
Defines functions freqMapStatic freqMap

Documented in freqMap freqMapStatic

#' Polar frequency plots on interactive leaflet maps
#' [freqMap()] creates a `leaflet` map using binned polar plots as markers. Any
#' number of pollutants can be specified using the `pollutant` argument, and
#' multiple layers of markers can be added and toggled between using `control`.
#' @family interactive directional analysis maps
#' @inheritParams polarMap
#' @param statistic The statistic that should be applied to each wind
#'   speed/direction bin. Can be "frequency", "mean", "median", "max" (maximum),
#'   "stdev" (standard deviation) or "weighted.mean". The option "frequency" is
#'   the simplest and plots the frequency of wind speed/direction in different
#'   bins. The scale therefore shows the counts in each bin. The option "mean"
#'   (the default) will plot the mean concentration of a pollutant (see next
#'   point) in wind speed/direction bins, and so on.  Finally, "weighted.mean"
#'   will plot the concentration of a pollutant weighted by wind
#'   speed/direction. Each segment therefore provides the percentage overall
#'   contribution to the total concentration. Note that for options other than
#'   "frequency", it is necessary to also provide the name of a pollutant. See
#'   function [openair::cutData()] for further details.
#' @param breaks One of:
#' - `"fixed"` which ensures all of the markers use the same colour scale.
#' - `"free"` (the default) which allows all of the markers to use different
#'   colour scales.
#' - A numeric vector defining a sequence of numbers to use as the breaks. The
#'   sequence could represent one with equal spacing, e.g., `breaks = seq(0,
#'   100, 10)` - a scale from 0-10 in intervals of 10, or a more flexible
#'   sequence, e.g., `breaks = c(0, 1, 5, 7, 10)`, which may be useful for some
#'   situations.
#' @param draw.legend When `breaks` are specified, should a shared legend be
#'   created at the side of the map? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @inheritDotParams openair::polarFreq -mydata -pollutant -statistic -breaks
#'   -type -cols -key -plot
#' @return A leaflet object.
#' @export
#' @seealso the original [openair::polarFreq()]
#' @seealso [freqMapStatic()] for the static `ggmap` equivalent of [freqMap()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' freqMap(polar_data,
#'   pollutant = "nox",
#'   statistic = "mean",
#'   provider = "Stamen.Toner"
#' )
#' }
freqMap <- function(data,
                    pollutant = NULL,
                    statistic = "mean",
                    breaks = "free",
                    latitude = NULL,
                    longitude = NULL,
                    control = NULL,
                    popup = NULL,
                    label = NULL,
                    provider = "OpenStreetMap",
                    cols = "turbo",
                    alpha = 1,
                    key = FALSE,
                    draw.legend = TRUE,
                    collapse.control = FALSE,
                    d.icon = 200,
                    d.fig = 3.5,
                    type = deprecated(),
                    ...) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(type)) {
      when = "0.5.0",
      what = "openairmaps::freqMap(type)",
      details = c(
        "Different sites are now automatically detected based on latitude and longitude",
        "Please use the `popup` argument to create popups."

  # assume lat/lon
  latlon <- assume_latlon(data = data,
                          latitude = latitude,
                          longitude = longitude)
  latitude <- latlon$latitude
  longitude <- latlon$longitude

  # allow no pollutant when statistic = "frequency"
  if (statistic == "frequency") {
    data$dummy <- "freq"
    pollutant <- "dummy"

  # auto limits
  breaks <- check_multipoll(breaks, pollutant)

  if ("fixed" %in% breaks) {
    data <-
      dplyr::mutate(data, latlng = paste(.data[[latitude]], .data[[longitude]]))

    type <- control
    if (is.null(control)) {
      type <- "default"

    testplots <-
        pollutant = pollutant,
        statistic = statistic,
        trans = FALSE,
        type = c("latlng", type),
        plot = FALSE,

    theBreaks <- pretty(testplots$weights, n = 10)
  } else if ("free" %in% breaks) {
    theBreaks <- NA
  } else if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
    theBreaks <- breaks
  } else {
      c("!" = "Do not recognise {.field breaks} value of {.code {breaks}}",
        "i" = "{.field breaks} should be one of {.code 'fixed'}, {.code 'free'} or a numeric vector.")

  # cut data
  data <- quick_cutdata(data = data, type = control)

  # deal with popups
  if (length(popup) > 1) {
    data <-
        data = data,
        popup = popup,
        latitude = latitude,
        longitude = longitude,
        control = control
    popup <- "popup"

  # prep data
  data <-
      data = data,
      pollutant = pollutant,
      control = control,

  # identify splitting column (defaulting to pollutant)
  if (length(pollutant) > 1) {
    split_col <- "pollutant_name"
  } else if (!is.null(control)) {
    data[control] <- as.factor(data[[control]])
    split_col <- control
  } else {
    split_col <- "pollutant_name"

  # define function
  fun <- function(data) {
    if (!"free" %in% breaks) {
        pollutant = "conc",
        breaks = theBreaks,
        plot = FALSE,
        statistic = statistic,
        cols = cols,
        alpha = alpha,
        key = key,
        par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"))
    } else {
        pollutant = "conc",
        statistic = statistic,
        plot = FALSE,
        cols = cols,
        alpha = alpha,
        key = key,
        par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"))

  # plot and save static markers
  plots_df <-
      fun = fun,
      data = data,
      latitude = latitude,
      longitude = longitude,
      split_col = split_col,
      d.fig = d.fig,
      popup = popup,
      label = label

  # create leaflet map
  map <-

  # add legends if breaks are set
  if (!all(is.na(theBreaks)) & draw.legend) {
    if (statistic == "frequency") {
      title <- "Frequency"
    } else {
      title <- quickTextHTML(paste(pollutant, collapse = ", "))
    map <-
        pal = leaflet::colorBin(
          palette = openair::openColours(scheme = cols),
          domain = theBreaks,
          bins = theBreaks
        values = theBreaks,
        title = title


#' Polar frequency plots on a static ggmap
#' [freqMapStatic()] creates a `ggplot2` map using polar frequency plots as
#' markers. As this function returns a `ggplot2` object, further customisation
#' can be achieved using functions like [ggplot2::theme()] and
#' [ggplot2::guides()].
#' @inheritSection polarMapStatic Further customisation using ggplot2
#' @family static directional analysis maps
#' @inheritParams polarMapStatic
#' @inheritParams freqMap
#' @param statistic The statistic that should be applied to each wind
#'   speed/direction bin. Can be "frequency", "mean", "median", "max" (maximum),
#'   "stdev" (standard deviation) or "weighted.mean". The option "frequency" is
#'   the simplest and plots the frequency of wind speed/direction in different
#'   bins. The scale therefore shows the counts in each bin. The option "mean"
#'   (the default) will plot the mean concentration of a pollutant (see next
#'   point) in wind speed/direction bins, and so on.  Finally, "weighted.mean"
#'   will plot the concentration of a pollutant weighted by wind
#'   speed/direction. Each segment therefore provides the percentage overall
#'   contribution to the total concentration. Note that for options other than
#'   "frequency", it is necessary to also provide the name of a pollutant. See
#'   function [openair::cutData()] for further details.
#' @inheritDotParams openair::polarFreq -mydata -pollutant -statistic -breaks
#'   -type -cols -key -plot
#' @seealso the original [openair::polarFreq()]
#' @seealso [freqMap()] for the interactive `leaflet` equivalent of
#'   [freqMapStatic()]
#' @return a `ggplot2` plot with a `ggmap` basemap
#' @export
freqMapStatic <- function(data,
                          pollutant = NULL,
                          statistic = "mean",
                          breaks = "free",
                          latitude = NULL,
                          longitude = NULL,
                          facet = NULL,
                          cols = "turbo",
                          alpha = 1,
                          key = FALSE,
                          facet.nrow = NULL,
                          d.icon = 150,
                          d.fig = 3,
                          ...) {
  # check that there is a ggmap

  # assume lat/lon
  latlon <- assume_latlon(data = data,
                          latitude = latitude,
                          longitude = longitude)
  latitude <- latlon$latitude
  longitude <- latlon$longitude

  # allow no pollutant when statistic = "frequency"
  if (statistic == "frequency") {
    data$dummy <- "freq"
    lab <- "frequency"
    pollutant <- "dummy"
  } else {
    lab <- pollutant

  # auto limits
  breaks <- check_multipoll(breaks, pollutant)

  if ("fixed" %in% breaks) {
    data <-
      dplyr::mutate(data, latlng = paste(.data[[latitude]], .data[[longitude]]))

    type <- facet
    if (is.null(facet)) {
      type <- "default"

    testplots <-
        pollutant = pollutant,
        statistic = statistic,
        trans = FALSE,
        type = c("latlng", type),
        plot = FALSE,

    theBreaks <- pretty(testplots$weights, n = 10)
  } else if ("free" %in% breaks) {
    theBreaks <- NA
  } else if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
    theBreaks <- breaks
  } else {
      c("!" = "Do not recognise {.field breaks} value of {.code {breaks}}",
        "i" = "{.field breaks} should be one of {.code 'fixed'}, {.code 'free'} or a numeric vector.")

  # cut data
  data <- quick_cutdata(data = data, type = facet)

  # prep data
  data <-
      data = data,
      pollutant = pollutant,
      control = facet,

  # identify splitting column (defaulting to pollutant)
  if (length(pollutant) > 1) {
    split_col <- "pollutant_name"
  } else if (!is.null(facet)) {
    data[facet] <- as.factor(data[[facet]])
    split_col <- facet
  } else {
    split_col <- "pollutant_name"

  # define function
  fun <- function(data) {
    if (!"free" %in% breaks) {
        pollutant = "conc",
        breaks = theBreaks,
        plot = FALSE,
        statistic = statistic,
        cols = cols,
        alpha = alpha,
        key = key,
        par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"))
    } else {
        pollutant = "conc",
        statistic = statistic,
        plot = FALSE,
        cols = cols,
        alpha = alpha,
        key = key,
        par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"))

  # plot and save static markers
  plots_df <-
      fun = fun,
      data = data,
      latitude = latitude,
      longitude = longitude,
      split_col = split_col,
      d.fig = d.fig

  # create static map - deals with basics & facets
  plt <-
      ggmap = ggmap,
      plots_df = plots_df,
      latitude = latitude,
      longitude = longitude,
      split_col = split_col,
      pollutant = pollutant,
      facet = facet,
      facet.nrow = facet.nrow,
      d.icon = d.icon

  # create legend
  if (!all(is.na(theBreaks))) {
    intervals <-
      stringr::str_c(theBreaks, dplyr::lead(theBreaks), sep = " - ")
    intervals <- intervals[!is.na(intervals)]
    intervals <- factor(intervals, intervals)
    pal <-
      openair::openColours(scheme = cols, n = length(intervals)) %>%

    plt <-
      plt +
        data = plots_df,
        ggplot2::aes(.data[[longitude]], .data[[latitude]],
                     fill = intervals[1]),
        size = 0,
        key_glyph = ggplot2::draw_key_rect
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = pal, drop = FALSE) +
      ggplot2::labs(fill = openair::quickText(paste(lab, collapse = ", ")))

  # return plot

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openairmaps documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:07 p.m.