
Defines functions update.fp_cell print.fp_cell to_wml.fp_cell format.fp_cell fp_cell update.fp_par print.fp_par to_wml.fp_par format.fp_par fp_par as.character.fp_tabs to_wml.fp_tabs fp_tabs as.character.fp_tab to_wml.fp_tab fp_tab print.fp_border update.fp_border fp_border update.fp_text print.fp_text to_wml.fp_text format.fp_text fp_text_lite fp_text is_character is_color is_bool is_positive_numeric check_set_class check_set_choice check_set_chr check_set_bool check_set_numeric check_set_integer check_spread_border check_set_border check_set_file check_set_pic check_set_color check_spread_integer

Documented in format.fp_cell format.fp_text fp_border fp_cell fp_par fp_tab fp_tabs fp_text fp_text_lite print.fp_cell print.fp_par print.fp_text update.fp_border update.fp_cell update.fp_par update.fp_text

# check properties helpers ----

check_spread_integer <- function(obj, value, dest) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (is.numeric(value) && length(value) == 1 && value >= 0) {
    for (i in dest) {
      obj[[i]] <- as.integer(value)
  } else {
    stop(varname, " must be a positive integer scalar.", call. = FALSE)

check_set_color <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (!is.color(value) && !is.na(value)) {
    stop(varname, " must be a valid color.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    obj[[varname]] <- value

check_set_pic <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (!grepl(pattern = "^rId[0-9]+", value)) {
    stop(varname, " must be a valid reference id: ", value, call. = FALSE)
  obj[[varname]] <- value
check_set_file <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (!file.exists(value)) {
    stop(varname, " must be a valid filename.", call. = FALSE)
  obj[[varname]] <- value
check_set_border <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (!inherits(value, "fp_border")) {
    stop(varname, " must be a fp_border object.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    obj[[varname]] <- value

check_spread_border <- function(obj, value, dest) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (!inherits(value, "fp_border")) {
    stop(varname, " must be a fp_border object.", call. = FALSE)
  for (i in dest) {
    obj[[i]] <- value

check_set_integer <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (is.na(value) || (is.numeric(value) && length(value) == 1 && value >= 0)) {
    obj[[varname]] <- as.integer(value)
  } else {
    stop(varname, " must be a positive integer scalar.", call. = FALSE)

check_set_numeric <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (is.na(value) || (is.numeric(value) && length(value) == 1 && value >= 0)) {
    obj[[varname]] <- as.double(value)
  } else {
    stop(varname, " must be a positive numeric scalar.", call. = FALSE)

check_set_bool <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (is.na(value) || (is.logical(value) && length(value) == 1)) {
    obj[[varname]] <- value
  } else {
    stop(varname, " must be a boolean", call. = FALSE)
check_set_chr <- function(obj, value) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  if (is.na(value) || (is.character(value) && length(value) == 1)) {
    obj[[varname]] <- value
  } else {
    stop(varname, " must be a string", call. = FALSE)

check_set_choice <- function(obj, value, choices) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))

  if (is.na(value)) {
    obj[[varname]] <- value
  } else {
    if (is.character(value) && length(value) == 1) {
      if (!value %in% choices) {
        stop(varname, " must be one of ",
          paste(shQuote(choices), collapse = ", "),
          call. = FALSE
      obj[[varname]] <- value
    } else {
      stop(varname, " must be a character scalar.", call. = FALSE)


check_set_class <- function(obj, value, cl) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(value))
  cl_str <- sprintf(" must be a %s object.", cl)
  if (!inherits(value, cl)) {
    stop(varname, cl_str, call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    obj[[varname]] <- value

default_rpr <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  font.size = NA_integer_,
  bold = as.logical(NA),
  italic = as.logical(NA),
  underlined = as.logical(NA),
  color = NA_character_,
  font.family = NA_character_,
  bold.cs = as.logical(NA),
  font.size.cs = NA_integer_,
  vertical.align = NA_character_,
  shading.color = NA_character_,
  hansi.family = NA_character_,
  eastasia.family = NA_character_,
  cs.family = NA_character_,
  lang.val = NA_character_,
  lang.eastasia = NA_character_,
  lang.bidi = NA_character_

is_positive_numeric <- function(x) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(x))
  test <- is.na(x) || (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && x >= 0)
  if (!test) {
    stop(varname, " must be a positive numeric scalar.", call. = FALSE)
is_bool <- function(x) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(x))
  test <- is.na(x) || (is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1)
  if (!test) {
    stop(varname, " must be a boolean.", call. = FALSE)
is_color <- function(x) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(x))
  test <- is.na(x) || is.color(x)
  if (!test) {
    stop(varname, " must be a valid color.", call. = FALSE)
is_character <- function(x) {
  varname <- as.character(substitute(x))
  test <- is.na(x) || (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)
  if (!test) {
    stop(varname, " must be a string", call. = FALSE)
# fp_text ----
#' @title Text formatting properties
#' @description Create a \code{fp_text} object that describes
#' text formatting properties.
#' @param color font color - a single character value specifying
#' a valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").
#' @param font.size font size (in point) - 0 or positive integer value.
#' @param bold is bold
#' @param italic is italic
#' @param underlined is underlined
#' @param font.family single character value. Specifies the font to
#' be used to format characters in the Unicode range (U+0000-U+007F).
#' @param cs.family optional font to be used to format
#' characters in a complex script Unicode range. For example, Arabic
#' text might be displayed using the "Arial Unicode MS" font.
#' @param eastasia.family optional font to be used to
#' format characters in an East Asian Unicode range. For example,
#' Japanese text might be displayed using the "MS Mincho" font.
#' @param hansi.family optional. Specifies the font to be used to format
#' characters in a Unicode range which does not fall into one of the
#' other categories.
#' @param vertical.align single character value specifying font vertical alignments.
#' Expected value is one of the following : default \code{'baseline'}
#' or \code{'subscript'} or \code{'superscript'}
#' @param shading.color shading color - a single character value specifying
#' a valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").
#' @return a \code{fp_text} object
#' @examples
#' fp_text()
#' fp_text(color = "red")
#' fp_text(bold = TRUE, shading.color = "yellow")
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
#' @seealso [ftext], [fpar]
#' @export
fp_text <- function(color = "black", font.size = 10,
                    bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, underlined = FALSE,
                    font.family = "Arial",
                    cs.family = NULL, eastasia.family = NULL, hansi.family = NULL,
                    vertical.align = "baseline",
                    shading.color = "transparent") {
  out <- default_rpr
  if (is_positive_numeric(font.size)) {
    out$font.size <- font.size
    out$font.size.cs <- font.size
  if (is_bool(bold)) {
    out$bold <- bold
    out$bold.cs <- bold
  if (is_bool(italic)) {
    out$italic <- italic
  if (is_bool(underlined)) {
    out$underlined <- underlined
  if (is_color(color)) {
    out$color <- color
  if (is_character(font.family)) {
    out$font.family <- font.family

  if (is.null(cs.family)) cs.family <- font.family
  if (is.null(eastasia.family)) eastasia.family <- font.family
  if (is.null(hansi.family)) hansi.family <- font.family
  if (is_character(cs.family)) {
    out$cs.family <- cs.family
  if (is_character(eastasia.family)) {
    out$eastasia.family <- eastasia.family
  if (is_character(hansi.family)) {
    out$hansi.family <- hansi.family

  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, value = vertical.align,
    choices = c("subscript", "superscript", "baseline")
  out <- check_set_color(out, shading.color)

  class(out) <- "fp_text"


#' @rdname fp_text
#' @description Function `fp_text_lite()` is generating properties
#' with only entries for the parameters users provided. The
#' undefined properties will inherit from the default settings.
#' @export
fp_text_lite <- function(
    color = NA, font.size = NA,
    font.family = NA, cs.family = NA, eastasia.family = NA, hansi.family = NA,
    bold = NA, italic = NA, underlined = NA,
    vertical.align = "baseline", shading.color = NA) {
    color = color, font.size = font.size,
    bold = bold, italic = italic, underlined = underlined,
    font.family = font.family, cs.family = cs.family, eastasia.family = eastasia.family, hansi.family = hansi.family,
    vertical.align = vertical.align, shading.color = shading.color

#' @rdname fp_text
#' @param format format type, wml for MS word, pml for
#' MS PowerPoint and html.
#' @param type output type - one of 'wml', 'pml', 'html', 'rtf'.
#' @export
format.fp_text <- function(x, type = "wml", ...) {
  stopifnot(length(type) == 1)
  stopifnot(type %in% c("wml", "pml", "html", "rtf"))

  if (type == "wml") {
  } else if (type == "pml") {
  } else if (type == "html") {
  } else if (type == "rtf") {
  } else {
    stop("unimplemented type")

#' @export
to_wml.fp_text <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
  format(x, type = "wml")

#' @param x \code{fp_text} object
#' @examples
#' print(fp_text(color = "red", font.size = 12))
#' @rdname fp_text
#' @export
print.fp_text <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- data.frame(
    font.size = as.double(x$font.size),
    italic = x$italic,
    bold = x$bold,
    underlined = x$underlined,
    color = x$color,
    shading = x$shading.color,
    fontname = x$font.family,
    fontname_cs = x$cs.family,
    fontname_eastasia = x$eastasia.family,
    fontname.hansi = x$hansi.family,
    vertical_align = x$vertical.align, stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @param object \code{fp_text} object to modify
#' @param ... further arguments - not used
#' @rdname fp_text
#' @export
update.fp_text <- function(object, color, font.size,
                           bold, italic, underlined,
                           font.family, cs.family, eastasia.family, hansi.family,
                           vertical.align, shading.color, ...) {
  if (!missing(font.size)) {
    object <- check_set_numeric(obj = object, font.size)
  if (!missing(bold)) {
    object <- check_set_bool(obj = object, bold)
  if (!missing(italic)) {
    object <- check_set_bool(obj = object, italic)
  if (!missing(underlined)) {
    object <- check_set_bool(obj = object, underlined)
  if (!missing(color)) {
    object <- check_set_color(object, color)
  if (!missing(font.family)) {
    object <- check_set_chr(object, font.family)
  if (!missing(cs.family)) {
    object <- check_set_chr(object, cs.family)
  if (!missing(eastasia.family)) {
    object <- check_set_chr(object, eastasia.family)
  if (!missing(hansi.family)) {
    object <- check_set_chr(object, hansi.family)
  if (!missing(vertical.align)) {
    object <- check_set_choice(
      obj = object, value = vertical.align,
      choices = c("subscript", "superscript", "baseline")
  if (!missing(shading.color)) {
    object <- check_set_color(object, shading.color)


# fp_border ----
border_styles <- c(
  "nil", "none", "solid", "single", "thick", "double", "dotted", "dashed",
  "dotDash", "dotDotDash", "triple", "thinThickSmallGap", "thickThinSmallGap",
  "thinThickThinSmallGap", "thinThickMediumGap", "thickThinMediumGap",
  "thinThickThinMediumGap", "thinThickLargeGap", "thickThinLargeGap",
  "thinThickThinLargeGap", "wave", "doubleWave", "dashSmallGap",
  "dashDotStroked", "threeDEmboss", "ridge", "threeDEngrave", "groove",
  "outset", "inset"

#' @title Border properties object
#' @description create a border properties object.
#' @param color border color - single character value (e.g. "#000000" or "black")
#' @param style border style - single character value : See Details for supported
#'  border styles.
#' @param width border width - an integer value : 0>= value
#' @details For Word output the following border styles are supported:
#' * "none" or "nil" - No Border
#' * "solid" or "single" - Single Line Border
#' * "thick" - Single Line Border
#' * "double" - Double Line Border
#' * "dotted" - Dotted Line Border
#' * "dashed" - Dashed Line Border
#' * "dotDash" - Dot Dash Line Border
#' * "dotDotDash" - Dot Dot Dash Line Border
#' * "triple" - Triple Line Border
#' * "thinThickSmallGap" - Thin, Thick Line Border
#' * "thickThinSmallGap" - Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "thinThickThinSmallGap" - Thin, Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "thinThickMediumGap" - Thin, Thick Line Border
#' * "thickThinMediumGap" - Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "thinThickThinMediumGap" - Thin, Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "thinThickLargeGap" - Thin, Thick Line Border
#' * "thickThinLargeGap" - Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "thinThickThinLargeGap" - Thin, Thick, Thin Line Border
#' * "wave" - Wavy Line Border
#' * "doubleWave" - Double Wave Line Border
#' * "dashSmallGap" - Dashed Line Border
#' * "dashDotStroked" - Dash Dot Strokes Line Border
#' * "threeDEmboss" or "ridge" - 3D Embossed Line Border
#' * "threeDEngrave" or "groove" - 3D Engraved Line Border
#' * "outset" - Outset Line Border
#' * "inset" - Inset Line Border
#' For HTML output only a limited amount of border styles are supported:
#' * "none" or "nil" - No Border
#' * "solid" or "single" - Single Line Border
#' * "double" - Double Line Border
#' * "dotted" - Dotted Line Border
#' * "dashed" - Dashed Line Border
#' * "threeDEmboss" or "ridge" - 3D Embossed Line Border
#' * "threeDEngrave" or "groove" - 3D Engraved Line Border
#' * "outset" - Outset Line Border
#' * "inset" - Inset Line Border
#' Non-supported Word border styles will default to "solid".
#' @examples
#' fp_border()
#' fp_border(color = "orange", style = "solid", width = 1)
#' fp_border(color = "gray", style = "dotted", width = 1)
#' @export
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
fp_border <- function(color = "black", style = "solid", width = 1) {
  out <- list()
  out <- check_set_numeric(obj = out, width)
  out <- check_set_color(out, color)
  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, style,
    choices = border_styles

  class(out) <- "fp_border"

#' @param object fp_border object
#' @param ... further arguments - not used
#' @rdname fp_border
#' @examples
#' # modify object ------
#' border <- fp_border()
#' update(border, style = "dotted", width = 3)
#' @export
update.fp_border <- function(object, color, style, width, ...) {
  if (!missing(color)) {
    object <- check_set_color(object, color)

  if (!missing(width)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, width)

  if (!missing(style)) {
    object <- check_set_choice(obj = object, style, choices = border_styles)


#' @export
print.fp_border <- function(x, ...) {
  msg <- paste0("line: color: ", x$color, ", width: ", x$width, ", style: ", x$style, "\n")

# tabs ----
#' @export
#' @title Tabulation mark properties object
#' @description create a tabulation mark properties setting object for Word
#' or RTF. Results can be used as arguments of [fp_tabs()].
#' Once tabulation marks settings are defined, tabulation marks can
#' be added with [run_tab()] inside a call to [fpar()] or
#' with `\t` within 'flextable' content.
#' @param pos Specifies the position of the tab stop (in inches).
#' @param style style of the tab. Possible values are:
#' "decimal", "left", "right" or "center".
#' @examples
#' fp_tab(pos = 0.4, style = "decimal")
#' fp_tab(pos = 1, style = "right")
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
fp_tab <- function(pos, style = "decimal") {
  out <- list()
  out <- check_set_numeric(obj = out, pos)
  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, style,
    choices = c(
      "decimal", "left", "right", "center"

  class(out) <- "fp_tab"

#' @export
to_wml.fp_tab <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
    "<w:tab w:val=\"%s\" w:leader=\"none\" w:pos=\"%.0f\"/>",
    x$style, inch_to_tweep(x$pos)
#' @export
as.character.fp_tab <- function(x, ...) {
  paste(x$style, x$pos, sep = "_")

#' @export
#' @title Tabs properties object
#' @description create a set of tabulation mark properties object for Word or RTF.
#' Results can be used as arguments `tabs` of [fp_par()] and will only have
#' effects in Word or RTF outputs.
#' Once a set of tabulation marks settings is defined, tabulation marks can
#' be added with [run_tab()] inside a call to [fpar()] or
#' with `\t` within 'flextable' content.
#' @param ... [fp_tab] objects
#' @examples
#' z <- fp_tabs(
#'   fp_tab(pos = 0.4, style = "decimal"),
#'   fp_tab(pos = 1, style = "decimal")
#' )
#' fpar(
#'   run_tab(), ftext("88."),
#'   run_tab(), ftext("987.45"),
#'   fp_p = fp_par(
#'     tabs = z
#'   )
#' )
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
fp_tabs <- function(...) {
  out <- list(...)
  if (length(out) > 0) {
    are_fp_tab <- sapply(out, inherits, "fp_tab")
    if (!all(are_fp_tab)) {
      stop("Function `fp_tabs()` only accept `fp_tab` objects as arguments.")

  class(out) <- "fp_tabs"

#' @export
to_wml.fp_tabs <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
  if (length(x) > 0) {
    paste0("<w:tabs>", do.call(paste0, lapply(x, to_wml)), "</w:tabs>")
  } else {

#' @export
as.character.fp_tabs <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x) > 0) {
    z <- lapply(x, as.character)
    z$sep <- "&"
    do.call(paste, z)
  } else {

# fp_par -----
#' @title Paragraph formatting properties
#' @description Create a \code{fp_par} object that describes
#' paragraph formatting properties.
#' @param text.align text alignment - a single character value, expected value
#' is one of 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'.
#' @param padding.bottom,padding.top,padding.left,padding.right paragraph paddings - 0 or positive integer value.
#' @param padding paragraph paddings - 0 or positive integer value. Argument \code{padding} overwrites
#' arguments \code{padding.bottom}, \code{padding.top}, \code{padding.left}, \code{padding.right}.
#' @param line_spacing line spacing, 1 is single line spacing, 2 is double line spacing.
#' @param border shortcut for all borders.
#' @param border.bottom,border.left,border.top,border.right \code{\link{fp_border}} for
#' borders. overwrite other border properties.
#' @param shading.color shading color - a single character value specifying
#' a valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").
#' @param keep_with_next a scalar logical. Specifies that the paragraph (or at least part of it) should be rendered
#' on the same page as the next paragraph when possible.
#' @param tabs NULL (default) for no tabulation marks setting
#' or an object returned by [fp_tabs()]. Note this can only have effect with Word
#' or RTF outputs.
#' @param word_style Word paragraph style name
#' @return a \code{fp_par} object
#' @examples
#' fp_par(text.align = "center", padding = 5)
#' @export
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
#' @seealso [fpar]
fp_par <- function(text.align = "left",
                   padding = 0,
                   line_spacing = 1,
                   border = fp_border(width = 0),
                   padding.bottom, padding.top,
                   padding.left, padding.right,
                   border.bottom, border.left,
                   border.top, border.right,
                   shading.color = "transparent",
                   keep_with_next = FALSE,
                   tabs = NULL,
                   word_style = "Normal") {
  out <- list()

  out <- check_set_color(out, shading.color)
  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, value = text.align,
    choices = c("left", "right", "center", "justify")
  # padding checking
  out <- check_spread_integer(
    out, padding,
      "padding.bottom", "padding.top",
      "padding.left", "padding.right"
  if (!missing(padding.bottom)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, padding.bottom)
  if (!missing(padding.left)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, padding.left)
  if (!missing(padding.top)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, padding.top)
  if (!missing(padding.right)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, padding.right)

  out <- check_set_numeric(obj = out, line_spacing)

  # border checking
  out <- check_spread_border(
    obj = out, border,
    dest = c(
      "border.bottom", "border.top",
      "border.left", "border.right"

  if (!missing(border.top)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.top)
  if (!missing(border.bottom)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.bottom)
  if (!missing(border.left)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.left)
  if (!missing(border.right)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.right)

  if (!is.null(tabs)) {
    out[["tabs"]] <- tabs

  out <- check_set_chr(obj = out, word_style)

  out$keep_with_next <- keep_with_next
  class(out) <- "fp_par"


#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
format.fp_par <- function(x, type = "wml", ...) {
  stopifnot(length(type) == 1)
  stopifnot(type %in% c("wml", "pml", "html", "rtf"))

  if (type == "wml") {
  } else if (type == "pml") {
  } else if (type == "html") {
  } else if (type == "rtf") {
  } else {
#' @export
to_wml.fp_par <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
  format(x, type = "wml")

#' @param x,object \code{fp_par} object
#' @param ... further arguments - not used
#' @rdname fp_par
#' @export
print.fp_par <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- data.frame(
    text.align = as.character(x$text.align),
    padding.top = as.character(x$padding.top),
    padding.bottom = as.character(x$padding.bottom),
    padding.left = as.character(x$padding.left),
    padding.right = as.character(x$padding.right),
    shading.color = as.character(x$shading.color)
  out <- as.data.frame(t(out))
  names(out) <- "values"
  borders <- rbind(
  row.names(borders) <- c("top", "bottom", "left", "right")

#' @rdname fp_par
#' @examples
#' obj <- fp_par(text.align = "center", padding = 1)
#' update(obj, padding.bottom = 5)
#' @export
update.fp_par <- function(object, text.align, padding, border,
                          padding.bottom, padding.top, padding.left, padding.right,
                          border.bottom, border.left, border.top, border.right,
                          shading.color, keep_with_next, word_style, ...) {
  if (!missing(text.align)) {
    object <- check_set_choice(
      obj = object, value = text.align,
      choices = c("left", "right", "center", "justify")
  if (!missing(word_style)) {
    object <- check_set_chr(obj = object, word_style)

  # padding checking
  if (!missing(padding)) {
    object <- check_spread_integer(
      object, padding,
        "padding.bottom", "padding.top",
        "padding.left", "padding.right"
  if (!missing(padding.bottom)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, padding.bottom)
  if (!missing(padding.left)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, padding.left)
  if (!missing(padding.top)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, padding.top)
  if (!missing(padding.right)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, padding.right)

  # border checking
  if (!missing(border)) {
    object <- check_spread_border(
      obj = object, border,
      dest = c(
        "border.bottom", "border.top",
        "border.left", "border.right"
  if (!missing(border.top)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.top)
  if (!missing(border.bottom)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.bottom)
  if (!missing(border.left)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.left)
  if (!missing(border.right)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.right)

  if (!missing(shading.color)) {
    object <- check_set_color(object, shading.color)
  if (!missing(keep_with_next)) {
    object <- check_set_bool(object, keep_with_next)


# fp_cell ----

vertical.align.styles <- c("top", "center", "bottom")
text.directions <- c("lrtb", "tbrl", "btlr")

#' @title Cell formatting properties
#' @description Create a \code{fp_cell} object that describes cell formatting properties.
#' @param border shortcut for all borders.
#' @param border.bottom,border.left,border.top,border.right \code{\link{fp_border}} for borders.
#' @param vertical.align cell content vertical alignment - a single character value,
#' expected value is one of "center" or "top" or "bottom"
#' @param margin shortcut for all margins.
#' @param margin.bottom,margin.top,margin.left,margin.right cell margins - 0 or positive integer value.
#' @param background.color cell background color - a single character value specifying a
#' valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").
#' @param text.direction cell text rotation - a single character value, expected
#' value is one of "lrtb", "tbrl", "btlr".
#' @param rowspan specify how many rows the cell is spanned over
#' @param colspan specify how many columns the cell is spanned over
#' @export
#' @family functions for defining formatting properties
fp_cell <- function(border = fp_border(width = 0),
                    border.bottom, border.left, border.top, border.right,
                    vertical.align = "center",
                    margin = 0,
                    margin.bottom, margin.top, margin.left, margin.right,
                    background.color = "transparent",
                    text.direction = "lrtb",
                    rowspan = 1,
                    colspan = 1) {
  out <- list()

  # border checking
  out <- check_spread_border(
    obj = out, border,
    dest = c(
      "border.bottom", "border.top",
      "border.left", "border.right"
  if (!missing(border.top)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.top)
  if (!missing(border.bottom)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.bottom)
  if (!missing(border.left)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.left)
  if (!missing(border.right)) {
    out <- check_set_border(obj = out, border.right)

  # background-color checking
  out <- check_set_color(out, background.color)

  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, value = vertical.align,
    choices = vertical.align.styles
  out <- check_set_choice(
    obj = out, value = text.direction,
    choices = text.directions

  # margin checking
  out <- check_spread_integer(
    out, margin,
      "margin.bottom", "margin.top",
      "margin.left", "margin.right"

  if (!missing(margin.bottom)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, margin.bottom)
  if (!missing(margin.left)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, margin.left)
  if (!missing(margin.top)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, margin.top)
  if (!missing(margin.right)) {
    out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, margin.right)

  out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, rowspan)
  out <- check_set_integer(obj = out, colspan)

  class(out) <- "fp_cell"

#' @export
#' @rdname fp_cell
#' @param x,object \code{fp_cell} object
#' @param type output type - one of 'wml', 'pml', 'html', 'rtf'.
#' @param ... further arguments - not used
format.fp_cell <- function(x, type = "wml", ...) {
  stopifnot(length(type) == 1)
  stopifnot(type %in% c("wml", "pml", "html", "rtf"))

  if (type == "wml") {
  } else if (type == "pml") {
  } else if (type == "html") {
  } else if (type == "rtf") {
  } else {

#' @export
to_wml.fp_cell <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, ...) {
  format(x, type = "wml")

#' @export
#' @rdname fp_cell
print.fp_cell <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, type = "html"))

#' @rdname fp_cell
#' @examples
#' obj <- fp_cell(margin = 1)
#' update(obj, margin.bottom = 5)
#' @export
update.fp_cell <- function(object, border,
                           border.bottom, border.left, border.top, border.right,
                           vertical.align, margin = 0,
                           margin.bottom, margin.top, margin.left, margin.right,
                           rowspan = 1,
                           colspan = 1, ...) {
  if (!missing(border)) {
    object <- check_spread_border(
      obj = object, border,
      dest = c(
        "border.bottom", "border.top",
        "border.left", "border.right"
  if (!missing(border.top)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.top)
  if (!missing(border.bottom)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.bottom)
  if (!missing(border.left)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.left)
  if (!missing(border.right)) {
    object <- check_set_border(obj = object, border.right)

  # background-color checking
  if (!missing(background.color)) {
    object <- check_set_color(object, background.color)

  if (!missing(vertical.align)) {
    object <- check_set_choice(
      obj = object, value = vertical.align,
      choices = vertical.align.styles
  if (!missing(text.direction)) {
    object <- check_set_choice(
      obj = object, value = text.direction,
      choices = text.directions

  # margin checking
  if (!missing(margin)) {
    object <- check_spread_integer(
      object, margin,
        "margin.bottom", "margin.top",
        "margin.left", "margin.right"

  if (!missing(margin.bottom)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, margin.bottom)
  if (!missing(margin.left)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, margin.left)
  if (!missing(margin.top)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, margin.top)
  if (!missing(margin.right)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, margin.right)

  if (!missing(rowspan)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, rowspan)
  if (!missing(colspan)) {
    object <- check_set_integer(obj = object, colspan)


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officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.