
Defines functions clean_ricardo_meta importMeta

Documented in importMeta

#' Import monitoring site meta data for UK and European networks
#' Function to import meta data for air quality monitoring sites. By default,
#' the function will return the site latitude, longitude and site type, as well
#' as the code used in functions like [importUKAQ()], [importKCL()] and
#' [importEurope()]. Additional information may optionally be returned.
#' This function imports site meta data from several networks in the UK and
#' Europe:
#' - `"aurn"`,  The [UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network](https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/).
#' - `"aqe"`,  The [Air Quality England Network](https://www.airqualityengland.co.uk/).
#' - `"saqn"`,  The [Scottish Air Quality Network](https://www.scottishairquality.scot/).
#' - `"waqn"`,  The [Welsh Air Quality Network](https://airquality.gov.wales/).
#' - `"ni"`,  The [Northern Ireland Air Quality Network](https://www.airqualityni.co.uk/).
#' - `"local"`,  Locally managed air quality networks in England.
#' - `"kcl"`,  King's College London networks.
#' - `"europe"`,  Hourly European data (Air Quality e-Reporting) based on a
#' simplified version of the `{saqgetr}` package.
#' By default, the function will return the site latitude, longitude and site
#' type. If the option `all = TRUE` is used, much more detailed information is
#' returned. For most networks, this detailed information includes per-pollutant
#' summaries, opening and closing dates of sites etc.
#' Thanks go to Trevor Davies (Ricardo), Dr Stuart Grange (EMPA) and Dr Ben
#' Barratt (KCL) and  for making these data available.
#' @param source One or more air quality networks for which data is available
#'   through openair. Available networks include:
#'   - `"aurn"`,  The UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network.
#'   - `"aqe"`,  The Air Quality England Network.
#'   - `"saqn"`,  The Scottish Air Quality Network.
#'   - `"waqn"`,  The Welsh Air Quality Network.
#'   - `"ni"`,  The Northern Ireland Air Quality Network.
#'   - `"local"`,  Locally managed air quality networks in England.
#'   - `"kcl"`, King's College London networks.
#'   - `"europe"`, European AirBase/e-reporting data.
#'   There are two additional options provided for convenience:
#'   - `"ukaq"` will return metadata for all networks for which data is imported by [importUKAQ()] (i.e., AURN, AQE, SAQN, WAQN, NI, and the local networks).
#'   - `"all"` will import all available metadata (i.e., `"ukaq"` plus `"kcl"` and `"europe"`).
#' @param all When `all = FALSE` only the site code, site name, latitude and
#'   longitude and site type are imported. Setting `all = TRUE` will import all
#'   available meta data and provide details (when available) or the individual
#'   pollutants measured at each site.
#' @param duplicate Some UK air quality sites are part of multiple networks, so
#'   could appear more than once when `source` is a vector of two or more. The
#'   default argument, `FALSE`, drops duplicate sites. `TRUE` will return them.
#' @param year If a single year is selected, only sites that were open at some
#'   point in that year are returned. If `all = TRUE` only sites that
#'   measured a particular pollutant in that year are returned. Year can also be
#'   a sequence e.g. `year = 2010:2020` or of length 2 e.g. `year =
#'   c(2010, 2020)`, which will return only sites that were open over the
#'   duration. Note that `year` is ignored when the `source` is either
#'   `"kcl"` or `"europe"`.
#' @return A data frame with meta data.
#' @author David Carslaw
#' @family import functions
#' @seealso the `networkMap()` function from the `openairmaps` package which can
#'   visualise site metadata on an interactive map.
#' @export
#' @import readr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # basic info:
#' meta <- importMeta(source = "aurn")
#' # more detailed information:
#' meta <- importMeta(source = "aurn", all = TRUE)
#' # from the Scottish Air Quality Network:
#' meta <- importMeta(source = "saqn", all = TRUE)
#' # from multiple networks:
#' meta <- importMeta(source = c("aurn", "aqe", "local"))
#' }
importMeta <-
  function(source = "aurn",
           all = FALSE,
           year = NA,
           duplicate = FALSE) {
    ## special source arguments
    if (any(source == "ukaq")) {
      source <- c("aurn", "aqe", "saqn", "waqn", "ni", "local")
    if (any(source == "all")) {
      source <-
        c("aurn", "aqe", "saqn", "waqn", "ni", "local", "kcl", "europe")

    ## meta data sources
    meta.source <-

    ## ensure lower case
    source <- tolower(source)

    if (any(!source %in% meta.source)) {
          "!" = '"{source}" not a recognised {.field source}.',
          "i" = "{.field source} can be any of {.or {meta.source}}."

    # function to import any of the source networks
    get_meta <- function(source, all) {
      if (!source %in% c("kcl", "europe")) {
        url <- switch(source,
          aurn = "https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/openair/R_data/AURN_metadata.RData",
          saqn = "https://www.scottishairquality.scot/openair/R_data/SCOT_metadata.RData",
          saqd = "https://www.scottishairquality.scot/openair/R_data/SCOT_metadata.RData",
          ni = "https://www.airqualityni.co.uk/openair/R_data/NI_metadata.RData",
          waqn = "https://airquality.gov.wales/sites/default/files/openair/R_data/WAQ_metadata.RData",
          aqe = "https://airqualityengland.co.uk/assets/openair/R_data/AQE_metadata.RData",
          local = "https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/openair/LMAM/R_data/LMAM_metadata.RData",
          lmam = "https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/openair/LMAM/R_data/LMAM_metadata.RData"

        meta <- clean_ricardo_meta(url, all = all, year = year)

      # KCL
      if (source == "kcl") {
        con <- url("https://www.londonair.org.uk/r_data/sites.RData")
        meta <- get(load(con))

        ## rename to match imported names e.g. importKCL
        meta <- dplyr::rename(
          code = "SiteCode",
          site = "SiteName",
          site_type = "Classification",
          latitude = "Latitude",
          longitude = "Longitude"

        # select year or period when sites were open
        if (!anyNA(year)) {
          # format end_date - set "ongoing" to current date
          meta$end_year <-
          meta$end_year <-
              as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")),
          meta$start_year <- lubridate::year(meta$OpeningDate)
          meta <-
            dplyr::filter(meta, start_year <= min(year) &
              end_year >= max(year))

      # EUROPE
      if (source == "europe") {
        file <-

        # Define data types
        col_types <- cols(
          site = col_character(),
          site_name = col_character(),
          latitude = col_double(),
          longitude = col_double(),
          elevation = col_double(),
          country = col_character(),
          country_iso_code = col_character(),
          site_type = col_character(),
          site_area = col_character(),
          date_start = col_character(),
          date_end = col_character(),
          network = col_character(),
          eu_code = col_character(),
          eoi_code = col_character(),
          data_source = col_character()

        # Read data and parse dates
        meta <-
          read_csv(file, col_types = col_types, progress = FALSE) %>%
            date_start = lubridate::ymd_hms(.data$date_start, tz = "UTC"),
            date_end = lubridate::ymd_hms(.data$date_end, tz = "UTC")

        # select year or period when sites were open
        if (!anyNA(year)) {
          # format end_date - set "ongoing" to current date
          meta$end_year <-
          meta$end_year <-
              as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")),
          meta$start_year <- lubridate::year(meta$date_start)
          meta <-
            dplyr::filter(meta, start_year <= min(year) &
              end_year >= max(year))

        meta <- rename(meta, code = "site", site = "site_name")

      # return data source
      meta <-
          source = source,
          .before = dplyr::everything()


    # import meta data
    meta <-
      purrr::map(.x = source, .f = ~ get_meta(source = .x, all = all)) %>%

    # drop extra columns if not "all"
    if (!all) {
      meta <-
        dplyr::select(meta, dplyr::all_of(

    # change some names
    if ("variable" %in% names(meta)) {
      id <- which(meta$variable == "NOXasNO2")

      if (length(id) > 0) {
        meta$variable[id] <- "NOx"

    # deal with duplicates
    if (!duplicate) {
      if (all & "variable" %in% names(meta)) {
        meta <- dplyr::distinct(meta,
          .keep_all = TRUE
      } else {
        meta <- dplyr::distinct(meta,
          .keep_all = TRUE


#' Clean data from Ricardo (not KCL or Europe)
#' @param url URL to use
#' @param all inherited from parent function
#' @param year inherited from parent function
#' @noRd
clean_ricardo_meta <- function(url, all, year) {
  tmp <- tempfile()

  # load data
  con <- url(url)
  meta <- get(load(con))

  # manipulate data
  meta <- dplyr::rename(
    .data = meta,
    code = "site_id",
    site = "site_name",
    site_type = "location_type",
    variable = "parameter"
  ) %>%
      start_date = lubridate::ymd(.data$start_date, tz = "GMT"),
      site_type = gsub(
        pattern = "Urban traffic",
        replacement = "Urban Traffic",

  # sort out ratified to (not needed in LMAM data)
  if ("ratified_to" %in% names(meta)) {
    meta$ratified_to <-
      lubridate::ymd(meta$ratified_to, tz = "GMT", quiet = TRUE)

  # select year or period when sites were open
  if (!anyNA(year)) {
    # format end_date - set "ongoing" to current date
    meta$end_date[which(meta$end_date == "ongoing")] <-
    meta$end_year <- lubridate::year(as.Date(meta$end_date))
    meta$start_year <- lubridate::year(meta$start_date)
    meta <-
      dplyr::filter(meta, start_year <= min(year) &
        end_year >= max(year))

  ## only extract one line per site to make it easier to use file
  ## mostly interested in coordinates
  if (!all) {
    meta <- dplyr::distinct(meta, .data$site, .keep_all = TRUE)


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openair documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:07 a.m.