#' Online change point detection algorithm
#' for normally distributed data.
#' @param x the normalized data
#' @param theta the probability of occurrence of a change point, default 0.9
#' @param alpha the hyperparameter of posterior distribution, default 1.0
#' @param beta the hyperparameter of posterior distribution, default 1.0
#' @param th_cp threshold level for the posterior distribution of change point, default 0.5
#' @param debug a logical value, when TRUE, will print more information
# alpha: 1 #
# beta: (0.5, 1) #
# th_cp: threshold level for the posterior distribution of #
# change point #
# recommended value 0.5 #
# #
#' @return An object of the BayesCP class
#' @export
online_cp <- function(x, theta = 0.9, alpha = 1, beta = 1, th_cp = 0.5, debug = FALSE) {
# theta=0.90; # theta=(1-H)-> H=0.10 hazard function is taken to be geometric or exponential with theta
# alpha=1; beta=1 # these are the values of pior distribution's parameters
p_ct=array(0,dim=c(n)); # i=ct=0,1,2,...,t-1; p_ct: the probability of ct
# t=1,2,...,n
p_cs=array(0,dim=c(n)); # s=t+1; j=0,1,2,...,t; p_cs: the probability of ct+1
max_p=array(0, dim=c(n,3)); # keeps max probability and change point locations
p_ct[t]=1; j=0; tau=0
while (t<n){ # 1st loop
j=tau; # it is required for 2nd loop "while (j<=t)"
if(debug && t %% 100 == 0) cat("processing data point ",t,"\n")
w1=array(0,dim=c(t)) #
while (j<=t){ # 2nd loop
if (j<t){
if (is.nan(w1[j+1])==TRUE | is.infinite(w1[j+1])==TRUE) {w1[j+1]=0}
else {
w2=((2^alpha)*gamma(us3))/(sqrt(2*pi)*(a3 + 2*beta)^us3)
# cat("p_cs", p_cs[j+1], "\n")
j=j+1 # it is required for 2nd loop
} # end of 2nd loop
# max_p[t,2]=which.max(p_ct)-1 # orginal code
if ( max(p_ct) > th_cp ) {
max_p[t,2]=which.max(p_ct)-1 # new code
p_cs=array(0,dim=c(n)); # it is required 2nd loop and to decrease comutation cost we give a threshold level and it is required 2nd loop
# cat("tau=",tau,"\n");
## run length is added
if ( t==1) { max_p[t,3]=0;
} else if (t>1 & max_p[t-1,2]==max_p[t,2]) { max_p[t,3]=max_p[t-1,3]+1
} else { max_p[t,3]=0}
} # end of 1st loop
bcp <- list(x=x, max_p = max_p, parameters = c(theta = theta, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, th_cp = th_cp),
series_length = length(x), result = NULL)
class(bcp) <- "BayesCP"
#' Plot BayesCP object
#' @param x the BayesCP class object to be plotted
#' @param xlab the default x-axis label, default "Index"
#' @param ylab the default y-axis label, default "x"
#' @param ... the plotting parameters passed to plot()
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
plot.BayesCP <- function(x, xlab = "Index", ylab = "x", ...) {
if(is.null(x$result)) {
print("No result to plot yet. Please call summary() first")
else {
bcp <- x ## change x to bcp
plot(seq_along(bcp$x), bcp$x, type="p", cex = .5, pch=16, col="blue", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
#plot(bcp$x ~ xdata, type="p", cex = .5, xlim=c(1, n), pch=16, col="blue", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
res <- bcp$result
segment <- res$segment
for (i in 1:dim(segment)[1] ) {
lines(c(segment[i, 1], segment[i, 2]), c(segment[i, 3], segment[i, 3]), col="red", lty=1, lwd=2)
#' Summarize BayesCP object
#' @param object the BayesCP class object to be summarized
#' @param norm.test logical value for normality test, default is false
#' @param ... parameters passed to summary()
#' @return An object of BayesCP class with updated summary result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(rnorm(10, 0, 1), rnorm(10, 5, 1))
#' bcp <- online_cp(x)
#' summary(bcp)
summary.BayesCP <- function(object, norm.test = FALSE, ...){
bcp <- object
x <- bcp$x
max_p <- bcp$max_p
th_cp <- bcp$parameters["th_cp"]
if(is.null(bcp$result) || (length(bcp$series_length) == 1 && dim(bcp$result$segment)[2] == 6 && norm.test) || (length(bcp$series_length) == 1 && dim(bcp$result$segment)[2] == 7 && !norm.test)) { ## no result yet, do the summary, or change of normality test status
## Calculate mean, SD, CI for each segments
# calculate the means of segments #
n <- length(max_p[,1])
max_ps <- array(0, c(n,4))
max_ps[,1] <- 1:n
max_ps[,2:4] <- max_p
if ( max_ps[1, 3]!=0) { max_ps=rbind(max_ps[1,], max_ps, deparse.level=1); max_ps[1, 2]=th_cp+0.01 }
if ( max_ps[1, 3]==0 && max_ps[1, 2]<th_cp) { max_ps[1, 2]=th_cp+0.01 }
#ta_=array(0, c(sum(max_ps[,2]>th_cp),3))
#ta_=max_ps[max_ps[,2]>th_cp, ]
#ta_1 <- max_ps[((max_ps[,2] > th_cp) & (max_ps[,4] == 0)),]
ta_1 <- subset(max_ps, (max_ps[,2] > th_cp) & (max_ps[,4] == 0))
if ( dim(ta_1)[1] < 2 ) {
#n_ <- length(ta_1)
mean_ <- array(0,c(n,3))
for(i in 2:(length(ta_1)[1:1])){
if ((ta_1[3]!=0) && (ta_1[4]==0) ){ mean_[j:ta_1[3],1]=mean(x[j:ta_1[3]])
mean_[j:ta_1[3],2]=k ; k=k+1 }
# k=k+1
} else {
n_=length(ta_1[ ,1])
i=1 ;
for(i in 2:(dim(ta_1)[1:1])){
if ((ta_1[i,3]!=0) && (ta_1[i,4]==0) ){ mean_[j:ta_1[i,3],1]=mean(x[j:ta_1[i,3]])
mean_[j:ta_1[i,3],2]=k ; k=k+1 }
# k=k+1
# Segments: begin , end, Post. Prob., Mean, SD, LL of CI, UL of CI #
if ( dim(ta_1)[1] < 2 ) {
# If there is no cp in data
if(norm.test) {
norm.res <- ks.test(x, "pnorm", mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))
se_result=data.frame(1, n, "no cp", mean(x), sqrt(var(x)),
(mean(x)-sqrt(var(x)/n)*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)),
(mean(x)+sqrt(var(x)/n)*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)), norm.res$p.value)
names(se_result)=c("begin", "end","no cp" ,"mean", "SD", "LL of CI", "UL of CI", "normality p-value")
else {
se_result=data.frame(1, n, "no cp", mean(x), sqrt(var(x)),
(mean(x)-sqrt(var(x)/n)*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)),
(mean(x)+sqrt(var(x)/n)*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)))
names(se_result)=c("begin", "end","no cp" ,"mean", "SD", "LL of CI", "UL of CI")
changepoint <- "This is no change points."
res <- list(changepoint = changepoint, segments = se_result)
} else {
n_k=table(mean_[,2]); k_=dim(n_k)
xc=split(mean_[,3], mean_[,2]) # 3th column is indices and splited by segment in 2nd column
yc=split(x, mean_[,2]) # data is splited by segment in 2nd column
#zc=split(mean_[,1], mean_[,2]) # mean is splited by segment in 2nd column
## merge segments with one observation
l <- sapply(yc, length)
index_long_seg = which(l > 1)[1]
yc_temp <- NULL
xc_temp <- NULL
if(index_long_seg > 1) {
for(i in 1:(index_long_seg-1)) {
yc_temp <- c(yc_temp, yc[[i]])
xc_temp <- c(xc_temp, xc[[i]])
yc[[index_long_seg]] <- c(yc_temp, yc[[index_long_seg]])
xc[[index_long_seg]] <- c(xc_temp, xc[[index_long_seg]])
# index_long_seg = 1 ## index for the long segment to be merged with
start_index <- index_long_seg
for(i in start_index:k_) {
if(length(yc[[i]]) > 1) index_long_seg <- i
else {
yc[[index_long_seg]] <- c(yc[[index_long_seg]], yc[[i]])
xc[[index_long_seg]] <- c(xc[[index_long_seg]], xc[[i]])
keep <- sapply(yc, length) > 1
yc <- yc[keep]
xc <- xc[keep]
k_ <- length(yc)
se_result=array(0, dim=c(k_, 8))
colnames(se_result)=c("begin", "end","post. prob." ,"mean", "SD", "LL of CI", "UL of CI", "normality p-value")
else {
se_result=array(0, dim=c(k_, 7))
colnames(se_result)=c("begin", "end","post. prob." ,"mean", "SD", "LL of CI", "UL of CI")
for (i in 1:k_) {
k_n=length(xc[[i]]); end_=xc[[i]][k_n];
seg_mean=mean(yc[[i]]); seg_SD=sd(yc[[i]], na.rm = TRUE);
LL_of_CI=(mean(yc[[i]])-sqrt(var(yc[[i]])/length(yc[[i]]))*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE))
UL_of_CI= (mean(yc[[i]])+sqrt(var(yc[[i]])/length(yc[[i]]))*qnorm(0.05, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE))
if(norm.test) {
norm.res <- ks.test(yc[[i]], "pnorm", mean = seg_mean, sd = seg_SD)
se_result[i,]=c(begin_, end_, post_prob, seg_mean, seg_SD, LL_of_CI, UL_of_CI, norm.res$p.value)
else {
se_result[i,]=c(begin_, end_, post_prob, seg_mean, seg_SD, LL_of_CI, UL_of_CI)
# take the results for change points out
changepoint <- data.frame(location = se_result[1:(k_-1), 2], post.prob = se_result[2:k_, 3])
row.names(changepoint) <- NULL
se_result[1, 3] <- NA
segment <- se_result[, -3]
res <- list(changepoint = changepoint, segment = segment)
else {
res <- bcp$result
## Output results
#changePoints <- max_p[(max_p[, 1] > th_cp & max_p[, 3] == 0 & max_p[, 2]!= 0), , drop = FALSE]
print("Change points")
bcp$result <- res
#' Impute missing data
#' @param x the normalized data with missing
#' @param method the imputation method
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats ks.test
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @return The vector of imputed data with no missing values
#' @export
imputation <- function(x, method= c("Median", "kNN")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
n <- length(x)
if (anyNA(x) == FALSE) { message( "there is no missing value")
} else {
if ( method=="Median") {
# 4 observations are taken to compute the median of sequence.
i_na=which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in length(i_na)) {
if (i_na[i]<=3) { x[i_na]=median(na.omit(x[1:5]) )
} else if (i_na[i]>=(n-3)) { x[i_na]=median(na.omit(x[(n-4):n]))
} else { x[i_na]=median(na.omit(x[(i_na[i]-2):(i_na[i]+2)])) }
} else if (method=='kNN') {
x_=data.frame(x, 1)
x_na=VIM::kNN(x_, dist_var = c("x", "X1"), k = 2)
#' Add one data point
#' @param bcp, current BayesCP object
#' @param d, additional data point to be added to the existing data
#' @return a vector with new data point appended
#' @export
addDatapoint <- function(bcp, d){
if(!is.numeric(d)) stop("Please add numeric value!")
x <- bcp$x
c(x, d)
#' Combine two BayesCP objects
#' @param bcp1 the first BayesCP object to be combined
#' @param bcp2 the second BayesCP opbject to be combined
#' @return The combined BayesCP object. Notice that if bcp1 has n1 change points (n1 + 1 segments), and bcp2 has n2 change points (n2 + 1 segments), the combined bcp will have n1+n2 change points and n1+n2+2 segments.
#' @export
combine <- function(bcp1, bcp2) {
# BayesCP has x, max_p, parameters, series_length, and result
x <- c(bcp1$x, bcp2$x)
max_p <- rbind(bcp1$max_p, bcp2$max_p)
parameters <- rbind(bcp1$parameters, bcp2$parameters)
series_length <- c(bcp1$series_length, bcp2$series_length)
res1 <- bcp1$result
res2 <- bcp2$result
res2$changepoint$location <- res2$changepoint$location + length(bcp1$x)
changepoint <- rbind(res1$changepoint, res2$changepoint)
res2$segment[,1] <- res2$segment[,1] + length(bcp1$x) # 1st column is the begin index of the segment
res2$segment[,2] <- res2$segment[,2] + length(bcp1$x) # 2nd column is the end index of the segment
segment <- rbind(res1$segment, res2$segment)
result <- list(changepoint = changepoint, segment = segment)
bcp <- list(x = x, max_p = max_p, parameters = parameters, series_length = series_length, result = result)
class(bcp) <- "BayesCP"
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