#' Abbreviate Numbers
#' Use the denomination abbreviations K (thousands), M (millions), and
#' B (billions) with abbreviated numbers.\cr\code{f_denom} - Auto-detect the
#' maximum denomination and attempt to use it (if max(x) is < 1K then x is
#' returned).
#' @param x A vector of large numbers.
#' @param relative A factor relative to the current \code{digits} being rounded.
#' For example \code{relative = -1} moves one to the left while
#' \code{relative = 1} moves one to the right.
#' @param digits The number of digits to round to. Actual \code{digits}
#' calculated as \code{digits} + \code{relative}.
#' @param prefix A string to append to the front of elements.
#' @param pad.char A character to use for leading padding if lengths of output
#' are unequal. Use \code{NA} to forgo padding.
#' @param less.than.replace logical. If \code{TRUE} values lower than lowest
#' place value will be replaced with a less than sign followed by the
#' \code{integer} representation of the place value. For example, if \code{"$0K"}
#' then replacement will be \code{"<1K"}.
#' @param mix.denom logical. If \code{TRUE} then denominations can be mixed.
#' Typically this is not a good idea for the sake of comparison. It is most
#' useful when there is a total row which is a sum of the column and this value's
#' denomination exceeds the denomination of the rest of the column.
#' @param \ldots ignored.
#' @return Returns an abbreviated vector of numbers.
#' @export
#' @rdname f_denom
#' @examples
#' f_denom(c(12345, 12563, 191919), prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(12345, 12563, 191919), prefix = '$', pad.char = '')
#' f_denom(c(1234365, 122123563, 12913919), prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 123436, 122126763, 1291673919), prefix = '$', mix.denom = TRUE)
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), prefix = '$', pad.char = '')
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), relative = 1, prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), relative = 9, prefix = '$')
#' f_denom(c(NA, 2, 12343676215, 122126763563, 1291673919), less.than.replace = TRUE)
#' f_thous(1234)
#' f_thous(12345)
#' f_thous(123456)
#' f_mills(1234567)
#' f_mills(12345678)
#' f_mills(123456789)
#' f_bills(1234567891)
#' f_bills(12345678912)
#' f_bills(123456789123)
#' f_bills(123456789123, -1) # round to tens
#' f_bills(123456789123, -2) # round to hundreds
#' f_bills(123456789123, +1) # round to tenths
#' f_bills(123456789123, +2) # round to hundreths
#' x <- c(3886902.8696, 4044584.0424, 6591893.2104, 591893.2104, -3454678)
#' f_mills(x)
#' f_mills(x, 1)
#' f_mills(x, 1, prefix = '$')
#' f_mills(x, 1, prefix = '$', pad.char = '0')
#' \dontrun{
#' if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
#' pacman::p_load(tidyverse, magrittr)
#' f_bills(123456789123, -2) %>%
#' f_prefix("$")
#' data_frame(
#' revenue = rnorm(100, 500000, 50000),
#' deals = sample(20:50, 100, TRUE)
#' ) %>%
#' mutate(
#' dollar = f_dollar(revenue, digits = -3),
#' thous = f_thous(revenue),
#' thous_dollars = f_thous(revenue, prefix = '$')
#' ) %T>%
#' print() %>%
#' ggplot(aes(deals, revenue)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' geom_smooth() +
#' scale_y_continuous(label = ff_thous(prefix = '$') )
#' data_frame(
#' revenue = rnorm(10000, 500000, 50000),
#' date = sample(seq(as.Date('1999/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="day"), 10000, TRUE),
#' site = sample(paste("Site", 1:5), 10000, TRUE)
#' ) %>%
#' mutate(
#' dollar = f_dollar(revenue, digits = -3),
#' thous = f_thous(revenue),
#' thous_dollars = f_thous(revenue, prefix = '$'),
#' abb_month = f_month(date),
#' abb_week = factor(f_weekday(date, distinct = TRUE),
#' levels = c('Su', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S'))
#' ) %T>%
#' print() %>%
#' ggplot(aes(abb_week, revenue)) +
#' geom_jitter(width = .2, height = 0, alpha = .2) +
#' scale_y_continuous(label = ff_thous(prefix = '$'))+
#' facet_wrap(~site)
#' set.seed(10)
#' data_frame(
#' w = paste(constant_months, rep(2016:2017, each = 12))[1:20] ,
#' x = rnorm(20, 200000, 75000)
#' ) %>%
#' {
#' a <- .
#' rbind(
#' a,
#' a %>%
#' mutate(w = 'Total') %>%
#' group_by(w) %>%
#' summarize(x = sum(x))
#' )
#' } %>%
#' mutate(
#' y = f_denom(x, prefix = '$'),
#' z = f_denom(x, mix.denom = TRUE, prefix = '$')
#' ) %>%
#' data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) %>%
#' pander::pander(split.tables = Inf, justify = alignment(.))
#' ## Scale with mixed units
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(numform)
#' dat <- data_frame(
#' Value = c(111, 2345, 34567, 456789, 1000001, 1000000001),
#' Time = 1:6
#' )
#' ## Uniform units
#' ggplot(dat, aes(Time, Value)) +
#' geom_line() +
#' scale_y_continuous(labels = ff_denom( prefix = '$'))
#' ## Mixed units
#' ggplot(dat, aes(Time, Value)) +
#' geom_line() +
#' scale_y_continuous(labels = ff_denom(mix.denom = TRUE, prefix = '$', pad.char = ''))
#' }
f_denom <- function(x, relative = 0, prefix = "", pad.char = ifelse(prefix == "", NA, " "),
less.than.replace = FALSE, mix.denom = FALSE, ...) {
#if (missing(pad.char)) pad.char <- ifelse(prefix == "", NA, " ")
neglocs <- x < 0
if (mix.denom) {
nas <-
## recurse the function on individual elements
out <- unlist(lapply(x, f_denom))
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9-]*\\s*)(\\d+[MBK])', '\\2', out)
if (!{
chars <- nchar(out)
m <- max(chars, na.rm = TRUE)
out <- paste0(
sapply(chars, function(x) {
if ( return(NA)
paste(rep(pad.char, m - x), collapse = '')
out[nas] <- NA
if (isTRUE(less.than.replace)){
neglocs <- grepl('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(\\d+)($)', out) & neglocs
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(\\d+)($)', '\\1<1K', out)
out[neglocs] <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(<)(-\\d+[TKBM])', '\\1>\\3', out[neglocs])
if (length(x) == 1 && return(NA)
md <- max(nchar(drop_sci_note(round(x, 0))), na.rm = TRUE)
digs <- ifelse(md <= 6, 'thous', ifelse(md <= 9, 'mills', ifelse(md <= 12, 'bills', ifelse(md <= 15, 'trills', NA))))
if ( stop("Element(s) in `x` are greater than 14 digits.")
if (max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE) < 1e3) return(x)
fun <- switch(digs,
thous = {ff_thous(relative = relative, prefix = prefix, pad.char = pad.char, less.than.replace = less.than.replace)},
mills = {ff_mills(relative = relative, prefix = prefix, pad.char = pad.char, less.than.replace = less.than.replace)},
bills = {ff_bills(relative = relative, prefix = prefix, pad.char = pad.char, less.than.replace = less.than.replace)},
trills = {ff_trills(relative = relative, prefix = prefix, pad.char = pad.char, less.than.replace = less.than.replace)}
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
ff_denom <- functionize(f_denom)
#' @description \code{f_trills} - Force the abbreviation to the trillions
#' denomination (B).
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
f_trills <- function(x, relative = 0, digits = -12, prefix = "",
pad.char = ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' '), less.than.replace = FALSE, ...) {
#if (missing(pad.char)) pad.char <- ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' ')
neglocs <- x < 0
digits <- digits + relative
nas <-
if (relative > 0) {
x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", 12 + digits, "f"), round(x, digits)/1e+012)
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(x, "T"))
} else {
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(drop_sci_note(round(x, digits)/1e+012), "T"))
x <- ifelse(x == '.', '0B', x)
if (! x <- f_pad_zero(x, width = max(nchar(x)), pad.char = pad.char)
out <- paste0(prefix, x)
if (isTRUE(less.than.replace)){
neglocs <- neglocs & grepl('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', out)
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', '\\1<1\\3', out)
out[neglocs] <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(<)(\\d+[TKBM])', '\\1>-\\3', out[neglocs])
mc <- max(nchar(out[!grepl('(>|<)', out)]))
repls <- out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc]
if (length(repls) > 0) {
repls <- strsplit(sub('\\s+', 'splitherenumform', repls), 'splitherenumform')
out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc] <- unlist(lapply(repls, function(x){
tms <- mc - nchar(paste(x, collapse =''))
if (tms > 0){
spc <- paste(rep(' ', ), collapse = '')
} else {
spc <- ''
paste0(x[1], spc, x[2])
out[nas] <- NA
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
ff_trills <- functionize(f_trills)
#' @description \code{f_bills} - Force the abbreviation to the billions
#' denomination (B).
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
f_bills <- function(x, relative = 0, digits = -9, prefix = "",
pad.char = ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' '), less.than.replace = FALSE, ...) {
#if (missing(pad.char)) pad.char <- ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' ')
neglocs <- x < 0
digits <- digits + relative
nas <-
if (relative > 0) {
x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", 9 + digits, "f"), round(x, digits)/1e+09)
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(x, "B"))
} else {
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(drop_sci_note(round(x, digits)/1e+09), "B"))
digit_warn(x, 'f_tills', 9)
x <- ifelse(x == '.', '0B', x)
if (! x <- f_pad_zero(x, width = max(nchar(x)), pad.char = pad.char)
out <- paste0(prefix, x)
if (isTRUE(less.than.replace)){
neglocs <- neglocs & grepl('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', out)
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', '\\1<1\\3', out)
out[neglocs] <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(<)(\\d+[TKBM])', '\\1>-\\3', out[neglocs])
mc <- max(nchar(out[!grepl('(>|<)', out)]))
repls <- out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc]
if (length(repls) > 0) {
repls <- strsplit(sub('\\s+', 'splitherenumform', repls), 'splitherenumform')
out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc] <- unlist(lapply(repls, function(x){
tms <- mc - nchar(paste(x, collapse =''))
if (tms > 0){
spc <- paste(rep(' ', ), collapse = '')
} else {
spc <- ''
paste0(x[1], spc, x[2])
out[nas] <- NA
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
ff_bills <- functionize(f_bills)
#' @description \code{f_mills} - Force the abbreviation to the millions
#' denomination (B).
#' @export
#' @rdname f_denom
f_mills <- function(x, relative = 0, digits = -6, prefix = "",
pad.char = ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' '), less.than.replace = FALSE, ...) {
#if (missing(pad.char)) pad.char <- ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' ')
neglocs <- x < 0
digits <- digits + relative
nas <-
if (relative > 0) {
x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", 6 + digits, "f"), round(x, digits)/1e+06)
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(x, "M"))
} else {
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(drop_sci_note(round(x, digits)/1e+06), "M"))
digit_warn(x, 'f_bills', 6)
x <- ifelse(x == '.', '0M', x)
if (! x <- f_pad_zero(x, width = max(nchar(x)), pad.char = pad.char)
out <- paste0(prefix, x)
if (isTRUE(less.than.replace)){
neglocs <- neglocs & grepl('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', out)
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', '\\1<1\\3', out)
out[neglocs] <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(<)(\\d+[TKBM])', '\\1>-\\3', out[neglocs])
mc <- max(nchar(out[!grepl('(>|<)', out)]))
repls <- out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc]
if (length(repls) > 0) {
repls <- strsplit(sub('\\s+', 'splitherenumform', repls), 'splitherenumform')
out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc] <- unlist(lapply(repls, function(x){
tms <- mc - nchar(paste(x, collapse =''))
if (tms > 0){
spc <- paste(rep(' ', ), collapse = '')
} else {
spc <- ''
paste0(x[1], spc, x[2])
out[nas] <- NA
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
ff_mills <- functionize(f_mills)
#' @description \code{f_thous} - Force the abbreviation to the thousands
#' denomination (B).
#' @export
#' @rdname f_denom
f_thous <- function(x, relative = 0, digits = -3, prefix = "",
pad.char = ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' '), less.than.replace = FALSE, ...) {
#if (missing(pad.char)) pad.char <- ifelse(prefix == '', NA, ' ')
neglocs <- x < 0
digits <- digits + relative
nas <-
if (relative > 0) {
x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", 3 + digits, "f"), round(x, digits)/1e+03)
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(x, "K"))
} else {
x <- gsub("^0.", ".", paste0(drop_sci_note(round(x, digits)/1e+03), "K"))
digit_warn(x, 'f_mills', 3)
x <- ifelse(x == '.', '0K', x)
if (! x <- f_pad_zero(x, width = max(nchar(x)), pad.char = pad.char)
out <- paste0(prefix, x)
if (isTRUE(less.than.replace)){
neglocs <- neglocs & grepl('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', out)
out <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(0.?0*)([TKBM])', '\\1<1\\3', out)
out[neglocs] <- gsub('(^[^0-9]*\\s*)(<)(\\d+[TKBM])', '\\1>-\\3', out[neglocs])
mc <- max(nchar(out[!grepl('(>|<)', out)]))
repls <- out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc]
if (length(repls) > 0) {
repls <- strsplit(sub('\\s+', 'splitherenumform', repls), 'splitherenumform')
out[grepl('(>|<)', out) & nchar(out) > mc] <- unlist(lapply(repls, function(x){
tms <- mc - nchar(paste(x, collapse =''))
if (tms > 0){
spc <- paste(rep(' ', ), collapse = '')
} else {
spc <- ''
paste0(x[1], spc, x[2])
out[nas] <- NA
#' @export
#' @include utils.R
#' @rdname f_denom
ff_thous <- functionize(f_thous)
digit_check <- function(x, digits = 3){
any(nchar(gsub("(^\\d+)(\\.|[TKBM])(.*$)", "\\1", x)) > digits)
digit_warn <- function(x, next_ver = "f_mills", digits = 3){
if (digit_check(x, digits)) {
"Detected one or more elements with a larger denomination.\n Consider using `",
"` function instead."
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