
Defines functions startDateColumn correctCdmFormat addOtherColumns addArgument getAvailableFunctions assertNamedList performChecks config checkInput

#' Check the input parameters in OMOP CDM Tools environment
#' @param ... Named elements to check. The name will determine the check that is
#' applied.
#' @param .options Other paramters needed to conduct the checks. It must be a
#' named list.
#' @param call The corresponding function call is retrieved and mentioned in
#' error messages as the source of the error.
#' @return Informative error and warnings messages if the inputs don't pass the
#' desired checks.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' }
checkInput <- function(..., .options = list(), call = parent.frame()) {
  inputs <- list(...)

  # check config
  toCheck <- config(inputs = inputs, .options = .options)

  # append options
  inputs <- append(inputs, .options)

  # perform checks
  performChecks(toCheck = toCheck, inputs = inputs, call = call)


config <- function(inputs, .options) {
  # check that inputs is a named list
  if (!assertNamedList(inputs)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Inputs must be named to know the check to be applied")

  # check that .options is a named list
  if (!assertNamedList(.options)) {
    cli::cli_abort(".options must be a named list")

  # check names in .options different from inputs
  if (any(names(.options) %in% names(inputs))) {
    cli::cli_abort("Option names can not be the same than an input.")

  # read available functions
  availableFunctions <- getAvailableFunctions() |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$input %in% names(inputs))

  # check if we can check all inputs
  notAvailableInputs <- names(inputs)[
    !(names(inputs) %in% availableFunctions$input)
  if (length(notAvailableInputs) > 0) {
      "The following inputs are not able to be tested: ",
      paste0(notAvailableInputs, collapse = ", ")

  # check if we have all the needed arguments
  availableFunctions <- availableFunctions |>
    dplyr::mutate(available_argument = list(c(names(inputs), names(.options)))) |>
    dplyr::rowwise() |>
      available_argument = list(.data$argument[
        .data$argument %in% .data$available_argument
      missing_argument = list(.data$required_argument[!(
        .data$required_argument %in% .data$available_argument
    ) |>
    dplyr::mutate(missing_argument_flag = length(.data$missing_argument))
  if (sum(availableFunctions$missing_argument_flag) > 0) {
    arguments <- availableFunctions |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$missing_argument_flag == 1) |>
      dplyr::mutate(error = paste0(
        "- function: ", .data$package, "::", .data$name, "(); missing argument: ",
        paste0(.data$missing_argument, collapse = ", ")
      )) |>
    cli::cli_abort(c("x" = "Some required arguments are missing:", arguments))

  # return
  availableFunctions |>
    dplyr::select("package", "name", "available_argument")
performChecks <- function(toCheck, inputs, call = call) {
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(toCheck))) {
    x <- toCheck[k, ]
    nam <- ifelse(
      x$package == "omock", x$name, paste0(x$package, "::", x$name)
    eval(parse(text = paste0(nam, "(", paste0(
      unlist(x$available_argument), " = inputs[[\"",
      unlist(x$available_argument), "\"]]",
      collapse = ", "
    ), ", call = call)")))
assertNamedList <- function(input) {
  if (!is.list(input)) {
  if (length(input) > 0) {
    if (!is.character(names(input))) {
    if (length(names(input)) != length(input)) {

#' get available functions to check the inputs
#' @noRd
getAvailableFunctions <- function() {
  # functions available in omock
  name <- ls(getNamespace("omock"), all.names = TRUE)
  functionsomock <- dplyr::tibble(package = "omock", name = name)

  # functions available in source package
  packageName <- methods::getPackageName()
  if (packageName != ".GlobalEnv") {
    name <- getNamespaceExports(packageName)
    functionsSourcePackage <- dplyr::tibble(package = packageName, name = name)
  } else {
    functionsSourcePackage <- dplyr::tibble(
      package = character(), name = character()

  # eliminate standard checks if present in source package
  functions <- functionsomock |>
    dplyr::anti_join(functionsSourcePackage, by = "name") |>
    dplyr::union_all(functionsSourcePackage) |>
      substr(.data$name, 1, 5) == "check" & .data$name != "checkInput"
    ) |>
    dplyr::mutate(input = paste0(
      tolower(substr(.data$name, 6, 6)),
      substr(.data$name, 7, nchar(.data$name))

  # add argument
  functions <- addArgument(functions, exclude = "call")


#' Add argument of the functions and if they have a default or not
#' @noRd
addArgument <- function(functions, exclude = character()) {
  functions |>
    dplyr::rowwise() |>
    dplyr::group_split() |>
    lapply(function(x) {
      nam <- ifelse(
        x$package == "omock", x$name, paste0(x$package, "::", x$name)
      argument <- formals(eval(parse(text = nam)))
      argument <- argument[!names(argument) %in% exclude]
      requiredArgument <- lapply(argument, function(x) {
        xx <- x
      requiredArgument <- names(requiredArgument)[unlist(requiredArgument)]
      x |>
          argument = list(names(argument)),
          required_argument = list(requiredArgument)
    }) |>

#' Add other columns to omop cdm tables
#' @noRd
addOtherColumns <- function(table, tableName) {

  colToAdd <-
    base::setdiff(omopgenerics::omopColumns(tableName, onlyRequired = FALSE),

  for (col in colToAdd) {
    table[[col]] <- NA



#' Format columns of omop table to correct format
#' @noRd
correctCdmFormat <- function(table, tableName) {
  formatTable <- cdmTable |> dplyr::filter(.data$cdmTableName == tableName)

  for (i in 1:nrow(formatTable)) {
    colName <- formatTable$cdmFieldName[i]
    colType <- formatTable$cdmDatatype[i]

    if (colName %in% colnames(table)) {
      if (colType == "integer") {
        table[[colName]] <- as.integer(table[[colName]])

      if (colType == "date") {
        table[[colName]] <- as.Date(table[[colName]])


      if (colType == "datetime") {
        table[[colName]] <-
          as.POSIXct(table[[colName]], format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

      if (colType == "float") {
        table[[colName]] <- as.numeric(table[[colName]])

      if (grepl("varchar", colType)) {
        table[[colName]] <- as.character(table[[colName]])




#' get column start date
#' @noRd
startDateColumn <- function(tableName) {
  if (tableName %in% namesTable$table_name) {
    return(namesTable$start_date_name[namesTable$table_name == tableName])
  } else {

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omock documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:20 a.m.