
Defines functions ir_parse_expr_rhs_expression_sum ir_parse_arrays_dims ir_parse_arrays_collect ir_parse_arrays_check_dim ir_parse_arrays_check_usage2 ir_parse_arrays_check_usage ir_parse_arrays

## TODO: there is *heaps* of error checking still do do in here.  We
## need to at least:
## * do most of the checks in odin_parse_arrays_nd
## * avoid joining multiline delays etc (odin_parse_arrays_1)
## * check usage of length and dim (odin_parse_arrays_check_dim)
## * check dimension of rhs usage (odin_parse_arrays_check_rhs)
## * later on, we need to test for time dependent dimension
##   calculations - they should not be possible; that suggests that we
##   do need to keep some reference to the dimension-ness of things
##   later on here.
## However, not implementing these for now because they're simply
## checking that we're not going to generate bad code.  Once
## generation is working for well-behaved cases we'll work back
## through the bad cases.

## Combine array expressions into a single set of expressions.  This
## means that the pair:
## > x[1] <- ...
## > x[2:n] <- ...
## will get grouped together as a single x.  All dependencies of the
## expression will be combined, and the source reference also gets
## updated.
## The dim() calls get written out as a new group of data elements;
## we'll sort that out here too.
ir_parse_arrays <- function(eqs, variables, include, source) {
  ir_parse_arrays_check_indices(eqs, source)
  eqs <- ir_parse_arrays_find_integers(eqs, variables, source)

  ir_parse_arrays_check_usage(eqs, source)

  is_dim <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) identical(x$lhs$special, "dim"))
  ## TODO: this needs properly testing elsewhere, but we rely on it here.

  ## At this point, we should resolve the DAG of dimensions properly.
  ## Dimensions can be resolved to the possible types:
  ## * user()
  ## * expression or c that involves "Easy" things
  ## * length(x)
  ## * dim(x)
  ## * c(...) // length or c
  ## It's not clear that this will produce the best error messages and
  ## we should try to see what happens with something like:
  ## > dim(a) <- dim(b)
  ## > dim(b) <- dim(a)
  ## because I think that is probably not well dealt with.
  ## The approach here should cope with
  ## > dim(x) <- c(dim(a), dim(b))
  dims_nms <- names(eqs[is_dim])
  deps <- lapply(eqs[is_dim], function(x)
    intersect(x$depends$variables, dims_nms))
  dims <- topological_order(deps)

  output <- ir_parse_find_exclusive_output(eqs, source)
  for (eq in eqs[dims]) {
    eqs <- ir_parse_arrays_collect(eq, eqs, variables, output, source)

  for (eq in eqs[vcapply(eqs, "[[", "type") == "copy"]) {
    eqs[[eq$name]]$array <- eqs[[eq$lhs$name_data]]$array

  ir_parse_arrays_check_usage2(eqs, include, source)


## Just for throws
ir_parse_arrays_check_usage <- function(eqs, source) {
  is_dim <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) identical(x$lhs$special, "dim"))
  is_array <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "expression_array")
  is_inplace <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "expression_inplace")
  is_interpolate <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "interpolate")
  is_user <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "user")
  is_copy <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "copy")
  is_delay <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "delay")
  is_config <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) x$type == "config")
  is_delay_array <- vlapply(eqs, function(x)
    x$type == "delay" && !is.null(x$lhs$index))
  name_data <- vcapply(eqs, function(x) x$lhs$name_data)

  ## First, check that every variable that is an array is always
  ## assigned as an array:
  ## TODO: is_interpolate might be too lax here - in general this
  ## check is probably not ideal in the new approach.
  err <- !(is_array | is_inplace | is_dim | is_user | is_copy |
           is_delay_array | is_interpolate) & name_data %in% name_data[is_dim]
  if (any(err)) {
      sprintf("Array variables must always assign as arrays (%s)",
              paste(unique(name_data[err]), collapse = ", ")),
      ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[err]), source)

  ## Prevent:
  ## > x[] <- user()
  ## > x[1] <- 1
  ## And similar for delays and interpolated variables.  The message
  ## for output is not as nice.
  prevent <- list("user()" = is_user,
                  "interpolate()" = is_interpolate,
                  "delay()" = is_delay,
                  "direct output" = is_copy,
                  "in-place equations" = is_inplace)
  check <- is_duplicated(names(eqs))
  for (i in names(prevent)) {
    err <- check & prevent[[i]]
    if (any(err)) {
        sprintf("%s may only be used on a single-line array", i),
        ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[names(eqs) %in% names_if(err)]), source)

  ## Then, start checking for duplicates:
  err <- is_duplicated(names(eqs)) & !is_array & !is_inplace & !is_config
  if (any(err)) {
      sprintf("Duplicate entries must all be array assignments (%s)",
              paste(unique(name_data[err]), collapse = ", ")),
      ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[err]), source)

  err <- setdiff(name_data[is_array], name_data[is_dim])
  if (length(err) > 0L) {
      sprintf("Missing dim() call for %s, assigned as an array",
              paste(unique(err), collapse = ", ")),
      ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[name_data %in% err]), source)

ir_parse_arrays_check_usage2 <- function(eqs, include, source) {
  ## TODO: this feels really icky, but at least gets there.  What
  ## would be nicer in the longer term perhaps is something that flags
  ## the "canonical" version of a piece of data amongst equations.
  rank <- viapply(eqs, function(x) x$array$rank %||% 0L)
  names(rank) <- vcapply(eqs, function(x) x$lhs$name_data)
  rank <- rank[rank > 0 & !duplicated(names(rank))]

  for (eq in eqs) {
    ir_parse_arrays_check_dim(eq, rank, source)

  nms_arrays <- names(rank)

  is_int <- vlapply(eqs, function(x) identical(x$lhs$storage_type, "int"))
  int_arrays <- intersect(nms_arrays, vcapply(eqs[is_int], function(x)

  for (eq in eqs) {
    if (eq$type == "expression_scalar" || eq$type == "expression_inplace") {
      ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs(eq$rhs$value, rank, int_arrays, include,
                                eq, source)
    } else if (eq$type == "expression_array") {
      for (el in eq$rhs) {
        ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs(el$value, rank, int_arrays, include,
                                  eq, source)
    } else if (eq$type == "delay") {
      ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs(eq$rhs$value, rank, int_arrays, include,
                                eq, source)
      ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs(eq$delay$default, rank, int_arrays, include,
                                eq, source)
    } else {
      ## TODO: not sure what comes through here, or if this is correct
      ## at all.
      ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs(eq, rank, int_arrays, include, eq, source)

ir_parse_arrays_check_dim <- function(eq, rank, source) {
  ## Now, we need to collect and check all usages of length and check.
  ## If we extract all usages we can check them.
  throw <- function(fmt, ...) {
    ir_parse_error(sprintf(fmt, ...), eq$source, source)
  check <- function(x) {
    if (is.recursive(x)) {
      call <- x[[1L]]
      if (identical(call, quote(length))) {
        if (!is.symbol(x[[2L]])) {
          throw("argument to length must be a symbol")
        } else {
          nm <- as.character(x[[2L]])
          if (!(nm %in% names(rank))) {
            throw("argument to length must be an array (%s is not)", nm)
          } else if (rank[[nm]] != 1L) {
            throw("argument to length must be a 1-D array (%s is %d-D)",
                    nm, rank[[nm]])
      } else if (identical(call, quote(dim))) {
        if (!is.symbol(x[[2L]])) {
          throw("first argument to dim must be a symbol")
        } else {
          nm <- as.character(x[[2L]])
          if (!(nm %in% names(rank))) {
            throw("first argument to dim must be an array (%s is not)", nm)
          } else if (rank[[nm]] == 1L) {
            throw("dim() must not be used for 1D arrays (use length)")
          } else if (!is_integer_like(x[[3L]])) {
            throw("second argument to dim() must be an integer")
          } else if (x[[3L]] < 1 || x[[3L]] > rank[[nm]]) {
            throw("array index out of bounds, must be one of 1:%d", rank[[nm]])
      } else {
        lapply(x[-1L], check)

  ## TODO: We may need to check things like delays carefully because
  ## they have dependencies in a funny place. What would be better
  ## perhaps is if we separated out the variables from the functions
  ## that are used?  Or we can just check everything...
  uses_dim <-
    any(c("dim", "length") %in% eq$lhs$depends$functions) ||
    any(c("dim", "length") %in% eq$depends$functions)
  skip_types <- c("user", "copy", "interpolate", "expression_inplace")
  if (uses_dim) {
    if (eq$type == "expression_scalar") {
    } else if (eq$type == "expression_array") {
      for (el in eq$rhs) {
        for (i in el$index) {
    } else if (eq$type == "delay") {
      for (i in eq$rhs$index) {
    } else if (eq$type %in% skip_types) {
    } else {
      stop("unimplemented equation type [odin bug]") # nocov

## There are a couple of related things that I'm going to lump
## together here for a bit
## TODO: once everything is basically working, refactor this into its
## component pieces (of which there are several).
## The basic approach is solid I think; we start from a dim(x) call
## and check and combine all arrays assignments of x.  That has a
## wrinkle for cases where x is a variable (because we need to treat
## initial(x) and deriv(x) somewhat separately).
## We don't currently deal with user-sized arrays at all yet, nor
## dependent arrays (dim(x) <- dim(y); and these chains could run
## arbitrarily deep).
ir_parse_arrays_collect <- function(eq, eqs, variables, output, source) {
  user_dim <- eq$type == "user"
  if (user_dim) {
    if (eq$lhs$name_data %in% variables) {
        sprintf("Can't specify user-sized variables (for %s)",
        eq$source, source)

    ## Can't write dim(foo) <- user(1) because we'll always have a value
    if (!is.null(eq$user$default)) {
      ir_parse_error("Default in user dimension size not handled",
                     eq$source, source)
    ## Constraints on size are not supported (they will not scale well
    ## to multiple dimensions I suspect).
    if (!is.null(eq$user$min) || !is.null(eq$user$max)) {
      ir_parse_error("min and max are not supported for user dimensions",
                     eq$source, source)

    ## It's an error to use
    ## >  dim(foo) <- user()
    ## without specifying
    ## > foo[] <- user()
    ## > foo[, ] <- user()
    ## etc.
    eq_data <- eqs[[eq$lhs$name_data]]
    if (is.null(eq_data) || !(eq_data$type %in% c("user", "interpolate"))) {
        sprintf("No array assignment found for %s, but dim() found",
        eq$source, source)

    rank <- length(eq_data$lhs$index)
  } else if (is_call(eq$rhs$value, "length")) {
    parent <- deparse_str(eq$rhs$value[[2]])
    rank <- 1L
  } else if (is_call(eq$rhs$value, "dim")) {
    if (!is_integer_like(eq$rhs$value[[3]])) {
      ir_parse_error("Invalid dim call; expected integer second argument",
                     eq$source, source)
    rank <- 1L
  } else {
    if (is.symbol(eq$rhs$value) || is.numeric(eq$rhs$value)) {
      rank <- 1L
    } else if (is_call(eq$rhs$value, "c")) {
      value <- as.list(eq$rhs$value[-1L])
      ok <- vlapply(value, function(x)
        is.symbol(x) || is.numeric(x) || is_dim_or_length(x))
      if (!all(ok)) {
          "Invalid dim() rhs; c() must contain symbols, numbers or lengths",
          eq$source, source)
      rank <- length(ok)
      eq$depends$functions <- setdiff(eq$depends$functions, "c")
      eq$rhs$value <- if (rank == 1L) value[[1L]] else value
    } else {
      ir_parse_error("Invalid dim() rhs; expected numeric, symbol, user or c()",
                    eq$source, source)

  dims <- ir_parse_arrays_dims(eq, eqs, rank, variables, output)

  ## Eject the original dim() call and add our new equations
  eqs <- c(eqs[names(eqs) != eq$name], dims$eqs)

  i <- which(vlapply(eqs, function(x)
    x$lhs$name_data == eq$lhs$name_data &&
    x$type != "alloc" &&
    x$type != "copy"))

  if (length(i) == 0L) {
      "Array variable %s is never assigned; can't work out rank",
      eq$source, source)

  rank_used <- viapply(eqs[i], function(el) length(el$lhs$index))
  if (any(rank_used != rank)) {
    err <- ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[i][rank_used != rank])
      sprintf("Array dimensionality is not consistent (expected %d %s)",
              rank, ngettext(rank, "index", "indices")),
      err, source)

  excl <- INDEX[-seq_len(rank)]
  err <- lapply(eqs[i], function(el) intersect(excl, el$depends$variables))
  if (any(lengths(err) > 0)) {
    used <- paste(squote(unique(sort(unlist(err, TRUE, FALSE)))),
                  collapse = ", ")
      sprintf("Index variable %s not possible for array of rank %d",
              used, rank),
      ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[i][lengths(err) > 0]), source)

  join <- function(nms, eqs, depend_alloc = TRUE) {
    i <- which(names(eqs) %in% nms)
    use <- unname(eqs[i])
    eq_type <- vcapply(use, "[[", "type")
    eq_use <- use[[1]]
    if (eq_use$type == "expression_inplace") {
      ## pass
    } else if (eq_use$type == "delay") {
      eq_use$rhs$index <- eq_use$lhs$index
    } else if (eq_use$type != "user") {
      eq_use$rhs <- lapply(use, function(x)
        list(index = x$lhs$index, value = x$rhs$value))
      if (length(use) > 1L) {
        eq_use$depends <- join_deps(lapply(use, "[[", "depends"))
        eq_use$stochastic <- any(vlapply(use, "[[", "stochastic"))
        eq_use$source <- unlist(lapply(use, "[[", "source"), FALSE, FALSE)
    eq_use$lhs$index <- NULL
    eq_use$array <- list(rank = rank, dimnames = dims$dimnames)
    if (user_dim) {
      eq_use$depends <- NULL
      eq_use$user$dim <- TRUE
    } else {
      extra <- c(eq$name, if (depend_alloc) dims$alloc)
      eq_use$depends$variables <- union(eq_use$depends$variables, extra)

    eqs[[i[[1L]]]] <- eq_use
    if (length(i) > 1L) {
      eqs <- eqs[-i[-1L]]

  if (eq$lhs$name_data %in% variables) {
    j <- vcapply(eqs[i], function(x) x$lhs$special) %in% c("deriv", "update")
    eqs <- join(names(i)[j], eqs, FALSE)
    eqs <- join(names(i)[!j], eqs, FALSE)
  } else {
    eqs <- join(names(i), eqs, TRUE)


ir_parse_arrays_dims <- function(eq, eqs, rank, variables, output) {
  nm <- eq$lhs$name_data
  user_dim <- eq$type == "user"

  if (user_dim) {
    type <- "null"
    depends_dim <- list(functions = character(0), variables = nm)
  } else {
    type <- "expression_scalar"
    depends_dim <- eq$depends

  eq_length <- list(name = eq$name,
                    type = type,
                    lhs = list(name_lhs = eq$name,
                               name_data = eq$name,
                               name_equation = eq$name,
                               storage_type = "int",
                               dim = TRUE),
                    rhs = eq$rhs,
                    depends = depends_dim,
                    source = eq$source)
  dimnames <- list(length = eq_length$name, dim = NULL, mult = NULL)

  eq_dim <- eq_mult <- NULL
  if (rank > 1L) {
    f_eq_dim <- function(i) {
      d <- array_dim_name(nm, i)
        name = d,
        type = type,
        lhs = list(name_lhs = d, name_data = d, name_equation = d,
                   storage_type = "int", dim = TRUE),
        rhs = list(value = eq$rhs$value[[i]]),
        implicit = TRUE,
        source = eq$source,
        depends = depends_dim)
    eq_dim <- lapply(seq_len(rank), f_eq_dim)
    dimnames$dim <- lapply(eq_dim, "[[", "name")

    ## At this point, modify how we compute total length:
    dims <- lapply(dimnames$dim, as.name)
    eq_length$rhs$value <- r_fold_call("*", dims)
    eq_length$depends <- list(functions = character(0),
                              variables = list_to_character(dimnames$dim))

    ## Even more bits
    if (rank > 2L) {
      f_eq_mult <- function(i) {
        j <- seq_len(i - 1)
        d <- array_dim_name(nm, paste(j, collapse = ""))
        value <- r_fold_call("*", dims[j])
          name = d,
          type = "expression_scalar",
          lhs = list(name_lhs = d, name_data = d, name_equation = d,
                     storage_type = "int", dim = TRUE),
          rhs = list(value = r_fold_call("*", dims[j])),
          implicit = TRUE,
          source = eq$source,
          depends = list(functions = character(0),
                         variables = list_to_character(dimnames$dim[j])))
      eq_mult <- lapply(3:rank, f_eq_mult)
    dimnames$mult <- c(list("", dimnames$dim[[1]]),
                       lapply(eq_mult, "[[", "name"))

  no_alloc <-
    (user_dim && eqs[[eq$lhs$name_data]]$type != "interpolate") ||
    identical(eqs[[eq$lhs$name_data]]$type, "user") ||
    nm %in% output

  if (no_alloc) {
    eq_alloc <- NULL
  } else {
    nm_alloc <- if (nm %in% variables) initial_name(nm) else nm
    eq_alloc <- list(
      name = sprintf("alloc_%s", nm_alloc),
      type = "alloc",
      source = eq$source,
      depends = list(functions = character(0), variables = eq_length$name),
      lhs = list(name_lhs = nm_alloc, name_data = nm_alloc))

  eqs <- drop_null(c(list(eq_length, eq_alloc), eq_dim, eq_mult))
  names(eqs) <- vcapply(eqs, "[[", "name")

  list(eqs = eqs, dimnames = dimnames, alloc = eq_alloc$name)

ir_parse_expr_rhs_expression_sum <- function(rhs, line, source) {
  rewrite_sum <- function(x) {
    if (!is.recursive(x)) {
    } else if (is_call(x, "sum")) {
      target <- x[[2L]]
      if (is.name(target)) {
      if (is_call(target, "[")) {
        ## TODO: this whole block is pulled out of the old parse code
        ## and I think can be done more reasonably given we know where
        ## we're going.  For example, the check index could work
        ## directly with empty objects
        index <- as.list(target[-(1:2)]) # nolint
        target <- target[[2L]]
        is_empty <- vlapply(index, identical, quote(expr = )) # nolint
        if (any(is_empty)) {
          if (length(index) == 1L) {
            index[] <- list(bquote(1:length(.(target)))) # nolint
          } else {
            index[is_empty] <- lapply(as.numeric(which(is_empty)), function(i)
              bquote(1:dim(.(target), .(i))))
        tmp <- lapply(index, ir_parse_expr_lhs_check_index)
        ok <- vlapply(tmp, as.logical)
        if (!all(ok)) {
          msg <- paste0("\t\t", vcapply(tmp[!ok], attr, "message"),
                        collapse = "\n")
          ir_parse_error(sprintf("Invalid array use in sum():\n%s", msg),
                        line, source)
        f <- function(x) {
          min <- attr(x, "value_min")
          max <- attr(x, "value_max")
          list(if (is.null(min)) max else min, max)
        as.call(c(list(quote(odin_sum), target), unlist(lapply(tmp, f))))
      } else {
        ir_parse_error("Argument to sum must be a symbol or indexed array",
                      line, source)
    } else {
      x[-1L] <- lapply(x[-1L], rewrite_sum)


ir_parse_arrays_check_indices <- function(eqs, source) {
  ## Need to identify calls to length and dim return integers.  This
  ## could probably be extended a little bit to pick up on cases where
  ## the calls are dim() and length() calls joined by arithmetic
  ## operators (except '/')

  type <- vcapply(eqs, "[[", "type")
  is_dim <- type == "dim"
  is_array <- type == "expression_array"

  index_vars <- unique(unlist(c(
    lapply(eqs[is_dim], function(x) x$depends$variables),
    lapply(eqs[is_array], function(x) x$lhs$depends$variables),
    names_if(vlapply(eqs, function(x) is_dim_or_length(x$rhs$value))))))

  ## TODO: There are actually times where this might make sense,
  ## especially when applied in a conditional.  Now that array size is
  ## static(ish) this should be OK...
  ## TODO: this is all pretty awful and could be factored out to
  ## something much more reasonable.  It should be done perhaps after
  ## we compute stage, and then we can just test for any inappropriate
  ## time.
  ## TODO: step needs doing here too but in general this is just
  ## incorrect.  The correct thing to do is to check that all index
  ## accesses are not time dependent.
  ## The latter is going to be a bit of work but required for the
  ## eventual static checking of array access etc, so that can wait
  ## until we do it then.
  if (TIME %in% index_vars) {
    i <- which(is_array)[vlapply(eqs[is_array], function(x)
      any(TIME %in% x$lhs$depends$variables) ||
      any(TIME %in% x$rhs$depends$variables))]
    if (any(i)) {
      ir_parse_error("Array indices may not be time",
                    ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[i]), source)

  ## Determine which variables are array extents and indices; we'll
  ## flag these as integers.  At the same time we need to try and work
  ## out which of these are confusing (perhaps used as an argument to
  ## division).
  err <- intersect(index_vars, names_if(is_array))
  if (length(err) > 0L) {
    i <- which(is_array)[vlapply(eqs[is_array], function(x)
      any(err %in% x$lhs$depends$variables))]
    ir_parse_error(sprintf("Array indices may not be arrays (%s used)",
                  ir_parse_error_lines(eqs[i]), source)

ir_parse_arrays_find_integers <- function(eqs, variables, source) {
  ## TODO: duplicates the above
  type <- vcapply(eqs, "[[", "type")
  is_dim <- type == "dim"
  is_array <- type == "expression_array"
  is_inplace <- type == "expression_inplace"
  index_vars <- unique(unlist(c(
    lapply(eqs[is_dim], function(x) x$depends$variables),
    lapply(eqs[is_array], function(x) x$lhs$depends$variables),
    names_if(vlapply(eqs, function(x) is_dim_or_length(x$rhs$value))))))

  ## Set a data_type element (on the lhs) to int for all variables
  ## that are used as indices.  Here we'll throw in the index arrays
  ## too (treated separtately for now...)
  integer_arrays <- ir_parse_arrays_used_as_index(eqs)
  integer_inplace <- names_if(vlapply(eqs[is_inplace], function(x)
    any(deparse(x$rhs$value[[1]]) == c("rmultinom", "rmhyper"))))
  integer_vars <- unique(c(index_vars, integer_arrays, integer_inplace))

  err <- vcapply(eqs[integer_inplace], function(x) x$lhs$name_data) %in%
  if (any(err)) {
    ## TODO: this can be relaxed by using an additional variable
    tmp <- eqs[integer_inplace][err]
    rhs <- tmp[[1L]]$lhs$special
      sprintf("Can't use inplace integer expression in %s", rhs),
      ir_parse_error_lines(tmp), source)

  ## TODO: this is not ideal because it has the potential to set too
  ## many things to integers; in particular we don't want to set
  ## things like dimension calls; they should be size_t probably.
  name_data <- vcapply(eqs, function(x) x$lhs$name_data)
  for (i in which(name_data %in% integer_vars)) {
    if (!identical(eqs[[i]]$lhs$special, "dim")) {
      eqs[[i]]$lhs$storage_type <- "int"


## Any time that we have, within a rhs index, a vector that is
## indexed, that vector should be considered implicitly an integer
## vector.  This will hopefully be fairly rare.  This is probably
## part of the API that should be considered fairly open to change.
## Another option will be to flag types on arrays.  I could imagine
## doing:
## > type(x) <- "integer"
## But this should do for now.  Used in set_type above
ir_parse_arrays_used_as_index <- function(eqs) {
  check <- function(e, collector, in_index = FALSE) {
    if (is.recursive(e)) {
      if (is_call(e, quote(`[`))) {
        if (in_index) {
          tmp <- e[[2L]]
          if (is.symbol(tmp)) {
        in_index <- TRUE
      lapply(as.list(e[-1]), check, collector, in_index)
  check1 <- function(x, collector) {
    if ("[" %in% x$depends$functions) {
      check(x$rhs$value, collector)

  ret <- collector()
  lapply(eqs, check1, ret)

ir_parse_arrays_check_rhs <- function(rhs, rank, int_arrays, include, eq,
                                      source) {
  throw <- function(...) {
    ir_parse_error(sprintf(...), eq$source, source)

  ## TODO: check that the right number of indices are used when using sum?
  array_special_function <-
    c("sum", "odin_sum", "length", "dim", "interpolate",
      names(FUNCTIONS_INPLACE), include)
  nms <- names(rank)

  check <- function(e, array_special) {
    if (!is.recursive(e)) { # leaf
      if (!is.symbol(e)) { # A literal of some type
      } else if (is.null(array_special) && deparse(e) %in% nms) {
        throw("Array '%s' used without array index", deparse(e))
    } else if (is.symbol(e[[1L]])) {
      f_nm <- as.character(e[[1L]])
      if (identical(f_nm, "[")) {
        x <- deparse(e[[2L]])
        ijk <- as.list(e[-(1:2)]) # nolint
        if (x %in% nms) {
          if (length(ijk) != rank[[x]]) {
              "Incorrect dimensionality for '%s' in '%s' (expected %d)",
              x, deparse_str(e), rank[[x]])
          sym <- find_symbols(ijk)
          nok <- setdiff(sym$functions, VALID_ARRAY)
          if (length(nok) > 0L) {
              "Disallowed functions used for %s in '%s': %s",
              x, deparse_str(e), pastec(nok))
          nok <- intersect(sym$variables, setdiff(nms, int_arrays))
          if (length(nok) > 0L) {
            throw("Disallowed variables used for %s in '%s': %s",
                  x, deparse_str(e), pastec(nok))
          if ("" %in% sym$variables) {
            throw("Empty array index not allowed on rhs")
        } else {
          throw("Unknown array variable %s in '%s'", x, deparse_str(e))
      } else if (f_nm %in% include) {
        ## Suspends all further checking on user-supplied functions
      } else {
        if (f_nm == "rmultinom" || f_nm == "rmhyper") {
          arr_idx <- 2L
        } else {
          arr_idx <- 1L
        if (f_nm %in% array_special_function) {
          is_sum <- f_nm == "odin_sum"
          arr <- deparse(e[[arr_idx + 1L]])
          if (!(arr %in% nms)) {
            if (is_sum) {
              f_nm <- "sum" # For better error messages, rewrite back
            throw("Function '%s' requires array as argument %d", f_nm, arr_idx)
          if (is_sum) {
            rank_sum <- (length(e) - 2L) / 2L
            if (length(e) != 1 && rank_sum != rank[[arr]]) {
              throw("Incorrect dimensionality for '%s' in 'sum' (expected %d)",
                    arr, rank[[arr]])
          array_special <- f_nm
        } else {
          array_special <- NULL
        for (a in as.list(e[-1])) {
          if (!missing(a)) {
            check(a, array_special)

  check(rhs, NULL)
  invisible(NULL) # never return anything at all.

ir_parse_expr_lhs_check_index <- function(x) {
  seen <- counter()
  err <- collector()
  valid <- setdiff(VALID_ARRAY, ":")

  f <- function(x, max) {
    if (is.recursive(x)) {
      nm <- as.character(x[[1L]])
      if (identical(nm, ":")) {
        if (seen$get() > 0) {
          err$add("Multiple calls to ':' are not allowed")
        } else {
        if (max) {
          f(x[[3L]], max)
        } else {
          f(x[[2L]], max)
      } else {
        if (nm == "-" && length(x) == 2L) {
          err$add("Unary minus invalid in array calculation")
        } else if (!(nm %in% valid)) {
          err$add(paste("Invalid function in array calculation",
        as.call(c(list(x[[1L]]), lapply(x[-1L], f, max)))
    } else {
  g <- function(x) {
    if (is.recursive(x) && identical(x[[1]], quote(`(`))) x[[2L]] else x

  value_max <- f(x, TRUE)
  if (seen$get() > 0) { # check minimum branch
    value_min <- f(x, FALSE)
  } else {
    value_min <- NULL

  x <- unique(err$get())
  if (length(x) == 0L) {
    structure(TRUE, value_max = g(value_max), value_min = f(value_min))
  } else {
    structure(FALSE, message = x)

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odin documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.