nptestrts <- function(formula, data, subset,
base = c("output", "input"),
homogeneous = TRUE, test.two = TRUE,
reps = 999, alpha = 0.05,
core.count = 1, cl.type = c("SOCK", "MPI"),
print.level = 1, dots = TRUE){
if (alpha < 0 | alpha > 1) {
stop("'alpha' must be between 0 and 1 inclusive", call. = FALSE)
if (reps < 100) {
stop("'reps' must be at least 100")
my.warnings <- NULL
if (reps < 200) {
warning(" Statistical inference may be unreliable \n for small number of bootstrap replications; \n consider setting 'reps' larger than 200", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
warning(" Statistical inference may be unreliable for small number of bootstrap replications; consider setting 'reps' larger than 200", call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE)
my.warnings <- c(my.warnings, " Statistical inference may be unreliable for small number of bootstrap replications; consider setting 'reps' larger than 200.")
if (reps > 2000) {
warning(" Unnecessary too many bootstrap replications; \n consider setting 'reps' smaller than 2000", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
warning(" Unnecessary too many bootstrap replications; consider setting 'reps' smaller than 2000\n", call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE)
my.warnings <- c(my.warnings, " Unnecessary too many bootstrap replications; consider setting 'reps' smaller than 2000.")
# begin require for parallel computing
if (!is.numeric(core.count) || floor(core.count) != core.count ||
core.count < 1){
stop("'core.count' must be a positive integer", call. = FALSE)
if (core.count > 1){
if (!(is.character(cl.type)) || !(cl.type %in% c("SOCK", "MPI"))){
stop("invalid cluster type in 'cl.type'; 'cl.type' must be \"SOCK\" or \"MPI\"", call. = FALSE)
if (!("snowFT" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))){
# mymessage <- unlist(strsplit("Package 'snowFT' required for parallel computing is not installed; type -install.packages(''snowFT'')- to install it", split = " "))
stop("Package 'snowFT' required for parallel computing is not installed; \nuse -install.packages(",paste(dQuote("snowFT")), ")- to install it\n")
requireNamespace("snowFT", quietly = TRUE)
if (cl.type == "MPI"){
if (!("Rmpi" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))){
stop("Package 'Rmpi' required for parallel computing with option 'MPI' is not installed; \nuse -install.packages(",paste(dQuote("Rmpi")), ")- to install it\n")
# require("Rmpi")
requireNamespace("Rmpi", quietly = TRUE)
# end require for parallel computing
winw <- getOption("width")
if (winw > 100+5){
winw <- 100
else if (winw > 90+5) {
winw <- 90
else if (winw > 80+5) {
winw <- 80
else if (winw > 70+5) {
winw <- 70
else if (winw > 60+5) {
winw <- 60
else if (winw > 50+5) {
winw <- 50
else {
winw <- 0
# get the data in matrices
YX <- .prepareYXnoRef(formula = formula, data = data, subset = subset,
base = base, print.level = print.level,
type = "DF", winw = winw, rts.subst = "CRS, NiRS, and VRS",
sysnframe = sys.nframe())
Y <- YX$y
X <- YX$x
M <- ncol(Y)
N <- ncol(X)
K <- nrow(Y)
rt <- YX$myrts
ba <- YX$mybase
esample <- YX$esample
# original Farrell measures
teCrs <- .teRad(t(Y),t(X),M,N,K,t(Y),t(X),K,3,ba,0,print.level=0)
teNrs <- .teRad(t(Y),t(X),M,N,K,t(Y),t(X),K,2,ba,0,print.level=0)
teVrs <- .teRad(t(Y),t(X),M,N,K,t(Y),t(X),K,1,ba,0,print.level=0)
# Check for Missing Values
teSum = teCrs + teNrs + teVrs
# redefine if some Farrell measures are not computed
te.good <- !
K <- sum(te.good)
if(K == 0){
stop("Could not compute measure of technical efficiency for a single data point")
teCrs <- teCrs[te.good]
teNrs <- teNrs[te.good]
teVrs <- teVrs[te.good]
Y <- Y[te.good, , drop = FALSE]
X <- X[te.good, , drop = FALSE]
esample[!te.good] <- FALSE
seCrsMean <- mean(teCrs) / mean(teVrs)
seCrs <- teCrs /teVrs
seNrsMean <- mean(teNrs) / mean(teVrs)
seNrs <- teNrs /teVrs
# Begin Test #1: CRS vs VRS
if(print.level >= 1){
cat("", paste("",rep("_", (winw-10)/1),"", sep = ""), sep = "")
cat("\n Test #1\n\n", sep = "")
cat(" Ho: mean(F_i^CRS)/mean(F_i^VRS) = 1\n", sep = "")
cat(" and\n", sep = "")
cat(" Ho: F_i^CRS/F_i^VRS = 1 for each of ",K," data ", ngettext(K, "point", "point(s)"), "\n", sep = "")
# TE: under Ho, RTS is CRS
teRef <- teCrs
# begin preparation for bootstrap
terfl <- c(teRef, 2-teRef)
mybw <- bw.SJ(terfl, method = c("dpi"))
if ( homogeneous ){
# begin homogeneous
# print(1)
scVarHom <- ( 1 + mybw^2 / var(terfl) )^(-1/2)
# end homogeneous
else {
# begin heterogeneous
# print(2)
if( ba == 2 ) {
# output
if( M == 1 ) {
Z1 <- cbind(Y, X)
else {
nu <- atan( Y[ , -1, drop = FALSE] / Y[ , 1] )
pot.zeros <- Y[ , 1] == 0
if( any(pot.zeros) ){
nu[pot.zeros, ] <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(pot.zeros), ncol = M-1)
Z1 <- cbind( nu, X )
else {
# input
if( N == 1 ) {
Z1 <- cbind(Y, X)
else {
nu <- atan( X[ , -1, drop = FALSE] / X[ , 1] )
pot.zeros <- X[ , 1] == 0
if( any(pot.zeros) ){
nu[pot.zeros, ] <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(pot.zeros), ncol = N-1)
Z1 <- cbind( Y, nu )
bwsZ <- apply(Z1, MARGIN = 2, bw.SJ, method = c("dpi"))
bws <- matrix( c(bwsZ, mybw), nrow = 1)
scVarHet <- (1 + bws^2)^(-1/2)
Z <- cbind( Z1, teRef )
Zr <- cbind( Z1, 2-teRef )
L1 <- chol( cov(Z) )
L2 <- chol( cov(Zr) )
Zt <- rbind( Z,Zr )
nZ <- ncol(Zt)
onesN <- matrix(1, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
M1 <- diag(K) - matrix(1/K, nrow = K, ncol = K)
cons1 <- kronecker (onesN, scVarHet)
cons2 <- kronecker (onesN, bws)
# end heterogeneous
# end preparation for bootstrap
# begin bootstrap
# printing
if(print.level >= 1){
mymesage <- paste("\nBootstrapping reference set formed by ",K," data point(s) and computing radial (Debreu-Farrell) ",YX$base.string,"-based measures of technical efficiency under assumptions of CRS and VRS technology for each of ",K," data point(s) realtive to the bootstrapped reference set\n", sep = "")
cat("",unlist(strsplit(mymesage, " ")),"", sep = " ", fill = winw-10 )
# cat(" Bootstrapping reference set formed by ",K," data points and computing \n", sep = "")
# cat(" radial (Debreu-Farrell) ",YX$base.string,"-based measures of technical efficiency \n", sep = "")
# cat(" under assumptions of CRS and VRS technology for each of ",K," data points \n", sep = "")
# cat(" realtive to the bootstrapped reference set \n", sep = "")
if ( homogeneous ) {
# cat("\n Smoothed homogeneous bootstrap (",reps," replications)\n\n", sep = "")
boot.type <- paste("Smoothed homogeneous bootstrap (",reps," replications)\n", sep = "")
else {
# cat("\n Smoothed heterogeneous bootstrap (",reps," replications)\n\n", sep = "")
boot.type <- paste("Smoothed heterogeneous bootstrap (",reps," replications)\n", sep = "")
te1boot <- te2boot <- matrix(nrow = reps, ncol = K)
# te1booti <- te2booti <- numeric(K)
realnrep <- numeric(reps)
# begin parallel computing
if (core.count > 1){
if ( homogeneous ) { <-
addInput <- list(Y = Y, X = X, rtsHo = 3, ba = ba, teRef = teRef, terfl = terfl,
mybw = mybw, scVarHom = scVarHom)
}else{ <-
addInput <- list(Y = Y, X = X, Yr = Y, Xr = X,
rtsHo = 3, Zt = Zt, L1 = L1, L2 = L2, M1 = M1,
cons1 = cons1, cons2 = cons2, onesN = onesN, ba = ba)
inputs <- as.list(rep(0, reps))
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
.dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type, printfun = .run.dots,
printargs = list(width = winw), printrepl = 1,
... = addInput)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type,
... = addInput)
tymch3 <- matrix(unlist(outputs), nrow = reps, byrow = TRUE)
te1boot <- tymch3[,1:K]
te2boot <- tymch3[,(K + 1):(2 * K)]
if ( !homogeneous ) {
realnrep <- tymch3[,2 * K + 1]
# end parallel computing
else {
for(b in seq_len(reps)){
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
if(b == 1) .dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
for(ii in seq_len(K)){
if ( homogeneous ) {
# begin homogeneous
# print(1)
if (ba == 2) {
# step 1: sampling
Yb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,Y,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,3,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,1,ba,
else {
# step 1: sampling
Xb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,X,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,3,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,1,ba,
mychar <- "."
# end homogeneous
else {
# begin heterogeneous
# print(2)
# step 1: sampling
smplHet <- .smplHet(Zt,L1,L2,M1,cons1,cons2,onesN,K,nZ,ba,M,N)
# step 2: get efficiency under H0
teRefB <- .teRad(t(smplHet$Yrb),t(smplHet$Xrb),M,N,smplHet$Krb,
# step 3: get efficient xRef or yRef
if (ba == 1) {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
else {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb
# handle infeasible
teRefB.good <- !
# modify the existing matrices by tossing the missing values
Yrb <- Yrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
Xrb <- Xrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
# new number of obs in reference
KrB <- sum(teRefB.good)
# step 4: get the bootstrapped TE
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,3,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,1,ba,
if (KrB/K < 0.80){
mychar <- "?"
else if (KrB/K < 0.95){
mychar <- "@"
else if (KrB/K < 1){
mychar <- "x"
else {
mychar <- "."
realnrep[b] <- KrB
# end heterogeneous
# end for i
# print(teB[1:10])
# dots
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
.dots(b, width = winw, character = mychar)
if(reps %% winw != 0) cat("\n")
# p-value calculation for Test #1
pvalsTestOne <- .pvalsTestOne (seCrs, seCrsMean, te1boot, te2boot, ba)
alphaL <- 1 - (1-alpha)^(1/K)
s.efficient <- pvalsTestOne$plCRS > alphaL
# s.efficient <- c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, K-1))
n.sefficient <- sum(s.efficient, na.rm = TRUE)
locComputed <- TRUE
if(n.sefficient == 0){
locComputed <- FALSE
n.sefficient <- K
# print(s.efficient)
# print(pvalsTestOne)
# print(n.sefficient)
s.inefficient <- ifelse(, FALSE, !s.efficient)
# print(s.inefficient)
if(print.level >= 1){
mymesage <- paste("\np-value of the Ho that mean(F_i^CRS)/mean(F_i^VRS) = 1 (Ho that the global technology is CRS) = ",formatC(pvalsTestOne$pgCRS, digits = 4, format = "f"),":\n\nmean(hat{F_i^CRS})/mean(hat{F_i^VRS}) = ",formatC(seCrsMean, digits = 4, format = "f")," ",ifelse(pvalsTestOne$pgCRS>alpha, "is not", "is")," statistically greater than 1 at the ",alpha*100,"% significance level", sep = "")
# print((strsplit(mymesage, " ")))
cat("",unlist(strsplit(mymesage, " ")),"", sep = " ", fill = winw-10 )
if(n.sefficient == K & locComputed){
cat("\nAll data points are scale efficient\n", sep = "")
cat("\n", sep = "")
warning(" Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications \n (for all data points)", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
warning(" Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications (for all data points)", call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE)
my.warnings <- c(my.warnings, " Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications (for all data points)")
if(locComputed & min(pvalsTestOne$nonNa, na.rm = TRUE) < 100){
warning(" Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications \n (for some data points)", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
warning(" Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications (for some data points)", call. = FALSE, immediate. = FALSE)
my.warnings <- c(my.warnings, " Statistical inference on individual scale efficiency is not \n performed likely due to few bootstrap replications (for some data points)")
# Test #2: NIRS vs VRS
if ( test.two ){
mychar <- "."
n.sinefficient <- sum(s.inefficient)
if (pvalsTestOne$pgCRS > alpha) {
performGlobal <- FALSE
else {
performGlobal <- TRUE
# do it only if
if(performGlobal || n.sinefficient > 0){
# Change the matrices, since now technology is NIRS under Ho; under Ho, RTS is NiRS
teRef <- teNrs
# begin preparation for bootstrap
terfl <- c(teRef, 2-teRef)
mybw <- bw.SJ(terfl, method = c("dpi"))
if ( homogeneous ){
# begin homogeneous
scVarHom <- ( 1 + mybw^2 / var(terfl) )^(-1/2)
# end homogeneous
else {
# begin heterogeneous
bws <- matrix( c(bwsZ, mybw), nrow = 1)
scVarHet <- (1 + bws^2)^(-1/2)
Z <- cbind( Z1, teRef )
Zr <- cbind( Z1, 2-teRef )
L1 <- chol( cov(Z) )
L2 <- chol( cov(Zr) )
Zt <- rbind( Z,Zr )
cons1 <- kronecker (onesN, scVarHet)
cons2 <- kronecker (onesN, bws)
# end heterogeneous
# end preparation for bootstrap
# Begin bootstrap to perform Test #2: NIRS vs VRS
if (pvalsTestOne$pgCRS > alpha){
# CRS is not rejected so perform only individual tests
if ( n.sinefficient > 0 ){
if(print.level >= 1){
cat("", paste("",rep("_", (winw-10)/1),"", sep = ""), sep = "")
cat("\n Test #2\n\n", sep = "")
cat(" Ho: F_i^CRS/F_i^VRS = 1 for each of ",n.sinefficient," data ", ngettext(K, "point", "point(s)"), "\n", sep = "")
mymesage <- paste("\nBootstrapping reference set formed by ",K," data point(s) and computing radial (Debreu-Farrell) ",YX$base.string,"-based measures of technical efficiency under assumptions of CRS and VRS technology for each of ",n.sinefficient," data point(s) realtive to the bootstrapped reference set\n", sep = "")
cat("",unlist(strsplit(mymesage, " ")),"", sep = " ", fill = winw-10 )
# cat(" Bootstrapping reference set formed by ",K," data points and computing \n", sep = "")
# cat(" radial (Debreu-Farrell) ",YX$base.string,"-based measures of technical efficiency \n", sep = "")
# cat(" under assumptions of NiRS and VRS technology for each of ",n.sinefficient," data points \n", sep = "")
# cat(" realtive to the bootstrapped reference set \n", sep = "")
# begin case 1b
Ysineff <- Y[s.inefficient, ,drop = FALSE]
Xsineff <- X[s.inefficient, ,drop = FALSE]
te1boot <- te2boot <- matrix(nrow = reps, ncol = n.sinefficient)
# te1booti <- te2booti <- numeric(K)
realnrep <- numeric(reps)
# begin parallel computing
if (core.count > 1){
if ( homogeneous ) { <-
addInput <- list(Y = Ysineff, X = Xsineff, rtsHo = 2, ba = ba,
teRef = teRef, terfl = terfl,
mybw = mybw, scVarHom = scVarHom)
}else{ <-
addInput <- list(Y = Ysineff, X = Xsineff, Yr = Y, Xr = X,
rtsHo = 2, Zt = Zt, L1 = L1, L2 = L2, M1 = M1,
cons1 = cons1, cons2 = cons2, onesN = onesN, ba = ba)
inputs <- as.list(rep(0, reps))
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
.dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type, printfun = .run.dots,
printargs = list(width = winw), printrepl = 1,
... = addInput)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type,
... = addInput)
tymch3 <- matrix(unlist(outputs), nrow = reps, byrow = TRUE)
te1boot <- tymch3[,1:n.sinefficient]
te2boot <- tymch3[,(n.sinefficient + 1):(2 * n.sinefficient)]
if ( !homogeneous ) {
realnrep <- tymch3[,2 * n.sinefficient + 1]
# end parallel computing
else {
for(b in seq_len(reps)){
for(ii in seq_len(n.sinefficient)){
if ( homogeneous ) {
# begin homogeneous
# print(1)
if (ba == 2) {
# step 1: sampling
Yb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,Y,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,1,ba,
else {
# step 1: sampling
Xb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,X,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,1,ba,
# mychar <- "."
# end homogeneous
else {
# begin heterogeneous
# print(2)
# step 1: sampling
smplHet <- .smplHet(Zt,L1,L2,M1,cons1,cons2,onesN,K,nZ,ba,M,N)
# step 2: get efficiency under H0
teRefB <- .teRad(t(smplHet$Yrb),t(smplHet$Xrb),M,N,smplHet$Krb,
# step 3: get efficient xRef or yRef
if (ba == 1) {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
else {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb
# handle infeasible
teRefB.good <- !
# modify the existing matrices by tossing the missing values
Yrb <- Yrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
Xrb <- Xrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
# new number of obs in reference
KrB <- sum(teRefB.good)
# step 4: get the bootstrapped TE
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Ysineff[ii,],Xsineff[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,1,ba,
# end heterogeneous
# end for ii
# dots
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
if(b == 1) .dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
.dots(b, width = winw, character = mychar)
# end for b
} # end with one core
} #end of if ( n.sinefficient > 0 ){
else {
# CRS is rejected, perform NiRS global and individual tests
if(print.level >= 1){
cat("", paste("",rep("_", (winw-10)/1),"", sep = ""), sep = "")
cat("\n Test #2\n\n", sep = "")
cat(" Ho: mean(F_i^NiRS)/mean(F_i^VRS) = 1\n", sep = "")
if (n.sinefficient > 0) {
cat(" and\n", sep = "")
cat(" Ho: F_i^NiRS/F_i^VRS = 1 for each of ",n.sinefficient," data ", ngettext(K, "point", "point(s)"), "\n", sep = "")
mymesage <- paste("\nBootstrapping reference set formed by ",K," data point(s) and computing radial (Debreu-Farrell) ",YX$base.string,"-based measures of technical efficiency under assumptions of CRS and VRS technology for each of ",K," data point(s) realtive to the bootstrapped reference set\n", sep = "")
cat("",unlist(strsplit(mymesage, " ")),"", sep = " ", fill = winw-10 )
# begin case 2a
te1boot <- te2boot <- matrix(nrow = reps, ncol = K)
# te1booti <- te2booti <- numeric(K)
realnrep <- numeric(reps)
# begin parallel computing
if (core.count > 1){
if ( homogeneous ) { <-
addInput <- list(Y = Y, X = X, rtsHo = 2, ba = ba, teRef = teRef, terfl = terfl,
mybw = mybw, scVarHom = scVarHom)
}else{ <-
addInput <- list(Y = Y, X = X, Yr = Y, Xr = X,
rtsHo = 2, Zt = Zt, L1 = L1, L2 = L2, M1 = M1,
cons1 = cons1, cons2 = cons2, onesN = onesN, ba = ba)
inputs <- as.list(rep(0, reps))
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
.dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type, printfun = .run.dots,
printargs = list(width = winw), printrepl = 1,
... = addInput)
outputs <- snowFT::performParallel(count = core.count, x = inputs, fun =,
cltype = cl.type,
... = addInput)
tymch3 <- matrix(unlist(outputs), nrow = reps, byrow = TRUE)
te1boot <- tymch3[,1:K]
te2boot <- tymch3[,(K + 1):(2 * K)]
if ( !homogeneous ) {
realnrep <- tymch3[,2 * K + 1]
# end parallel computing
else {
for(b in seq_len(reps)){
for(ii in seq_len(K)){
if ( homogeneous ) {
# begin homogeneous
# print(1)
if (ba == 2) {
# step 1: sampling
Yb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,Y,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yb),t(X),K,1,ba,
else {
# step 1: sampling
Xb <- .smplHom(teRef,terfl,Kr=K,mybw,scVarHom,X,ba)
# step 2: applying DEA
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Y),t(Xb),K,1,ba,
# mychar <- "."
# end homogeneous
else {
# begin heterogeneous
# print(2)
# step 1: sampling
smplHet <- .smplHet(Zt,L1,L2,M1,cons1,cons2,onesN,K,nZ,ba,M,N)
# step 2: get efficiency under H0
teRefB <- .teRad(t(smplHet$Yrb),t(smplHet$Xrb),M,N,smplHet$Krb,
# step 3: get efficient xRef or yRef
if (ba == 1) {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
else {
Yrb <- smplHet$Yrb * teRefB / smplHet$teb
Xrb <- smplHet$Xrb
# handle infeasible
teRefB.good <- !
# modify the existing matrices by tossing the missing values
Yrb <- Yrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
Xrb <- Xrb[teRefB.good, , drop = FALSE]
# new number of obs in reference
KrB <- sum(teRefB.good)
# step 4: get the bootstrapped TE
# NiRS
te1boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,2,ba,
te2boot[b,ii] <- .teRad(Y[ii,],X[ii,],M,N,1,t(Yrb),t(Xrb),KrB,1,ba,
# end heterogeneous
# end for ii
# dots
if (dots){
if (winw != 0){
if(b == 1) .dots(0, boot.type, width = winw)
.dots(b, width = winw, character = mychar)
} # end for b
} # end with one core
} # end of CRS is rejected
if(reps %% winw != 0) cat("\n")
if ( n.sinefficient == 1){
te1boot <- matrix(te1boot, ncol = 1)
te2boot <- matrix(te2boot, ncol = 1)
# print(te1boot)
# print(te2boot)
# print(class(te1boot))
# print(class(te2boot))
# p-value calculation for Test #2
if(performGlobal || n.sinefficient > 0){
pvalsTestTwo <- .pvalsTestTwo (seNrs, seNrsMean, te1boot, te2boot, ba, performGlobal, s.inefficient)
sineffdrs <- pvalsTestTwo$pineffdrs > alphaL
nsineffdrs <- sum(sineffdrs)
if (print.level >= 1){
mymesage <- paste("\np-value of the Ho that mean(F_i^NiRS)/mean(F_i^VRS) = 1 (Ho that the global technology is NiRS) = ",formatC(pvalsTestTwo$pgNRS, digits = 4, format = "f"),":\n\nmean(hat{F_i^NiRS})/mean(hat{F_i^VRS}) = ",formatC(seNrsMean, digits = 4, format = "f")," ",ifelse(pvalsTestTwo$pgNRS>alpha, "is not", "is")," statistically greater than 1 at the ",alpha*100,"% significance level", sep = "")
# print((strsplit(mymesage, " ")))
cat("",unlist(strsplit(mymesage, " ")),"", sep = " ", fill = winw-10 )
} # end of if ( test.two )
tymch <- list(call =, model = "nptestrts", K = K, M = M, N = N,
esample = esample, base = YX$base.string,
reps = reps, alpha = alpha, boot.type = boot.type,
teCrs = teCrs, teNrs = teNrs, teVrs = teVrs,
sefficiency = seCrs, sefficiencyMean = seCrsMean,
pGlobalCRS = pvalsTestOne$pgCRS )
if (locComputed) {
tymch$psefficient <- pvalsTestOne$plCRS
tymch$sefficient <- s.efficient
tymch$nsefficient <- n.sefficient
if (performGlobal){
tymch$nrsOVERvrsMean <- seNrsMean
tymch$pGlobalNRS <- pvalsTestTwo$pgNRS
if (n.sinefficient > 0){
tymch$sineffdrs <- sineffdrs
tymch$pineffdrs <- pvalsTestTwo$pineffdrs
tymch$nrsOVERvrs <- seNrs
tymch$warnings <- my.warnings
class(tymch) <- "npsf"
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