test_that("test assertCharacter", {
# class
# minimum characters
expect_error(assertCharacter("xcz", minNumCharacter = 4))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("", "asdfsgdg", "xcz", "dafcdfgdv"), minNumCharacter = 4))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("", NA, "asdfsgdg", "xcz", "dafcdfgdv"), minNumCharacter = 4, na = TRUE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertCharacter("xcz", null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("xcz", "adsddaxcsdc"), null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter("xcz", null = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(NULL, null = FALSE))
# length
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), length = 2))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), length = 3))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), length = 4))
# na
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = FALSE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE))
# unique
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), unique = TRUE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE, unique = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), unique = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE, unique = FALSE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "sadf", "asdsef"), unique = TRUE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE, unique = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "sadf", "asdsef"), unique = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE, unique = FALSE))
# named
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("asd" = "sadsf", "ascv scvd"), named = FALSE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("asd" = "sadsf", "ascv scvd"), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("asd" = "sadsf", "sad" = "ascv scvd"), named = TRUE))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("asd" = "sadsf", "sad" = "ascv scvd", NA), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertCharacter(c("asd" = "sadsf", "sad" = "ascv scvd", "asd" = NA), named = TRUE, na = TRUE))
# msg
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", "sadf", "asdsef"), length = 2, msg = "my custom message"))
expect_error(assertCharacter(c("affac", NA, NA, "sadf", "sadf", "asdsef", NA), na = TRUE, unique = TRUE, msg = character()))
myVariable <- 1
test_that("test assertChoice", {
# null
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("a", "f"), choices = letters, null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, null = FALSE))
expect_error(assertChoice(NULL, choices = letters, null = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(NULL, choices = letters, null = TRUE))
# class
expect_error(assertChoice(1, choices = letters))
# length
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, length = 1))
expect_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, length = 2))
# na
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("a", NA), choices = letters, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, na = FALSE))
expect_error(assertChoice(c("a", NA), choices = letters, na = FALSE))
# unique
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, unique = TRUE))
expect_error(assertChoice(c("a", "b", "a"), choices = letters, unique = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, unique = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("a", "b", "a"), choices = letters, unique = FALSE))
# named
expect_error(assertChoice(c("a"), choices = letters, named = TRUE))
expect_error(assertChoice(c("a","xc" = "b"), choices = letters, named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("sdaf" = "a", "xc" = "b"), choices = letters, named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("a"), choices = letters, named = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("a","xc" = "b"), choices = letters, named = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertChoice(c("sdaf" = "a", "xc" = "b"), choices = letters, named = FALSE))
# choice
expect_no_error(assertChoice("a", choices = letters, unique = TRUE))
expect_error(assertChoice(c("a", "b", "asdfv"), choices = letters, unique = TRUE))
test_that("test assertClass", {
x1 <- 1
class(x1) <- c("ref", "raf")
x2 <- c(1, 1)
class(x2) <- c("raf", "ref")
x3 <- 1
class(x3) <- "ref"
# class
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, "ref"))
expect_error(assertClass(x1, "rof"))
# length
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, "ref", length = 1))
expect_error(assertClass(x2, "ref", length = 1))
expect_error(assertClass(x1, "ref", length = 2))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x2, "ref", length = 2))
# null
expect_no_error(assertClass(NULL, "ref", null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertClass(NULL, "ref", null = FALSE))
# all and extra
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, "ref"))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x2, "ref"))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x3, "ref"))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x2, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = TRUE))
expect_error(assertClass(x3, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, c("ref", "raf"), all = FALSE, extra = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x2, c("ref", "raf"), all = FALSE, extra = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x3, c("ref", "raf"), all = FALSE, extra = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x1, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x2, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = FALSE))
expect_error(assertClass(x3, c("ref", "raf"), all = TRUE, extra = FALSE))
expect_error(assertClass(x1, "ref", all = FALSE, extra = FALSE))
expect_error(assertClass(x2, "ref", all = FALSE, extra = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertClass(x3, "ref", all = FALSE, extra = FALSE))
test_that("test assertList", {
# not list
# length
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, "wd"), length = 2))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, "wd"), length = 3))
# na
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, NA, "ws"), na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, NA, "ws"), na = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(c(1, NA), 2, "ws"), na = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(NA), class = "character", na = TRUE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertList(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, "wd"), null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertList(NULL, null = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, "wd"), null = FALSE))
# unique
expect_error(assertList(list(1, 2, NA, 2), unique = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, 2, NA, 2), unique = FALSE, na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, 2, NA, NA), unique = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, 2, NA, NA), unique = FALSE, na = TRUE))
# named
expect_error(assertList(list("sa"= 1, 2), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list("sa"= 1, "xzc" = 2), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list("sa"= 1, 2), named = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertList(list("sa"= 1, "xzc" = 2), named = FALSE))
# class
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, 2), class = "numeric"))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, 2), class = "character"))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, 2), class = c("character", "numeric")))
expect_error(assertList(list("1", "2"), class = "numeric"))
expect_no_error(assertList(list("1", "2"), class = "character"))
expect_no_error(assertList(list("1", "2"), class = c("character", "numeric")))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, "2"), class = "numeric"))
expect_error(assertList(list(1, "2"), class = "character"))
expect_no_error(assertList(list(1, "2"), class = c("character", "numeric")))
#check tibble
test_that("test assertLogical", {
# not logical
# length
expect_error(assertLogical(TRUE, length = 5))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c(T, T, F, F ,F), length = 5))
# na
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c(TRUE, NA), na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c(TRUE, F), na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertLogical(c(TRUE, NA), na = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c(TRUE, F), na = FALSE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertLogical(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertLogical(NULL, null = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(TRUE, null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(TRUE, null = FALSE))
# named
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c("qwd" = TRUE), named = TRUE))
expect_error(assertLogical(TRUE, named = TRUE))
expect_error(assertLogical(c("qwd" = TRUE, FALSE), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertLogical(c("qwd" = TRUE, "saz" = FALSE), named = TRUE))
test_that("test assertNumeric", {
# not numeric
# integerish
expect_error(assertNumeric(1.5, integerish = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1L, integerish = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1, integerish = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(1, Inf), integerish = TRUE))
expect_no_warning(assertNumeric(Inf, integerish = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(1, NA), integerish = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, NA, 0.5), integerish = TRUE, na = TRUE))
# min
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1.5, min = 1))
expect_error(assertNumeric(1.5, min = 2))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1L, min = 1))
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, 5), min = 2))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(8, 4, 5), min = 2))
# max
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1.5, max = 2))
expect_error(assertNumeric(1.5, max = 1))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(1L, max = 1))
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, 5), max = 2))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(8, 4, 5), max = 20))
# length
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4), length = 1))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4), length = 2))
# na
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, NA), na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, NA), na = FALSE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertNumeric(NULL, null = FALSE))
# unique
expect_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, NA, 1), unique = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c(1, 4, NA, 1), unique = FALSE, na = TRUE))
# named
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c("1wq"= 1), named = TRUE))
expect_error(assertNumeric(c("qw2"= 1, NA), named = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c("qw2"= 1, "saca" = NA), named = TRUE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c("1wq"= 1), named = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c("qw2"= 1, NA), named = FALSE, na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertNumeric(c("qw2"= 1, "saca" = NA), named = FALSE, na = TRUE))
test_that("test assertTable", {
# class
expect_error(assertTable(list(), class = "data.frame"))
expect_no_error(assertTable(data.frame(), class = "data.frame"))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(), class = "data.frame"))
expect_error(assertTable(data.frame(), class = "tbl"))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(), class = "tbl"))
expect_error(assertTable(list(), class = c("data.frame", "tbl")))
expect_no_error(assertTable(data.frame(), class = c("data.frame", "tbl")))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(), class = c("data.frame", "tbl")))
# numberColumns
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(), numberColumns = 0))
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(), numberColumns = 1))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(a = 1), numberColumns = 1))
# numberRows
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(a = 1), numberRows = 2))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(a = c(1, 3)), numberRows = 2))
# columns
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(a = 1), columns = c("b")))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = c(1, 3)), columns = c("b")))
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = c(1, 3), a = 1), columns = c("b", "s")))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = c(1, 3), a = 1, s = 2), columns = c("b", "s")))
# allowExtraColumns
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = 1, a = 1), columns = c("b"), allowExtraColumns = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = 1), columns = c("b"), allowExtraColumns = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = 1, a = 1), columns = c("b"), allowExtraColumns = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = 1), columns = c("b"), allowExtraColumns = TRUE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertTable(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertTable(NULL, null = FALSE))
# unique
expect_no_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = c(1, 1), a = c(1, 1)), unique = FALSE))
expect_error(assertTable(dplyr::tibble(b = c(1, 1), a = c(1, 1)), unique = TRUE))
test_that("test assertDate", {
# is date
date <- as.Date(c("1950-01-01", "2000-12-31"))
# length
expect_no_error(assertDate(date, length = 2))
expect_error(assertDate(date, length = 1))
expect_error(assertDate(date, length = 3))
# length
expect_no_error(assertDate(c(date, NA), na = TRUE))
expect_error(assertDate(c(date, NA), na = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(c(date), na = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(c(date), na = FALSE))
# null
expect_no_error(assertDate(NULL, null = TRUE))
expect_error(assertDate(NULL, null = FALSE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(date, null = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(date, null = FALSE))
# unique
expect_no_error(assertDate(date, unique = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(date, unique = FALSE))
expect_error(assertDate(c(date, date), unique = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(c(date, date), unique = FALSE))
# named
expect_no_error(assertDate(c("a" = as.Date("1993-04-19")), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(c("a" = as.Date("1993-04-19")), named = FALSE))
expect_error(assertDate(as.Date("1993-04-19"), named = TRUE))
expect_no_error(assertDate(as.Date("1993-04-19"), named = FALSE))
test_that("benchmark code", {
nrep <- 10L # number repetitions
# no error
for (k in seq_len(nrep)) {
x <- tictoc::toc(quiet = TRUE)
timeNoError <- x$toc - x$tic
# error
for (k in seq_len(nrep)) {
x <- tictoc::toc(quiet = TRUE)
timeError <- x$toc - x$tic
expect_true(timeNoError < timeError)
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