.beta.l = c(1, obj$beta.l, 0)
ref.beta.u = c(1, obj$beta.u, 0)
ref.alpha.u = c(0, obj$alpha.u, 1)
beta.u[, i] = approx(ref.alpha.u, ref.beta.u, alphalist, method = "constant", rule = 2,
f = 0)$y
typeI.lower = FALSE
if (typeI.lower == FALSE) {
beta.l[, i] = approx(ref.alpha.u, ref.beta.l, alphalist, method = "constant",
rule = 2, f = 1)$y
} else {
beta.u[, i] = approx(ref.alpha.l, ref.beta.l, alphalist, method = "constant",
rule = 2, f = 0)$y
beta.u.m = apply(beta.u, 1, mean)
auc.l = sum(diff(alphalist) * (1 - beta.u.m[-1]))
auc.u = NULL
beta.l.m = apply(beta.l, 1, mean)
auc.u = sum(diff(alphalist) * (1 - beta.l.m[-1]))
object = list(typeII.u = beta.u.m, typeII.l = beta.l.m, auc.l = auc.l, auc.u = auc.u, method = method, typeI.u = alphalist, delta = delta, v = v)
class(object) = "nproc"
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