
Defines functions outbreaker_move

## #' Movements of augmented data and parameters for o2geosocial
## #'
## #' This function moves all parameters for o2geosocial
## #'
## #' @author Initial version by Thibaut Jombart, rewritten by Alexis Robert (\email{alexis.robert@lshtm.ac.uk})
## #'
## #'
## #' @param moves a list of movement functions as returned by \code{bind_moves}
## #'     (internal function)
## #'
## #' @param param a list of parameters as returned by
## #'     \code{create_param}
## #'
## #' @param densities a list containing lists of functions computing densities,
## #'     named: 'loglike' (log-likelihoods), 'priors' and 'posteriors'
## #'
## #' @return a potentially modified list of parameters as returned by
## #'     \code{create_param}
## #'
outbreaker_move <- function(moves, data, param_current,
                            param_store, config,
                            likelihoods, priors) {
  ## get number of moves ##
  J <- length(moves)
  if(config$find_import == TRUE){
    ## Define individual likelihood matrix
    n_measures <- sum(seq(0, config$n_iter, config$sample_every) > 0)
    if(config$sample_every != 1) n_measures = n_measures + 1
    influences <- matrix(0, ncol = data$N, nrow = n_measures)
    colnames(influences) <- 1:data$N
    influences[1,] <- - vapply(seq_len(data$N), function(case) 
      (cpp_ll_all(data = data,config = config,
                  param = param_current,
                  i = case, custom_functions = likelihoods)
  ## RUN MCMC ##
  for (i in seq.int(2, config$n_iter, 1)) {
    ## move parameters / augmented data
    for (j in seq_len(J)) {
      ## move parameters
      param_current <- moves[[j]](param_current)
    ## store outputs and influence if needed
    if ((i %% config$sample_every) == 0) {
      param_store <- outbreaker_mcmc_store(param_current, param_store, data,
                                           config, likelihoods, priors, i)
      if(config$verbatim == TRUE){
        influence_i <- - vapply(seq_len(data$N), function(case) 
          (cpp_ll_all(data = data,config = config, param = param_current, i = case,
                      custom_functions = likelihoods)
          ), numeric(1))
        message(paste0("Iteration number: ", i, "/", config$n_iter,
                       "|| likelihood = ", round(sum(influence_i), 2)))
      if(config$find_import == TRUE){
        counter <- i / config$sample_every + 1
        if(config$sample_every == 1) counter <- i
        influences[counter,] <- - vapply(seq_len(data$N), function(case) 
          (cpp_ll_all(data = data,config = config,
                      param = param_current, i = case,
                      custom_functions = likelihoods)
          ), numeric(1))
  } # end of the chain

  if(config$find_import == TRUE){
    ## Remove unlikely transmission links
    # Define threshold
    threshold <- -log(config$outlier_threshold)*5
    bad_ancestor <- rep(threshold, data$N)
    #Compare threshold to influence
    bad_ancestor_matrix <- (influences)<(bad_ancestor)
    # In cases where the likelihood in worst than the threshold, the transmission link is removed
    bad_ancestor_matrix[bad_ancestor_matrix == FALSE] <- NA
    bad_ancestor_list <- split(x = t(bad_ancestor_matrix), 
                               rep(1:(n_measures), each = data$N))
    # Update alpha and kappa
    param_store$alpha <- Map("*", param_store$alpha, bad_ancestor_list)
    param_store$kappa <- Map("*", param_store$kappa, bad_ancestor_list)
  ## output is a list of saved chain states

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o2geosocial documentation built on Sept. 11, 2021, 9:07 a.m.