
Defines functions ewaCalib

ewaCalib <- function(y, experts, grid.eta = NULL, awake = NULL, loss.type = "square", 
                     loss.gradient = TRUE, w0 = NULL, gamma = 2, training = NULL,
                     use_cpp = getOption("opera_use_cpp", default = FALSE), quiet = FALSE) {
  experts <- as.matrix(experts)
  N <- ncol(experts)  # Number of experts
  T <- nrow(experts)  # Number of instants
  # Uniform initial weight vector if unspecified
  if (is.null(w0)) {
    w0 <- rep(1, N)
  if (is.null(gamma)) {
    gamma <- 2
  awake <- as.matrix(awake)
  idx.na <- which(is.na(experts))
  awake[idx.na] <- 0
  experts[idx.na] <- 0
  T0 <- 0  # number of observations in previous runs
  # if grid.eta == NULL, init during first computation of the loss as 1 / mean(abs(R.w0))
  if (is.null(grid.eta)) {
    init_grid_eta <- TRUE
    grid.eta <- 1
  } else {
    init_grid_eta <- FALSE
  neta <- length(grid.eta)  # Initial number of learning parameter in the grid to be optimized
  besteta <- floor(neta)/2 + 1  # We start with the parameter eta in the middle of the grid
  eta <- rep(grid.eta[besteta], T)  # Vector of calibrated learning rates (will be filled online by the algorithm)
  cumulativeLoss <- rep(0, neta)  # Cumulative loss suffered by each learning rate
  R <- array(0, c(N, neta))  # Matrix of regret suffered by each learning rate (columns) against each expert (rows)
  weta <- array(w0, dim = c(N, neta))  # Weight matrix assigned by each algorithm EWA(eta) 
  weights <- matrix(0, ncol = N, nrow = T)  # Matrix of weights formed by the mixture
  prediction <- rep(0, T)  # Predictions formed by the mixture
  if (!is.null(training)) {
    weta <- training$weta
    w0 <- training$w0
    R <- training$R
    cumulativeLoss <- training$cumulativeLoss
    besteta <- training$besteta
    eta[1] <- grid.eta[besteta]
    T0 <- training$T
  R.w0 <- R
  for (k in 1:neta) {
    R.w0[, k] <- R[, k] + log(w0)/grid.eta[k]
  }  # We initialize the regrets so that w0 is the initial weight vector
  if (! quiet) steps <- init_progress(T)
  for (t in 1:T) {
    if (! quiet) update_progress(t, steps)
    # Display the state of progress of the algorithm
    if (use_cpp){
      loss_tau <- ifelse(! is.null(loss.type$tau), loss.type$tau, 0)
      loss_name <- loss.type$name
      besteta<-computeEWACalib(t,besteta, awake, experts, weights, weta,
                               R.w0, grid.eta, y, eta, cumulativeLoss, prediction,
                               loss_name, loss_tau, loss.gradient, init_grid_eta);
    } else{
      # Weights, prediction formed by EWA(eta[t]) where eta[t] is the learning rate
      # calibrated online
      weights[t, ] <- weta[, besteta] * awake[t, ]/sum(weta[, besteta] * awake[t,])
      prediction[t] <- experts[t, ] %*% weights[t, ]
      eta[t] <- grid.eta[besteta]
      # Weights, predictions formed by each EWA(eta) for eta in the grid 'grid.eta'
      pred <- experts[t, ] %*% t(t(weta * awake[t, ])/colSums(weta * awake[t, ]))
      cumulativeLoss <- cumulativeLoss + loss(x = pred, y = y[t], loss.type = loss.type)  # cumulative loss without gradient trick
      if (neta == 1){
        lpred <- loss(pred, y[t], pred, loss.type, loss.gradient)
      } else {
        lpred <- diag(loss(pred, y[t], pred, loss.type, loss.gradient))  # gradient loss suffered by each eta on the grid
      lexp <- loss(experts[t, ], y[t], pred, loss.type, loss.gradient)  # gradient loss suffered by each expert
      # Regret update
      R.w0 <- R.w0 + awake[t, ] * t(c(lpred) - t(lexp))
      # init value of grid.eta if NULL at first step
      if (t == 1 && init_grid_eta) {
        grid.eta <- 1 / mean(abs(R.w0))
        eta <- c(NA, rep(grid.eta, T-1))
      # Update of the best parameter
      besteta <- order(cumulativeLoss)[1]
    # We increase the size of the grid if the best parameter lies in an extremity
    if (besteta == neta) {
      neweta <- grid.eta[besteta] * gamma^(1:3)
      grid.eta <- c(grid.eta, neweta)
      neta <- neta + length(neweta)
      R.w0 <- cbind(R.w0, array(0, dim = c(N, length(neweta))))
      for (k in 1:length(neweta)) {
        perfneweta <- ewa(c(training$oldY, y[1:t]), rbind(training$oldexperts, 
                                                          matrix(experts[1:t, ], ncol = N)), neweta[k], awake = rbind(training$oldawake, 
                                                                                                                      matrix(awake[1:t, ], ncol = N)), loss.type = loss.type, loss.gradient = loss.gradient, 
                          w0 = w0, use_cpp = use_cpp, quiet = TRUE)
        cumulativeLoss <- c(cumulativeLoss, perfneweta$training$cumulativeLoss)
        R.w0[, besteta + k] <- perfneweta$training$R + log(w0) / neweta[k]
      R.aux <- t(t(matrix(R.w0, ncol = neta)) * grid.eta)
      R.max <- apply(R.aux, 2, max)
      weta.aux <- exp(t(t(R.aux) - R.max))
      weta <- t(t(weta.aux) / colSums(weta.aux))
    if (besteta == 1) {
      neweta <- grid.eta[besteta]/gamma^(1:3)
      neta <- neta + length(neweta)
      besteta <- besteta + length(neweta)
      R.w0 <- cbind(array(0, dim = c(N, length(neweta))), R.w0)
      for (k in 1:length(neweta)) {
        grid.eta <- c(neweta[k], grid.eta)
        perfneweta <- ewa(y = c(training$oldY, y[1:t]), experts = rbind(training$oldexperts, 
                                                                        matrix(experts[1:t, ], ncol = N)), eta = neweta[k], awake = rbind(training$oldawake, 
                                                                                                                                          matrix(awake[1:t, ], ncol = N)), loss.type = loss.type, loss.gradient = loss.gradient, 
                          w0 = w0, use_cpp = use_cpp, quiet = T)
        cumulativeLoss <- c(perfneweta$training$cumulativeLoss, cumulativeLoss)
        R.w0[, besteta - k] <- perfneweta$training$R + log(w0) / neweta[k]
      R.aux <- t(t(matrix(R.w0, ncol = neta)) * grid.eta)
      R.max <- apply(R.aux, 2, max)
      weta.aux <- exp(t(t(R.aux) - R.max))
      weta <- t(t(weta.aux) / colSums(weta.aux))
    if (!use_cpp){
      R.aux <- t(t(matrix(R.w0, ncol = neta)) * grid.eta)
      R.max <- apply(R.aux, 2, max)
      weta.aux <- exp(t(t(R.aux) - R.max))
      weta <- t(t(weta.aux) / colSums(weta.aux))
    } else {
      weta <- t(t(weta) / colSums(weta))
  }#end of time loop
  if (! quiet) end_progress()
  # Next weights
  w <- weta[, besteta]/sum(weta[, besteta])
  R <- R.w0
  for (k in 1:neta) {
    R[, k] <- R.w0[, k] - log(w0)/grid.eta[k]
  object <- list(model = "EWA", loss.type = loss.type, loss.gradient = loss.gradient, 
                 coefficients = w)
  object$parameters <- list(eta = eta[1:T], grid.eta = grid.eta)
  object$weights <- weights
  object$prediction <- prediction
  object$training <- list(T = T0 + T, weta = weta, w0 = w0, R = R, cumulativeLoss = cumulativeLoss, 
                          besteta = besteta, grid.loss = cumulativeLoss/(T0 + T), oldexperts = rbind(training$oldexperts, 
                                                                                                     experts), oldY = c(training$oldY, y), oldawake = rbind(training$oldawake, 
  class(object) <- "mixture"

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